Trip Report **COMPLETED!** The Triple Threat Trip Report- Christmas and New Years at the Happiest Place on Earth

Ah, where do I start? It’s hard to believe that three weeks ago my family and I had just started our fantastic Christmas Vacation. Now, I am bracing myself for one of the coldest winters in 30 years. It’s amazing how much a difference of a thousand miles makes! Anyway, on to my trip report!

For a future warning, I apologize for any grammar mistakes, lagging in the report, and so forth. It has been over two years since I have actually written a trip report and quite frankly, I have missed it!

You can read my pre trip report here:

Also, if you’d like to know me more, you can read my last trip report, circa summer 2011:

Let me reintroduce my family and myself:

Top: Left: My sister, Jodi. Right: Me, Jessica
Bottom: My parents

Okay, now that you all know my cast, I'll get this "show" started!

The term triple-threat comes from the fact that our vacation was actually three vacations in one. The plan was to stay in the Sarasota area of Florida for a little over a week, go on a quick, three day, bahamian can cruise, and spend the remaining days (about 12) in Disney.

We left for Florida on Friday, December 13. Just a few days before we left, I came to the realization of the date that we were leaving on! I am a firm believer of this day being unlucky for a number of reason but this belief was proven true on the day we left...

I work at a school for a couple hours a day monitoring students during their lunch and recess periods, so we planned on leaving right after I got out of work. Well, that did not happen. The morning we were to depart, I woke up with, what felt like, a golf ball sized lump in my throat. I almost decided to suck it up and just go to work, but since my job requires me to talk, I made the difficult decision to call off and go to the emergency clinic. I am soooo glad I did! I ended up testing positive for strep throat, and I could have made it worse by going to work and not treating it. This was just my luck with Friday, the 13th. To add to our bad luck, my mom was down with a "bug," too. My sister, Jodi, was getting over being sick, and my dad was coming down with something, as well. This is one of the reasons why I am not fond of traveling in the winter due to everyone being sick and all, but my family is never able to get this kind of time off during any other season.

Anyway, we still ended up leaving on that day. We had no other choice. Since we were driving and pulling a camper, we had to due to a snowstorm that was going to hit our hometwon, Chicago, the next day. But, we still caught the darn thing that day. The snowstorm ended up being an entire front that stretched from northern Florida to Illinois. The snow turned into a down poor as we hit the South. In all, it was on of the worse 'drive-downs' we have ever had. It took us 28 hours to get to Sarasota, FL rather than usually taking 18 hours. Moral of this story: Never start your vacation on Friday, the 13th!

Here are some photos of the day we arrived. I won't bore you all with the first two parts of the vacation since they are not Disney related, but I will show you some of our photos on the way down and such!

On our second day of driving, I was feeling a bit better after loading up on Motrin and taking my required antibiotics. We were extremely hungry after our several hour pit stop at the rest stop, so we ate at a Waffle House somewhere in Georgia. A Waffle House stop is always a must on our way down to Florida since it is one of my favorite:

Mmmmm Waffle House Food

My mom obviously enjoyed her meal, haha

We arrived in Sarasota about 9 at night and stayed at the Myakka State Park for the night. Our campground was booked for the Saturday night, so staying at Myakka was a last minute decision. We then headed over to Fort De Soto Campground, where we stayed until the following Sunday, December 22. That Sunday was crazy! We had to leave the campground and head over to Disney to drop our pets off at Best Friends for the cruise. In addition, Disney was so kind enough to let us park our camper for free in the parking lot at Fort Wilderness until we checked in, which saved us a big chunk of money.

The sign! Jodi and I were kind of bummed that we had to leave Disney, and we weren't even excited to go on the cruise. In all, we had an awesome time on the cruise, and it was extremely relaxing, but we couldn't wait to get back to our animals and spend the rest of our vacation at the happiest place on earth.

Next: Our Disney arrival and my review on Best Friends since it was our first time ever boarding our pets!


Well-Known Member
It's a great TR. The 3rd one I've followed about Christmas at Disney...I've gone twice now over Thanksgiving and I swear that is almost my favorite time to go since it is not so hot and the Christmas decorations are so awesome. I keep saying I would never want to go over Christmas/New Years because of the crowds but honestly Christmas at WDW looks wonderful from these TR's I've read!


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I have seen two different official DCL charms online. I really don't need to spend that much money on charms, buuuut, we all know how that goes!! I'm sure I will end up with both of they have them!:D

Ooo, well that's interesting! I seriously think it's going to end up being as addicting as buying pins. My mom was trying to explain to me how each store has a different variety of charms, but I could not keep up!


Active Member
Great trip report! :)


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Basically, I took pictures the entire time after we were done shopping. I just can't help myself when it comes to MK at night, especially during Christmastime. It's just sooooo beautiful.


We went to my absolute favorite hangout spot, the train station!







My mom and I noticed a kid playing checkers with one of the cast members, so I took a picture. I'm pretty sure the kid realized it! haha

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It's a great TR. The 3rd one I've followed about Christmas at Disney...I've gone twice now over Thanksgiving and I swear that is almost my favorite time to go since it is not so hot and the Christmas decorations are so awesome. I keep saying I would never want to go over Christmas/New Years because of the crowds but honestly Christmas at WDW looks wonderful from these TR's I've read!

Thank you, such a sweet compliment! Christmas at Disney is definitely a must or as I say, you have to do it at least once. It's so magical, and it gets me in more of a Christmas "mood" than at home. Despite the crowds, it's seriously so cool to see all of the holiday festivities they have, such as Epcot's "Holidays around the World." I want to go around Thanksgiving since it's a bit warmer than December! Plus, I think the crowds are milder.


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Since the boat system wasn't working out so great that night, it took Jodi a long time to get to the campground. I called her, and we decided to just meet her at the Contemporary rather than having her go all the way back to the Magic Kingdom. Plus, we were getting real hungry.


At first my mom and I were going to head on the monorail to get to the Contemporary, and as we were standing in the long line, I realized something: We could walk! We use to always walk from MK to the Contemporary when I was younger, and I totally forgot about this, so we got the heck out of the super long line and headed over to the Contemporary by foot. It's seriously like a 5 minute walk, and I love looking at the inscribed bricks and just taking in that overall Disney/Florida atmosphere.



When we got to the Contemporary, Jodi was just walking in the hotel.

We talked about where we wanted to eat, and Jodi and I were totally rooting for Chef Mickey's. Chef Mickey's is actually Jodi's favorite restaurant, and I had been trying to get us reservations since we had gotten to WDW but of course, there was no luck. Chef Mickey's was booked solid for the next two weeks. My mom and I ended up asking what the walk-in wait looked like, and the cast member told us two hours. I was shocked. I mean, two hours is long. It was also about 6:30, too. Well, we went back over to Jodi by the shops to give her the bad news, and she still wanted to go. I was willing to try the Wave, but Jodi and my mom weren't keen on going there either. Well, what the heck, we're on vacation, and we basically could blow two hours pretty quick! I went back over to get a beeper, and the wait was shorter than what the originl cast member had told me!

To blow some time, Jodi and I headed over to our favorite arcade, and my mom did some shopping.



I ended up winning a bunch of points, and I totally forgot to redeem them! So, I will definitely be redeeming them when I get back.



After arcading, we met over by where the cartoonist's area and hung out.

Then, I noticed something... We were all on our phones.



Not good! Soon after this, though, our beeper went off, and we made our way over to Chef Mickey's.


Sorry, guys! No food pictures. I was super tired. The food was good by Chef Mickey's standards, though! Our waitress was great, too.

Next up: The Yacht and Beach Club!


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Day 6: A Kind-Of Lazy Day

I know what you all must be thinking, how many lazy days can one person have in a vacation?? Well, for me, not enough!

Actually, we were planning on going to Typhoon Lagoon since the weather forecast for the day was going to be 84 degrees. Well, once our Chef Mickey's bill, the night prior, turned out to be $120, and we realized that we had done some damage... Like, WOW, $120 for three girls to eat. I don't know about anyone else, but we thought it was a lot, and we kind of felt guilty. Plus, my dad wasn't aware that we ate out like that that day. So we decided to be good girls and give the guy a break.:D

My parents ended up walking the dog, re-checking in, and went swimming.

Jodi and I, on the other hand, wanted to go to the Yacht and Beach club and walk around the Boardwalk. We got ready and for some reason, it took us like two hours to get ready. We were procrastinating

, playing music, and had a late breakfast.

Around 3 o'clock we drove over the Yacht Club. There is one funny thing, though, Jodi was driving my dad's big Ford 350. I have no idea how to drive the thing because it requires shifting the gears, so I just gave Jodi directions while she was driving.

Dun, dun, dunnn....

She got some weird looks when we checked into the parking lot, which it totally understandable.











Well-Known Member
Loved seeing all your Disney Christmas pics! It is just so beautiful that time of the year!!!

And love seeing all your pics over at the Boardwalk area! It's my favorite place!!!


Well-Known Member
OMG Jess I'm SO glad I was able to catch up on your TR with the 2 snow days we just had out here in Philly!
Absolutely loving all of your pictures! Your mom looks exactly like my mom with her glasses on while reading her phone.. HAHA! You guys have the exact same vacationing strategies as my mom and I, no wonder we're Disney obsessed people from the same neighborhood! :P
Two things I can't believe.. that your mom stole a fry from that man! :jawdrop: and that Jodi drove your dad's humango truck to the beach club, go Jodi! Haha
I love the Crocs! I saw those when I was there last and I have no clue why I didn't get them because I hymned and hawed at them for forever!
Question: How did you get such awesome Magic Kingdom nighttime pictures?! Did you have a tripod or did you just rest you camera on the railing? Such good photography I love them all! Can't wait to get back to the World to try out my new Nikon ;)
Can't wait to read more girl! :D


Well-Known Member
Shoot 2 more things I forgot (sorry).. Your mom is too precious crying on the way to and inside of Magic Kingdom! :')
And also I didn't know you go to the University of St. Francis?! Loving the sweatshirts (I always thought that St. Bernard was the cutest thing ever!)
Okay I think I've said everything I wanted to now! :p


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Loved seeing all your Disney Christmas pics! It is just so beautiful that time of the year!!!

And love seeing all your pics over at the Boardwalk area! It's my favorite place!!!

Thank you! I definitely think Disney is the most "pretty" during Christmastime. The decorations are impeccable.

OMG Jess I'm SO glad I was able to catch up on your TR with the 2 snow days we just had out here in Philly!
Absolutely loving all of your pictures! Your mom looks exactly like my mom with her glasses on while reading her phone.. HAHA! You guys have the exact same vacationing strategies as my mom and I, no wonder we're Disney obsessed people from the same neighborhood! :p
Two things I can't believe.. that your mom stole a fry from that man! :jawdrop: and that Jodi drove your dad's humango truck to the beach club, go Jodi! Haha
I love the Crocs! I saw those when I was there last and I have no clue why I didn't get them because I hymned and hawed at them for forever!
Question: How did you get such awesome Magic Kingdom nighttime pictures?! Did you have a tripod or did you just rest you camera on the railing? Such good photography I love them all! Can't wait to get back to the World to try out my new Nikon ;)
Can't wait to read more girl! :D
Shoot 2 more things I forgot (sorry).. Your mom is too precious crying on the way to and inside of Magic Kingdom! :')
And also I didn't know you go to the University of St. Francis?! Loving the sweatshirts (I always thought that St. Bernard was the cutest thing ever!)
Okay I think I've said everything I wanted to now! :p

Hey, Rachel! Thanks for keeping up!:) I heard the east coast got a pretty big snow storm; it's always nice to have a couple days off.

I'm so glad you're enjoying the pictures! It's a lot of work to haul my camera around, but it's definitely worth it. LMAO, I always laugh at my mom when she's on her iPhone. She acts sooo serious.

You and your mom remind me of my mom and I, too! Whenever your mom would talk about you, I always thought of my mom, haha!

The fry incident was crazy. I mean, I couldn't believe she did that! And Jodi driving the car... Well, we'll basically do anything to get around Disney by not using the bus system, haha,

The crocs are amazing, and I almost did the same thing you did. It took me a few days to buy them because I always have to think of my purchases before making them. I did cave, and they were sooo worth it. Most comfy things, ever. You must buy them when you and your mom head down in the summer!

As for the camera question, I totally forgot my tripod, and I usually suck at taking night pictures. My technique was basically standing extremely still and taking a hundred pictures of each "shot." Also, I noticed you have the same camera but newer version of mine! The D5200, right? I highly recommend switching back and forth from live view (looking through the screen) and the viewfinder. For some reason, certain pictures and lighting look better/different depending on which way you take the picture (i.e. looking through the viewfinder vs. live view). I hope this helps!

Aww, she (my mom) is a true Disney lover, which is why she always crus when entering MK!

And yepp, I transferred there after getting my A.A. from JJC over the summer. I love it there, but I can't believe I'll be graduating in a year! It's so surreal and is going by so fast. Ohh, and St. Bernard is pretty cute too:)

Great stuff

Thank you!!


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Ahh, the boardwalk. This is definitely one of my favorite resorts.



Jodi was getting pretty hungry, so we went around the boardwalk pretty quick, but the rush didn't stop us from shopping and stopping in the bakeries...





Oh, and did I miss something on the boardwalk having two bakeries? Like, woah. This was very tempting. I mean very, very tempting...




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We were drooling over Stormalong Bay...

Back in the day, when we were bad, Jodi and I use to sneak in the pool and pretend we were hotel guests. This, of course, was before Disney got all smart and started handing out colored bands to their guests. One time, Jodi even found a colored band and slipped it on her wrist, and she got into the pool without a problem. Now, Disney is soooo uptight on this pool area that it is gated, and they now require scanning either yuor magic band or key card to get in. This makes me miss the good ol' days.

The pool being on lockdown 24/7 also posses many problems because it's rather hard to walk around the porch and get to the salon, arcade, restaurant, etc.

Before we decided where we wanted to eat, Jodi and I sat on the rocking chairs to make a decision and take in the atmosphere.

It seriously was the most beautiful day we had at WDW. I mean it was like 80+ degrees, and it wasn't too hot. Just perfect. As we were sitting on the chairs, I couldn't help but think how I never wanted to leave. It was just so relaxing...

As for Jodi, she was getting real hungry, so my relaxing was cut short. We decided to go to our usual since it never fails, Beaches n' Cream. Ahhh, I miss that place right now!


My date...

We sat at the bar, and we really enjoyed watching everything get made.

The kitchen sink...

Jodi and I tried tricking my dad into thinking we ordered the kitchen sink and ate it. He, of course, did not believe us, haha.

"A whole can?!?!"

Jodi ordered the burger, and she liked it, a lot. Now, I on the other hand, would have wanted more cheese, but she said it was perfect.

I ordered the grilled cheese, and it was ah-mazing! I have never had grilled cheese like that. It had several cheeses: feta, white cheddar, mozzarella? I don't know, but it was good, real good. The tomato bisque wasn't amazing, but it complemented the sandwich perfectly.


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After our "entrees," we asked to for the menu to look at the desserts. Our waiter tried warning us that the portions are large, but if we were going to eat at Beaches n' Cream, we could simply not miss out on dessert!

Jodi got that Brownie-Ice Cream thing. I tried it, but to me, the brownie wasn't that good. Jodi thought it was decent, but she isn't picky, either.


I was boring and got two scoops of ice cream, mint and coffee. Initially, I wanted to get the "No Way Jose," but after that large dinner, I just couldn't bring myself to order it.

After Beaches, we headed back over to the campground to rest and catch up with our parents.

I decided to take pictures of the camper because it's pretty cozy at night...

Jodi and I's messy sleeping area...

The bathroom


Our cute, little tree

Our camper's awning broke, so we didn't set up a hang out area



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