Trip Report **COMPLETED!** The Triple Threat Trip Report- Christmas and New Years at the Happiest Place on Earth

Ah, where do I start? It’s hard to believe that three weeks ago my family and I had just started our fantastic Christmas Vacation. Now, I am bracing myself for one of the coldest winters in 30 years. It’s amazing how much a difference of a thousand miles makes! Anyway, on to my trip report!

For a future warning, I apologize for any grammar mistakes, lagging in the report, and so forth. It has been over two years since I have actually written a trip report and quite frankly, I have missed it!

You can read my pre trip report here:

Also, if you’d like to know me more, you can read my last trip report, circa summer 2011:

Let me reintroduce my family and myself:

Top: Left: My sister, Jodi. Right: Me, Jessica
Bottom: My parents

Okay, now that you all know my cast, I'll get this "show" started!

The term triple-threat comes from the fact that our vacation was actually three vacations in one. The plan was to stay in the Sarasota area of Florida for a little over a week, go on a quick, three day, bahamian can cruise, and spend the remaining days (about 12) in Disney.

We left for Florida on Friday, December 13. Just a few days before we left, I came to the realization of the date that we were leaving on! I am a firm believer of this day being unlucky for a number of reason but this belief was proven true on the day we left...

I work at a school for a couple hours a day monitoring students during their lunch and recess periods, so we planned on leaving right after I got out of work. Well, that did not happen. The morning we were to depart, I woke up with, what felt like, a golf ball sized lump in my throat. I almost decided to suck it up and just go to work, but since my job requires me to talk, I made the difficult decision to call off and go to the emergency clinic. I am soooo glad I did! I ended up testing positive for strep throat, and I could have made it worse by going to work and not treating it. This was just my luck with Friday, the 13th. To add to our bad luck, my mom was down with a "bug," too. My sister, Jodi, was getting over being sick, and my dad was coming down with something, as well. This is one of the reasons why I am not fond of traveling in the winter due to everyone being sick and all, but my family is never able to get this kind of time off during any other season.

Anyway, we still ended up leaving on that day. We had no other choice. Since we were driving and pulling a camper, we had to due to a snowstorm that was going to hit our hometwon, Chicago, the next day. But, we still caught the darn thing that day. The snowstorm ended up being an entire front that stretched from northern Florida to Illinois. The snow turned into a down poor as we hit the South. In all, it was on of the worse 'drive-downs' we have ever had. It took us 28 hours to get to Sarasota, FL rather than usually taking 18 hours. Moral of this story: Never start your vacation on Friday, the 13th!

Here are some photos of the day we arrived. I won't bore you all with the first two parts of the vacation since they are not Disney related, but I will show you some of our photos on the way down and such!

On our second day of driving, I was feeling a bit better after loading up on Motrin and taking my required antibiotics. We were extremely hungry after our several hour pit stop at the rest stop, so we ate at a Waffle House somewhere in Georgia. A Waffle House stop is always a must on our way down to Florida since it is one of my favorite:

Mmmmm Waffle House Food

My mom obviously enjoyed her meal, haha

We arrived in Sarasota about 9 at night and stayed at the Myakka State Park for the night. Our campground was booked for the Saturday night, so staying at Myakka was a last minute decision. We then headed over to Fort De Soto Campground, where we stayed until the following Sunday, December 22. That Sunday was crazy! We had to leave the campground and head over to Disney to drop our pets off at Best Friends for the cruise. In addition, Disney was so kind enough to let us park our camper for free in the parking lot at Fort Wilderness until we checked in, which saved us a big chunk of money.

The sign! Jodi and I were kind of bummed that we had to leave Disney, and we weren't even excited to go on the cruise. In all, we had an awesome time on the cruise, and it was extremely relaxing, but we couldn't wait to get back to our animals and spend the rest of our vacation at the happiest place on earth.

Next: Our Disney arrival and my review on Best Friends since it was our first time ever boarding our pets!


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Oh man, this TR has been keeping me busy at work the past two days. Please hurry up and write more!

Ahhh, thank you! School is now over, so I will be finishing it up!

Hi there- so I'm a lurker, have been for awhile now, my husband always asks me why I don't post trip reports... Anyway- This is my first post, I just couldn't help myself because I saw your USF sweatshirt and I got so excited!! I am from Joliet, went to JT West for HS, and my dad and I always went to watch the men's and women's basketball games at St. Francis when I was in HS and after I graduated college when I went back to the J (I live in Indiana now, otherwise we probably still would)- I also took summer school classes at JJC. I just adore all of your photos, my family used to go to Disney every Christmas- to this day, I get sad on the 23rd of December b/c that was always the day we flew out!! Thanks for sharing your trip with us!! :) Can't wait for more.

Wow!! Small world! I'm from New Lenox, so I'm sure you know of it. I went to JJC for my first two years and transferred to USF this year, which I absolutely love. It's a great little campus, and I love being so close to home. Thank you for posting, and I'm so glad you're enjoying the photos. The 23rd marks a special day for me to, as that it usually the day my family leaves for Disney, as well. So much in common!

Omg your sister's shirt is so cute!

Thanks! She got it from Tren-D, aka the best Disney store ever...

Just got caught up on this! Love the TR so far!!

My mother always talks about tenting at Ft. Wilderness. WL is our favorite resort and the few times we have been over to Ft. Wilderness the last few years for Hoop Dee Doo, it's so pretty. Looks so awesome at Christmas!

I'm in the same boat with taking pictures. I have a DSLR and always stopping to take pictures while my Mom and sister wait for me.

Can't wait to read some more!! :)
I'm so glad you're enjoying it! It's such a compliment to hear things like that from the "main" WDWMagic ladies!

And isn't Fort Wilderness the best? Even if you tent, it still is the same great experience (I've done it before)! WL is absolutely beautiful. I can seriously spend hours there just awing at all of the details. Both resorts are beautiful, but Christmas is truly special.

I am so glad someone can relate with me about taking photos! It maybe annoying, but it is soooo worth it!

I've always wanted to camp at FW during the holidays and your pics have really inspired me. :)

I am glad my pics have inspired you! It's so worth it. Ft. Wilderness is definitely a resort that you will never find yourself bored, and you also can do lots of things without spending much money (canoeing, biking, etc.)


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I'm so sorry for leaving everyone hanging! The semester just ended, so I will finally be able to finish this thing! I hope everyone can endure a Christmas trip report during Spring/Summer.

Day 9: New Year's Eve

This day consisted of a lot of wrongs- in both good ways and bad. I am unsure if this was the best way to start the new year or end it, but it was definitely a learning experience.

First off, we have celebrated NYE in WDW many times, which usually consists of avoiding the parks since we all know how that goes... Well, Jodi and I kind of wanted to go to a park, and we decided that we wanted to go to Epcot at 9 in the morning that day. This is wrong #1.;)

We were such crazies that we ended up getting to Epcot at around 11. My dad refused to go because of the crowds, so he dropped us off at the front gate.

It was an absolute madhouse when we got to Epcot. The line for the bag check was insane, too. In fact, everything was insane.

As Jodi, was getting her bag checked, the people next to her got in trouble for trying to sneak in a crap load of alcohol. See the big brown bag in the picture? All alcohol. So discreet.... *Sarcasm*

Despite the insanity, it was a beautiful day. It was pretty cool, but this made things better since there was about 50,000,000 people in Epcot.


FastPass reservations for the day! Note: I made an accident with these reservations since I was supposed to get FastPasses for Soarin' not Test Track, but my subconscious apparently wanted to go on Test Track instead... I attempted to changed the reservation, but it was too late due to the high demand and whatnot.

Our first stop was, of course, Starbucks! The line was insane (I will be using that word a lot), but it surprisingly moved fast. The Disney Starbucks-es have done a great job with the lines, and we were all really impressed.

I took a picture of my pin I received a few days ago while in line...



Loveeeee the cups



Dana Boo

New Member
Ahhh, thank you! School is now over, so I will be finishing it up!

Wow!! Small world! I'm from New Lenox, so I'm sure you know of it. I went to JJC for my first two years and transferred to USF this year, which I absolutely love. It's a great little campus, and I love being so close to home. Thank you for posting, and I'm so glad you're enjoying the photos. The 23rd marks a special day for me to, as that it usually the day my family leaves for Disney, as well. So much in common!

Thanks! She got it from Tren-D, aka the best Disney store ever...

I'm so glad you're enjoying it! It's such a compliment to hear things like that from the "main" WDWMagic ladies!

And isn't Fort Wilderness the best? Even if you tent, it still is the same great experience (I've done it before)! WL is absolutely beautiful. I can seriously spend hours there just awing at all of the details. Both resorts are beautiful, but Christmas is truly special.

I am so glad someone can relate with me about taking photos! It maybe annoying, but it is soooo worth it!

I am glad my pics have inspired you! It's so worth it. Ft. Wilderness is definitely a resort that you will never find yourself bored, and you also can do lots of things without spending much money (canoeing, biking, etc.)
Oh heck yeah I know of New Lenox! Some friends went to Providence, and one of my best friends just built a house there with her hubby! And I used to take the train into the city a lot with friends (Metra of course!) and the first stop was New Lenox. Awwww I miss the 'burbs! (My bro lives in Orland Park and I was just there last week so I can't complain!)... Congrats on finishing your semester!! :D


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Original Poster
Oh heck yeah I know of New Lenox! Some friends went to Providence, and one of my best friends just built a house there with her hubby! And I used to take the train into the city a lot with friends (Metra of course!) and the first stop was New Lenox. Awwww I miss the 'burbs! (My bro lives in Orland Park and I was just there last week so I can't complain!)... Congrats on finishing your semester!! :D

Yes! I totally know of Providence! I went there for pre-school, and it was an option for high school, but I chose to go to Lincoln-Way. Sooo funny! The burbs haven't changed except for all of the new stores and whatnot.

Thank you(:


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After our trip to Starbucks, we headed over to Mouse Gears to get in some trouble. That store is awesome, and I always seem to find stuff there that is sold out everywhere else.

Jodi decided she wanted a Disney Dooney for her birthday and my mom agreed. The only thing is.... is that we are extremely picky, and Jodi wanted the design on her bag to be perfect, so she had the cast member get "fresh" bags out from the back so she could pick one she liked most. The cast member was absolutely hilarious because he couldn't see a difference in the bags.

The "perfect bag"

While Jodi and my mom were examining the purses, I decided that I needed another sweatshirt and I put it on immediately after buying it. I'm hasty...

After Mouse Gears, we went on Spaceship Earth.

Love it!

After Spaceship Earth, Jodi and I headed over to test track and my mom stayed behind due to her back issues, but she of course kept herself occupied with people watching and shopping. As Jodi and I were approaching test track, we noticed the insanely long ling coming out of test track- even for the fast passes! We looked at the wait time, and it said 245 minutes. People were still lining up! I have no idea why anyone would wait in line for four hours. I mean, I just could never do that, but fortunately, the fast pass line moved decently, and we got on the ride in 30 minutes.

Attempt at taking a picture of the 245 minute wait...

After TT, I called my mom, and we met up with her over at Mexico. She was of course shopping, haha.


We then headed out to tour the rest of the countries, and it was become crazy with the crowds. We were trying to dodge people left and right, and it literally felt like we were stuck inside of a sardine can.

As we were trying to get through the crowds, I ran into a friend of mine again! I couldn't believe it because it was so crowded! The crowds kind of swept me away, so I quickly said hi, and we were on our way.


Oh, did I forget to mention that a bird crapped on me? Mind you, this was my brand new sweatshirt.

Okay so here's what happened next: It was so insane that we decided to leave Epcot through the back exit, aka the entrance for the Yacht and Beach Club. It was so bad that we needed some air. Jodi was kind of upset that we left so early, but we were all really hungry, and we came to the conclusion that we needed to figure out where we were going to eat. We took the boat over to the Yacht and Beach Club since we were exhausted and when we got there, Jodi was telling my mom how bad she wanted to eat at Teppan Edo (partly, I believe because I mentioned my friend, who I ran into, had reservations for there), and blah blah. Well, my mom basically got convinced (ehm hem, guilt tripped) into going back to Epcot and trying to get a table at Teppan Edo. Now, I knew that it would be impossible for us to get in, and even when my mom tried calling the restaurant, their lines were busy. Anyway, we ended up going BACK to Epcot in an attempt to physically get a table at Teppan Edo. In a nutshell, everything was booked, and my mom was unable to get us in. So, went to Epcot's main exit to catch the monorail and head back, where we'd find some food on the way, haha.

Once we got to the monorail entrance area, we got stopped by a cast member asking us where we were heading in addition to a billion more questions. Before I was able to mention that we were staying at a resort, the cast member was telling me how all the parks were closed in addition to the monorails, which could only be used by resort stayers. Once I told him we were and had my magic band scanned, we were able to wait in a line of like 5 people to get to one of the resorts. Needless to say, our day at Epcot wasn't what I expected...


Next up: Dinner!


Well-Known Member
Great trip report. I only wish my family was laid back like yours. I would love to hotel hop around but my family always wants to be in the parks riding what ever they can. Great pictures of the Christmas decorations. Keep the report coming.


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Great trip report. I only wish my family was laid back like yours. I would love to hotel hop around but my family always wants to be in the parks riding what ever they can. Great pictures of the Christmas decorations. Keep the report coming.

Thank you! Being laid back definitely has both its pros and cons. Sometimes, I feel like I miss out on some things, but I do like the more relaxed tone. Although, it's always nice to see all of the rides, too!

WOW I'm so excited, I'm going to Biergarten for the first time this November! We're also going for lunch and looks like we won't be disappointed! Fair play to your Mam getting your reservation changed! :D

Ahh, I miss it so much! You definitely will not be disappointed for lunch, as the menu is almost identical. Haha, and yes, my mom definitely knows how to get what she wants!

your Epcot day sounds crazy! Sorry about the bird crap but that's a great picture.

Yes, it definitely was! Hahaha, that was the second time our family got hit by bird crap. I swear, they were just attracted to us!


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After switching monorails and being dropped off at the Contemporary, we headed over to the boats. I feel as though the stops on the boats are never consistent because sometimes Fort Wilderness is the first stop and Wilderness is the second, and vice versa. This time, Wilderness Lodge ended up being our first stop, and we decided to hop off in hopes of getting into Whispering Canyon since we hadn't dined there in years.

As my mom was trying to snatch some reservations, I couldn't help but take more pictures.

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While I was being an amateur photographer and such, my mom came back saying somewhere along the lines of, "Boy, do I have a story for you!" Well, Whispering Canyon was "booked solid" (note: as you read on you will find out why I put that line in quotations). My mom was so exhausted and we were all just soooo hungry that she just told the truth. She basically explained how all of the food venues were impossible to get into, everywhere else was booked, and how we hadn't eaten all day except for Starbucks, which is definitely not a meal. I guess my mom's explanation worked because the cast member gave my mom a beeper and told her that we would be seated soon. Phew! Glad that worked!

Our beeper went off in under 5 minutes, and we were seated with this lovely view:

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As we were being taken to our table, I couldn't help but notice the lack of occupied tables. In fact, it almost seemed as though the restaurant was slow. Mind you, it was a little after 7 when we were seated, so it's not like we got there extremely late/early... So much for Whispering Canyon being "booked solid."

Soo, here comes the somewhat unfortunate story and basically one of our worst meals at Disney.

Well, I know Whispering Canyon very well. We use to be regulars here, and we loved the whole "inapportiateness" to the dining experience, and it was overall just fun. Now, when our waitress came to our table, well, something just wasn't right. She definitely did not have that Whispering Canyon personality, and she was pretty rude (and not in the hilarious, whispering canyon, rude).

We of course got the regular family share meal (sorry forgot the name), and we were shocked to see that drinks weren't included. This made us wish we had gone to Trail's End instead since it would have been much cheaper, and drinks are included, too.

We started off with the corn bread and darn, that stuff was good. I'm pretty sure we just kept asking for more and more, to which our waitress kept forgetting to give us more corn bread, and we had to keep asking her for more. Then, she would remind us not to fill up on it since more food was coming. Yeah, the first warning was fine but after about three more reminders, we were getting annoyed because we want more bang for our buck and hey, it's ALL YOU CAN EAT!
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Then, our meal started to come out.

Here's the dismantled salad; It was pretty decent but nothing to call home about.
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Oh, and our meal. Yeah, the only thing I like were the mashed potatoes. Everything else had a char-grilled taste to it, if that makes sense. And believe me, we always eat at Trail's End, which caters to the same theme/taste, so I am convinced the taste of the food was not normal.

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Jodi and my mom were equally dissatisfied, if not more than me. To add more insult to injury, whenever we asked for more food, it would take at least 10 minutes for us to get more. Mind you, Whispering Canyon was still half empty. Oh, and our drinks barely ever got refilled.

As we were eating we looked over at a table next to us with a really unhappy family. The couple had four children, and the wife was signing the bill. As she was signing it, the waitress came up to her and was like, "Oh yeah, here are your napkins you asked for a while ago. I totally forgot. Do you want them?" Then the wife was didn't even look up and said, "No," to which the husband added "Yeah it was really messy."

Oh my gosh, we couldn't believe what we were hearing, and the bubbly waitress just trotted off. I kind of wanted to half laugh because our waitress was soooo wacky and each time she gave someone their bill, she would immediately point out where the tip section was located BEFORE even saying where the total is. Now, I am not trying to be picky, but we have never had a waiter/waitress ever point out the tip section and moreover, it being the first thing to point out.

When she gave us our bill, can you guess what she did? Yeah, she pointed out the tip.

In all, it was really disappointing, but I guess at least we found somewhere to eat. To be honest, I would have much rather ate at Roaring Fork, which never disappoints, and that's a quick service. Oh well, you live and you learn, but this story somewhat carries on into tomorrow....


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Before I start writing about the next day, I must end this day! After all, it is NYE!

Once we got back to the campsite, we told my dad about our bad dining experience, and he was not happy. I'm pretty sure he made a comment about how we should have just eaten the canned food he bought from Sam's in our camper. Yeah, no thanks, I'll pass.

My dad giving us his "advice," ehm ehm, more like scolding.

As the night got later, we all hung out, and we took showers and prepped for bed. BUT we did not forget about the fireworks! We like to run things real tight in terms of time, so we left our camper at about 11:55 and headed over to the boat dock on our golf cart. We couldn't believe all of the people on the beach, but it was so cool because the beach was

This picture does not do justice for the amount of people on the beach.


Jodi and I had split from my parents and right before the countdown started, we met up with the rents over to a really empt and spacious spot, the actual dock! (surprisingly)


Sorry, guys! No more pictures, I opted to take a video instead since I didn't want to mess with the camera during the most awesome Disney fireworks. Oh, and I managed to post an Instagram video at the same time! I'm such a multi-tasker.

Please ignore my obnoxious voice...

While we had a pretty insane day, this was truly the best was to ring in the new year: no extreme crowds, pure happiness, and being with my family. I really loved watching the fireworks from the dock, and I think it's a thousand time better than being in the parks. Either way, bringing in the new year at the happiest place on Earth is without doubt my favorite way.

As we drove back, everyone was blaring their horns, especially the golf carts, and hollering, "Happy New Year." If you ever consider celebrating NYE at Fort Wilderness, I highly recommend it, as it has a great view of the Magic Kingdom fireworks.

Next Up: A Day At The Magic Kingdom, and is it really possible to get a refund on a DISNEY meal?
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Sam J W

New Member
Love reading this! It is the first trip report that I have fully read, and I was hooked from the first post.

It definitely makes me want to go back there sooner than I am doing! Already looking forwards to your next post


Well-Known Member
What a blast it must have been to be at the World for New Years. Thanks for the video clip gave me some chills watching it making me think that I need to go during the Christmas New Years time frame. Sorry to hear you had such a bad time at Whispering Canyon, I have heard from my friends that place is always a blast. Guess the Waitress was upset she has to work New Years Eve, I'm not making an excuse for her. I am still taking my family there on our next trip. Keep the great TR going.

Dana Boo

New Member
I lov
After our trip to Starbucks, we headed over to Mouse Gears to get in some trouble. That store is awesome, and I always seem to find stuff there that is sold out everywhere else.

Jodi decided she wanted a Disney Dooney for her birthday and my mom agreed. The only thing is.... is that we are extremely picky, and Jodi wanted the design on her bag to be perfect, so she had the cast member get "fresh" bags out from the back so she could pick one she liked most. The cast member was absolutely hilarious because he couldn't see a difference in the bags.
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The "perfect bag"
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While Jodi and my mom were examining the purses, I decided that I needed another sweatshirt and I put it on immediately after buying it. I'm hasty...
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After Mouse Gears, we went on Spaceship Earth.

Love it!
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After Spaceship Earth, Jodi and I headed over to test track and my mom stayed behind due to her back issues, but she of course kept herself occupied with people watching and shopping. As Jodi and I were approaching test track, we noticed the insanely long ling coming out of test track- even for the fast passes! We looked at the wait time, and it said 245 minutes. People were still lining up! I have no idea why anyone would wait in line for four hours. I mean, I just could never do that, but fortunately, the fast pass line moved decently, and we got on the ride in 30 minutes.

Attempt at taking a picture of the 245 minute wait...
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After TT, I called my mom, and we met up with her over at Mexico. She was of course shopping, haha.

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We then headed out to tour the rest of the countries, and it was become crazy with the crowds. We were trying to dodge people left and right, and it literally felt like we were stuck inside of a sardine can.

As we were trying to get through the crowds, I ran into a friend of mine again! I couldn't believe it because it was so crowded! The crowds kind of swept me away, so I quickly said hi, and we were on our way.

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Oh, did I forget to mention that a bird crapped on me? Mind you, this was my brand new sweatshirt.
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Okay so here's what happened next: It was so insane that we decided to leave Epcot through the back exit, aka the entrance for the Yacht and Beach Club. It was so bad that we needed some air. Jodi was kind of upset that we left so early, but we were all really hungry, and we came to the conclusion that we needed to figure out where we were going to eat. We took the boat over to the Yacht and Beach Club since we were exhausted and when we got there, Jodi was telling my mom how bad she wanted to eat at Teppan Edo (partly, I believe because I mentioned my friend, who I ran into, had reservations for there), and blah blah. Well, my mom basically got convinced (ehm hem, guilt tripped) into going back to Epcot and trying to get a table at Teppan Edo. Now, I knew that it would be impossible for us to get in, and even when my mom tried calling the restaurant, their lines were busy. Anyway, we ended up going BACK to Epcot in an attempt to physically get a table at Teppan Edo. In a nutshell, everything was booked, and my mom was unable to get us in. So, went to Epcot's main exit to catch the monorail and head back, where we'd find some food on the way, haha.

Once we got to the monorail entrance area, we got stopped by a cast member asking us where we were heading in addition to a billion more questions. Before I was able to mention that we were staying at a resort, the cast member was telling me how all the parks were closed in addition to the monorails, which could only be used by resort stayers. Once I told him we were and had my magic band scanned, we were able to wait in a line of like 5 people to get to one of the resorts. Needless to say, our day at Epcot wasn't what I expected...

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Next up: Dinner!
I love the colors in this SSE photo!! And I totally understand your sis wanting to look at all the Dooney bags- I did that too to make sure I got the best one! :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Love reading this! It is the first trip report that I have fully read, and I was hooked from the first post.

It definitely makes me want to go back there sooner than I am doing! Already looking forwards to your next post

Aww, thank you! I am so glad you are really enjoying it!

What a blast it must have been to be at the World for New Years. Thanks for the video clip gave me some chills watching it making me think that I need to go during the Christmas New Years time frame. Sorry to hear you had such a bad time at Whispering Canyon, I have heard from my friends that place is always a blast. Guess the Waitress was upset she has to work New Years Eve, I'm not making an excuse for her. I am still taking my family there on our next trip. Keep the great TR going.

It's always great to spend New Years at WDW and thanks about the video! I was contemplating on whether or not I should upload it, but I thought it would add to the whole TR experience. Our WC experience was definitely disappointing, but I would never tell people not to go there. There are a lot of factors to making a good restaurant experience (our's was just a combo of a lot of bad, haha), and I'm sure yours will be great! I want to go back to WC in the future; I just think it will be a while before I will be going back there. Lastly, thanks for reading!


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Day 10: Magic Kingdom and *FINALLY* Dinner at The Wave

Jodi, my mom, and I decided that we needed a much needed day at the Magic Kingdom, especially since we were leaving in two days, which required an excessive dose of magic.

I cannot recall what time we got to MK, but I'm assuming it was a little after noon since we're late sleepers. My dad did not join us on this trek, either, due to him claiming to being done with the parks after our day at Hollywood Studios. We were totally fine with his decision because this meant more shopping and people watching. :D

Once we got to MK, Jodi and I headed over to Buzz Lightyear's due to our FastPass reservations.

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We of course visited Starbucks after.





After Starbucks, we headed back over to Tomorrowland and went on the People Mover, which is one of my favorites.




After that, we needed some more sugar and got dole whips. :) Actually, I'm not really a fan of the the original Dole Whip, so my boring self got vanilla ice cream and both Jodi and my mom got the dream-sidle flavor dole whip...




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The rest of our day at MK consisted of shopping and periodically going on some rides.

I bought the cutest little cover for my ugly gray magic band while on our way out from Pirates of the Caribbean.



A cast member gave my mom these stickers, and she was soooo happy about getting the stickers, haha.

We went on Haunted Mansion after roaming around for a bit, and there was a huge "traffic jam" in the buggy boarding area. There had to be at least 100 people stuck in the room, and I had no idea what the hold up was, but I was happy to have an opportunity to take pictures of the awesome chandeliers.






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