Bingo! I live 20 minutes away from the Anaheim Convention Center, but there's no way you could get me to be at Rope Drop on Day 1 of D23 Expo. It's just a drama-filled horde of people all trying to get their little piece of carpet to stand on in an exhibit hall.
I'm a Silver Member! I'm a Gold Member! I flew in from New Jersey! It's August, they should give us water!
I will enjoy all the streaming videos and information for the next 48 hours, and it all arrives here in my den about 2 minutes after it's announced in a convention center venue.
But I will wait until Sunday afternoon to actually visit the Expo, like I always do. I will drive over in the early afternoon, stroll right in like a dignified human, and wander the exhibit halls for about two hours looking at only the coolest stuff. Then I go home.