
Well-Known Member
I thought Spirit mentioned that the LPS system based rides would never be built in the states, and if they did they wouldn't go into WDW?
This baffles me. Say RSR and Monster's Inc Coaster are the two additions to DHS, that's two additional attractions with height requirements. Admittedly they'll still be family attractions but an LPS ride wouldn't have a height requirement and would be incredibly popular.


Well-Known Member
A couple thoughts on this:

1. As I've watched construction at DL, I kept thinking to myself "well, the way they're building it, there's little chance it'll make it to Florida because of the mountain range." I'd like an engineer to comment on this, but I've always thought that huge wall of mountains would have trouble against hurricane force winds. In SoCal, it's not so much a concern, but in Florida, I would have to think those mountains would act almost like a sail... Or a huge wall with nowhere for that wind force to go. It's basically enclosed on three sides by huge walls. I don't profess to be an engineer... This is just me brainstorming about it. So if an engineer could chime in, that would be cool. I just can't imagine a fake rock wall literally hundreds of feet wide and tall on three sides would behave nicely against 70mph winds. ??

One thing about Carsland in CA is that they had to have the mountain range be a certain height so that guests won't see the buildings/hotels/cityscape just outside the park boundary. DHS doesn't hav ethat issue, so maybe the mountain range could be substantially shorter at DHS? I imagine they might be able to utilize the perspective tricks an such so that it would still look impressive, but not be quite as high.

Of course, the backside of the range would still likely have to be painted "go-away grey" (or green if there's greenery surrounding it) -- what does the backside of the range look like outside the park in LA?


Well-Known Member
As for DHS being a thematic mess, I think it's fairly obvious that DHS will, over time, turn into something much or akin to a "Disney's Hollywood Adventure". It's never going to be a clone of DCA, but with a bit of work it can easily be modified to closely mimic it. I'm certain that's the direction you will see the park take as it evolves over the next 10-15 years.

I couldn't agree more!! People are so hung up on the fact that it "doesn't make sense" or "fit with a theme". All they would have to do is change the name of the park to something like you said, and then maybe people won't be so stuck on the fact that it's not a real working studio. It personally doesn't bother me at all, and as long as they have good attractions I will be there!!


Well-Known Member
Wow, I was excited when Spirit broke the news a few weeks back, but that excitement has quickly turned to disappointment. Yes it is something new (finally), but the lack of creative thinking is astounding. I guess we will never see any new attractions at WDW that arent going to be, or meant to be in two parks. Everything we have gotten since Everest has a copy in another park. Losing LMA doesnt sound too bad, but here's to hoping this isn't true. Thanks for cheaping out again TDO

No offense but I hear all this clamoring about clones and we forget when DCA needed help and DL too, many WDW rides were sent there. This is nearly payback...other than RSR I cannot think of one ride or attraction in recent years that went from DL to WDW (other than simultaneously planned ones like TSM and LM).

Plus we will be getting whatever comes from Avatar Land (while may not be exciting to some) that will be unique to WDW for now.


Well-Known Member
Nope. To expensive, and no real point.

I was suggesting it as something that I think that they would do, just something that could solve some of the issues that some people here have thought of...

They could still accomplish the theme issue by just having a studio building as the queue if they wanted and had RSR out the back...

Still wouldn't solve the rain issue though...
I just got back from CA this weekend and all I can say is that Carsland lives up to all the hype. The detail is incredible and RSR in particular is an amazing attraction. We were fortunate enough to ride 6 times during the trip (with never more than a 30 min wait - thank you FP)! The land is the best themed of any domestic park.

Even a scaled down version will be a fantastic addition to WDW!


Well-Known Member
I'm on the fence about clones (they are better at WDW anyways), I love test track, and RSR looks amazing...but can someone please explain how Cars would fit thematically at DHS? Oh what's that, It doesn't? Thanks.

(a) It's a movie
(b) It fits in with Pixar Place
(c) Radiator Springs fits with "Streets Of America"

Honestly, I don't see how it could be a better fit (although I'd like to see the much money spread out throughout multiple attractions).


Well-Known Member
I love the idea of cars land coming to HS. It will help out TSMM but I do hope more pixar attractions will come to HS between now and 2021
One thing about Carsland in CA is that they had to have the mountain range be a certain height so that guests won't see the buildings/hotels/cityscape just outside the park boundary. DHS doesn't hav ethat issue, so maybe the mountain range could be substantially shorter at DHS? I imagine they might be able to utilize the perspective tricks an such so that it would still look impressive, but not be quite as high.

Of course, the backside of the range would still likely have to be painted "go-away grey" (or green if there's greenery surrounding it) -- what does the backside of the range look like outside the park in LA?

The back side looks pretty ugly from the street. Didn't bother to take a picture. Interestingly, there are vantage points within the park where a portion of the canyon has exposed beams visible (noticed this from certain angles on the Fun Wheel).


Well-Known Member
Let's see...

-Don't like/afraid of flying
-Family members don't like/afraid of flying
-Can't afford it (but you could save couldn't you?)
-California and it's people rub you the wrong way
-Maybe you live close enough to WDW that you don't see the point of flying out to see something "similar enough" to what you got right down the road?
-That's all I got...1,695 for to go o_O

Well, it is very obvious that you are not a parent to any small children. If you were, you wouldn't be making these statements, and you would realize why people like me can not get on a 5 1/2 hour flight with my 2 year old daughter. She is in the terrible 2's and there is no way that she would sit quietly in a plane seat for 5 1/2 hours unless she was drugged somehow (which I would never do). I would not subject myself or the other 250 people on that flight to that type of torture. Especially when she is too young to even reach the height requirement for many of the rides in DCA. WDW on the other hand is a different story. It's only a 2 1/2 hour flight which is the max for her, even towards the end of the flight she gets cranky and annoyed and wants to run around and starts crying etc. I am in a huge population of people that have small children who just can not be on a flight for that long with them. That is why I, and I'm sure many other families have no plans of making it out to DCA anytime soon. I was planning on going once my daughter was older and over 40 inches tall, but that would not be for a couple of years.

Now, if it was just my husband and I, we would be on the next flight out to Cali!


Premium Member
No, not at all. That's due to a number of factors I won't specify here, at the risk of launching another civil war.

I'm talking about TT's ride system per se. When TT first opened, it went down at least once a day. As the years went by, it's consistency went up little by little but not by much. By the last two months of operation before it closed on April 15th, the building still went down at least once a week, sometimes more depending on how tempermental the system was acting.

Now, add RSR to the mix. It's having nearly the same exact problems as TT is having from opening; albeit, it's also another combination of different factors (track switches, AA issues, effects issues) but the main ride system is pretty much the biggest issue of them all.

To have the same type of ride system that isn't the most reliable and consistent system there is (and remembering both rides would have to go down for weather), would lead to some very interesting scenarios.

But you're talking about a 1st Gen ride system vs. a 3rd (Maybe even 4th Gen) ride system. I don't see that as a problem, other than the weather issues already discussed.

As for whether we'd get a "better" version, its doubtful unless John Lasseter insists upon it. Seriously, when was the last time a cloned ride was built as better than the original in the U.S.? Splash Mountain?

disney fan 13

Well-Known Member
Sigh... That was a long thread...

My opinion on this is that CL would be a welcome addition to DHS and (For me) make it a full day park.

BUT... I don't believe they will be able to roll this out fast enough to distract crowds from Phase II,TF, Whatever else UNI is doing.


I do like the idea that Radiator Springs Racers is being speculated about coming to HS, but I don't think Carsland is making its way over as well. Its a good fit for the Pixar Place expansion. And it can fit easily by building a sound stage and building the ride in there and have a outdoors part of the ride with the "race part" in there. And for tearing down the tour, I personally think that that won't happen. What might happen is that they'll just redo it and revision it and retheme into something more fitting and expanding Pixar Place into part of the Backlot. There is room and I think it will work. And for tearing down LMA, I think that will be likely and, also personally, will be built a new Backlot and putting the entrance of the new Backlot Tour in that area.


Well-Known Member
Door coaster and RSR.

Both with gift shops and a few food places.

My educated guess. Not a full blown Carsland. If at all. Things aren't all green and pretty in either park yet.

I'll take it. It would be a nice improvement to the park, but it still leaves the park with two main focus areas (Sunset Boulevard and Pixar Place/Streets of America - can you imagine the crowds in the morning heading to TSMM/MIDC/RSR? - is it possible that they would try to group people into different areas? - some CMs walk people to TSMM/MIDC and some others walk people down the Streets of America to RSR?). They need something big built beside Star Tours/in the parking lot behind, as ST2.0 either doesn't seem to have been that big of a draw, or the capacity it has is getting people through very quickly resulting in short queues. Indiana Jones could help with that though! ;)


Premium Member
I am in a huge population of people that have small children who just can not be on a flight for that long with them. That is why I, and I'm sure many other families have no plans of making it out to DCA anytime soon. I was planning on going once my daughter was older and over 40 inches tall, but that would not be for a couple of years.

It can be done :) There are always small children on our international flights and Europe flies to Asia all the time for holiday. The cost I can see.. but don't hold yourself back just for this. A little planning goes a long way..


Active Member
The only problem is, in 15 years will the movie Cars even be relevant?

Yes, because all those boys who have grown up watching the movies and playing with the toys will be getting older and want to share it with their children one day, like people have been doing for generations with all the princess movies.

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