Premium Member
I think there may possibly be more to the story with them halting it right now because 6 seems so low based on how many have gotten the shot. I hope it’s just a precaution though but I’m just as surprised as mostI already got the Moderna vaccine but I would have no issue with getting the JnJ vaccine right now if I hadn’t already gotten one. Less than 1 person for every million vaccinated has even had an issue with clots and there is no guarantee those people actually got the clots from the vaccine. How many of them were on birth control pills? A much more common risk factor for the same clots. All 6 people impacted were women in the age range where birth control is common. I would hope that information comes out at some point.
JnJ overall still has less side effects than the other vaccines. I wouldn’t classify any of them as high risk or even any risk really (the risk level is so low statistically it rounds to zero). All just my opinion, but you are twice as likely to get struck by lightning than get a blood clot from the JnJ vaccine.
regardless this isn’t going to help confidence levels with all of this