Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
Also, the 29 alcoholic car crashes are just deaths, not counting injuries that take up, you guessed it, hospital beds. It is not the only issue but imagine if we pushed this problem the same way we are pushing this. There is much to improve with the same attention.
This is my point.
The root to all problems is always selfishness of some sort.

No worries DisneyDebRob.
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Well-Known Member
DeWine just finished speaking. No quarantine. National Guard is assisting with things like groceries, not keep people confined in their homes... and....he made...No announcement of extended school closures!!!

I can breathe again.

...for one more day. :) I know we like day-to-day updated (justifiably), but we're really in a mode where we need to be in a holding pattern until the end of next week and see where we are.


Well-Known Member
Yes, we could lump them in. Except that some obese person eating fried chicken is not going to kill me, or harm my health. Nor is someone who obeys DUI laws (including other drugs) and no-smoking areas.
Of course if the states were raising a 3 or 4 dollars per bucket of chicken in a chicken tax, well then you would never see any push to stop fried chicken... which is the problem with tobacco and alcohol... so long as the state makes money from its use they will never deal with it the way they should because they prefer money over lives. I mean why do we take away the drivers license of a drunk driver and not the persons right to buy alcohol? The person probably knows how to drive perfectly well when they are sober, but clearly they don't know how to handle their alcohol... but we go after the drivers license instead of the beer... why? probably because the states make more money if the drunk driver keeps buying beer and alcohol and don't lose much at all if all he loses is the right to drive.


Well-Known Member
Of course if the states were raising a 3 or 4 dollars per bucket of chicken in a chicken tax, well then you would never see any push to stop fried chicken... which is the problem with tobacco and alcohol... so long as the state makes money from its use they will never deal with it the way they should because they prefer money over lives. I mean why do we take away the drivers license of a drunk driver and not the persons right to buy alcohol? The person probably knows how to drive perfectly well when they are sober, but clearly they don't know how to handle their alcohol... but we go after the drivers license instead of the beer... why? probably because the states make more money if the drunk driver keeps buying beer and alcohol and don't lose much at all if all he loses is the right to drive.

Well said.

The Mom

Premium Member
Also, the 29 alcoholic car crashes are just deaths, not counting injuries that take up, you guessed it, hospital beds. It is not the only issue but imagine if we pushed this much to improve this is my point.
The root to all problems is always selfishness of some sort sort.

No worries DisneyDebRob.

They have closed all bars in my area, and restaurants have to limit customers to no more than 50. I wonder if we will see a drop in drunk driving over this? Tough for all of the servers losing their jobs, though.


Well-Known Member
Well, wait. Did the man have a pre existing medical condition that caused complications after contracting corona?
Are we sure he contracted corona in WDW?

He could have contracted corona anywhere (yes including WDW).

I guess we will never know. This is just clickbait for TMZ


Well-Known Member
They have closed all bars in my area, and restaurants have to limit customers to no more than 50. I wonder if we will see a drop in drunk driving over this? Tough for all of the servers losing their jobs, though.
I would hope we'd see a big decrease, but with the number of people who willingly get behind the wheel of a car after drinking...say, to purchase groceries...I'm not sure we will. The added strain of being home-bound is likely going to result in more alcohol-related issues than less.


Well-Known Member
I’m honestly not saying this to goad you, but I think you should start preparing for the fact that school closures will indeed be extended. There is a pattern emerging, and it’s better to plan for it rather than hope against hope that your son’s school isn’t going to be affected.

All I want is for our leaders to take this on a two week basis. As of now DeWine has until April 3rd to make the decision to extend. Wait to announce anything until we know more information and are close to that date.

Millions of families do not have any good options in this scenario. I know that to several people here an extra $750 per week (or even any amount) for unforeseen additional childcare expenses may sound like it’s no big deal, but to many families it will be. That’s if you can even find the care. These are school aged kids who do not have daycare centers or camps available to them during this time. How many of those parents will even be able to continue to work, logistically, at least in their current jobs? There are so many factors here that there should not be any announcement until absolutely need be.
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Well-Known Member
Well, wait. Did the man have a pre existing medical condition that caused complications after contracting corona?
Are we sure he contracted corona in WDW?

He could have contracted corona anywhere (yes including WDW).

I guess we will never know. This is just clickbait for TMZ
They said he had a history of asthma and bronchitis in childhood and that he was a testicular cancer survivor.

Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
Well, wait. Did the man have a pre existing medical condition that caused complications after contracting corona?
Are we sure he contracted corona in WDW?

He could have contracted corona anywhere (yes including WDW).

I guess we will never know. This is just clickbait for TMZ

The article says he had asthma and frequent bronchitis as a kid, but outgrew it as he got older. That puts him in the higher-risk category but it's still scary to hear.


Well-Known Member
It didn’t pass yet. It most likely won’t get pass the Senate in its current form but something is coming. NY Governor was already talking about 90 day forbearance for mortgages (meaning you make no payment for 3 months then they add those months to the back end of the loan). Some form of relief is coming. The checks for individuals is still up for debate but they are deciding how much not if.

In my state....

"I'd like an order of nachos and 5 cases of beer please...."

The Mom

Premium Member
I would hope we'd see a big decrease, but with the number of people who willingly get behind the wheel of a car after drinking...say, to purchase groceries...I'm not sure we will. The added strain of being home-bound is likely going to result in more alcohol-related issues than less.

Safer for strangers driving on the road with you, but more dangerous for your own family. Our local groceries are closing at 8PM. I suppose some peole who usually went out clubbing or usually stopped for a "drink or two" after work could start drinking earlier in the day now that they're stuck at home, but social drinkers might be less of a threat. Certainly my husband and I did not start drinking more upon retirement, and unless we have company for brunch, a holiday meal midday, etc we do not drink any alcohol until evening.


Well-Known Member
I've thought that myself. They want the government to move heaven and earth to fight a virus that in one estimate is going to killed 480,000 Americans.. which coincidentally is the same number that die each year from tobacco either from direct use or second hand smoke.... and the half a million from tobacco is going to happen year after year after year... this virus is most likely going to be a one off event like the Hong Kong flu or Swine flu...

If people really care about human lives why don't they push the government to ban all tobacco? Instead the government just uses tobacco to raise billions in tax revenue. Lord only knows if the politicians find a way to generate tax revenue from the coronavirus it will be here forever.

Lol. There are two constants in life. Death and Taxes. I totally agree, it there is a tax for getting corona it will be the true double whammy and they will find a way to keep it here for forever.

That being said, we have no idea if this is a one off event or if this is just going to become an endemic disease. If I was betting money I’d place it in endemic disease, but honestly, at this point in time no one knows.

If it did become endemic this will eventually end up in the conversation with drunk driving, smoking, breast cancer, prostate cancer colon cancer, etc. The public health officials will have to determine bang for healthcare buck in terms of cost of QALYs per dollar. (QALY stands for quality adjusted life year. A unit they use in public Health to help quantify healthcare measures. 1 is the best and 0 being the lowest). Vaccines give great QALY value and are some of the biggest bang for buck. One childhood vaccine that prevents polio can potentially give back 70+ QALYs. (70 years of health compared to death or severe disability.)

Some not as great on the value interventions are cancer treatments or bypass surgery. Not saying we shouldn’t do it, just compared to vaccines these are significantly more expensive. A vaccine may be $30 dollars vs a CABG (coronary artery bypass graft) which would be $30000+ dollars (estimate). The CABG is typically done on 60+ year olds. You may buy 10-20 more years of life, but at this age the health may not be as good so instead of a QALY if 1.0 it may be more like 0.7. So you may buy 7-14 QALYs for $30,000 instead of 70 QALYs for $30 for the vaccine.

Ultimately, if this is a one off event this discussion is irrelevant and hopefully it is. However, if not, public health officials will definitely be discussing QALYs, when deciding where to devote healthcare dollars. That being said, there is almost nothing out there cheaper than vaccines from a QALY/dollar standpoint.

(Disclaimer: I have simplified the explanation and calculations of QALYs a little, but the main point is still intact.)


Well-Known Member
They have closed all bars in my area, and restaurants have to limit customers to no more than 50. I wonder if we will see a drop in drunk driving over this? Tough for all of the servers losing their jobs, though.
Maybe a few, but of the DUI drivers I've known none were leaving a bar it was after leaving parties at someones house or just going and drinking at a friends house. It could even result in more drunk drivers with people going to drink at friends house where their may be even less pressure from however hold the bottle to tell someone that they've had enough.


Well-Known Member
Safer for strangers driving on the road with you, but more dangerous for your own family. Our local groceries are closing at 8PM. I suppose some peole who usually went out clubbing or usually stopped for a "drink or two" after work could start drinking earlier in the day now that they're stuck at home, but social drinkers might be less of a threat. Certainly my husband and I did not start drinking more upon retirement, and unless we have company for brunch, a holiday meal midday, etc we do not drink any alcohol until evening.
Yeah, we're the exception in both our families because I maybe have only a glass of wine or two a week and hubby rarely even has one drink. Unfotunately, we know a lot of people who tend to drink under stress, so this whole thing is not a good scenario for them or their families/significant others.
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