
Premium Member
How could MK get cars land? giant anthromorphic vehicles don't really fit frontier land

They do if they have cowboy hats on;). Tom Sawyer Island = Radiator Springs. I am obviously joking, but if it means more room for muppets in DHS I vote for it.


Well-Known Member
Why do they have to be mutually exclusive?

I never said that they couldn't build Carsland and StarWarsland at the same time. Given enough money, they could do a lot of things, like build Avatarland, Night Kingdom, Villain's Park, Carsland, Disney Sea, and a Monsters Inc. coaster, and of course the Indy clone that folks say is coming to DHS.

Of course, time and money come into play. "Insiders" on this forum believe that either Carsland will begin construction immediately, serious consideration has been given (Disney has backed out of *a lot* of serious ideas before), or that the issue hasn't been settled yet and/or logistical issues are being looked at. Looking at logistical issues is what you do pretty early during such a project, so I think Carsland is a ways off. Issues of keeping Carsland unique to DCA to get tourists to give DLR, and specifically DCA, a second shot, and of the problems relating to construction haven't been discussed in terms to what Disney is thinking.

I have no reason whatsoever to believe that this was a planned leak.

Do you have any reason whatsoever to believe that this was not a planned leak?

The "insiders" who all got the info around the same time believed it might have be a planned leak by Disney, if I am not mistaken.

The theme of MGM Studios/Hollywood Studios should be the Hollywood that never was and always will be. That's a vague, but incredibly cool concept. I envision a park where the front half represents the golden age(s) of Hollywood. Hollywood Boulevard and Sunset Boulevard accomplish this. The back half of the park should be segmented into various studios, but not the real life representation of these studios, but what the fictitious representation of those studios would be. Disney romanticizes/idealizes everything they do. The studios should represent walking into the movie environments. Carsland accomplishes this, and a LucasFilm area can accomplish this as well. The Lucas area can begin with an Indiana Jones section that makes the transition from Echo lake (40s/50s) into the same time period around Indiana Jones. The forests of Indiana Jones can blend into the Forests of Endor and ultimately rockwork for Tattoine could segway into the Carsland section of Pixar Place. Sure, it's a fan boy dream, but conceptually it's logical and continues to fit the dedication plaque.

Carsland makes you feel like you're in Radiator Springs. But other than the fact that Cars was a movie, not sure how Carsland plays into the Hollywood theme. After all, Radiator Springs was first built inside a computer, not filmed somewhere. Carsland wouldn't be a fictitious idealized studio, IMHO, though I like that general idea for a Backlot replacement.


Well-Known Member
Based on what? If Cars Land were coming to DHS and was unaffected by the Lucasfilm acquisition, what aould be different? It's not like we were having a continuous flow of information before the Lucasfilm announcement. It's just an occasional "leak" from an insider then dozens of pages dissecting that. If Cars Land/Pixar Place expansion is still on the books (and I believe it is), we probably won't see any other info for a while (could be weeks or even months) and probably won't see anything official for a long time.

Carsland hasn't been greenlit for DHS, in terms of what we know from insiders and the media.

The possible fallacy in your logic is assuming that everybody at Disney, or at least the powerful folks, knew that Disney was about to get a galaxy full of characters in the form of the Star Wars. Did Iger tell WDI, (hey everybody, we might get Star Wars, so start thinking about Star Wars rides.) Obviously, until the deal was signed, Lucas could have backed out, and Iger played it close to his chest as info didn't leak out. I figure that only key Disney legal folks knew about it, sort of like how Iger and Cameron made a deal concerning Avatar.

In the end, Iger signs off on big projects like Carsland. You could have had top brass nudging him to do Carsland, but in the end he was talking with Lucas about preserving the Star Wars brand at Disney, which includes adding more Star Wars attractions to the parks.

The "inside" sources on this thread might have talked to Disney employees who, possibly, weren't in the loop regarding Star Wars and figured their bosses would be successful with selling their ideas for Carsland at DHS.


Well-Known Member
Based on what? Fan site buzz?

Come on... Fan sites buzz over 'new' - it doesn't matter how insignificant.. if it's new, it gets more eyes. What drives fan site activity is new entropy... if there is nothing new to add to the discussion, it will always die off on its own. Case in point.. Test Track. The lack of available information and new information.. causes that discussion to die. Then a new canopy view.. buzz.. and then that dies down.

I don't know why you'd associate fan attention span with actual business activity levels.

I am not basing it on anything. It's an observation. And historically - if Disney is bad about not following through on projects they HAVE announced - they are even WORSE at following through on projects they haven't. Especially when it is being said that they are giving themselves about a year before they even announce the project. And then it could be assumed another year before any real construction is done. That is a long time for Disney to sit on plans without scrapping them. Basically - Disney executives have a short attention span, and are always looking for the easy route. If anything can be attrituted to an uptick in attendance or merchandise numbers, they can use it as an excuse to delay doing anything of real substance. It's a numbers game to them - no matter how much they hurl the "creating new experiences" marketing line. Again, they may be pushing full steam ahead on Carsland or the DHS expansion, but it isn't the vibe I am getting now...


Well-Known Member
My website broke the story, I'd like to think that gives what I say a little bit of weight.

I believe that various "insiders" posted the pics of the plans on the internet. Not sure how reporting this development gives your assumption more weight. The only person(s) who knows the reason for the leak is somebody at Disney, or perhaps somebody working for Jim Cameron. You'd have to admit that the timing is much more that mildly interesting.

Leaked plans for Avatarland, then a week or so later, Disney = Star Wars.


Premium Member
I believe that various "insiders" posted the pics of the plans on the internet. Not sure how reporting this development gives your assumption more weight. The only person(s) who knows the reason for the leak is somebody at Disney, or perhaps somebody working for Jim Cameron. You'd have to admit that the timing is much more that mildly interesting.

Leaked plans for Avatarland, then a week or so later, Disney = Star Wars.
Could have been the 2nd shooter in the grassy knoll too...

Wasn't it confirmed that the leaked plans were HVAC plans? Most likely from contractors bidding on the project. If Disney wanted to "leak" plans why not offer concept art or something less cryptic than HVAC plans. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Again, they may be pushing full steam ahead on Carsland or the DHS expansion, but it isn't the vibe I am getting now...

Vibe from who or what? There isn't going to be any official announcement of Cars Land -- whether it is planned or not -- any time soon. So, all we have is "insiders" giving information when they know it and/or see fit. How can anyone get a "vibe" about the project or lack thereof at this point?

I have no idea whether it will happen or not, but the lack of new information about it is meaningless in terms of its likelihood of happening.


Well-Known Member
Vibe from who or what? There isn't going to be any official announcement of Cars Land -- whether it is planned or not -- any time soon. So, all we have is "insiders" giving information when they know it and/or see fit. How can anyone get a "vibe" about the project or lack thereof at this point?

I have no idea whether it will happen or not, but the lack of new information about it is meaningless in terms of its likelihood of happening.

You do when you live in Orlando. Just sayin...


Well-Known Member
The heavy hullabaloo from a couple weeks ago sure has died down. Is an expansion still on track? Likely? Did the Lucasfilm acquisition change the thought process? Or... As was speculated before is there too much management uncertainty to push anything forward?

Nothing to my knowledge has changed. The dying down you refer to is simply because you had everyone all lathered up over projects happening and potentially happening and there's only so much you can talk about the same things. Unless it's Disney and social media!

Question....does George Lucas still have some type of creative input for the new movies or is he totally 100% out of the picture? Also, a fifth gate will eventually happen....one day...I can't see them ever not putting one in. Even if its 25 years from now.

Yes, as answered below, he does and will and since the series is his baby it is as it should be. ... And I completely disagree that a fifth gate will ever happen. EVER. And all I want to know is why anyone would ever want it to. Disney can't maintain and keep the four it has fresh. Think about it. Forgetting all the business/common sense reasons why it won't ever happen ... doesn't the fact the other parks are all struggling with serious issues give anyone pause before bringing this issue up yet again?!?

It was mentioned that he will be a creative consultant on at least some of the new movies.



Well-Known Member
I could see Disney and Universal doing a trade of IP, or other wanted assets, so that Disney could get the rights to build certain Marvel attractions in Orlando. For instance, Iron Man. Uni has the rights to do an Iron Man attraction in Orlando, but I think this means Iron Man from the comics, but not, perhaps, necessarily using the Iron Man Marvel created for the films, IMHO. Obviously, Universal couldn't use Robert Downey Jr.'s likeness for such an attraction. Therefore, such a generic Iron Man attraction probably wouldn't be built, so Uni has a bargaining chip.

I'm just guessing, but I bet some sort of deal could be worked out. Universal and Disney aren't necessarily locked in a zero sum game as folks drawn to one park in Orlando, may well find time to visit the competitor.

Are we still talking about Marvel? Why would UNI want to get rid of one of its best properties at a time when it's at the zenith of popularity to help its top rival? because fanbois want to see the Hulk at EPCOT?

Not happening so why not talk about things that might?


Well-Known Member
My website broke the story, I'd like to think that gives what I say a little bit of weight.

To be fair, that is true.

But the info was being fed to numerous people from multiple (and this is what some folks don't get) sources. I know the deal on how you got your info ... but I was given the info (not the actual plans though) by someone I am 100% sure had nothing to do with you getting it. And I know of a third source, so all at the same time, still makes me wonder.

Disney likes to test the waters sometimes ... and try and search for leaks internally as well.

Anyone seen the plans for Cars Land East or Project LeSabre as I'm calling it?


Well-Known Member
And I completely disagree that a fifth gate will ever happen. EVER. And all I want to know is why anyone would ever want it to. Disney can't maintain and keep the four it has fresh. Think about it. Forgetting all the business/common sense reasons why it won't ever happen ... doesn't the fact the other parks are all struggling with serious issues give anyone pause before bringing this issue up yet again?!?

That's the thing, WDW isn't as well maintained as DLR is now, but it is superior when compared to DCA 1.0 in terms of quality entertainment. Why do they keep WDW open, you might ask? Because WDW makes $$ for Disney, especially given the resorts on property. The point of WDW isn't to maintain four parks perfectly for fanbois, but to draw in guests, keep occupancy rates up, and give folks a reason to stay on property.

Sure, upkeep is important, but you and all the other diehards can't force WDW to make over its current parks before it starts on a fifth one. Its like the sound of one voice against hundreds of thousands of guests who have no idea if a Br'er Rabbit fig isn't working on Splash Mountain. Sure, I think WDW needs better upkeep, and think it would help pull in some more guests, but I bet that a fifth gate would bring in more newbie guests, and repeat guests combined. That's an international headline, "Disney to add Fifth Theme Park in Orlando".

Dubai was going to be a major competitor of WDW, and maybe they'll get there one day. But right now, WDW has a worldwide market. If they add a fifth theme park, it will throw water on a lot of the other projects underway around the globe, and bring in more guests.


Well-Known Member
Are we still talking about Marvel? Why would UNI want to get rid of one of its best properties at a time when it's at the zenith of popularity to help its top rival? because fanbois want to see the Hulk at EPCOT?

Not happening so why not talk about things that might?

UNI Hollywood sure is a rival for DLR.

Orlando is sort of a different deal as UNI Florida is much closer to WDW, and certainly some families stay on property at WDW, and then visit UNI Florida for a day, as the reason for their visit. Historically, it has always been this way in Orlando, the thinking that "rival" parks draw more folks down to Orlando if there is more to do for everybody in the family.

Is Iron Man one of UNI's best properties? They aren't currently using it, as far as I know, in their parks. A deal for the rights for Iron Man theme park attractions could be hammered out, if Disney really wanted it.

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