What should the federal government be responsible for?
1. Helping through the powers it has (DPA, etc.) to get supply chain problems resolved? Yes. Though privately held companies can decline giving the government the visibility into the supply chain if they are not entangled with federal funds. (Example: Pfizer). Should the government force them to divulge their business process?
2. Helping the interstate transport of supplies and final product? Yes.
3. Help getting the word out to the public on vaccination? Yes
4. Help inform states on their part in the process? Yes
5. Provide protocols and frameworks? Yes.
6. Force states to strictly adhere to the protocols and frameworks? No.
Command economies fail, and we are a union of states, who reserve powers and rights granted to them by the public. Allowing local decisions, responsibilities, and accountability can serve to make a more effective outcome. Rural Alaska is not Disneyworld, or Brooklyn, NY. Each have their unique strengths and problems, which are more apparent to local powers than the national ones. If a state or locality fail, should we as people help in order to save lives? Yes.
The government has done work such as operation Warp Speed. If there are faults in the execution, then debriefing, acknowledging and correcting those issues is a healthy response for the federal government. But states cannot lie down and say the federal government is responsible for everything in our state, we do not have to do anything. That would be irresponsible, and I do not think any reasonable state government would do that. States do customize the protocols and frameworks developed by the federal government (Such as CDC) for their unique local priorities. That is being responsible.
A clear line of responsibility is the delivery of the vaccine to the states as coordinated through the federal government. If they have failed at getting those vaccines to the states, that is a fault in the federal government. While if the states fail to set and enforce vaccine priorities, or local distribution and storage, that would be their fault. If we as public do not get vaccinated when it is available to us, that would be our fault.