It appears to me that you read the words, but, you don't understand them at all. This was never an argument about how cool it is that they have Monorails or that any of us advocate getting rid of the ones that exists. You asked for a monorail to be extended to AK, strictly because you would like to see that. There is no purpose or reason, other then imaginary reasons, to spend that kind of cash to put one up. What the rest of us, at least me and others, have been trying to point out is not whether or not it would be nice to have one, but, the real life reasons why it isn't going to happen. You refuse to accept that, which is too bad because it is going to lead to a lifetime of frustration.
It is a simple measure of common sense that explains why it isn't going to happen, so why even discuss it. And especially why get your feathers all ruffled over it. It isn't cost effective, it isn't really needed for transportation, AK is no further away from anything then the others and with the exception of MK and Epcot... there is no direct link. Even that doesn't have a direct link unless you want to ignore the time consuming transfer at TTC. Myself and others have detailed a number of reasons why, some were ignored and some were scoffed at as if the absolutely only reason, no other, is they don't want to spend the money. The decision to not spend the money stems from many facts and realities. All reasons listed play a part in that decision to not extend the line. A company that just approved a 3 Billion dollar upgrade will spend money if it has merit. This has none, they have a big system set up to take anyone that wants to go to AK a way to do it. The time waiting for a bus, is probably less then what it would take to make the connection with a Monorail at TTC.
My mother used to have the same complaint about airlines. "why don't they just have planes that go directly to every city in the U.S. so I don't have to transfer."