Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
We got my daughter a phone not too long ago, and I am certainly glad we did. Texting and some video calls (she uses Duo) have been a blessing.
Our oldest has had one since he was 7 (so early so we could track him at Disney if he got separated from us because he gets VERY easily distracted). He's 14 now, and this is the first year he's been texting and calling his's been great. (ETA: Autism tends to put a HUGE dent in social stuff, so for our family, this is HUGE.)
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Well-Known Member
I especially feel bad for the high school seniors. Last semester of school, prom, and graduation all down the toilet. :(

And adding to that... won’t be much of a chance of moving out anytime soon. The job opportunities will be very limited.

I mean college kids that had planned to finish up school are now living back at home indenfinitely.

It will be a very long time before the economy turns around... this is global.


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In the Parks
Out of curiosity, do you have kids? Because that is not my kid or any of her friends. she would much rather be learning from her teachers in a classroom than trying to do it remotely with mom and dad. And she misses her friends and sports terribly.

I've got three kids and they're happy to be not at school (my four year is happy, but also loves school so hopes this is done soon so he can go back to Pre-K). You're going to get a wide gamut.


Well-Known Member
On a side not, does anybody have any links to articles that explain what on earth is going on in Italy with respect to this virus? They locked down the entire country ten days ago but are still clearly on the upslope of the outbreak curve and it doesn't really seem to be flattening there. I know the incubation period can be 14 days or longer but it can also be as short as two days. Surely, all of these positive tests weren't people infected before 3/9?

The upslope of the curve in South Korea only lasted about a week and that is with doing a ton of testing that would lead to more confirmed mild or asymptomatic cases.

I realize that Italy skews older in demographics but their mortality rate is over 8% of confirmed cases which is over twice that of China (assuming those numbers are somewhat accurate) and significantly higher than other Western countries.

Are they only testing and confirming very ill patients?


Well-Known Member
They are planning on all year in our state, stamps. It just hasn't been officially announced yet. (And as an optimist, I still hold out hope it won't be).

As a side note for those "homeschooling", my daughter is loving this series of lessons from Khan academy/Disney imagineering:

I’m not willing to accept that yet. I don’t know what I will do if it happens. Thanks for posting the video, though! I’ll show it to kiddo.

Out of curiosity, do you have kids? Because that is not my kid or any of her friends. she would much rather be learning from her teachers in a classroom than trying to do it remotely with mom and dad. And she misses her friends and sports terribly.

Exactly. This is not summer. Kids miss their teachers, their friends, their extracurriculars, their spring sports season that got cut short before their first games, after training so hard all winter. And so many who never got to finish their season of winter sports.. so many who never got to play their last ever game for their school and with kids they’ve been playing with for most of their lives. No end of season parties or completed tournaments.

There’s kids who are an only child now left home alone and only company is their parent/s for a portion of the day. There’s parents who are trying to homeschool multiple kids of multiple ages at home, when never expected to do so. Many parents who are doing that while also working from home, and many others who are trying to homeschool while also working full time outside of the home.

There may be some kids who are enjoying this. Most are probably not.

Yeah, and sports kids that have trained for years and lose their last season (and Juniors are missing the chance to show off for college scouts and perhaps earn a scholarship).
It’s all just so sad for them.


Well-Known Member
I’m extremely close to his age.... Yes. Scary.
What’s even more scary.... he probably didn’t have to die if he had gotten proper medical care.

Edit to add- he went to the ER and was sent home. He did what he was supposed to do.

Yep - I’m the same age, an asthmatic, and it just scares me so much. Let alone some of my older family members who have COPD and other health conditions.

It’s so scary, so sad.


Premium Member
Yep - I’m the same age, an asthmatic, and it just scares me so much. Let alone some of my older family members who have COPD and other healthy conditions.

It’s so scary, so sad.
Hits home for all of us too since most people here are regular visitors to WDW. It could have just as easily been me there at the same time and it’s not like they were even talking about a lock down back then.


Well-Known Member
On a side not, does anybody have any links to articles that explain what on earth is going on in Italy with respect to this virus? They locked down the entire country ten days ago but are still clearly on the upslope of the outbreak curve and it doesn't really seem to be flattening there. I know the incubation period can be 14 days or longer but it can also be as short as two days. Surely, all of these positive tests weren't people infected before 3/9?

The upslope of the curve in South Korea only lasted about a week and that is with doing a ton of testing that would lead to more confirmed mild or asymptomatic cases.

I realize that Italy skews older in demographics but their mortality rate is over 8% of confirmed cases which is over twice that of China (assuming those numbers are somewhat accurate) and significantly higher than other Western countries.

Are they only testing and confirming very ill patients?
One of the reasons given is that Italy’s median age is 47 compared to 37 in China and 38 in the US.
They have more people over89,90 and 100 then any industrialized nation except Japan. They also aren’t at the 14 day lockout so we all know what that means.

The Mom

Premium Member
I wish people were this cautious or concerned about Second Hand Smoke or Drunk Driving. Someone can't stop into a low capacity low interaction coffee shop or check on a friend, but 29 people die a day in the United States from Drunk Driving Accidents alone and it is just acceptable. We can do something about that as much as we can do about this. You can argue both are selfish, that is fine. But they are both able to have a lower risk of by abiding by things.

We have laws against drunk driving. I suspect that the people who are being cautious about spreading this virus are the same people who don't drink and drive, smoke, etc.


Well-Known Member

Interesting choice by TMZ to include "Disney World" in the headline but not Universal where he also visited. They could have just said "Florida Theme Parks" or something like that.

One other comment, in general, if you are coughing up blood you should seek medical attention immediately wherever you are. Don't get on a plane and fly back home. Who knows if that would have made a difference in this case but if you potentially have a serious medical condition, an airplane is the last place you want to be. An emergency diversion is going to take at least 20 minutes no matter where you are and then you have to get to the hospital from the airport.

I was on a flight once that had a "precautionary landing" in Tampa due to a flight deck indication of fire in the avionics bay. We were at cruising altitude somewhere north of Tampa, flying north. The pilots descended rapidly and landed in Tampa as quickly as possible (including doing low altitude S-turns over Tampa Bay to slow down) and it was over 15 minutes to land. That's with a potential fire on board that is pretty much the highest priority emergency a pilot has to deal with.


Well-Known Member
We have laws against drunk driving. I suspect that the people who are being cautious about spreading this virus are the same people who don't drink and drive, smoke, etc.

For sure there is overlap, it is the same root, selfishness. There are not many laws for second hand smoke, but we could improve our laws, if we get to the point of martial law of social assembly, is that any less of an infringement on freedom as prohbition?
The liquor stores remaining open and people stocking up for home after the bars closed tells you something.


Well-Known Member
One of the reasons given is that Italy’s median age is 47 compared to 37 in China and 38 in the US.
They have more people over89,90 and 100 then any industrialized nation except Japan. They also aren’t at the 14 day lockout so we all know what that means.

I get that but they don't have twice as many people in the older age groups than China or 5 times as many as the US.

The Mom

Premium Member
I’m in!! I’ll never turn down Skyline. Now I’m going to have to go there

We did a take out from our favorite restaurant last night. All of the "paperwork" was done over the phone so it was a matter of stepping in, picking a bag up, and running back to the car - with a tip in an envelope left for our favorite server - who stood a safe distance back from the counter.

Again, I wish TBTB would use the term physical distancing - it is a better description of what we should be doing. Unless you live in a congested urban area (like NYC) you can, and should, go for a walk. Just avoid any close contact with others outside of your immediate family.
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