Confirmed! Spaceship Earth completed according to Disney email


Active Member
Can they at least do something with the newspaper boy? It's kinda wierd that he's looking away instead of at us. Maybe the imagineers damaged him and they want to cover up the damage.
Thats Because he lookslike the lady from Superman III ( you know the one that merged with the computer):ROFLOL:

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I can't believe people are complaining about this one portion of the ride so much.

Its not just any portion of the ride, its the ending. The ending is one of, if not the most important part of any ride like it would be to a movie. Have a bad ending and the whole movie/ride can be ruined. The ending has to be THAT effective. The ending on the current SSE is not effective in the slightest, therefor, the whole ride is considered lesser despite the improvemens in the beginning.

Anyways, it really is sad that WDI has sunk so low. They have had a few successes of late, but quite a few turkeys as well like SGE, Monsters Inc, LMAX, and others. And it really is a shame that SSE is a complete shadow of its former self.


Well-Known Member
I don't really think the imagineers "gave" us anything. For the price to go into Disney World, we "pay" for the experience. The ENTIRE ride should be excellent in quality. For those who didn't like the previous endings and don't find this any worse... are you suggesting that it is, in fact, an improvement? If it were a free experience, I wouldn't complain, but come on, it's Disney.

My point is they had the chance to "wow" every single person riding the ride any they didn't do it. They had the chance to give us an ending that would be remembered, loved, and enjoyed. Anytime when a company has the chance to improve something and doesn't do it, they've wasted their time and money. And that's what the ending is to me. Is it an improvment? Unless you think so, then you probably agree with me when I say they just wasted a lot of money and spent a lot of unnecessary time working on an ending no one really cares about. It was best left untouched if they had no intention of improving (and if they thought the touch screens were an improvement we need some more creative imagineers working).

Why not try to motivate Disney to make the ending better, when it could be? I don't know about you, but writing Disney about improving the ending, especially if you agree it can be improved, is a great idea. There could be so more more to it... I mean, a little creativity could do the attraction some good, especially where there is plenty of space for more.


I am no means picking on one particular poster but these types of comments:

Irk me to no end.

This is the equivalent of saying "If I don't agree with you then I am of the unwashed masses and not a true Disney fan". It is an attitude that is prevalent and sad on these boards. Just because everyone doesn't share your opinion doesn't mean they are ignorant or an average tourist.

Some of us actually do get the message of Epcot that was and is being marketed and find it tiring. It doesn't mean that we are less of a person or more average than you, just different.

Again, not singling out a single poster just an overall attitude I have noticed on the boards.

When I wrote that I wasn't trying to make anyone feel like any less of a person, and I'm very sorry if I came off that way. What I meant by that sentence was that I think that WDI did what they thought the most people could enjoy. I honestly do not think that the "average tourists" at WDW are stupid or brainless. The ending is not mindless. I meant that WDI did what they felt would appeal to the widest audience, and it seems that meant they dropped most of the dramatics. My point was that WDI doesn't have to do what some of the "true Disney fans" want, and doesn't have to listen to what a small group of fans think. They are designing for every visitor, whether they know anything about Epcot or not. Please understand that I'm in no way trying or intending to make my opinion bigger or more important than anyone else's. And there's nothing wrong with tourists. I live no where near Florida, so anytime I am in WDW, I am a tourist!

Thank you for pointing it out. You gave me a chance to think about what I said and clarify my words. I'm a Disney fan, but by no means an expert on the subject. Nor am I any better than anyone else who rides Spaceship Earth. I know you're not trying to pick on just me, but I do feel bad about sounding like I think I'm better than everyone else.

"I'll see you in the future." :wave:

EDIT: I edited my other posts for clarity's sake. I think its time for me to stop posting in the SSE threads, which I should have a long time ago.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Its not just any portion of the ride, its the ending. The ending is one of, if not the most important part of any ride like it would be to a movie. Have a bad ending and the whole movie/ride can be ruined. The ending has to be THAT effective. The ending on the current SSE is not effective in the slightest, therefor, the whole ride is considered lesser despite the improvemens in the beginning.

Anyways, it really is sad that WDI has sunk so low. They have had a few successes of late, but quite a few turkeys as well like SGE, Monsters Inc, LMAX, and others. And it really is a shame that SSE is a complete shadow of its former self.
Ugh, i guess we have to bring up the same obvious point over and over again, and again, and again, that SSE has NEVER had a good ending. Why? Well, for the SAME reason the ride up to the caveman scene sucks.....SPACE. You ride up in a leg, and you come down in a leg. Where exactly do you expect them to build these elaborate scenes that you all seem to want so desperately?

There have NEVER been elaborate scenes, and there NEVER will be.

Now, if you want to discuss the 180 top area, where the old space scene used to be waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day, then by all means, lets discuss, but ENOUGH about the decent. It's barely different than it was before. You had lights to look at before, and now you have lights to look at a screen.

What's that? You miss the song Tomorrow's Child? Ok, then, let's talk about music. It still has NOTHING to do with visual effects that NEVER existed.


Account Suspended
Ugh, i guess we have to bring up the same obvious point over and over again, and again, and again, that SSE has NEVER had a good ending. Why? Well, for the SAME reason the ride up to the caveman scene sucks.....SPACE. You ride up in a leg, and you come down in a leg. Where exactly do you expect them to build these elaborate scenes that you all seem to want so desperately?

There have NEVER been elaborate scenes, and there NEVER will be.

Now, if you want to discuss the 180 top area, where the old space scene used to be waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day, then by all means, lets discuss, but ENOUGH about the decent. It's barely different than it was before. You had lights to look at before, and now you have lights to look at a screen.

What's that? You miss the song Tomorrow's Child? Ok, then, let's talk about music. It still has NOTHING to do with visual effects that NEVER existed.

That's simply not true.

The only "cramped" part of the descent is the final bit after you turn 90 degrees - where you would of been facing the cityscape model. The area for that model was large and is now empty.

The video phone sequence required decent set pieces plus an entire area dedicated to the reflection sets - there is a massive amount of space in that portion.

The virtual classroom was large as well, not to mention the clou/gas voids areas which extend further then most scenes in the Winnie the Pooh or Snow White attractions - yet those rides have real scenes and props.


Well-Known Member
I think this thread, along with the other SE threads just proves how much we all love and enjoy Epcot and SE no matter what our personal opinions are of the new ending.
If only Disney would wake up and realize that, I would love to to have this thread and the others printed and bound into a huge stack of paper and plop it on Imagineerings front desk or whatever. Or maybe Siemens too.


I can't believe people are complaining about this one portion of the ride so much. Imagineering has given you all so much in the way of SSE! The wand came down, all the AA's and scenes have been fixed up, you got a new narration with Judy Dench who everyone was just raving about months ago, and you got an awesome post-show area! Not to mention the nice new night time lighting on the trees outside! Quit your complaining people and be thankful for everything else we've gotten!!

I completely agree. We hold Disney to a higher standard then most things in life because Disney itself holds itself to a higher standard. Here is a question? From the time that SSE closed for refurbishment up until right now of all the changes they made is the ride better or worse? I am not asking about the just the descent, or just the new audio, but as a ride overall? I have personally not experienced it yet but from what is being reported the things that they did to enhance they ride very much outweigh one or two small problems that i may have. The ride overall from what i have seen has been "plussed (sp?)" from the post show area, to the new audio, and people are even saying that the descent now isn't so bad that they have tweaked it. Your thoughts? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I already posted once, but I was really tired at that time. Here's what I've picked up. One set of people are claiming that the ride had a good ending, which I disagree with completely and the other half miss the old ending or think it could be better. The first set of people are not defending the new ending, but instead are trying to say the rest of the ride is worth it -even though this whole thread is about the ending. In my opinion, the old ending was much better with better narration, story, and effects. Face it, people are suckers for the dark ride popouts (especially first time guests).

Now that there is nothing but black curtains surrounding the vehicle, really, there is no ending at all. The ending some of your are okay with is no ending. It's a survey that could be in project tomorrow, as I said in another thread, and would've had the same purpose, effect, and response. It adds no value to the ride. If the vehicle moved to the video or something like that, then it would have a reason to be on the ride, but it doesn't. You could take this ending and put it in Project Tomorrow and it would be no different, you could not do that with the old ending (due to space limitations). Really all they did was waste a lot of space and potential. Again, in my opinion, the ride ends at the top now where it used to end at the bottom. Riding the ride while taking the survey does not make the survey any better or the video better -a useless effect. Sorry for the rant, but I thought I'd try to get that point across.

I love SSE probably as much as most fans on here and as a fan of this attraction, which used to be my favorite ride in the whole resort and I am now disappointed with the ending (I used to love the old ending). Some of you may not have liked the previous endings, but please try to understand why some of us are upset, as we did like the previous endings. I could argue why the endings were good before, but that's a whole different issue. This could be so much better than it is and I think we could agree with that. I personally am hoping they change it sooner than later without replacing the whole attraction (which I do still love).


Well-Known Member
The one thing I will say about the new ending is that the descent doesn't seem to take nearly as long now. Its probably because it was new and required me to be engaged in taking the survey and then watching the video with my face on it (which is pretty neat and made me laugh, and is somewhat unique when you consider how the picture was taken and where it is showing a video on a moving ride vehicle).

My concern is that I may become quickly bored with taking the survey over and over, but I won't know until later. For now, I liked it.

It may not be as neat as elaborate show scenes, but I NEVER thought the ending had anything elaborate before. Doesn't mean they couldn't have tried or that I don't understand why one would prefer the old descent to this. However, while parts were pretty with an excellent message and great music before, I believe the idea this time around was to make something engaging to take people's minds off of the steep descent down, and right now it seems like this does the trick.

I was hoping for more around the vehicles after the soft openings, but I realize that anything outside the vehicles would distract from the screens and the screens would distract from anything outside the vehicles. So they chose one over the other. I get that, but I do agree if that is the case, they probably should have considered something different.

I imagine installing these mini-monitors on every ride vehicle, plus the computing power to process your selections and incorporate your picture into those selections on pre-exisiting ride vehicles with no such capability before wasn't a "cheap" fix by any means. Perhaps not the "best" fix, but I do believe the public is enjoying it, especially since the photo capture feature started.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
*sigh* Just be glad it wasnt turned into a coaster or a spiderman-esq ride system attraction (ala Project Gemini) guys & gals. :) :wave:
*shutters at the thought* OMG, those days and rumors were terrible. :lol:

I will never get why people want to burn down Spaceship Earth because 10% of the new refurb isn't the BEST ENDING EVER.

I guess I'm the only one who's always thought that SSE has never had the BEST ENDING EVER.
i dont think the issue (at least for me) is that it isnt THE BEST ENDING EVER, but from what i have read, been told and described it just seems cheap, doesnt make since and doesnt tell a final leg of a story.

Ugh, i guess we have to bring up the same obvious point over and over again, and again, and again, that SSE has NEVER had a good ending. Why? Well, for the SAME reason the ride up to the caveman scene sucks.....SPACE. You ride up in a leg, and you come down in a leg. Where exactly do you expect them to build these elaborate scenes that you all seem to want so desperately?

There have NEVER been elaborate scenes, and there NEVER will be.

Now, if you want to discuss the 180 top area, where the old space scene used to be waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day, then by all means, lets discuss, but ENOUGH about the decent. It's barely different than it was before. You had lights to look at before, and now you have lights to look at a screen.

What's that? You miss the song Tomorrow's Child? Ok, then, let's talk about music. It still has NOTHING to do with visual effects that NEVER existed.
i 100% disagree. did you ride the original attraction?


Well-Known Member
People need to look at this from an literal standpoint.

It's the imagineers way of letting you know something...without actually saying it.

I have yet to ride the new version...but just basing it on the reviews I've seems that the ending is the bad area...Everything leading up to the descent is fantastic.

So, let me get this straight...

The're making the ascent...and it is great all the way up to the top.

And...on the descent is starts to go down hill. Sounds like it's doing its job! :lol:


New Member
I guess I'm the only one who's always thought that SSE has never had the BEST ENDING EVER.

I have to reserve judgment on the new ending until I see it myself, but I was not overly fond of the old ending either. The best thing I can say about it is that it was... relaxing. :snore:

Though the fiber optic city OF THE FUTURE always provided a convenient excuse for my husband or I to say, "Look, dead racoon of tomorrow." :lookaroun

my opinion - the update was good for the most part... I don't entirely love that touch screen thing... it was ok but they could have done so much more with it.
The audio was better , the animatronics were better.... I do miss a few little things here and there but at the end it does seem like you have a long time with nothing really happening ... at least there is still burning rome


New Member
Merf deserves an apology

Two people who always say they are in the know and also were attacking Merf when he said this was the finished product. Telling him he had no idea what he was talking about. Corrus and Lee you know who you are. Where are you now. I made the statement I wanted to start a new thread attacking them as posting with false info like you guys did to ReDis who had about 80 pages of attacks against him. They were just as wrong about Spaceship Earth and got high and mighty about it when Merf called them out.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
thinking about this subject and the origin of the thread objectively for a bit, let remember one thing, just because you get an email reply from someone doesnt mean that it is not just a PR standard reply. if i recall, we have seen it both ways... disney endorsing an attraction then it gets shutdown and visa versa.

the email could be legit or it could be a PR standard reply. to test this, i could email the same person and see what my reply is...

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