The writing is on the wall. I don't know why we don't want to learn from these other countries and do something before we get to the point where we are playing catch up with the virus. I said it at the start of this thread and I'll say it again. China took drastic steps after it was full blown to try and play catch up with the virus and look where that got them. Weeks later finally seeing some decline. Do we want to go through that? Wait too long to do something and then chase the virus? People keep saying it's older people etc that it affects the most so they don't worry much. Well that's pretty selfish. I worry about unknowingly spreading it more than getting it myself. The "I" culture here is going to bite us in the butt. A perfect example was the guy that decided to break quarantine to go to a party. That kind of mind set may not kill him but it may kill those most vulnerable and that to me is unacceptable. I don't care that "we don't have all the numbers because many that are sick don't get checked". I see the numbers the CDC and WHO provide and I want to do my part to make sure we don't end up like China. If that means we cant go on our trip in May, then so be it.