December 2004 MEET- let's get serious here......


Well-Known Member
Here is how I see it!! The first weekend in december is the best time to go!! Its not packed and it has small wait times. It is also nice and cool. I think we should do something beside a desert party seeing thats what has been done the past two meets!! I would love to plan the main event But I will most likely be out of town that weekend so I cant :(


Well-Known Member
disnyfan89 said:
If no one minds I'm going to start a poll :lookaroun

Yes please. As others have suggested. Brilliant idea. My vote is for the weekend of the 4th and 5th. However, I do not object to the 11th and 12th. I just want to have a basic idea so I can plan my December trip to coincide with the meet.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
My wife and I will be in WDW from November 20th through December 4th, which means we'd be leaving on the fourth, but I imagine we could stretch it another day if we are planning some sort of meet in the evening. I'll keep an eye out for the dates. I owuld love to meet some of you!


Well-Known Member
Hate to burst anyone's bubbles...but...

Parks and Catering have ceased all minor functions at the MK. Guest complaints have eliminated all small functions where they would have to 'block-off' an area. You can have a function at MK if you like.... if you are planning on having 1,000 people or more and are willing to pay for the park all to yourselves...privately (after hours... or early enough in advance ie: before they have posted hours for the month)

... I already tried this 2 1/2 months ago.


Well-Known Member
BwanaBob said:
Hate to burst anyone's bubbles...but...

Parks and Catering have ceased all minor functions at the MK. Guest complaints have eliminated all small functions where they would have to 'block-off' an area. You can have a function at MK if you like.... if you are planning on having 1,000 people or more and are willing to pay for the park all to yourselves...privately (after hours... or early enough in advance ie: before they have posted hours for the month)

... I already tried this 2 1/2 months ago.
No Big deal!!! There is still lots for us to do!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
BwanaBob said:
Hate to burst anyone's bubbles...but...
Parks and Catering have ceased all minor functions at the MK. Guest complaints have eliminated all small functions where they would have to 'block-off' an area. You can have a function at MK if you like.... if you are planning on having 1,000 people or more and are willing to pay for the park all to yourselves...privately (after hours... or early enough in advance ie: before they have posted hours for the month)
... I already tried this 2 1/2 months ago.

I figured this was the case as I never see the Rose Garden roped off anymore, even for Engagement packages. Oh well, not the end of the world :D


Well-Known Member
wannabeBelle said:
LOL Amazingly enough Gucci no it isnt. Good rates and low crowd levels are the norm for this time of year!!! Belle

That's what I always thought, but after reading WDWKat's post, I was beginning to wonder. I have seriously been acting my hair color the last few days :hammer: :lol: And I'm usually the smart blonde..............

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
As stated on the other Meet thread, in order to belong to the Magical Gathering, I would have to either book your trip or assume control of your reservtion if you have already booked it so that I can link them all together.

I do not charge you anything to do this.

I will offer free itinerary planning to all of you who choose to do it though.



Active Member
I'm heading over for Dec. 11th and 12th for the weekend - staying in Pop. The wife got us tickets for MVMCP on the 12th, which also happens to be my birthday.

Hope to meet some of you then. I'll be easy to recognize. I'll be in my birthday suit.

p.s. Birthday presents are not necessary, but will certainly be accepted.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
i'll be there...

and just a heads up, my birthday is Dec 15 (that's 15/Dec for our European friends)... so if you attend, I WANT PRESENT PEOPLE!!


Active Member
Granted I haven't been around as long as MKT here, but if MKT's getting a present, then I want a birthday present, too! :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Well, Christmas won't be too far away from the meet date so I would like a Christmas present. I'll let you all know where I'm registered. :lol:


Premium Member
PeeplMoovr said:
Granted I haven't been around as long as MKT here, but if MKT's getting a present, then I want a birthday present, too! :animwink:

As do birthday is on December 4th! :animwink: :lol:

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