Trip Report **COMPLETED!** The Triple Threat Trip Report- Christmas and New Years at the Happiest Place on Earth

Ah, where do I start? It’s hard to believe that three weeks ago my family and I had just started our fantastic Christmas Vacation. Now, I am bracing myself for one of the coldest winters in 30 years. It’s amazing how much a difference of a thousand miles makes! Anyway, on to my trip report!

For a future warning, I apologize for any grammar mistakes, lagging in the report, and so forth. It has been over two years since I have actually written a trip report and quite frankly, I have missed it!

You can read my pre trip report here:

Also, if you’d like to know me more, you can read my last trip report, circa summer 2011:

Let me reintroduce my family and myself:

Top: Left: My sister, Jodi. Right: Me, Jessica
Bottom: My parents

Okay, now that you all know my cast, I'll get this "show" started!

The term triple-threat comes from the fact that our vacation was actually three vacations in one. The plan was to stay in the Sarasota area of Florida for a little over a week, go on a quick, three day, bahamian can cruise, and spend the remaining days (about 12) in Disney.

We left for Florida on Friday, December 13. Just a few days before we left, I came to the realization of the date that we were leaving on! I am a firm believer of this day being unlucky for a number of reason but this belief was proven true on the day we left...

I work at a school for a couple hours a day monitoring students during their lunch and recess periods, so we planned on leaving right after I got out of work. Well, that did not happen. The morning we were to depart, I woke up with, what felt like, a golf ball sized lump in my throat. I almost decided to suck it up and just go to work, but since my job requires me to talk, I made the difficult decision to call off and go to the emergency clinic. I am soooo glad I did! I ended up testing positive for strep throat, and I could have made it worse by going to work and not treating it. This was just my luck with Friday, the 13th. To add to our bad luck, my mom was down with a "bug," too. My sister, Jodi, was getting over being sick, and my dad was coming down with something, as well. This is one of the reasons why I am not fond of traveling in the winter due to everyone being sick and all, but my family is never able to get this kind of time off during any other season.

Anyway, we still ended up leaving on that day. We had no other choice. Since we were driving and pulling a camper, we had to due to a snowstorm that was going to hit our hometwon, Chicago, the next day. But, we still caught the darn thing that day. The snowstorm ended up being an entire front that stretched from northern Florida to Illinois. The snow turned into a down poor as we hit the South. In all, it was on of the worse 'drive-downs' we have ever had. It took us 28 hours to get to Sarasota, FL rather than usually taking 18 hours. Moral of this story: Never start your vacation on Friday, the 13th!

Here are some photos of the day we arrived. I won't bore you all with the first two parts of the vacation since they are not Disney related, but I will show you some of our photos on the way down and such!

On our second day of driving, I was feeling a bit better after loading up on Motrin and taking my required antibiotics. We were extremely hungry after our several hour pit stop at the rest stop, so we ate at a Waffle House somewhere in Georgia. A Waffle House stop is always a must on our way down to Florida since it is one of my favorite:

Mmmmm Waffle House Food

My mom obviously enjoyed her meal, haha

We arrived in Sarasota about 9 at night and stayed at the Myakka State Park for the night. Our campground was booked for the Saturday night, so staying at Myakka was a last minute decision. We then headed over to Fort De Soto Campground, where we stayed until the following Sunday, December 22. That Sunday was crazy! We had to leave the campground and head over to Disney to drop our pets off at Best Friends for the cruise. In addition, Disney was so kind enough to let us park our camper for free in the parking lot at Fort Wilderness until we checked in, which saved us a big chunk of money.

The sign! Jodi and I were kind of bummed that we had to leave Disney, and we weren't even excited to go on the cruise. In all, we had an awesome time on the cruise, and it was extremely relaxing, but we couldn't wait to get back to our animals and spend the rest of our vacation at the happiest place on earth.

Next: Our Disney arrival and my review on Best Friends since it was our first time ever boarding our pets!


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It started to rain and we were getting hungry, so we decided to go on our way out.




Survey marker!

I tried to buy a balloon with my magic band, but I guess that is not an option for purchasing balloons. Also, while I was asking the cast member this, he did not look up at me once. It was very odd because he was staring down the entire time, haha.

After that incident, we went to our beloved spot, the train station, and took in the view for a while.






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I tried to buy a balloon with my magic band, but I guess that is not an option for purchasing balloons. Also, while I was asking the cast member this, he did not look up at me once. It was very odd because he was staring down the entire time.

Some people just have social anxiety issues, even when working at WDW.
It can be even more significant when approached by a young, attractive woman! :cautious:

(It's YOUR fault! LOL! J/K! :cool: )


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Sweet dreams, Magic Kingdom

We headed over to the Contemporary by foot, and I was finally able to convince my mom and sister to try The Wave! I was extremely excited, as I had wanted to try Contemporary's little gem since it opened. Before we got reservations, my mom went to the front desk because she had some questions, and then somehow she got on the topic of our terrible dinner experience at Whispering Canyon. Well, the cast member had my mom call Disney's dining customer experience, and they ended up refunding my mom for our dinner! I seriously had no idea Disney would ever do such a thing, but I must say this was very kind of them! In addition, we also got into the Wave with a 40 minute wait, which really wasn't a big deal since we were practically getting a free meal...


Happy lady(:

While we were looking at the menu, we realized this restaurant is mainly a seafood type, hence "The Wave" name. She ended up getting a pasta dish that wasn't on the meal, but she really liked it!

The bread


Appetizers for two, soooo good!

Cobb salad; my mom also got the chili, which she said both were awesome.

The filet, which was great!

The trio dessert, which was great too!

The Wave was a great experience, and we thought the food was pretty good! Our waitress was also very kind and helpful with recommending what we should order. Overall, I would dine at this restaurant again, and it was a great finale to our night.


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Some people just have social anxiety issues, even when working at WDW.
It can be even more significant when approached by a young, attractive woman! :cautious:

(It's YOUR fault! LOL! J/K! :cool: )

LOL, thank you! It seriously was one of my more awkward experiences at WDW, haha.


Well-Known Member
LOL, thank you! It seriously was one of my more awkward experiences at WDW, haha.

Sometimes those things are awkward but then again I appreciate the fact that you can run into all walks of life of CM's at WDW!
I feel like it wouldn't be as Magical if everyone there was an over-the-top non-stop fake smiling robot (although I have to admit that there are plenty of times that I could've done without some of the authentic "tude" from a few CM's here and there...LOL!)


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your family was having a really magical time at the Magic Kingdom. Can you tell me were you were able to find that cover for the magic band, my daughter saw it and would like to get one just like it? As of yet we have not experienced the magic bands and all that comes with it. Thanks for sharing your experiences and pictures with us during the holiday season, you are really making it easy for family to choose to see it first hand.


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Sometimes those things are awkward but then again I appreciate the fact that you can run into all walks of life of CM's at WDW!
I feel like it wouldn't be as Magical if everyone there was an over-the-top non-stop fake smiling robot (although I have to admit that there are plenty of times that I could've done without some of the authentic "tude" from a few CM's here and there...LOL!)

This is very true! I guess I was just taken aback by this situation, but it definitely did not put a damper on my day. CMs go through a lot, and I especially know this because my best friend just got back from the college program, so I definitely have a high respect for what they go through on a daily basis.

Sounds like your family was having a really magical time at the Magic Kingdom. Can you tell me were you were able to find that cover for the magic band, my daughter saw it and would like to get one just like it? As of yet we have not experienced the magic bands and all that comes with it. Thanks for sharing your experiences and pictures with us during the holiday season, you are really making it easy for family to choose to see it first hand.

I got my Magic Band cover at the Pirates of the Caribbean gift shop (I'm not sure of its actual name). I'm pretty sure they are becoming a bit more popular, so you may have a good chance of finding them in the resorts shops. Lastly, thanks for reading, and I'm glad you're liking my trip report! The holidays are a wonderful time to visit Disney, and I know you guys will have a great time!


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Day 10 (cont.)

We ended the day with walking around the contemporary and catching the boat to Fort Wilderness.


DSC_0312 - Version 2.JPG


Oh, and we always get stopped by the Electric Light Water Parade, which I do not mind. This is something that I hope Disney never gets rid of.

Day 11: Our Last Day :(:cry:

Our last day was pretty chill, but we did make the most of it.

We started our day with the usual cup of coffee and hung around our campsite.

After hanging around, my mom, Jodi, and I had my dad drop us off at the bus stop with in our golf cart, and we caught the bus to Downtown Disney.


Once we walked into the Ghirardelli shop, we were given freeeeee chocolates. I'm pretty sure my mom took like 10 of them.



This is really creepy, and I had to take a picture of it because I have never seen this display in the World of Disney before.


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Love Basin White!



We walked around, and Jodi ending up buying a pair of sunglasses at the Sunglass Hut. It was really hot on our last day, about 85 degrees! We were at Downtown Disney for a few hours, and then we headed back to the bus stop. In the meantime, I made reservations for us to eat at Trail's End (so predictable) to "celebrate" our trail's end.

Our bus's first stop was at the Wilderness Lodge, so we decided to hop off and catch the boat to Ft. Wilderness. This was just another excuse for us to hang out at the Lodge. :)

Once we were done sightseeing at the Lodge, we went to the dock to catch our boat, but we noticed that something odd was going on. We had just missed the boat, but there was one boat left at the dock, and no one was allowed to board it. We noticed that it was about to rain, but the boats always seem to run despite the rain. Then, it just started to down poor! Scratch that, it was like a MONSOON/HURRICANE! We were with a couple people waiting, and the little half-covered part of the dock was not helping us from getting wet, so we just ran to the hotel. I half remember one lady falling as she was running, but she was helped up. I also remember me taking off my flip flops so I could run faster to get out of the "monsoon." We ran to the nearest entrance, and we were literally drenched. So, the boats were closed down, and the rain was not letting up. This all led me to call my dad, and have him save us by picking us up and he did. Praise the lord!

We went back to the campsite and changed into dry clothes and put on our ponchos to head over to Trail's End for our dinner reservations. My dad opted to stay behind because he wanted us to be ready to leave first thing in the morning and plus, he cheap and he wanted to save money by eating whatever was left in the fridge.

Sorry, guys! No dinner food!

After dinner, Jodi was complaining of her foot because she had some type of sore on her foot from walking in uncomfortable shoes. Well, as we were just standing outside of the boat dock, Jodi and I were talking about how we really wanted to go to the Magic Kingdom to end our night off with a bang. My mom was hesitant about Jodi's foot, but we ended up switching shoes, so Jodi's feet wouldn't hurt anymore (she was wearing converse initially).

It was raining basically the entire time, but we did not let this affect our night. Disney's ponchos are pretty invincible!

I did not take my DSLR due to the rain, so I took all of these pictures with my iPhone.






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Always wanted to try the Wave. Thanks for the review. I'm glad you got a refund for Whispering Canyon. We ate there last August and had a great time, but any place can have a bad day.

Enjoying the report!


Well-Known Member
Have just now seen your TR. This looks like you all had a blast. The fun definitely shines through your pictures. Love your mom crying. Nice to see others do that too.


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Haha, thanks! And I'm pretty sure HRH was begging for food.

Always wanted to try the Wave. Thanks for the review. I'm glad you got a refund for Whispering Canyon. We ate there last August and had a great time, but any place can have a bad day.

Enjoying the report!

The wave is definitely a must try! I completely agree with you that any place can be a bad experience from one person to another, or even just depending on the day. I'm just happy that Disney made things right by giving us a refund; it was much appreciated, for sure.

Thanks for reading (and sticking along), and I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Still enjoying the report and the pictures :)

Thanks for reading and hanging in on my extremely long report! I'm glad you're still enjoying it!

Nice report and pictures, just sad :( that's it's coming to an end.

Thank you! I'm sad that it's coming to an end, too! I love writing these reports, and I hope to write another soon!

Have just now seen your TR. This looks like you all had a blast. The fun definitely shines through your pictures. Love your mom crying. Nice to see others do that too.

Yes, we definitely had a blast; it just went by way too fast! Thank you for such kind words; Disney always brings the best in us. Also, my mom cries every time! She's happy to hear that she's to the only crier, haha. :)


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Ahh, the last post, how I dread writing this. It feels as though my Christmas Disney trip is truly over but enough with the sobbing, I have to finish this!

Well, we spent our last night in MK just walking around a shopping. We didn't do any rides, but since it was raining, we found ourselves constantly running into the shops and doing last minute shopping. Excuses, excuses.;)

I have to admit, the iPhone does a pretty darn good job of taking pictures of the castle, especially at night.




We headed over to Fantasyland to attempt to check out Be Our Guest since it was pretty late (we thought maybe we could sneak in and see it), but we were not able to get in.

Note to self: Be Our Guest is practically the equivalent of Club 33 at DLR. The only way you can see it is with a reservation... And let me tell you, the cast members are strict on this. I had no clue how insanely popular the restaurant is. It's definitely on my "To Try" list for the future.




Oh, and I finally got my balloon. And yes, I still have it...

Cheesy but cute

See you real soon, Magic Kingdom

We took the boat back to the campground and woke up the next day at around 6 am. Checking out took a while and we were on the road at 9:30. Chicago was getting hit by a huge snow storm, but it was only getting worse, so we drove straight through at arrived home at 3:30 am. Yes, that's right; we drove non-stop for 18 hours. 4 people, a cat, and a dog stuck in a truck pulling a camper for 18 hours. It was a bit crazy, but we were happy to get home so quickly.

So, there you have it; my trip report is finished! I hope you all enjoyed it and thank you to those who stuck around for it being pro-longed! I have made a promise to myself to never skip Disney for longer than a year, and I hope to write another trip report very soon. I love Disney during Christmas, but I definitely want to go back during the summer months since it is my favorite season. If you are considering going to Disney for Christmas, DO IT. It is very much worth it and an extremely unique experience. Seriously, though, to me- Disney has much more of a Christmas vibe than my hometown does and that is saying a lot. Anyway, thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
I REALLY enjoyed your trip report it sounds like you had a brilliant time!

Whispering Canyon is one of the places we have an ADR for that I was really looking forward to… I hope it was just an off day for the staff!

Your pictures are FAB! I think I’m with you on your favourite place in MK, the view from the train station is brilliant especially at night time.

I was debating on whether or not to book the Wave restaurant but in the end we didn’t include it in with our ADRs… you’re making me re-think now!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the wonderful report and pictures. I love the final pictures of the Castle, tell me what camera lense were you using because I can never get my night pictures to turn out that good? Through out this report all I can feel is the excitement and love that your family has for one another and what better place to show it then in the most magical place in the world Disney World. Take Care :D:D:D !!!!!


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I REALLY enjoyed your trip report it sounds like you had a brilliant time!

Whispering Canyon is one of the places we have an ADR for that I was really looking forward to… I hope it was just an off day for the staff!

Your pictures are FAB! I think I’m with you on your favourite place in MK, the view from the train station is brilliant especially at night time.

I was debating on whether or not to book the Wave restaurant but in the end we didn’t include it in with our ADRs… you’re making me re-think now!

Awww, thank you! (:

Don't worry about Whispering Canyon. Like I said, I've been there many times before and never had a problem, so I'm sure to was an off day. I have to keep reminding myself that it was NYE, so I think I will try it again...

Thank you about my pictures! Isn't that spot just ah-mazing? I seriously could hang out there all day and people watch.

Book it! Or at least put it on your must try list! The Wave is good and its food is comparable to The California Grill.

Thanks for reading (:

I love your last pictures. How Disney brings out the kid in every age. I hate to see yor TR end too. It was great!

Thank you! (: I completely agree with you. I always get the sense of care-freeness there, which is something I rarely experience on other vacations. Disney is truly magical and will always be my favorite place.

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for the wonderful report and pictures. I love the final pictures of the Castle, tell me what camera lense were you using because I can never get my night pictures to turn out that good? Through out this report all I can feel is the excitement and love that your family has for one another and what better place to show it then in the most magical place in the world Disney World. Take Care :D:D:D !!!!!

Aww, well thank you for the kind compliments and reading my report! I must say, that entire night's pictures were taken all with my iPhone 5s. For some reason it does a better job of taking night pictures than my DSLR. But then again, I barely know how to use my DSLR, haha. Again, thanks for such kind compliments; it always makes writing these trip reports worthwhile.

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