Creepiest disney world animatronic.

Adison Belle

New Member
When I was younger, it was always the Greeks in Spaceship Earth. Those masks... :lookaroun

YES!!!!! I'm not a fan of AAs anyway, and I'm nyctophobic (afraid of the dark)-in short, an unfortunately combination at dw!!! So when I went on that and saw the greeks and those other guys at the beginning, I like CLUNG to my dad and I was eighteen at the time! He and I both were like "Okay, you are WAY to old to be scared!" but I was!:hammer:

Adison Belle

New Member
Okay, sub-question: I've always wondered which attraction would be the creepiest to go through at night, after the AAs are turned off. Imagine: with just a flashlight, and all the lights off! AAAAAAAH!!!!!

I vote GMR or Pirates. HM probably wouldn't be so bad since most of them are just projections.

Okay, I read that and got alllllll sorts of creepy goosebumps. I'd say SSE!!!

Though, now, I officially don't want to work at DW if I'd have to do that! :lookaroun

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Okay, I read that and got alllllll sorts of creepy goosebumps. I'd say SSE!!!

Though, now, I officially don't want to work at DW if I'd have to do that! :lookaroun
Not unless your doing an evac during a power outage, and even then there are emergency lights. :)

Pre-opening track walks are generally done in "powered down" mode, with all AA's turned off, but with work lights on.


A couple of years ago, I rode CoP and the skin under the Father's neck in the first scene was bulging and it looked like he had a nasty goiter. THAT was unsettling :lookaroun

Sung to "Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow"
"There's a great big bulging goiter, growing on the neck of everyone!..." :drevil:


New Member
Great thread, by the way!

Here's my roll call of creepy AAs:

That ultra lanky Polar Bear in Maelstrom. He looks more like gigantic Polar Ferret.

Hairless Taft with eyeliner fanning an Egyptian in SSE. I pray to God a scene like that never played out in the Lincoln bedroom.

President Eisenhower with a pageboy haircut, a mandolin and tights in SSE. My prayers continue that this never happened in the White House Rose Garden.

Any of the ghastly horde of nightmare children who over-ran that small Mexican town in Gran Fiesta (And for that matter, all the AAs in their place of origin, IASW).

The ghost playing the piano in Haunted Mansion. Ghosts are scary enough, but when you hear hydraulics pumping when they move their limbs, it makes them even more frightening and bizarre, I'd imagine.

And though he doesn't creep me out, I want to dropkick that paperboy. The AA itself is fine, but the the high pitch 30 year olds voice that resonates out of him is an attention to detail that slipped by for a long time now and just really gets me hostile on what is one of my favorite rides of all time.
I'd have to say that the Sigourney Weaver AA in the Alien section of the GMR is probably the weirdest.

When I was little I thought it was supposed to be Michael Jackson. I was already traumatized from that Captain EO thing, so thinking that was supposed to be him scared me.


New Member
Not sure if this counts because they're not really AAs, but the marionettes in the old El Rio Del Tiempo ride were pretty freaky looking.


New Member
just came back and i have to say that the new bride in HM gave me the willies...i dont know if they did this on purpose but her glowing eyes followed me as we went through the room!

when you see her, you'll know, totally creepy!

Ditto. I just got back too and was impressed with the new changes and updates but as soon as we were going by the New Bride I told the GF that it was pretty creepy.


Active Member
My vote goes to one of the AA's that was found in the jail scene of PotC. It is the old man with the narrow face with a beard behind the bars (not one of the guys whistling to the dog; there are a few other guys on the other side). Before the refurbishment, his head was always shaking in a creepy half bobblehead, half Parkinson's mode. Also his eyes were facing opposite directions, and his audio wasn't very intelligible.

Holy Crap! I wish I could have seen that before they fixed it! That sounds incredibly creepy.

Here is my list in order that they came to mind after reading the thread title.
1.) Organ Player in HM
2.) Sigourney Weaver in GM
3.) Son in COP during 4th of July scene by the record player
4.) Father in COP with the bulged neck and wacky eye
5.) 3-headed troll in the Maelstrom (just because they are right in front of you and pretty close)


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Any/all of the CBJ bears creep me out.

Sometimes the guests are creepier than the animitronics though... with all that "hootin n' hollerin'" :lol::lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Oooh...the Greek actors in SSE have always creeped me out. I watch the ride through and I just cringe...those darn masks!

Also I'd have to go with a pretty good handful of the small world dolls.

Oh and the pirate who is resting up against the barrels in POTC is a little disturbing.

And I don't know if you'd consider it an AA, but I always get the jeebies when I see that stupid candelabra "hovering" in the hallway in HM. :dazzle:


Well-Known Member
Another one that creeps me out, the hippo in IASW. Sometimes you can't tell if it is winking or has a defective eye, but I don't like to look at it too long.

On SSE, the scene where in the background you can see the horse and chariot running through the streets, for some reason (even though it isn't AA) its a little uncomfortable for me lol.


Active Member
This thread is on my list as one of the most entertaining ones on here. I feel better that I am not alone when the ride stops or slows and I begin analyzing things like the details in the animatronic's eyes, then it does start to get creepy. I was just wondering what our facial expressions are to someone else when the "creepy" factor kicks in. I imagine it has to show somewhat.


Well-Known Member
While we're ripping into the SSE AA's, I have to put in my vote for the movie theatre ticket booth woman. If you pass her at the right time, her head will turn in time with your vehicle and follow you. It looks like she's glaring at you as you pass by. ::shudder::

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