Good Luck on that project!!!!!
And those pictures of Vancouver are beautiful!!! Especially those mountains!!!! It's just breathtaking!
Wedding is soo close!!!! :sohappy:
OMG I'm so tired, I worked all weekend to get my project up to speed. But now I'm ahead of schedule :sohappy: I finally got a "nice job" compliment from my boss. I REALLY do not suggest that any bride change jobs while in the process of planning a wedding. It has been incredibly stressful because you know you have to prove yourself when you get a new job. Luckily, I just passed my 90 day probation period so that's a good sign. I have my first quarter review right after we get back from our honeymoon. I hope and pray I get a good bonus so we can recoup some of the money we spent on the wedding! We're totally tapped out
I will never forget my drive up to Whistler! That was definitely the best drive of my life. I'm glad I got a chance to take a few pictures since I was all alone and I wanted to share the experience with people!
12 DAYS TILL WE LEAVE!!! SQUEE!!!! I can't wait to see my pal, Mickey Mouse
WOW! Beautiful Vancouver pics, that scenery is amazing! I wouldn't be able to drive to Olympic Park, my head would have been on a swivel looking at and taking everything in LOL
The drive was very interesting, I still don't really know what a kilometer is! I pretty much kept to the right lane and did the exact speed limit the whole time. People probably thought I was someone's grandmother.
I forgot to mention that I did drive to the Pacific Coliseum where the hockey and figure skating competitions took place. But, they have turned it into a generic event arena and there was some festival going on and parking was $20 so I skipped it. I could have gone to the practice rink where the figure skaters held practice sessions but I never got around to it.
Your pictures look AMAZING! I am so jealous that you were in Vancouver!! Honestly I probably would have listened to the Canada music on that drive too Maybe a whole EPCOT theme?!
Also, Robby and I ate at Teppan Edo last week (yum!) and I have some pictures on my phone of the waterfall from up higher. I think you could make it work where the wall would be covered depending on how you stand! I was thinking about your pictures during dinner and studied the wall for about 10 minutes when we left and tried to explain it all to Robby. He just smiled and nodded like a DF would :ROFLOL:
I hope we can meet while you are down here. Maybe EPCOT one night? That is if I am not working

I want to hear all about your wedding and how you felt it all turned out! Just because I know its going to be awesome and something you talk about forever!
LOL I DID do a whole EPCOT theme on my drive up to Whistler! I listened to Impressions De France a lot too because there's a big French influence in Vancouver.
Thank you so much for the idea about Teppan Edo!! Jason and I are eating there our first night so we'll scope it out
Absolutely I would love to meet everyone I can while we're there. The best times would probably be Fri 9/30 - Sun 10/2. We'll be at Food and Wine all 3 days. Sun 10/2 there is a Touring Plans meet at 2:30PM. They have not released the location yet but we'll definitely be there. We have to leave around 4PM that day to get on DME back to the airport

Let's not think about that yet!
I have spent my entire evening sitting here reading your thread Shelly and I must say that I was riveted to every post. I cannot believe all that you have gone through to make this day come true! Nothing can be simple, can it? I've tossed around the idea of a Disney wedding although I do not think it would be a good option for me since I have a rather large extended family who I would want to attend, but a girl can dream, right? After reading about your situation though it kind of does make me wary. (Although not like I'm getting married anytime soon anyway).
I just wanted to tell you that I am glad that everything worked out for you in the end and I hope that you have an amazing wedding day! Much respect to you for handling a very ugly situation so graciously. Many people would've jumped at the chance to throw Disney under the bus in the media just to get their 15 minutes of fame, but you didn't and it seems like you were rewarded for it. Things DO happen for a reason and I'm proud that you stood up for yourself.
Can't wait to hear all about your wedding and your honeymoon trip. I'll be checking in!
Thank you so much for reading! Yes, what happened with Disney was unfortunate and we are glad we got it sorted out. In the end, Disney makes everything right. I don't blame people for being wary about having a Disney wedding but keep in mind that our situation was a major exception. Plus, it wasn't all Disney Fairytale Wedding's fault. I strongly believe that the DVC division is in shambles. Recently there was a debacle with the pricing of Aulani and 3 major execs were fired. Then this whole Wedding Pavilion/Grand Floridian construction debacle happened. I'm definitely not buying into DVC now. We had actually already planned to move to Orlando instead because it would be more cost effective for us.
I gotta tell you, it was extremely difficult to keep it together during my 15 minutes of fame. I quickly realized that I do not want to be famous. I'm not the kind of person who can hear the bad things people are saying about me and just ignore it. We had mostly supporters but there were internet trolls who just said terrible things (and those things are still posted on the Touring Plans article). And I really didn't want to be on the news. It was exciting at first but we quickly realized that we just needed to come to a resolution so we could move forward with our wedding. The most important thing is that Jason and I get married and have the wedding of our dreams. We are both so excited and we have moved past the debacle :sohappy: