Country Bear Jamboree closing for lengthy refurbishment in August


Well-Known Member
Well, even if anything goes the unaltered version of the show will always be on YouTube. Still, if anything does get cut my main regret is not being able to record the show as it is now and do an edited video of it like I did with the Christmas show years ago. Alas, money issues and going back to school have prevented me from making any further WDW trips for the time being.


Well-Known Member
While the meaning, according to the dictionary, has not changed, the order of importance of the meanings HAVE change. Notice that the number 1 and number 2 meanings are no longer the "happy" meanings.

Dictionaries must change with the times in order to remain must Disney.

You're correct, as unfortunate as the reality is. It's just going to be very strange for me when The Walt Disney Company does decide to make their films and parks more politically correct. I can live with one lyric change such as the one in The Three Caballeros ("We're three caballeros, three gay caballeros..."), but what about the spring segment from Bambi, "Let's Sing a Gay Little Spring Song?" Unless they manage to censor or record the song from scratch, I don't see how they could ever cut it out completely. The film is a masterpiece as it is.

As for The Country Bear Jamboree... if the rumors are true, then as somebody else has said, at least we have the original on YouTube. I'll try to be optimistic about the possible changes regardless, but I won't get my hopes up too high.


Well-Known Member
I can live with one lyric change such as the one in The Three Caballeros ("We're three caballeros, three gay caballeros...")

One of my daughter's favorite movies. And she likes to quote the line, "What a time two toucans have making love!" lol.

I can deal with them sparing little Buford as long as there is still a great big puh-huddle of blood on the ground.


Well-Known Member
I am dead serious too. Put me up in a Value hotel. Give me some comp passes and you have a free 160 hours of labor. Plus the $2000-4000 we will spend on expensive meals and gifts to make up for the rest of the trip being free.

I seriously don't see how the turnover set decorating could take more than 3-4 people 2-3 days. Stage shows do HUGE set changes in less than a minute. My theater, radio, and television backgrounds (along with working at Chuck E Cheese dressing sets for a year and a half) make me more than qualified to open the 10-12 boxes of goodies and put them where they need to be. The reprogramming of the show should take minutes.

Seriously Disney... PM me. I'm already coming down for Wine and Dine.

I also don't get why the cost/time is supposedly such a big issue. If modern computer run the animatronics, they the only thing they would need to do would be to change the clothes. You'd need somebody to punch a button and cycle through the bears, and some else to put the new costumes on. Its just one theater . . .

Not doing the seasonal overlay is probably some middle manager's way of saving a buck or two and look good to corporate. If we all wrote letters saying we were planning on boycotting WDW for a couple years while they get their act together, maybe that would help.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
One of my daughter's favorite movies. And she likes to quote the line, "What a time two toucans have making love!" lol.

I can deal with them sparing little Buford as long as there is still a great big puh-huddle of blood on the ground.
A few years ago there was a thread about the inappropriateness of that song. It got pretty funny because this one person kept insisting that the song was about the female anatomy. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
No got pretty heated too...pretty sure that's why the thread got closed and locked up. I don't remember if it was a troll or just some poor misguided soul.

It's a funny way to look at the song (I will admit I got a bit of a chuckle out of it), but to really think that was the meaning... that's just really, really weird. There are way too many uptight folk these days who look too deeply into things. :confused:


Well-Known Member
I admit, I'm in support of tightening up the show.

I think the way they edited the Tiki Room was brilliant (other than the abrupt cut in the Hawaiian War Chant). I was particularly impressed with how they removed unnecssary dialogue and pauses and rearranged other lines to improve the pacing. Unless you held a script or had the original show memorized, you'd never know something was missing or different.

As I said years ago in support of the Tiki Room changes, this is not a matter of "short attention spans". Its a matter of audience sophistication and artistic timing. In the 1960's and 70's, audiences were amazed to simply watch robotic figures banter with each other. Both the original Tiki and CBJ have several spots where the show was stretched just to allow these figures a little more time to talk with each other. That's overkill these days. Also, most fans will tell you that the original Disneyland Fantasmic show is better than its "expanded" Florida cousin, in part because its pacing is much better without the lengthy "bubbles" sequence.

For example, the following sequence adds nothing to the show but time, and is even a bit confusing:

Aren't you going to help me out over there Henry? Goodnes gracious! What do you think we have you on the show fer.
Now Wendell.
You're supposed to pick.
Now Wendell please.
Ah, If you can't cut it, just lay out.
Well let's not fight now, cause we got work to do here.
Let's do it.

Also, as much as I despise things being done for politically correct reasons, I support the removal of "Little Buford".

My problem is that it takes me out of the moment whenever I hear it (and by the hesitant giggles and awkward glances from audience members, I think most others get distracted, too). I don't think "aww, a classic American folk song." I think "wow, its amazing that after Columbine, Virginia Tech, and Aurora CO a theme park is literally sticking to its guns with a song suggesting a kid should be shot." By no fault of Disney, a once-wholesome show takes on a new meaning 40 years later. And the last place I want to be reminded of such horrors--even if its just the momentary amazement that such a song is still being played--- is at a theme park. This isn't being politically correct. I don't think twice when I pass the shooting gallery on my way to see Jungle Cruise skippers and pirates firing guns. It's just that the biggest NRA supporter will tell you guns aren't meant to harm people who are simply stupid as Buford is. Sadly, in these modern times a funny folk song loses some of its comedic innocence. (For the record, I also get taken out of the moment whenever I hear the Three Caballeros sing about being "gay". Words and meanings change over the decades!)

Um.... Buford is a dog. Not a kid.

It is a riff on being upset at a dog that doesn't understand why the owner is upset. The shooting him is a riff. Hyperbole. Get it? The show is not supporting shooting dogs. It is an exaggeration not founded in reality.

So basically, they are looking at cutting 3 of the 4 biggest laughs of the show.

1. Buford
2. All the guys who turn me on turn me down
3. Big Al

The only one staying is

4. Trixie -- THE FAT DRUNK CHICK! Really, isn't that lush more offensive than the others?


Active Member
wait, unless i missed something in this thread one of the rumored cuts is BIG AL??? (says a little prayer for all those Guest Commumications CM's who have no say on the issue but will hav e to deal w/ lots of complaints if that DOES happen.

The Duck

Well-Known Member
Um.... Buford is a dog. Not a kid.

It is a riff on being upset at a dog that doesn't understand why the owner is upset. The shooting him is a riff. Hyperbole. Get it? The show is not supporting shooting dogs. It is an exaggeration not founded in reality.

Here's the complete song by Homer and Jethro and I don't think they're singing about a dog. Regardless, I hope they don't cut any of the show. I love the Bears just the way they are.


Well-Known Member
i think the problem with the bears is that to someone who has come to the MK for the first time and doesn't know their history about the attraction, some of the lyrics could be considered inappropriate. ok, most of them. my husband who had never been before our last visit was a bit shocked about the sun bonnets singing 'every guy that turns me on, turns me down'.
i think wha they need to do is explain somewhere the history of the attraction, where it came from, how old it is, but keep it how it is now. it sucks that they want to take songs out; why can't they just change the lyrics? i hope they get voice actors as close to the original as possible. i think the host voice is still alive as he was interviewed for armchair archivists a few months ago with the current mickey mouse. also, i hope they don't touch max and the other two heads above the door. i'd be most upset.

Master Yoda

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Well-Known Member
I know this is just from wiki.... but I found this interesting....

"At Disney World, the Christmas Special stopped in 2005, but returned in 2012."


Would be nice if true!!

Most exciting thing I've heard in a while. Maybe if they need more time to edit the original show, or even add some new songs, they'll put up the Christmas Show for the holidays while they work on it?

If only there was a link for the article.


Well-Known Member
If they're going to take out the stuff that a few squeaky wheels find offensive, they're going to take out the best parts of the show. Rather than dumb it down, they should just shut it down and put some other bland, boring, non-offensive thing in there. Either have the Country Bears or don't have them...but don't take everything good out and leave the remnants there.


Well-Known Member
If they're going to take out the stuff that a few squeaky wheels find offensive, they're going to take out the best parts of the show. Rather than dumb it down, they should just shut it down and put some other bland, boring, non-offensive thing in there. Either have the Country Bears or don't have them...but don't take everything good out and leave the remnants there.
I never found the Jamboree offensive at all ever, and I doubt if guests really realize the slightly offensive slangs in the show.

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