

So you're cool with them making $3/hr?

if only thats all they were making. when was the last time you've seen walk-up availability at any of the restaurants in the parks? once a waiter gets 4 or 5 tables the wages quickly rise.
and, yes i'm cool with someone working for the wages they agreed upon when hired. between the wife and i we work 4 jobs to do what we want to do. and if i need more money i pick up extra hours when i can.
we have had a couple good servers during our 5 trips, but thats about it. most disappear, or act like you're lucky to be their customer.

the service needs to improve at disney, and i don't believe high tipping for mediocre service is the way to fix it.


New Member
wow. i don't know where you get your facts from so let me help. this is from the disney website, but i can't find the word mandatory in the statement at all.

*Gratuities are not included unless otherwise indicated. An automatic 18% gratuity charge will be added to your bill for parties of 6 or more. An automatic gratuity charge may also be added to your bill for items you order that are not included in the Disney Dining Plan (e.g., alcoholic beverages). Merchandise or photo-imaging products that may be offered at Character Dining Experiences are not included, except at Cinderella's Royal Table.

nope, it's not in there.

Did you overlook the part that I highlighted before you posted your oh so witty retort? I went ahead and highlighted the portion you seemed to overlook regarding the mandatory 18% added to parties of 6 or more for you there sparky. (no offense onelilspark, lol).

Like I said earlier, do NOT be surprised if you are charged on a key that has no charging priviledges and are forced to spend hours straightening out before you are allowed to access the parks or your room. It doesn't effect me in any way, shape or form, but I do give you credit for your tenacity about the topic.

Also, if your "pattern of non tipping because you don't find it neccessary" is noted, don't be surprised if suddenly they are unable to locate your reservation numbers in their computer, causing extremely long waits. Sadly for you, it is just the way it goes in the restaurant industry. If you have really poor service, by all means, take it up with the management. If you are just straight up cheap and don't wish to tip, then by all means, go to six flags or a nascar race where you would surely feel more at home.

I give you credit for one thing though, after reading posts by you, I now know why the servers had the 18% auto gratuitity added to their union contract for parties of 6 or more. I can't really say I blame them.



Did you overlook the part that I highlighted before you posted your oh so witty retort? I went ahead and highlighted the portion you seemed to overlook regarding the mandatory 18% added to parties of 6 or more for you there sparky. (no offense onelilspark, lol).

Like I said earlier, do NOT be surprised if you are charged on a key that has no charging priviledges and are forced to spend hours straightening out before you are allowed to access the parks or your room. It doesn't effect me in any way, shape or form, but I do give you credit for your tenacity about the topic.

Also, if your "pattern of non tipping because you don't find it neccessary" is noted, don't be surprised if suddenly they are unable to locate your reservation numbers in their computer, causing extremely long waits. Sadly for you, it is just the way it goes in the restaurant industry. If you have really poor service, by all means, take it up with the management. If you are just straight up cheap and don't wish to tip, then by all means, go to six flags or a nascar race where you would surely feel more at home.

I give you credit for one thing though, after reading posts by you, I now know why the servers had the 18% auto gratuitity added to their union contract for parties of 6 or more. I can't really say I blame them.


if you read my post, it never mentions i don't plan on tipping. i just believe 18% is a bit extreme, especially for buffets. i do plan on tipping, just not what disney tells me and just because they decided to change a union contract. the words mandatory and automatic are completely different. and thanks for consistently saving me more and more money. :sohappy::sohappy:


New Member
Did you overlook the part that I highlighted before you posted your oh so witty retort? I went ahead and highlighted the portion you seemed to overlook regarding the mandatory 18% added to parties of 6 or more for you there sparky. (no offense onelilspark, lol).

Also, if your "pattern of non tipping because you don't find it neccessary" is noted, don't be surprised if suddenly they are unable to locate your reservation numbers in their computer, causing extremely long waits. Sadly for you, it is just the way it goes in the restaurant industry. If you have really poor service, by all means, take it up with the management. If you are just straight up cheap and don't wish to tip, then by all means, go to six flags or a nascar race where you would surely feel more at home.

I give you credit for one thing though, after reading posts by you, I now know why the servers had the 18% auto gratuitity added to their union contract for parties of 6 or more. I can't really say I blame them.


Wow, there are simply too many jokes to be made about this one. Pumbas, can you help me out?

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
how about




Did you overlook the part that I highlighted before you posted your oh so witty retort? I went ahead and highlighted the portion you seemed to overlook regarding the mandatory 18% added to parties of 6 or more for you there sparky. (no offense onelilspark, lol).

Like I said earlier, do NOT be surprised if you are charged on a key that has no charging priviledges and are forced to spend hours straightening out before you are allowed to access the parks or your room. It doesn't effect me in any way, shape or form, but I do give you credit for your tenacity about the topic.

Also, if your "pattern of non tipping because you don't find it neccessary" is noted, don't be surprised if suddenly they are unable to locate your reservation numbers in their computer, causing extremely long waits. Sadly for you, it is just the way it goes in the restaurant industry. If you have really poor service, by all means, take it up with the management. If you are just straight up cheap and don't wish to tip, then by all means, go to six flags or a nascar race where you would surely feel more at home.

I give you credit for one thing though, after reading posts by you, I now know why the servers had the 18% auto gratuitity added to their union contract for parties of 6 or more. I can't really say I blame them.


Dear Sir, Who are you and what world do you live in? WDW draws every kind of person from every walk of life and from every economic backround. If you don't like diversity of people then i suggest you stay home in your castle, or maybe try to hang out with some ultra wealthy people in Dubai, maybe thatt's more of your crowd, cause their may be some affluent people, but i guarantee ya that most people are at WDW on a buget just trying to have a nice vacation and trying not to run into insensitive people like you. I bet you just luv the WDW transportation system, all those cheap, underserving low-lifes riding around for free. No one is gonna charge on a room key with no charging privledges, that's why you decline to have charging privledges put on your KTTW, SO NO ONE CAN CHARGE ON YOUR ACCOUNT WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION. MikeB

By the way where are you staying, i'd luv to stop by your resort with my re-fillable mug from my resort and enjoy a nice swim in your resort pool, and i'm not even gonna shower before in get in, ooooohhhh my, now i've broken all the rules.

Why not try contributing something useful for all the folks on this forum instead of talking down to people that you don't agree with. MikeB


New Member
I have taken the liberty and developed this handy tipping chart:

Amusement Park ........Tip Comfort Level
Six Flags ..........................15%
SeaWorld .........................20%
Dorney Park ......................18%
Knott’s Berry Farm ..............22%


New Member
And for race fans:

Racing .......Tip Comfort Level
MotoX ..............16%
F1 .....................5% they don’t tip overseas
NASCAR .............15%
IRL (Indy) ...........19%


Well-Known Member
OK, I got it now. Because you were a large party, the tip was added into the check along with any other "extra" charges (alcohol, etc). Your MIL then paid these charges on the room key, but left a cash tip. However the tip was run through as well (twice)

When you use the DDP, and just the DDP with no extras, do you have to sign anything? Or do they just take your KTW card and scan it?

Man, this just makes me glad I never use the DDP :) Long live the DDE :D


DDE Danger

Dave, if DDE = Disney Dininng Experience, then you have to watch out too. Starting 1/08 they started adding the 18% tip to all bills regardless of party size.. When you pay with a credit card it still has a tip line for you to add gratuity. WDW should not print a tip line when gratuity is added automatically.



but i guarantee ya that most people are at WDW on a buget just trying to have a nice vacation.

Why not try contributing something useful for all the folks on this forum instead of talking down to people that you don't agree with. MikeB

Gotta agree with MikeB!! Tipping has spiraled out of control lately. Tipping should only be done for a dinner experience that is above and beyond ordinary. If your waiter/waitress really wants a tip, he/she will provide you with that top notch service.

But anymore, waiters/waitresses now expect a tip regardless of the service they provide. And why are tips based on the value of your meal? Don't you think the waiter that served your party 4 chicken club sandwiches with colas for say $60, worked as hard as the waiter that served 4 filet mignons and expensive wine for say $180. So why should one waiter get a tip of $36 while the other only gets $12 for the same service?? Does no one see the inherent problem here. Waiters who serve cheaper food gets less, even though they work just as hard. And lets say they get 3 tables per hour, so thats either 3 x $36 for $108 per hour or even 3 x $12 for $36 per hour. How many on this web site makes either $36 or $108 per hour?

So tipping should be what you feel they deserve, regardless of what you ate. And if the service was horrible, then no tip should be left and maybe that server will get the message he/she needs to do better. I could go on forever, but ....

CoasterKing :king:


Well-Known Member
Gotta agree with MikeB!! Tipping has spiraled out of control lately. Tipping should only be done for a dinner experience that is above and beyond ordinary. If your waiter/waitress really wants a tip, he/she will provide you with that top notch service.

But anymore, waiters/waitresses now expect a tip regardless of the service they provide. And why are tips based on the value of your meal? Don't you think the waiter that served your party 4 chicken club sandwiches with colas for say $60, worked as hard as the waiter that served 4 filet mignons and expensive wine for say $180. So why should one waiter get a tip of $36 while the other only gets $12 for the same service?? Does no one see the inherent problem here. Waiters who serve cheaper food gets less, even though they work just as hard. And lets say they get 3 tables per hour, so thats either 3 x $36 for $108 per hour or even 3 x $12 for $36 per hour. How many on this web site makes either $36 or $108 per hour?

So tipping should be what you feel they deserve, regardless of what you ate. And if the service was horrible, then no tip should be left and maybe that server will get the message he/she needs to do better. I could go on forever, but ....

CoasterKing :king:
You may be forgetting a few things here. A server who works in a cheaper place has a higher turnover ratio. You do not spend two hours at Denny's so the server in a cheaper restaurant will fill his/her table two or three times in the amount of time that a fine dining server will fill the same table once.

Second, at finer dining establishments a server is tipping out a busser, food runner, bar, and sometimes a captain.

There is also an expectation of better service at a fine dining establishment. That may not always happen, but this is the thinking.

As far as what they make, I have known servers who have made over $100,000 a year. Do they deserve it? None of us can say for sure. Does a ball player earn his money? It is a funny thing because a restaurant is an industry where you are truly paid by your performance. It is a much more fair way of compensation than many other industries that I can think of.

I absolutely agree that no one should be forced to tip for bad service. I am not trying to offend anyone by this post, I am simply stating what I know about it.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
You may be forgetting a few things here. A server who works in a cheaper place has a higher turnover ratio. You do not spend two hours at Denny's so the server in a cheaper restaurant will fill his/her table two or three times in the amount of time that a fine dining server will fill the same table once.

Second, at finer dining establishments a server is tipping out a busser, food runner, bar, and sometimes a captain.

There is also an expectation of better service at a fine dining establishment. That may not always happen, but this is the thinking.

As far as what they make, I have known servers who have made over $100,000 a year. Do they deserve it? None of us can say for sure. Does a ball player earn his money? It is a funny thing because a restaurant is an industry where you are truly paid by your performance. It is a much more fair way of compensation than many other industries that I can think of.

I absolutely agree that no one should be forced to tip for bad service. I am not trying to offend anyone by this post, I am simply stating what I know about it.

Could not agree with you more. Fantastic post! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
We don't put charging on our room card. We never felt comfortable with it. I think the problem was with charging on the room key rather than the DDP.

The thing about the cash tip is crazy. We left only cash tips and never had trouble doing that. Well...once we did. The waiter flipped out because he didn't think he was going to get a tip.


New Member

Parties of 6 or more are required to leave a tip of 18% regardless of service. I didn't mind that so much until we ate at Chrystal Palace. Its a buffet and yet I had to pay $30 for someone to bring our sodas. He only checked on our table twice.


Well-Known Member
DDE Danger

Dave, if DDE = Disney Dininng Experience, then you have to watch out too. Starting 1/08 they started adding the 18% tip to all bills regardless of party size.. When you pay with a credit card it still has a tip line for you to add gratuity. WDW should not print a tip line when gratuity is added automatically.


Yeah, but heres the rub.

Unless service is bad, I tip 20%, and round up (come harken on to me former servers :) )

Now there is an 18% tip figured in. Thats what I leave. Sounds harsh, but if they want to set the tip level, then thats what I am going to do.


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