
Well-Known Member
Just to clarify my position.

I am really waiting for Disney to knock our socks off. Something, anything that
is bold and grand in vision. Something that LOOKS like FLE, but also CONTAINS
bold innovation in ride technology and/or experience. Please, Disney, build
a new E-Ticket extravaganza for the 21st century. Like Everest, only, you know, working.

Cars Land--if brought to Orlando in it's entirety--while not exactly my cup of tea,
well, I'd have to say bravo. Huge, immersive 360 degree knock-our-socks-off environment
to ride through. (not sure what they'd do about Luigi's, maybe something different, but
you get my gist.)

A 'cut out' version will just give me another case of the 'heavy sighs'. (sorta like when you ride TOT at DCA---it's a pale imitation . . .)

So, let's wait and see what they announce, I guess . . .


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify my position.

I am really waiting for Disney to knock our socks off. Something, anything that
is bold and grand in vision. Something that LOOKS like FLE, but also CONTAINS
bold innovation in ride technology and/or experience. Please, Disney, build
a new E-Ticket extravaganza for the 21st century. Like Everest, only, you know, working.

Cars Land--if brought to Orlando in it's entirety--while not exactly my cup of tea,
well, I'd have to say bravo. Huge, immersive 360 degree knock-our-socks-off environment
to ride through. (not sure what they'd do about Luigi's, maybe something different, but
you get my gist.)

A 'cut out' version will just give me another case of the 'heavy sighs'. (sorta like when you ride TOT at DCA---it's a pale imitation . . .)

So, let's wait and see what they announce, I guess . . .

I could envision a variation on Radiator Springs Racers incorporating the World Grand Prix settings and remaining largely, if not entirely, within show buildings (to account for the Florida climate issues). Tokyo at night could be impressive, as could a well-executed Italian riviera and London. They would not have to build the Cadillac Range, and they could have a ride setting unique to WDW. If they install the main street of Radiator Springs at DHS (generally consistent with DCA), but put the main ride into a weather-proof show building with elaborate indoor three dimensional sets, I could be okay with that.


Well-Known Member
hey now, I'm a boat captain, thank you very much. I'm at least slightly more credible :p

No in all seriousness, the DIS is typically not overly involved in rumors, but that was a missing part of the community and they are working on growing it. It has proven to be quite popular with their audience. I am not sure why more insiders do not post there, maybe it's bad blood or whatever, but would be nice to get more activity over there. Regardless, I'm even in shock over that posting. We'll see what happens in a couple day!
It isn't bad blood that many on here don't post over there, at least not in the sense you are thinking. DIS boards controls the message (read Disney PR line) very well... No way would most of the discussions that go on here ever be allowed over there. Take a look at their threads. For the most part, everything is "Disney is perfect". Posts that are critical of Disney get deleted very fast. All you get is a white washed message that isn't even close to the truth. Here, the admin allows much more freedom and expression of opinions...I may not agree with all opinions here, but I am very grateful that everyone gets to express them. It makes for a much more exciting place than dull DIS boards


Premium Member
It isn't bad blood that many on here don't post over there, at least not in the sense you are thinking. DIS boards controls the message (read Disney PR line) very well... No way would most of the discussions that go on here ever be allowed over there. Take a look at their threads. For the most part, everything is "Disney is perfect". Posts that are critical of Disney get deleted very fast. All you get is a white washed message that isn't even close to the truth. Here, the admin allows much more freedom and expression of opinions...I may not agree with all opinions here, but I am very grateful that everyone gets to express them. It makes for a much more exciting place than dull DIS boards

I read DIS boards every day and I have not run across that, I often see negative posts there especially on the new and rumors board.


Well-Known Member
I read DIS boards every day and I have not run across that, I often see negative posts there especially on the new and rumors board.
Oh the definitely do it. Sorry I should have clarified better what I was saying... Do absolutely all posts that are critical get deleted? No. But it's much more commonplace than here


Premium Member
Oh the definitely do it. Sorry I should have clarified better what I was saying... Do absolutely all posts that are critical get deleted? No. But it's much more commonplace than here

I think they are less tolerant of the "heated debates" then here, but they definitely don't try to control the message as much as Disney does on their blogs for example. Even on the DIS podcast they are not afraid to call out Disney for things they don't approve of.


Well-Known Member
I think they are less tolerant of the "heated debates" then here, but they definitely don't try to control the message as much as Disney does on their blogs for example. Even on the DIS podcast they are not afraid to call out Disney for things they don't approve of.
True, but a good chunk of their clientele is the "I treat disney as a religion" crowd. There's a reason why folks like @WDW1974 @whylightbulb and @Lee don't post there.


Well-Known Member
Cars Land at DCA is already using the Cars 2 timeline and plot. Elements and characters from Cars 2 show up throughout Cars Land, from Luigi's Flying Tires highly detailed queue with all the World Grand Prix souvenirs on display, to Mater's queue with his Tall Tales exploits on display, to the success of Radiator Springs when all the shops have expanded and fixed up their places for all the tourists that visit them again.

The Cars and Cars 2 plotline realities exist already in Cars Land.

The ride through Racers, however, takes you back in time as Doc Hudson is still your crew chief. But the town is in the present day. You have to experience it to get it, perhaps.
The time frame for DCA's version is before the 2nd movie but after the 1st movie. This was mentioned in John Lasseter's Carsland chat at the D23 expo. A point of reference was the expansion to Flo's that wasn't in the first movie but appeared in the 2nd movie.


Well-Known Member
The time frame for DCA's version is before the 2nd movie but after the 1st movie. This was mentioned in John Lasseter's Carsland chat at the D23 expo. A point of reference was the expansion to Flo's that wasn't in the first movie but appeared in the 2nd movie.
RSR is set just after Cars. The town of Radiator Springs is set after Cars 2.


Well-Known Member
I think they are less tolerant of the "heated debates" then here, but they definitely don't try to control the message as much as Disney does on their blogs for example. Even on the DIS podcast they are not afraid to call out Disney for things they don't approve of.
Well I don't think anyone desperately tries to control the message like the Disney Parks blog does lol... I find them nauseating to read a lot of the time. But see Flynn's post up above for more info... He's exactly right. Like I said, DIS presents a very white washed view of everything, and they stick close as a whole to the Disney PR line. And sorry, I think you maybe took my post as a knock against individual readers of DIS boards... it wasn't. Just a critique of the general site message, how they operate in terms of freedom from censor, and what's allowable for discussion. People should know what they are reading (or rather what they aren't)


Active Member
RSR is set just after Cars. The town of Radiator Springs is set after Cars 2.

This is correct. You can tell by the fact that Lighting Mcqueen has his world grand prix look doing meet an greats which would mean cars 2 already came out:


Also along the walkway from bugs land to cars land, it mentions that radiator springs is home to Sir Tow Mater, which happened in Cars 2:



Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
The time frame for DCA's version is before the 2nd movie but after the 1st movie. This was mentioned in John Lasseter's Carsland chat at the D23 expo. A point of reference was the expansion to Flo's that wasn't in the first movie but appeared in the 2nd movie.

That is odd, as there is a pic of Finn mcmissilie in the queue for Luigi's Flying Tires.


Well-Known Member
Do our insiders have any clue if it was DIS just spitting out a rumor, or is their a very good chance that Carsland "lite" will be announced tomorrow?

Yeah, I'd like to know too.

It's a little stunning to see a rumor posted there that isn't practically a cut-and-paste job lifted from here (with zero credit to the poster here, of course).

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