But you know as well as I do that the going narrative is Covid is no big deal for anyone who is young and healthy. The fact that young and healthy people are ending up in the hospital is proof that’s simply not true and never was. The focus for months before vaccines was deaths. Young and healthy are not dying so Covid is no risk. Silly, but that’s the way a lot of people think. Now that the old and “unhealthy” are vaccinated at a high level and out of the mix for hospitalization the percent of young people hospitalized is going way up. Overall hospitalizations are still down, but the point is that some additional focus, like the attached article, will shed light on the fact that people who are young and healthy can and are still ending up in the hospital.
I also think the focus should shift to why that’s a bad outcome. Some people still say, “yeah they are getting hospitalized but they still aren’t dying in large numbers”. While that is true there are other negative outcomes from getting severe Covid and dying. You could have long term medical issues from lung damage or blood clots, you will likely be out of work for even longer than standard quarantine and either burn through paid time off or go without pay depending on your job, unless you have great health insurance you are getting slapped with a medical bill for at least a co-pay and even an 80/20 split where you pay 20% you could still face $10K plus in bills.