Well, that's news to me! I really hadn't thought of that, but MK in WDW is the only one of the parks that has a giganic number of strollers. That should be changed. They need to step in the footsteps of the guests for a day and see what it is like for all of us who are being run over, and for those of us who have to dodge 50+ strollers parked throughout the park on the major paths.
Now imagine being one of the parents pushing a stroller. Not only are you being run over by other strollers just as often as the non-stroller pushing people, but you are also contending with angry non-stroller pushing people getting angry at you for inconveniencing them by blocking their way, judging you for having a stroller when your kid is obviously too old for it, and/or concluding that you are a fool for bringing your kid to WDW at such a young age.
So I have walked "in the footsteps of the guests for a day and see what it is like for all of us who are being run over, and those of us who have to dodge 50+ strollers parked throughout the park..." I have also walked in the footsteps of the parent with the stroller. I can assure you that I'd rather be the non-stroller pusher than the stroller pusher any day.
I greatly understand those who have small children, the problem is: many people get a stroller who have 10+ year olds. That is when the system of stroller rentals is abused. I have seen MANY in MK with no child in their stroller, instead the seat is filled with souvineers from their visit. Other than that, I think that some people are free to get a stroller for their young children, since it does help in keeping them happy during a hot day in a Disney park...
When I go to the MK or any Disney park with my 3 year old, I will have a stroller. Factor out time that we're on attractions or eating and the stroller is therefore parked in stroller parking, and I would estimate that he is in the stroller about 60% of the time. Why is he out so much? Let's see...
- In the bathroom with one parent while the other waits.
- Riding a kiddie ride with one parent while the other goes to get food/drink/souvineers
- He's tired of being strapped into the stroller and needs to walk for a while, even though there's no way he could walk the whole day.
- Stroller was left at a central location while multiple attractions were taken in, and I'm now retrieving the stroller, leaving son with my spouse while I bring it back.
When my son is in his stroller, I'm carrying a bag with his stuff, a camera, money, keys, whatever we have purchased that day, etc. That gets old after a few hours, so you can bet that if he's not in the stroller at a particular time, I'm gonna take a load off and put the bag in the stroller.