Sort of a repeat... I got a little hate mail on the first post.
DW & I, at 68, were lucky enough to complete our MODERNA regime. From a good three months ago? I've been advising my four children to opt for Pzizer, or Moderna vaccination. WHY? - because the efficacy is superior.
Now? I tell our children the efficacy is superior, AND the risk is lower.
"Warp Speed" was always a bit risky. My personal take is that out of 4 vaccines, 2 have proven to be safe, and very effective. Go with the WINNERS, and CHEER for the rate at which two effective vaccines have been developed

J&J, and Astrazeneca appear to have fundamental basic technology issues. Yes, they might be "good enough" - but I have to ask how much better things would be if the production facilities for this "stuff" simply got co-opted to produce the WINNERS.
This was a race. In any race? There are winners, and losers'.
"All personal opinion - I'm not necessarily right, no one else is necessarily wrong.
Post immediately deleted, when hate mail arises."