Trip Report **COMPLETED!** The Triple Threat Trip Report- Christmas and New Years at the Happiest Place on Earth

Ah, where do I start? It’s hard to believe that three weeks ago my family and I had just started our fantastic Christmas Vacation. Now, I am bracing myself for one of the coldest winters in 30 years. It’s amazing how much a difference of a thousand miles makes! Anyway, on to my trip report!

For a future warning, I apologize for any grammar mistakes, lagging in the report, and so forth. It has been over two years since I have actually written a trip report and quite frankly, I have missed it!

You can read my pre trip report here:

Also, if you’d like to know me more, you can read my last trip report, circa summer 2011:

Let me reintroduce my family and myself:

Top: Left: My sister, Jodi. Right: Me, Jessica
Bottom: My parents

Okay, now that you all know my cast, I'll get this "show" started!

The term triple-threat comes from the fact that our vacation was actually three vacations in one. The plan was to stay in the Sarasota area of Florida for a little over a week, go on a quick, three day, bahamian can cruise, and spend the remaining days (about 12) in Disney.

We left for Florida on Friday, December 13. Just a few days before we left, I came to the realization of the date that we were leaving on! I am a firm believer of this day being unlucky for a number of reason but this belief was proven true on the day we left...

I work at a school for a couple hours a day monitoring students during their lunch and recess periods, so we planned on leaving right after I got out of work. Well, that did not happen. The morning we were to depart, I woke up with, what felt like, a golf ball sized lump in my throat. I almost decided to suck it up and just go to work, but since my job requires me to talk, I made the difficult decision to call off and go to the emergency clinic. I am soooo glad I did! I ended up testing positive for strep throat, and I could have made it worse by going to work and not treating it. This was just my luck with Friday, the 13th. To add to our bad luck, my mom was down with a "bug," too. My sister, Jodi, was getting over being sick, and my dad was coming down with something, as well. This is one of the reasons why I am not fond of traveling in the winter due to everyone being sick and all, but my family is never able to get this kind of time off during any other season.

Anyway, we still ended up leaving on that day. We had no other choice. Since we were driving and pulling a camper, we had to due to a snowstorm that was going to hit our hometwon, Chicago, the next day. But, we still caught the darn thing that day. The snowstorm ended up being an entire front that stretched from northern Florida to Illinois. The snow turned into a down poor as we hit the South. In all, it was on of the worse 'drive-downs' we have ever had. It took us 28 hours to get to Sarasota, FL rather than usually taking 18 hours. Moral of this story: Never start your vacation on Friday, the 13th!

Here are some photos of the day we arrived. I won't bore you all with the first two parts of the vacation since they are not Disney related, but I will show you some of our photos on the way down and such!

On our second day of driving, I was feeling a bit better after loading up on Motrin and taking my required antibiotics. We were extremely hungry after our several hour pit stop at the rest stop, so we ate at a Waffle House somewhere in Georgia. A Waffle House stop is always a must on our way down to Florida since it is one of my favorite:

Mmmmm Waffle House Food

My mom obviously enjoyed her meal, haha

We arrived in Sarasota about 9 at night and stayed at the Myakka State Park for the night. Our campground was booked for the Saturday night, so staying at Myakka was a last minute decision. We then headed over to Fort De Soto Campground, where we stayed until the following Sunday, December 22. That Sunday was crazy! We had to leave the campground and head over to Disney to drop our pets off at Best Friends for the cruise. In addition, Disney was so kind enough to let us park our camper for free in the parking lot at Fort Wilderness until we checked in, which saved us a big chunk of money.

The sign! Jodi and I were kind of bummed that we had to leave Disney, and we weren't even excited to go on the cruise. In all, we had an awesome time on the cruise, and it was extremely relaxing, but we couldn't wait to get back to our animals and spend the rest of our vacation at the happiest place on earth.

Next: Our Disney arrival and my review on Best Friends since it was our first time ever boarding our pets!


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Yes, I decorated the campsite...



Jodi wanted to go bike riding, but I was feeling so full that I could not bring myself to go biking. I told her I'd wait a bit and then meet up with her if I felt better. For some reason, when I went outside to take pictures of our campsite, Jodi was back, passed out on the golf cart. I guess doing physical activity after a big meal isn't the best of ideas...


So, she was not up for biking with me even though I had just gotten ready to go biking, haha. She was still up for scoping out the campground, so we went golf carting...

We made our first stop over at the marina area.

We also did some shopping...








Well-Known Member
Great trip report! But to go off topic for a moment if I may? What breed is your dog? Our dog "Murray" looks quite a bit like yours but as he was rescued from a puppy mill, we've never been absolutely sure. We've guessed a mix between an American Eskimo and a large Pomeranian. And for payment in return I'll admit that I also scream like a kid when we approach the World!


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OMG! I am dying seeing the cat hanging off the edge of the countertop!!!!
I have four cats and know the unique personalities and how bizarre they can be.
Seeing her lounging with her legs hanging over the edge is priceless! :cat:
Great TR!

Hahaa, yes! She is very odd and has the craziest hang out spots! Thanks for reading!

Great trip report! But to go off topic for a moment if I may? What breed is your dog? Our dog "Murray" looks quite a bit like yours but as he was rescued from a puppy mill, we've never been absolutely sure. We've guessed a mix between an American Eskimo and a large Pomeranian. And for payment in return I'll admit that I also scream like a kid when we approach the World!

Thank you!! Your dog looks just like mine! Chance is a pure breed American Eskimo. I kind of wished we rescued, but when we got him, that was all Jodi and I wanted at the time. We took an Animal Planet personality quiz and his breed popped up! He has the quirkiest personality, and we absolutely love the little guy. Oh, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who acts all crazy when entering the World!! Thanks for reading:)


Well-Known Member
So glad I found your TR!!! LOVE IT :)
Your family is adorable esp. the fury ones :inlove:
Your pictures are great! Looks like everyone is having a magical time!!!
Was your cruise Disney? DH & I just went on a Disney cruise to Bahamas in November, then we spent at few days at WDW over Thanksgiving. We love the Christmas decorations!!!
Can't wait to read more :happy:


Well-Known Member
I love FW, these pictures make me long to be there again!! Great report, thanks so much for sharing, I have enjoyed reading every word!


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So glad I found your TR!!! LOVE IT :)
Your family is adorable esp. the fury ones :inlove:
Your pictures are great! Looks like everyone is having a magical time!!!
Was your cruise Disney? DH & I just went on a Disney cruise to Bahamas in November, then we spent at few days at WDW over Thanksgiving. We love the Christmas decorations!!!
Can't wait to read more :happy:

Aww, thanks so much! Ahh, I wish it was a Disney Cruise. That is on my bucket list, but we went on a Royal Caribbean cruise instead. It was a great cruise, and I got a great deal on our room. I believe the same itinerary on a Disney Cruise was double! So, until I can find a good deal on a Disney Cruise, we'll stick with Royal. I'm so jealous of you, though! I bet Castaway Cay was ah-mazing! I can only imagine how beautiful it is during Christmastime. Thanks for reading!

I love FW, these pictures make me long to be there again!! Great report, thanks so much for sharing, I have enjoyed reading every word!

Thanks! FW is without doubt my favorite resort. I'm so glad you're enjoying my report, and stay tuned because I have more FW pictures!

that grilled cheese from Beaches n Cream look awesome! I may have to try it next time I'm there! :)

Fort Wilderness looks so beautiful at night!

Ahh, the grilled cheese is a must try!

Great FW pics!

You guys seem to have dodged all the massive crowds.

Thank you! Yes, we tried our very best to stay away from the insane crowds. Actually, I was pretty surprised to see FW so empty that night...


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Jodi decided to photobomb...



As I took this picture, Jodi was starting the golf cart and low and behold, the darn thing would not start. We gave up and called my parents, and they started to walk over to Meadows to save us. It was pretty late at night, so my dad had to get out of bed, and he wasn't happy. Jodi I kept trying to start it and then, bam! It started! We couldn't stop laughing because our prayers had been answered, and we picked up my parents on our way back. It was a funny way to end our night.


Next Up: Hollywood Studios! Ehm hem, I mean MGM because I still call it that...


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As I took this picture, Jodi was starting the golf cart and low and behold, the darn thing would not start. We gave up and called my parents, and they started to walk over to Meadows to save us. It was pretty late at night, so my dad had to get out of bed, and he wasn't happy. Jodi I kept trying to start it and then, bam! It started! We couldn't stop laughing because our prayers had been answered, and we picked up my parents on our way back. It was a funny way to end our night.

I'm sure there was absolutely no "operator error" involved with the golf cart, right?! ;) (J/K!)
(You didn't say how long you were in Crockett's Tavern, after all... :hilarious:)

J/K! Great to see HDDMR - it's been FOREVER since I've been there.
I think it was more than 10 years ago that I went with some friends in college. Let's just say that the "regular" buses back to the other resorts were long gone by the time we finished up the "all-you-care-to-drink" beverages and we had to ask the lone bus in the corner of the parking lot to take us back to the resort... :confused:


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I'm sure there was absolutely no "operator error" involved with the golf cart, right?! ;) (J/K!)
(You didn't say how long you were in Crockett's Tavern, after all... :hilarious:)

J/K! Great to see HDDMR - it's been FOREVER since I've been there.
I think it was more than 10 years ago that I went with some friends in college. Let's just say that the "regular" buses back to the other resorts were long gone by the time we finished up the "all-you-care-to-drink" beverages and we had to ask the lone bus in the corner of the parking lot to take us back to the resort... :confused:

Haha, I blame my mom for previously driving it and flooding the engine... but that's another story.

Hoop Dee Doo is still the same after all these years! It's great to see something original stay the same since everything is always changing at the world. Sounds like a lot of fun you had! I can't imagine all you can drink drinks at Disney, haaha!

Great report! Thanks for sharing
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it. (:


Well-Known Member
Your Beaches n Cream pictures have me SO hungry! And craving that grilled cheese! I had the open faced pot roast sandwich - which was amazing...but I tried a bit of my friends grilled cheese w/the soup. Fantastic! Definitely can't wait to eat there again soon!

Great TR!


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Haha, I blame my mom for previously driving it and flooding the engine... but that's another story.

Ha! Leave it to Mom to incite "Technical Difficulties"!

Hoop Dee Doo is still the same after all these years! It's great to see something original stay the same since everything is always changing at the world. Sounds like a lot of fun you had! I can't imagine all you can drink drinks at Disney, haaha!

Fort Wilderness in general has so much of the original WDW essence. I really hope it always stays that way!
Definitely glad that Hoop Dee Doo is still going strong!
So, are you saying that it was not "all you care to drink" (sangria and beer) when you were there???
It was when I was there (some time ago, as mentioned). Come to think of it, the Polynesian Luau (or "Spirit of Aloha" as some call it now...) was "all you care to drink" as recently as 2009 at least (wow, I guess 2009 was a little while ago now...)


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Ha! Leave it to Mom to incite "Technical Difficulties"!

Fort Wilderness in general has so much of the original WDW essence. I really hope it always stays that way!
Definitely glad that Hoop Dee Doo is still going strong!
So, are you saying that it was not "all you care to drink" (sangria and beer) when you were there???
It was when I was there (some time ago, as mentioned). Come to think of it, the Polynesian Luau (or "Spirit of Aloha" as some call it now...) was "all you care to drink" as recently as 2009 at least (wow, I guess 2009 was a little while ago now...)

Yes, I totally agree with you. They removed the infamous lawnmower tree just recently, though, which was really disappointing. We didn't do Hoop Dee Doo this year, so I can't say anything on the unlimited alcohol, but I never remember it being unlimited, either, haha.


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Okay... I'm back! Sometimes college can really just take over my life.

Day 7: Hollywood Studios (Ehm, ehm, I mean MGM)

Our goal for this trip was to visit all four parks, and we of course had to visit Hollywood Studios. I love all things Disney, but I'm going to be honest, this is not my favorite park. I can spend all day at MK or Epcot, but I just can't with AK or HS--- as I have heard many others state, too.

We ended up waking up at a decent time and arrived in HS at about 11. It was pretty hot that day, too! The forecast called for rain, but it stopped once we got there, but it also did rain periodically throughout the day.

Here's FW in the morning...

Did I mention that HS was packed that day?? And I am not being dramatic. We ended up parking in an area that we didn't even know existed. It was crazy!




Jodi and my dad had FastPasses for Rock n' Roller Coaster, so my mom and I head over to the coffee shop, which happens to be one of our favorite hang out spots. We were pretty upset, though, once we saw that they removed the setting are in front of the window...


After that, we met up with Jodi and my dad in front of the coffee shop and headed over to the Muppets.

Haha, I didn't notice my "glasses" weren't on right.





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Tempting, tempting...




Can you believe this is our day at HS in a nutshell? We did some rides, like the Great Movie Ride and whatnot. Jodi and my dad made also some time to do the Tower or Terror. Oh, and my dad left early because he was pretty much done after the rides, so my mom, Jodi, and I stayed and hung out for a while. It also got cooler after it rained, so we were pretty much done, and we took a bus over to the Wilderness Lodge...

Sorry, guys, that was a pretty boring post!

Up next: Dinner!

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