heres my crazy plan. although I agree with the idea of pushing forward and adding something that revitalizes the word Contemporary, I think something like this can be more conservative and still add a whole new dimension to the resort.
keep the same layout as before, but add two new buildings (three including the hub) and add an extra 3 or 4 floors to each building.
in the plan above, the buildings are sitting on the water, imagineers would have to work on a plan to be able to construct on there (something a long the lines of the palms in dubai) between one of the new buildings and an existing building (on the north side) would be a new pool complex...they can have a lot of fun here and create something really cool.
south of the dvc complex and right next to the tower would be a 'dvc hub' an atrium of sorts keeping the open/airy contemporary theme and itll include a nice mini lobby (perhaps seperate check in?) and more rooms.
thats something I think would fly, with added floors (more rooms) it will still have a high capicity without jepordizing the view from the tower.
hope some of this makes sense, im still burnt from a longs day...:king: