
Well-Known Member
Thinking outside the box...What if they decide to go with a Cars 2 theme? Instead of the rock scenery, go with a metro-grand prix look. It differentiates from California AND fits the city scenery better in that area of the park.


Well-Known Member
I haven't kept up with every page of this thread but zeros of people have been clamoring for my perspective.

Sure, no problem.

Would I love an original attraction? Yes.
Do I think not investing in major E-Tickets that are unique to both coasts is incredibly short sighted to the ultimate financial growth of each park? Yes.
Does this reinvigorate my faith in TDO's business acumen? I had no faith in them to begin with, so no.

So where does that leave us?

TDO cannot be trusted. I am a vice president of sales and marketing for a national multimillion dollar corporation (granted not multibillion like Disney), I do not say that to speak effusively about myself but to provide an educated slant to my assertion that if I ran my division like TDO ran theirs my company would be dead. Period.

TDO cannot be trusted. So are there original ideas out there? I am 100% positive imagineering has some amazing things on the drawing board but the likelihood of TDO marginalizing, degrading, minimizing, and flat out dumbing down imagineering's vision is extremely high.

DHS needs attractions, EPCOT needs attractions ... WDW as a whole needs serious attention ... that coupled with TDO's evident ineptitude and extreme desire to let their bonuses drive park improvements over and above guest satisfaction ... well then the question is why not take a proven commodity like Carsland that is a win for all involved. While it may not be the kind of grand win we want it is a win for DHS (improves the parks), a win for fans (we get forward progress on improvements and new attractions), and a win for TDO (they get a first rate proven E-Ticket without the added costs of R&D and with built in marketing).

I think with TDO the way it is currently, cloning is the only route to go (with the caveat that they don't dumb down the clones, which yes is a big caveat.) But they cannot be trusted to either manage or invest properly in original ideas until some new management comes into play with actual business and customer service experience ... so if cloning progresses the parks forward I say bring in the clones.

Carsland to DHS, MI:Ride and Go Seek to DHS, Indy ride to DHS, JTTCoE to Animal Kingdom, Alice dark ride to England at EPCOT, Stormrider for EPCOT ...


Premium Member
I know the attraction itself will cost big bucks, they cheaped out by cloning an attraction instead of paying for WDI to create a unique attraction.

Yes the New FLE will be stunning, I just cant count a glorified M&G and a new restaurant as attractions. Same goes for pete's silly meet and greet and caseys splash area.

WDW needs a few Carslands that, well, arent carsland
I agree with you that they need more attractions and would prefer something unique. However, Carsland is the E ticket RSR which looks far superior to anything in FLE, a tea cups type ride themed after mater and the bumper tires thing that is not working properly. The rest is shops and food. Thats 3 rides vs FLE which has LM, mine train, extra dumbo and splash area. From a ride prodpective it's not like Carsland is offering much more than FLE. Really the E ticket vs the mine train. The theming in both are well done. Just my opinion.


Active Member
This project is a MUST for DHS, whether it's a full Cars Land or just RSR.

The park is in some serious need for some TLC. Existing attractions definitely need to see some love from TDO. The Great Movie Ride is SERIOUSLY outdated. I understand that some of these movies are classics, but when you have some 18-20 year old CM giving the tour, I'm pretty sure Footlight Parade and the original Tarzan are far from some of their "favorite movies", if they've even ever seen them...

Also, Fantasmic is reaching the point of sad. I love the show, don't get me wrong, but when I saw it live 2 weeks ago and all I could see was a Dragon head attached to a steel rod with curtains draped around it, I wanted to lower my head in shame. It wasn't something I really had to look hard at to notice either, it was pretty obvious.

Maybe I'm posting in the wrong thread and I know some of this may be beating a dead horse, but although Cars Land is a major step in the right direction, DHS needs a lot more work.


Well-Known Member
I was surprised at the speed at which it occured. The more I look into it though I don't think it was related to my little post. There are probably at least 100 people that have direct knowledge of this project by this time and many more that know from those 100 people. I was being overly paranoid.

Well I really do hope that you are not discovered because I do certainly appreciate the info.


Well-Known Member
Like I said earlier Skipper John not stepping up to defend this not leaving DCA makes me hesitant - not because I don't trust whylightbulb, but because I expect executive shakeup's before it lands 'plop' on DHS door.

I'm just wondering if this was a flushing tactic too see where leaks are coming from? Its just seems to me that something just doesn't add up.


Well-Known Member
Id love to have Carsland at DHS, but I would hope they would replace the luigi and mater ride with something a little more fun, don't know what that would be exactly, but just something that doesnt seem like a ride that was just plopped down and themed.


Well-Known Member
A couple thoughts on this:

Color me surprised if it happens. For a couple reasons:

1. As I've watched construction at DL, I kept thinking to myself "well, the way they're building it, there's little chance it'll make it to Florida because of the mountain range." I'd like an engineer to comment on this, but I've always thought that huge wall of mountains would have trouble against hurricane force winds. In SoCal, it's not so much a concern, but in Florida, I would have to think those mountains would act almost like a sail... Or a huge wall with nowhere for that wind force to go. It's basically enclosed on three sides by huge walls. I don't profess to be an engineer... This is just me brainstorming about it. So if an engineer could chime in, that would be cool. I just can't imagine a fake rock wall literally hundreds of feet wide and tall on three sides would behave nicely against 70mph winds. ??

2. Rain. RSR obviously has a large portion of the ride outside. Again, in SoCal, they very rarely have to worry about that. But in O-Town, rain is much more an issue. The TT ride system doesn't play well with rain... That's been witnessed in all 3 attractions around the world that use it. It seems to me there would be MASSIVE downtimes on it, both because of lightning, but also by going 101.

Maybe both of these points are off base... I don't know. But those have always been the first two things to come to mind as I've watched it progress in DL and wondered if it might make its way to FLA.


Well-Known Member
Id love to have Carsland at DHS, but I would hope they would replace the luigi and mater ride with something a little more fun, don't know what that would be exactly, but just something that doesnt seem like a ride that was just plopped down and themed.

I would guess that if this happens, Mater would come along and they'd do something else in Luigi's spot. No way they clone that ride... I'm betting it doesn't last long in DCA, even.


Premium Member
The answer to that is yes - DisneySea would be a fantastic addition to Orlando, and I think would be the choice for the 5th park.

People like us, who aim to go to all the parks worldwide are in the minority. This is not Disney's primary market or aim.
couldn't agree more. I have never been to Japan but if I do I will not be visiting a Disney park. Too much else in the world to see. Same goes for China.


Premium Member
Yeah, I'm not wading thru all 14 pages of posts that hash out all the little bits. Who has that kind of time?

Carsland/RSRs in DHS is flat out stupid. Yes, I said it. Stoooooo-pid! Why does Disney insist on homogenizing everything between the coasts??? Hhhmmm...let's see....so people will go to one coast, have a big family vacation, and NOT see any reason to go to the other coast for Disney experiences they've not yet had??? Give people a reason to dole out twice the money into Mickey's hands over 2 vacations vs. just once. Geez. I'm not the most educated of people and even I can see this one plain as day.

Maybe there is something to the zombie fad that seems to be infiltrating every aspect of pop culture these days. There seems to be plenty of mindless zombies heading up the decision-making positions with Disney nowadays....:rolleyes:
look at the lineup of the parks and the attractions that overlap. This is nothing new. Goes all the way back to Walt.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Like I said earlier Skipper John not stepping up to defend this not leaving DCA makes me hesitant - not because I don't trust whylightbulb, but because I expect executive shakeup's before it lands 'plop' on DHS door.

I'm just wondering if this was a flushing tactic too see where leaks are coming from? Its just seems to me that something just doesn't add up.
To give 74 the credit that he so much deserves, I have heard that Lasseter is still fighting this but at this point it's unlikely he will win this particular battle. I have seen other projects cancelled while they were at the stage this project is in so it's possible for it to be cancelled but the chances are pretty slim.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
A couple thoughts on this:

Color me surprised if it happens. For a couple reasons:

1. As I've watched construction at DL, I kept thinking to myself "well, the way they're building it, there's little chance it'll make it to Florida because of the mountain range." I'd like an engineer to comment on this, but I've always thought that huge wall of mountains would have trouble against hurricane force winds. In SoCal, it's not so much a concern, but in Florida, I would have to think those mountains would act almost like a sail... Or a huge wall with nowhere for that wind force to go. It's basically enclosed on three sides by huge walls. I don't profess to be an engineer... This is just me brainstorming about it. So if an engineer could chime in, that would be cool. I just can't imagine a fake rock wall literally hundreds of feet wide and tall on three sides would behave nicely against 70mph winds. ??

2. Rain. RSR obviously has a large portion of the ride outside. Again, in SoCal, they very rarely have to worry about that. But in O-Town, rain is much more an issue. The TT ride system doesn't play well with rain... That's been witnessed in all 3 attractions around the world that use it. It seems to me there would be MASSIVE downtimes on it, both because of lightning, but also by going 101.

Maybe both of these points are off base... I don't know. But those have always been the first two things to come to mind as I've watched it progress in DL and wondered if it might make its way to FLA.
I am by no means an expert on California building code, but after taking a quick look at it their wind section is not all that different from what has been used in Florida. I can almost guarantee that there would be a few tweaks to the support structure to meet the current Florida building code, but I have little doubt that what was built in DL could be built in WDW.


Well-Known Member
To give 74 the credit that he so much deserves, I have heard that Lasseter is still fighting this but at this point it's unlikely he will win this particular battle. I have seen other projects cancelled while they were at the stage this project is in so it's possible for it to be cancelled but the chances are pretty slim.

@whylightbulb Can you give any insight into scope? Is it Carsland or just RSR or some combination of the two? Is it RSR with MI Door Coaster? A few weeks ago I was under the impression that MI was closer than anything Carsland related.


Well-Known Member
To give 74 the credit that he so much deserves, I have heard that Lasseter is still fighting this but at this point it's unlikely he will win this particular battle. I have seen other projects cancelled while they were at the stage this project is in so it's possible for it to be cancelled but the chances are pretty slim.

Hmm. Thanks for the insight - I guess no executive is asking the questions of 'why' and 'how'? How does Carsland fit in DHS thematically and why are we crippling one resort draw in a time when a boy wizard is moving into Hollywood?

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
To give 74 the credit that he so much deserves, I have heard that Lasseter is still fighting this but at this point it's unlikely he will win this particular battle. I have seen other projects cancelled while they were at the stage this project is in so it's possible for it to be cancelled but the chances are pretty slim.

Hi, lightbulb! Glad you're still with us. :)

So from what you're saying, this project has been in work for some time? And it's likely getting the green light because of the huge success of Carsland in DL?

Well, I wish TDO would put something original in DHS, rather than a clone, but at least this attraction is based on a Disney creation, rather than some foreign property, and I know the kids'll go nuts for it. This is a billion-times better idea than Avatarland. So, cool, awesome. I hope it turns out well.


Well-Known Member
Not yet. We could swing $3k for the two of us. The problem is that there are 4 of us, at minimum 3. Airfare alone for the 4 of us to get there is in the $1500-$2000 range depending on the time of year. The wife was pricing a trip just a few days ago and it was around $5k with staying on property.
Actually, Master Yoda, you could do what we PLAN on doing next year (nothing firm yet, but still)...drive. Yup, coast to coast along I-10, from Middleburg all the way do L.A. (and in this case, I DO NOT mean Lower Alabama...). Plan is to make the trip part of the fun, with stops along the way (mostly on the way back, when we go a bit north to see the Grand Canyon and stuff).

Yeah, I'm a glutton for punishment...but our kids will be 15 and 11 - we're running out of time to take a trip like that.


Premium Member
I don't pray, but I'm willing to start ... can I get an amen or multiples?

BTW, old pal, RSRs doesn't work without the rockwork, the sense of place ... they'd have to design an entirely new Cars-themed ride using the same ride system and characters, but it would have to be almost like a dark ride themed to Cars 2 with one or two limited outdoor scenes. Possible? Sure. Likely? Not on YOUR life.

Wonder if they considered an 'indoor' variant of RSR at near full scale...

Given the large buildings all around.. and supposedly lack of desire for RS the town.. you don't need the large vistas. You could get the immersion needed for the outdoor portion by building up near the track to get the canyon effect.. and can use the ceiling to your advantage to cheat height as well. Doing it indoors would also get around Orlando's rain and lightning problems which are big issues for keeping Test Track running.. and would avoid having to maintain such a large 'set' outdoor in the weather.

I don't know what the break-even is on cost.. where you can cheat the rockwork to be facades vs free standing structure like it is in DCA compared to steel sheds suitable for Orlando wind loads. But operationally I bet an option would be desirable, and fits well if they don't want the actual RS town.

You'd probably lose the scenery of running around the 'but but most of the other views could be simulated and done in a way that would allow the ride to run rain or shine...

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