Confessions of a DFTW Bride To Be


Well-Known Member
...It's great that the forums are generating so many hits, but I think blogs, newspapers, and other media will go further in "motivating" DFTW to do the right thing!...

I thought about this too and was in the process of emailing (the Unofficial Guide side) when I saw this entry:

So word continues to spread!

Good luck with your call...stand your ground!


Well-Known Member
Oops, looks like I posted just after you, so I didn't see the update...

...I agree with you, as beautiful as those other locations are, they are NOT ENOUGH if they won't give you back the difference. I am stunned that they didn't offer you something better.

I read the story about the UK bride you are referring to over on the other boards...what is up with Disney?! Do they think people will just be okay with this and go on their merry way??

Absolutely take any interviews that come your way. The more attention you can call to this, the better. I am so, so disappointed in Disney right now. :(

Stay strong, Shelley!


Active Member
Ugh I am sick to my stomach after seeing all of this today, my heart breaks for both of you! I can't say that if I were in the situation I would have been able to keep my head as you have. I would have been at that center in Vancouver begging for the Xanax!

I am so disgusted on the way things were handled, the LEAST they could have done was provide you with the vow renewal option at the GF in a year, I really don't think that is too much to ask. Hopefully they will come up with some type of solution that is amicable for everyone. They took the payment for something they are not even going to provide you with, awful!

My prayers are with you, and all the other Disney brides who have gotten the short end of the stick so close to their wedding!


Well-Known Member
I have a knot in my stomach after reading all this. I'm just beyond words at how this situation has been horribly mismanaged. Like others have said...why didn't they tell WP brides sooner?!

I can't imagine how I would react if something like happened to me. The bad thing is I can't even think of a humorous "I would do this..." response right now. My heart goes out to you and Jason.

Thinking of you Shelley! :o


Thanks for your replies everyone! I'm sorry I cannot respond to all of them, I need to get back to work here.

So far I am not happy. She had the audacity to offer us alternate locations such as Sea Breeze Point, the Yacht Club Gazebo, and the top of Bay Lake Tower. Um, those venues are not as expensive as the Wedding Pavilion and we have already paid. I began my case by stating a story I heard from a bride in a similar situation who is from the UK, she leaves in just 7 days now, and she was asked to change her date. 7 DAYS??? Once I said that and began my list of ridiculous requests, she offered to see if she could halt construction for our wedding. I asked for monetary compensation and it was shot down. I am shocked that I was not offered any sort of upgrade or compensation in any way. All she offered was to see if she could put everything back the way it was (so she can keep her money ugh). That is SO not enough for me. They owe me for all of the heartache and tears they have caused me and my family so close to my wedding. I have been contacted by Orlando news stations and I am willing to bet once she gets wind of that, she will concede. Disney does not want bad press over this and at this point, my story is viral.

This is David and Goliath people!! I really appreciate all of your help and good wishes during this horrible time. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

CASE IN POINT: I learned a very hard lesson today. You should always read the fine print of any contract before you sign your name to it. Our contract actually has a clause in there about the GF construction so they knew about it a year ago and didn't tell us. I had to find out this way and that shows VERY poor management skills on the part of Disney Fairytale Weddings. It is a sad day for Disney fans all over. Walt would roll over in his grave (or ice cube). He created a company so that families would have entertainment that they could share together. This is definitely NOT a magical day.

Hey Shelley,

I'm sorry to hear about this especially with only a month to go. It's definitely something that no bride wants to deal with. When Karen told me to look at your thread about what had happened, once I read it my jaw dropped in disbelief.

Also Karen and I just looked through our contract to see all of the clauses about these type events. I was going to post something about one of the clauses, but deleted it since there is a confidentiality agreement in it. Just make sure you don't post anything within the contract so that they don't have any leverage over you in this whole ordeal.

It looks like Karen and I will be talking to our wedding planner soon about possibly changing locations or to see what will be happening in March with the whole DVC at the Grand Floridian.

I hope that everything does work out in the end so you have your dream wedding.



Active Member
Original Poster
And we're back! I ended up having my forum thread deleted on the other site. I'm keeping this one because this is my home forum. The other one went viral and got all sorts of out of control. Personal attacks on me, people taking things out of context, it was ugly. Thanks to all who are supporting me during this tough time :)


Well-Known Member
And we're back! I ended up having my forum thread deleted on the other site. I'm keeping this one because this is my home forum. The other one went viral and got all sorts of out of control. Personal attacks on me, people taking things out of context, it was ugly. Thanks to all who are supporting me during this tough time :)

Ridiculous. This must be absolutely exhausting for you. Good for you for nipping the other thread in the bud.

As always, good luck with everything! :wave:


Well-Known Member
And we're back! I ended up having my forum thread deleted on the other site. I'm keeping this one because this is my home forum. The other one went viral and got all sorts of out of control. Personal attacks on me, people taking things out of context, it was ugly. Thanks to all who are supporting me during this tough time :)

Whew! I saw that other thread was gone and I was worried! That's the problem with some of these forum things. You never know what whack-job is gonna pop in and unload their crappy day on you. It happens here at WDWMagic on occasion (in some topic areas more than others) but I digress.

I cannot even believe those DFTW people had the nerve to offer you less-expensive venues and not refund you the difference. This is absolute insanity. What the heck are they thinkin'??? With those types of solutions being what they deem appropriate, I dunno, maybe it's time to start moving up the food chain. :shrug:

One thing I was thinking of yesterday was how when I've worked with projects that had to accommodate different entities or obstacles those costs were part of the project budget. Like when I worked on the Golden Pass Pipeline (LNG pipeline project that spanned the Texas Gulf coast all the way up to like Tennessee or Kentucky or something) there was about 5 years of time and energy expended on just legal work to obtain the right of ways to lay the pipeline. The land owners and construction contractors didn't foot the bill for any of that. The people putting in the pipeline did: ExxonMobil. DFTWs may not have brought on the scheduling problem (although they definitely need to get a clue on how to handle customer service) so why are they so worried about increased cost to move brides to better locations to accommodate the construction? They should be making all the changes/upgrades and passing the bill to do so over to DVC to take care of. That's the price you pay for building right next to a working wedding facility. If you can't push your construction schedule far enough into the future for the venue to NOT schedule anything for the times you need to disrupt business and PAY the venue for their loss of business then you shouldn't be considering that a viable site to build on. It's that simple. I've handled-up on the burly ol' construction types and the pushy project manager types. It's not that hard to dig in your heels, do what's right by your clients, and keep those people where they belong. Why DFTWs hasn't gone to the mat for their brides just totally perplexes me. When they became aware of the conflicts with their weddings they should've thrown-down and not stood for it. Period. DFTWs shouldn't be worried about giving their brides "freebies". They need to be doling out the Pixie Dust hand over fist then handing the bill for all the dusting to DVC. That's the way construction projects work.

I'm continuing to think about ya and send my Rosie the Riveter "You can do it!" vibes out to y'all. Stay strong. Lemme know if you need anything or if there's anything more we can do from down here in swelterin' ol' Texas. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I just added you to my twitter so I can get faster updates, figuring that you will update that more often then here. There is nothing like people jumping on the pile of your pain, thats the risk you take when you post of forums like this. However, shake them off. There are way more of us supporters then those haters. We all have your back!

I have been telling my wife updates from your post here since way back, when I informed her of what happen she was crushed for you. I thought she was going to cry, thats how caught up in this she was. I want to echo someone else's sentiments when they said, this is very un-Disney like. I tend to put my faith in Disney, more often then not they always do the right thing. So their handling of this is really puzzling. All I can offer is stay strong and hold your ground.

On a side note, while I know for you it isn't ideal but the Gazebo at the Yacht Club where we got married is beautiful. I would attest that as an alliterative location, you couldn't really find nicer. (except in MK) If you happen to choose this option, insist that Disney pays for the audio package. So that your guest can hear the ceremony.


Active Member
Original Poster
I really like Vancouver and I'm so glad that if I had to be anywhere away from home, I'm here. At least I come home tomorrow. I've poured my heart out to complete strangers over this and they have listened and supported me. Canada rocks! Seriously, a change of venue to the Canada pavilion at EPCOT wouldn't be the worst thing. Thanks to my friend Jackie for that idea :)

Ah I finally have time to go back and respond to everyone. I hate leaving people hanging, I'm so sorry but my schedule has just been unbelievably hectic this week. I'm being contacted by bloggers, news stations, newspapers, etc. I haven't replied to the news stations yet because I'm hoping we can settle this peacefully today and I won't have to make my story that public. Although my father disagrees with me, he thinks I should go ahead and talk to whoever I want. He's livid over this situation as are the rest of our families.

Shelley, I have been following you off and on....WOW I cant beleive what I have just read. This is very poor planing on the construction side of Disney. I would venture to say that your wedding was planned long before they started DVC planing at GF. Cant see how the top of BL would cost the same as the WP. Not a equal option. I am sure they will not give in to any of your demands but you have to aim high so you will be some what happy with something in the middle. My heart goes out to you and Jason right now and wish you the best of luck in getting to the bootom of this. I am sure it will all work out somehow. Also very proud of you for the way your dealing and handling this while not at home and all by yourself. We are all here for you and Jason. :wave: Hang in there!!!

Thank you so much! I totally agree, BLT is not an equal option to the WP. We were shocked an appalled that we have only been given options to downgrade. They have really low balled us and it's unfair. Even if they can hault construction, does that make everything ok? They should at least offer us transportation and/or food and beverage upgrades. The fact that I have to even negotiate these things with them makes me sick. They should have been offered in the first place.

Oh wow. I'm absolutely shocked, appalled, and sickened by this Shelley. I've been reading your threads all morning... and I don't know that there's anything I can say that hasn't been said already. I know for a fact that if I was told a month prior to our wedding that we couldn't get married on Sunset Pointe, no other venue would've been a suitable replacement. That being said, from a customer service standpoint when you make a mistake, you always offer an upgrade to help calm the waters, not something lesser. It's like checking into a Moderate for your vacation and finding out they've overbooked. If you find out by way of an offer to stay at a Deluxe resort, then you may not be too upset. But if they try to move you to a Value resort and don't do anything to compensate for your loss, you'll be livid.

I'm holding out hope that this generates enough media hype for Disney to step up and do the right thing. Sad as it is though, they'll be "doing the right thing" for their own sake and not simply because it is the right thing to do. I don't know if you've seen it yet, but Brett sent me the following link: Good to see your story is getting out there. It's great that the forums are generating so many hits, but I think blogs, newspapers, and other media will go further in "motivating" DFTW to do the right thing!

I was just on the phone with Brett telling him that if this had happened to us and we had to sign a confidentiality agreement, it wouldn't matter how great the offer was, I would still be absolutely distraught. To not be able to write about our wedding and share it would've wrecked me. And I'm sure that's important to you as well. I'm just sick over what they've done. If there is anything at all I can do for you, please please let me know.

Hi Holly, thank you so much for your support. And for posting that link. They tweeted me after they posted it and I'm glad my story is spreading but I really wasn't expecting it to go that viral yesterday. I actually pulled my other forum thread because I was getting PMs from mods asking me to edit my comments. I wasn't really happy with that as people were attacking me personally and I had a right to defend myself so I pulled it. I'm being very careful in this forum now though, not mentioning specific names and trying to keep my emotions as calm as possible. It's been a really difficult time indeed.

I have to tell you, one of the first things my Mom said was "Omg what is that nice girl who sent you the buttons going to think?" That just goes to show the apple doesn't fall far from the tree :) My family tends to think of how situations will impact not only ourselves, but others as well. I am SO happy this did not happen to you and you had your fairytale. All I want is to resolve this and to hopefully cause enough of a stink about it that they'll think twice before pulling this on other brides and grooms.

I just read parts of this post. I am shocked to say the least.

In the end, there are going to be 2 things that come into play: the contract and the threat of a civil suit. The contract is bound by laws in the State. It is highly unlikely that WDW legal machine would not have wording in it for issues like this. Second, WDW does not want to face a very public suit of a multi-billion dollar company stomping the dreams of a bride-to-be.

Keep at them and tell them your demands. There are going to be two bars: yours and theirs. Eventually, there will be compromises to make it right. There are places within the MK that a wedding can take place. It would be a scheduling nightmare, but a small price to pay.

I hope it all works out because this is not something a bride should have to worry about. I had to deal with WDW for our honeymoon when they lost our reservation. The key is assertive escalation. Don't be combative and ask to speak to the next manager immediately if an acceptable resolution cannot be made. Continue this until you are satisfied. Do not let them say "we will call you back". Tell them you will wait.

Thanks for your advice. I have gotten really good legal advice from people on these forums and hopefully it won't come to that.

OMG they lost your honeymoon reservation?? That's appalling. I'm really shocked by the way they have treated us so far. We'll see what happens today, I hope we can come to an agreement but seriously after our discussion yesterday I am really not sure what is going to happen. My stomach is in knots this morning. Our trip countdown should be 22 days today. Jeez we'll be in the teens soon. I just want to go back to being excited about it.

I thought about this too and was in the process of emailing (the Unofficial Guide side) when I saw this entry:

So word continues to spread!

Good luck with your call...stand your ground!

Oops, looks like I posted just after you, so I didn't see the update...

...I agree with you, as beautiful as those other locations are, they are NOT ENOUGH if they won't give you back the difference. I am stunned that they didn't offer you something better.

I read the story about the UK bride you are referring to over on the other boards...what is up with Disney?! Do they think people will just be okay with this and go on their merry way??

Absolutely take any interviews that come your way. The more attention you can call to this, the better. I am so, so disappointed in Disney right now. :(

Stay strong, Shelley!

Thanks for posting the link to Touring Plans. Man when they got hold of this story, that's when it went really viral :) They rock, love the site and the people. Their software developer, Henry, and I met in May and became fast friends. He also had a disney wedding and expressed his concern and support to me yesterday via twitter.

I'm still so unsure about the interviews. Some people have said go for it, some have said keep a lid on it until I'm dissatisfied to the point that I have to use the media for leverage. I really want a lawyer to read the fine print in our contract before I go saying things that could get me sued by Disney. I don't want it to come to that. I'm so sad that this is even a possibility. I don't want to enter legal proceedings with a company that I have come to love over my lifetime.

Ugh I am sick to my stomach after seeing all of this today, my heart breaks for both of you! I can't say that if I were in the situation I would have been able to keep my head as you have. I would have been at that center in Vancouver begging for the Xanax!

I am so disgusted on the way things were handled, the LEAST they could have done was provide you with the vow renewal option at the GF in a year, I really don't think that is too much to ask. Hopefully they will come up with some type of solution that is amicable for everyone. They took the payment for something they are not even going to provide you with, awful!

My prayers are with you, and all the other Disney brides who have gotten the short end of the stick so close to their wedding!

Eh I got myself some wine instead :) Works just as well as Xanax! I finally got a good night's sleep last night. I think I was just so over exhausted that my body finally gave in. At least I'm 3 hrs behind here in Vancouver and not the other way around. It's much worse to deal with jet lag when you are heading east with the time difference.

I have a knot in my stomach after reading all this. I'm just beyond words at how this situation has been horribly mismanaged. Like others have said...why didn't they tell WP brides sooner?!

I can't imagine how I would react if something like happened to me. The bad thing is I can't even think of a humorous "I would do this..." response right now. My heart goes out to you and Jason.

Thinking of you Shelley! :o

Thanks Erin :) I can hardly think of anything humorous either. At least I have some time to settle down today and clear my head. We'll see what happens with the conversation today!

Hey Shelley,

I'm sorry to hear about this especially with only a month to go. It's definitely something that no bride wants to deal with. When Karen told me to look at your thread about what had happened, once I read it my jaw dropped in disbelief.

Also Karen and I just looked through our contract to see all of the clauses about these type events. I was going to post something about one of the clauses, but deleted it since there is a confidentiality agreement in it. Just make sure you don't post anything within the contract so that they don't have any leverage over you in this whole ordeal.

It looks like Karen and I will be talking to our wedding planner soon about possibly changing locations or to see what will be happening in March with the whole DVC at the Grand Floridian.

I hope that everything does work out in the end so you have your dream wedding.


Yep this is why I haven't done any interviews yet. I'm really not sure what information is supposed to be confidential so I'm treading lightly. It's funny that they really don't care if you post stuff that's confidential if it's positive. But once you start complaining you have to be careful and cover yourself.

I would definitely talk to your wedding planner about the impact of the construction in March. I have suggested that anyone getting married at the WP in the next 2 years talk to their wedding planner. Also take a look at the construction plans here at WDWMagic:

Ridiculous. This must be absolutely exhausting for you. Good for you for nipping the other thread in the bud.

As always, good luck with everything! :wave:

Thank you, really the support I have gotten has been wonderful :)


Active Member
Original Poster
Been following you on Twitter throughout the day, I hope everything gets resolved very very soon! Thinking of you!

Thanks so much. Man my twitter account has more than quadrupled during this! It makes me feel good that so many people are genuinely concerned.

Whew! I saw that other thread was gone and I was worried! That's the problem with some of these forum things. You never know what whack-job is gonna pop in and unload their crappy day on you. It happens here at WDWMagic on occasion (in some topic areas more than others) but I digress.

I cannot even believe those DFTW people had the nerve to offer you less-expensive venues and not refund you the difference. This is absolute insanity. What the heck are they thinkin'??? With those types of solutions being what they deem appropriate, I dunno, maybe it's time to start moving up the food chain. :shrug:

One thing I was thinking of yesterday was how when I've worked with projects that had to accommodate different entities or obstacles those costs were part of the project budget. Like when I worked on the Golden Pass Pipeline (LNG pipeline project that spanned the Texas Gulf coast all the way up to like Tennessee or Kentucky or something) there was about 5 years of time and energy expended on just legal work to obtain the right of ways to lay the pipeline. The land owners and construction contractors didn't foot the bill for any of that. The people putting in the pipeline did: ExxonMobil. DFTWs may not have brought on the scheduling problem (although they definitely need to get a clue on how to handle customer service) so why are they so worried about increased cost to move brides to better locations to accommodate the construction? They should be making all the changes/upgrades and passing the bill to do so over to DVC to take care of. That's the price you pay for building right next to a working wedding facility. If you can't push your construction schedule far enough into the future for the venue to NOT schedule anything for the times you need to disrupt business and PAY the venue for their loss of business then you shouldn't be considering that a viable site to build on. It's that simple. I've handled-up on the burly ol' construction types and the pushy project manager types. It's not that hard to dig in your heels, do what's right by your clients, and keep those people where they belong. Why DFTWs hasn't gone to the mat for their brides just totally perplexes me. When they became aware of the conflicts with their weddings they should've thrown-down and not stood for it. Period. DFTWs shouldn't be worried about giving their brides "freebies". They need to be doling out the Pixie Dust hand over fist then handing the bill for all the dusting to DVC. That's the way construction projects work.

I'm continuing to think about ya and send my Rosie the Riveter "You can do it!" vibes out to y'all. Stay strong. Lemme know if you need anything or if there's anything more we can do from down here in swelterin' ol' Texas. :wave:

Thanks, Kelly :) If you look at the link I posted earlier to the construction documents for the Grand Floridian DVC, you will probably say "Why would they build right there next to the wedding pavilion??" That's what me and my family are thinking. The building is going to replace part of the lagoon to the left of the WP. I don't think that's a very good plan at all. They are doing construction right up to the bridge that takes you to the WP. I can't imagine if they halt construction for us it will look at all pretty. We shall see I guess.

I just added you to my twitter so I can get faster updates, figuring that you will update that more often then here. There is nothing like people jumping on the pile of your pain, thats the risk you take when you post of forums like this. However, shake them off. There are way more of us supporters then those haters. We all have your back!

I have been telling my wife updates from your post here since way back, when I informed her of what happen she was crushed for you. I thought she was going to cry, thats how caught up in this she was. I want to echo someone else's sentiments when they said, this is very un-Disney like. I tend to put my faith in Disney, more often then not they always do the right thing. So their handling of this is really puzzling. All I can offer is stay strong and hold your ground.

On a side note, while I know for you it isn't ideal but the Gazebo at the Yacht Club where we got married is beautiful. I would attest that as an alliterative location, you couldn't really find nicer. (except in MK) If you happen to choose this option, insist that Disney pays for the audio package. So that your guest can hear the ceremony.

Thanks for the follow, Tom. I followed you back :) I think my story has made many people get all teary eyed for me and tell Leah I said thank you. It's just that unbelievable. I did put my faith in Disney and I should have read the fine print in the contract before signing it. But I thought that I would be safe because DFTW usually go off without a hitch. This situation is just out of this world.

I do really like the Yacht Club gazebo, your pictures were beautiful. Of course though, it is not as expensive as the WP so I was appalled that they offered that as a solution without mentioning any monetary compensation. Just bad form. Period. I actually think if we had to downgrade, it would be Sea Breeze Point. Remember back when I started this thread that was our original venue. But then we would all want to change our hotel reservations to the Boardwalk and who knows if Disney would even help us with that at all. Everyone booked under a PIN code that expired in April. This is just a mess. :(

Sending pixie dust your way!

Thanks so much, I need all the pixie dust I can get!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Kelly :) If you look at the link I posted earlier to the construction documents for the Grand Floridian DVC, you will probably say "Why would they build right there next to the wedding pavilion??" That's what me and my family are thinking. The building is going to replace part of the lagoon to the left of the WP. I don't think that's a very good plan at all. They are doing construction right up to the bridge that takes you to the WP. I can't imagine if they halt construction for us it will look at all pretty. We shall see I guess.

I do really like the Yacht Club gazebo, your pictures were beautiful. Of course though, it is not as expensive as the WP so I was appalled that they offered that as a solution without mentioning any monetary compensation. Just bad form. Period. I actually think if we had to downgrade, it would be Sea Breeze Point. Remember back when I started this thread that was our original venue. But then we would all want to change our hotel reservations to the Boardwalk and who knows if Disney would even help us with that at all. Everyone booked under a PIN code that expired in April. This is just a mess. :(

I hear ya! Even after the construction is all done, is there going to be a building right there???? If so, yuck-o!

Also, if the family booked under a PIN I *think* you can make changes utilizing the same PIN even after it's expired. I know we have made changes to both our upcoming room-only reservations we booked with a PIN that had to be booked before the end of March several times since March without any problems whatsoever. Not sure if your PIN was a room-only or package one or what.

We're still thinkin' of ya! :wave: And Holly sends her love, too. (we had a brief should be hearing from me on a little sumpin'-sumpin' I'm working on in the not-too-distant future :animwink:)

Glad to hear how awesome Vancouver is! We'll be going there (hopefully) next September to catch the Wonder south to LA. I was thinking about flying in a day or 2 early. I think I wanna go to Grouse Mountain!


Active Member
Original Poster
I hear ya! Even after the construction is all done, is there going to be a building right there???? If so, yuck-o!

Also, if the family booked under a PIN I *think* you can make changes utilizing the same PIN even after it's expired. I know we have made changes to both our upcoming room-only reservations we booked with a PIN that had to be booked before the end of March several times since March without any problems whatsoever. Not sure if your PIN was a room-only or package one or what.

We're still thinkin' of ya! :wave: And Holly sends her love, too. (we had a brief should be hearing from me on a little sumpin'-sumpin' I'm working on in the not-too-distant future :animwink:)

Glad to hear how awesome Vancouver is! We'll be going there (hopefully) next September to catch the Wonder south to LA. I was thinking about flying in a day or 2 early. I think I wanna go to Grouse Mountain!

Aww thank you, I can't wait to hear about the sumpin'-sumpin'! Good to hear about the PIN code thing too, I've already contacted my travel agent and she's been really supportive too.

Vancouver is beautiful and you should definitely fly in a few days early. Canada Place, Whistler Olympic Park, and the entire town are just iconic and beautiful.

Wish me luck....dialing in now. My stomach is in knots :(


Well-Known Member
I get that they have in the contract that they can move you...I wonder if it specifically says that you won't get the difference back if they downgrade the location? If so, that's incredibly unfair.

...good luck, I am sending many positive vibes your way! :)


Active Member
Original Poster
I get that they have in the contract that they can move you...I wonder if it specifically says that you won't get the difference back if they downgrade the location? If so, that's incredibly unfair.

...good luck, I am sending many positive vibes your way! :)

Thanks for the positive vibes :) It definitely helped to have so many people in our corner.


Active Member
Original Poster
Issue Resolved

Today's call went much better than yesterday. It definitely helped that I had that forum thread deleted because it was mentioned in today's conversation and they appreciated that I did that yesterday after it went viral. I can't divulge too many details but what came out of this was that we got the Disney customer service that we all have come to know and love. They were much more apologetic and willing to bend a little. We came to a good agreement and Jason and I are still leaving for our trip in 22 days!!!

I am absolutely exhausted and I haven't eaten in a very long time. I'm gonna get myself some Mickey D's for comfort food and then take a well deserved nap. I am SO glad I'm coming home tomorrow!!! :sohappy:

Thank you all SO much for your support. I'm sorry this happened but I'm glad it was handled to our satisfaction by DFTW.

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