Trip Report *COMPLETED* No Ring (delayed), No Rivers Light, & Donald Duck’s the President

As I stir my pasta noodles for dinner, a single tear slides down my cheek. DEPRESSION. It’s cold, it’s dark, and I am home…this unfamiliar place that is not my Disney World hotel room. (PLUS WHY AM I COOKING?!) This cold Philadelphia air chills me to the core, and when I woke up this morning I contemplated chucking my cell phone out the window. I knew my alarm was waking me up for work, not to catch a Disney bus. What is this life?! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY does it have to end?! The hardest part of planning, and changing your plans, and obsessing over your plans, and then finally living out your plans is the part at the end. The part where it’s all over, it’s all done, and going on a Disney website, or checking a restaurant menu is like pouring salt on an open wound.

As you can tell from my title, no I didn’t get my Disney World proposal and no I didn’t get to see Rivers of Light. Thought I would throw all the heartbreak right at you from the get go, so we can move on to happier memories. (This just means my boyfriend owes me a BIGGER diamond, and a trip back! Maybe when ROL opens?!)

I have just returned from the most fabulous trip to Disney, and I am already itching to go back. I am trying to convince someone, anyone (hello out there!) to book a weekend getaway… That’s the thing with Disney, they always leave you wanting more! Unless it’s it just something us Disney addicts feel, we are always eager for our next fix!

For those who don’t know me, I’m Nicole, and I love Disney World. I have loved Disney World for 11 years now. (This is how they start these meetings right?!)


I was in the Disney bubble from November 4th to November 13th and it was not enough time. NOT ENOUGH TIME I TELL YOU!!! I stayed at Port Orleans Riverside and fell truly, madly, and deeply in love with this BEAUTIFUL riverside resort. My last two trips have been in July and August, and I think those trips (in the summer nonetheless) were MUCH less crowded. SO MANY PEOPLE! It was the end of a race weekend, the last week of food and wine, NJ teacher convention week, and election week. One word of advice, DO NOT EVER GO AT THIS TIME! (keep rereading the go at as goat LOL)

Let’s begin!

November 4th-

Our flight was not until 5:50 PM Friday night. I originally was planning to work in the morning, but it turned out I was able to take the whole day off. Of course I woke up super early with excitement, did all my last minute packing, and then stared at the clock for hours on end. Go figure!


This text arrived and my anxiety immediately started kicking in. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN! Will we not have room? Will they downgrade us to a tent along the riverbank? Will I have to fight off alligators and zika mosquitoes while sleeping outside? My boyfriend tried to calm my fears, and decided we should get a move on it. Airport here we come!

SEPTA was on strike (public transportation buses, etc) so of course traffic was nightmare! I tried my hardest not to freak out and bite off all my nails before even reaching Orlando.


After what seemed like forever, we made it! Hustled through security and straight for the bar!


Round 1


Round 2


Round 3—oops?


And our first food picture of the trip! Chicken tenders! My anxiety was so high all day that I forgot to eat, and I was feeling pretty tipsy. Food is always a good idea!

We paid our tab, and decided to wait by the gate for our magical plane to Orlando! TAKE ME HOME BABY!!!


Ummm.. where is our plane?


Come to find out our flight is delayed until 7 PM… I was too hyper and couldn’t sit still so off we went to check out the airport shops and burn off some energy.

We stumbled upon this wonderful sight, and couldn’t resist.



So much for trying to stay hungry to use up those quick service meals tonight!

The time ticked by soooooooooooo slowly. We watched a woman scream at the American Airlines attendant because he was making her check her bag… SCREAM. She kept threatening him, saying she was going to call Disney and tell them he ruined her trip. There was a family standing beside us, and they told the father he had to go on a later flight because they oversold the plane, and even he didn’t go as ballistic as this woman. Getting to Disney is stressful people!

Soon I was admiring this stunning view. HAPPY PLACE HERE I COME!


And we’re off!


Our flight was quick and painless, and soon the announcement came on that we arrived in Orlando!! A little boy a few rows behind us screamed out “NOOOOOOOO, we went to the wrong place! We are supposed to be in Disney World!”

I showed my boyfriend what I pro I was at maneuvering through the Orlando airport, B side, you can’t hide from me! My Mickey turned green and all my anxiety from earlier in the day melted away. The familiar aroma of the Orlando airport, the big Mickey hands waving you home, the smiling cast member’s faces, it didn’t matter if I’d be sleeping in a river, I was here!


Our magical express filled up quickly, and I didn’t even mind that we were one of the last stops. I soaked up that arrival feeling, the feeling that a full trip is ahead of you, that this really is the ultimate moment of beginning, that the possibilities are truly endless. Plus, it gave me more time to answer trivia questions! I think everyone on the bus thought I was psycho with the amount I got right!



And off we drove into the night. Even though the sign wasn’t lit up due to construction, I still felt it. The transition to being “on property”. That butterflies fluttering in your stomach feeling, when you know you’ve truly been welcomed home.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Nov 10th

My pictures do not do this show justice! If you weren't in the spirit of the season before, you were now! I was in love. There's nothing like Disney at Christmas. Although, I haven't been at Halloween yet....:p:p:p





We watched in childlike wonder and awe. Snowflakes on the castle to snowflakes falling from the sky. It sure didn't feel like Orlando anymore! A water park by day, a blizzard by night, how many days like that do you get in one lifetime?



Have you ever seen anything so beautiful in all your life?

Joe wanted to grab a drink before the parade so we headed into the shops. It was a nice way to avoid the crowds that were exiting after the fireworks. Why would you leave now!? The night was still young! I caught this while waiting in line, even the store displays have hidden mickeys! I thought this looked like a Mickey bar so I had to get a pic! :) :)


We walked back out on the Main Street and the snow was still falling.


Main Street reminded me of the Thomas Kinkade paintings I adore. The painter of light. Everything seemed unreal, like we had walked into a dream.



The second parade started at 11 so we decided to stake out our spot. I was probably more excited for this parade than anything in my life so far! Don't tell me I need to get out more LOL


Snapped some festive selfies while we waited! They played the song Mele Kalikimaka and now every time Joe and I hear it we think of Disney! I have never heard this song until this year, and now I am obsessed. We may have listened to it over 100 times since we have returned.... :p:p:p





The music started to play and I started to get all jittery! So much adrenaline for a parade! Joe thought I was crazy....



Once upon a Christmastime at Christmas. Little did we know, we were about to witness the best parade in the history of parades. People were singing, people were smiling, and Disney characters were making their way down the street. Had I died and gone to my very own personal Disney World heaven????



Well-Known Member
I have to interrupt this trip report for this...

Obviously I picked a horrible time to get really behind on my trip report reading!! I am all caught up now and I am soooo freaking happy for you and Joe :joyfull: !!!! I completely agree with others who have said that it was a perfect proposal, still Disney but very intimate. Joe really thought of everything, a Disney ornament, the ring you wanted, a photographer, and Bride ears on the way! He is quite the catch!! Congratulations Princess Nicole!

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
OMG!!!!!! HOW DID I MISS THIS?!?!!? I clearly am so behind on TRs (including my own). Congratulations!!!! I am so excited for you and Joe! That proposal was perfect. My sister Jill got engaged on Christmas Eve and her proposal sorry is hilarious but not nearly as romantic :)
Everyone seems to follow you on IG! I want to follow you haha :) Then I won't be so behind in major announcements :)

John C. Shepherd

Active Member
Congrats to you, I feel after reading this post you two are a match made in heaven. I wish you a long and happy marriage. To me they way you are together you already have what is needed to been married a long time. I know what it takes my wife and i are going to be married 15 years this June with 3 beautiful princesses.

You shooting for a Disney wedding?


Active Member
Your descriptions of the feeling of being at Disney and loving it are spot on. You can put into words what I can never seem to articulate to people about why I love Disney so much!! I think you should be an official writer and blogger for Disney.

Love your photos from the Christmas party! You and Joe are so cute together. Now, I have to make sure I go to WDW during the Food and Wine Festival and MVMCP. Just more Disney goals to add to my every increasing list... Thanks for keeping me going while I count the days until my WDW trip in Feb. Do you think you could stretch out your trip report for another 52 days?! LOL!!


Well-Known Member
Glad you had fun (with your ears) at the Christmas party! Speaking of ears your bride ears are SOOO pretty. They have definitely made them a lot nicer than when we bought them for my Mom while on her and my Dad's 25th anniversary trip. That was a LONG time ago though. I may have to order a pair for my sister to wear to her shower (even though it'll be over a year away).

I'm trying to plan an October trip for Food and Wine and Halloween now. It may be a solo trip, it may not. (There are a few variables floating around). Either way I am determined to make it happen!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
What a great story and great photos!!! I was in a Hallmark store this weekend and saw that ornament and thought of you immediately. :)

That picture got me, too. ;)

You're probably too young to remember The Bangles' "Walk Like an Egyptian" music video, but that's the signature move! ;)

Fantastic rest of the TR. Happy New Year, and happy wedding planning!!!

Thank you! I love that ornament so much now, guess I will be buying yearly ornaments at Hallmark now!! :) :)

Thank you so much, I am trying to finish this report and really start wedding planning after the New Year... Disney planning seems much easier! LOL


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Obviously I picked a horrible time to get really behind on my trip report reading!! I am all caught up now and I am soooo freaking happy for you and Joe :joyfull: !!!! I completely agree with others who have said that it was a perfect proposal, still Disney but very intimate. Joe really thought of everything, a Disney ornament, the ring you wanted, a photographer, and Bride ears on the way! He is quite the catch!! Congratulations Princess Nicole!
Thank you so much! I have gotten so behind with reading and writing so I totally understand! I thought I'd have this done by Christmas! Need to get moving now to plan my wedding! AHHHHHH!!! Thank you so so much! I am so happy with how it all turned out... guess my title is a lie! LOL

Love Love Love the pic with the wreath and the snow with the dark sky! :inlove:
Everything was so pretty! I snapped a bajillion pics!

OMG!!!!!! HOW DID I MISS THIS?!?!!? I clearly am so behind on TRs (including my own). Congratulations!!!! I am so excited for you and Joe! That proposal was perfect. My sister Jill got engaged on Christmas Eve and her proposal sorry is hilarious but not nearly as romantic :)
Everyone seems to follow you on IG! I want to follow you haha :) Then I won't be so behind in major announcements :)
I am so behind too! I have been neglecting reading everyone's and neglecting my own! I need to start writing like a mad woman! And congrats to your sister! I guess I sort of got a Disney proposal after all LOL... and my Instagram is nikkib0w Guess I update there faster than my trip report! Whoops! Thought the holidays would give me a chance to slow down and write, but it looks like we are all in the same boat! :)

Congrats to you, I feel after reading this post you two are a match made in heaven. I wish you a long and happy marriage. To me they way you are together you already have what is needed to been married a long time. I know what it takes my wife and i are going to be married 15 years this June with 3 beautiful princesses.

You shooting for a Disney wedding?
Thank you soooo much, that is such a sweet thing to say! Congrats on 15 years!!! And I would loveeeeeeeeee a Disney wedding but I think all the men in my family might kill me... LOL maybe I can get a partial Disney honeymoon out of the deal? :P

Your descriptions of the feeling of being at Disney and loving it are spot on. You can put into words what I can never seem to articulate to people about why I love Disney so much!! I think you should be an official writer and blogger for Disney.

Love your photos from the Christmas party! You and Joe are so cute together. Now, I have to make sure I go to WDW during the Food and Wine Festival and MVMCP. Just more Disney goals to add to my every increasing list... Thanks for keeping me going while I count the days until my WDW trip in Feb. Do you think you could stretch out your trip report for another 52 days?! LOL!!
HAHAH! I will try! I am trying to get this thing finished my New Years! And hey, can you put in a good word for me with Disney?! That would be my dream!!! 52 days will fly by I promise!! And my Disney bucket list keeps growing as well, check off one item, add two more. Oh the magic of Disney World! :)

Glad you had fun (with your ears) at the Christmas party! Speaking of ears your bride ears are SOOO pretty. They have definitely made them a lot nicer than when we bought them for my Mom while on her and my Dad's 25th anniversary trip. That was a LONG time ago though. I may have to order a pair for my sister to wear to her shower (even though it'll be over a year away).

I'm trying to plan an October trip for Food and Wine and Halloween now. It may be a solo trip, it may not. (There are a few variables floating around). Either way I am determined to make it happen!

The bride ears are so pretty! I am afraid to wear them and dirty them! Your sister would love them, I really think you should order! Has your sister set a date???

And an October trip sounds perfect, with Halloween and F & W and hopefully less crowds than November! I am looking forward to reading about all your plans! Can I come?! LOL


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Nov 10th

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade who? The memories I have from Mickey's Once Upon a Christmastime Parade will stay with me for my lifetime. Do I ever bother watching another parade again?! Nothing will ever compare!!!

I was snapping pictures like a madwoman, so this lady in front of us insisted I switch places with her. I tried to tell her it was okay, but she promised me she didn't mind. That's the thing with Disney, and the Christmas spirit, it really brings out the best in us all. I thanked her a million and one times, and promised I would pay it forward one day!



The most handsome mouse on this earth. I hope that we don't lose sight of one thing, that it was all started by a mouse!

The Arendelle sisters made their way down the street next. HELLO! I LOVE YOU!!



And then came my warm hug loving friend! I always say I am melting when my heart is bursting with love. Dear Olaf, some people really are worth melting for! Thank you for having the warmest heart :)



I may have stared at Kristoff a littttttttttttleeeeeeeeeeee tooo long for Joe's liking ;)




Yoohoo! Big summer blowout!!!


Next up was Vanellope! I am a big fan of Wreck it Ralph... "I'm gonna wreck it!" I keep hearing that there are plans to put Wreck it Ralph in the Stitch's Great Escape attraction, and let's just say, I don't hate it! I think they could make an awesome attraction based on this movie, let's hope they really give it their all! C'mon Imagineers :)



She posed just for me! :) :) :) :)





Chip and Dale came dancing down the street in their festive chef outfits! They looked so adorable I wanted to steal them and have them come host Christmas dinner at my house. They probably can cook better than I can too....




I have not a clue what a sugar-plum is, but my childhood memories of my dad reading to me before Santa came suddenly came to mind. "The children were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of sugar-plums danced in the heads." Disney was doing it again. It was bringing back those nostalgic memories. Gingerbread men were dancing down the street and grown adults were singing, and clapping, and WAVING to the characters as they strolled by. Was this all a dream? Did I stumble upon a utopia? How could so many people be so genuinely happy? Grown ups swaying along to the music with smiles plastered across their faces. Adults are just grown up kids anyway.



Well-Known Member
The bride ears are so pretty! I am afraid to wear them and dirty them! Your sister would love them, I really think you should order! Has your sister set a date???

And an October trip sounds perfect, with Halloween and F & W and hopefully less crowds than November! I am looking forward to reading about all your plans! Can I come?! LOL

She has set a date. It's 10/19/18, so we have awhile to go although I'm sure it'll fly by. The place they booked is amazing. It's at an Inn, but like the area she is getting married in reminds me so much of Beauty an the Beast. You walk in and there is this HUGE bookshelf with a fire place and a candelabra on the mantle. All the mirrors in the bathrooms and bridal suite is that fancy gold trim. I literally cried when we first saw it. We are in the midst of planning her engagement party for March. She wants to do a "Be Our Guest" theme, so we'll see how it turns out. She and the fiancee found a recipe for the "grey stuff" and they want to make it for the party. They did a trial run and it tasted really good, but its hard to remember if it tastes like it did at BOG. I think I need another taste of the original to compare! lol

You can definitely come in October! lol Like I said I may be doing it solo, but I feel like its a now or never kind of thing. My Dad wants my sister to go with me and she definitely wants to, but she's kind of wedding poor, so my Dad mentioned something about seeing if he could work something out. I'm not holding my breath though. Is it bad I kind of want to start a pre-trip report even though I've only got as far as checking out some rates and starting to crunch some numbers? Sort of a (pre) pre-trip report?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Nov 10th

My onslaught of parade photos continues!




This parade is so beautiful. The costumes, the floats, the music, the snowflakes... it evoked so many feelings. The attention to detail was beyond belief. I felt like a 5 year old kid again. As an adult, the Christmas season is usually stressful. You have to run to the mall with the masses, spend money you don't have on presents, and try to jam in baking, and cooking, and cleaning, all while working a full time job. It's easy to lose the meaning of the season, the joy of family and togetherness, the coziness of a familiar relative's home, and the homemade food that just never tastes the same when eaten elsewhere.

This parade seemed to resonate with me so much, and reminded me to slow down, and appreciate the moments. You never know how many Christmases you will have with your loved ones. Can you honestly name all the presents you received last year?

"Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more."






This parade is better than any dream you've ever had. Joe and I's cheeks hurt from smiling so much. The magic was soaking deep down into our bones.









I was poking Joe telling him I know what we can arrive to our wedding in...



It's no wonder he didn't propose in Disney! Muhaha!



Doesn't it all just look like a dream? I know, I took a zillion pictures, and now you are subject to them all! But doesn't it just give you the goosebumps? I don't think there was ever a better combination than Christmas and Disney. What are every childs' favorite things? CHRISTMAS AND DISNEY. What are every adults favorite things? I think the answer is still Christmas and Disney. :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Nov 10th

Once Upon a Christmastime at Christmas!!!



And the float that never dies!! :P I've seen you before!


@Longers check out MY MAN. LOL



I think I was more in love with the beast than Kristoff. Is that weird? Don't answer that...




March 17th cannot come fast enough! I legit cried in the movie theater for Moana when they showed the preview. Joe had to hand me a napkin. Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:

Next up was Joe and I's stand ins. Haha!




Oops! I think Ariel caught us! She knew we were the real deal!








The wooden soldiers were my favorite part!



Toyland, toy land, little girl and boy land
While you dwell within it
You are ever happy there.
Childhood's joy land, mystic merry toyland.
Once you pass its borders you can never return again.

When you've grown up my dears and are as old as I
You'll laugh and ponder on the years that roll so swiftly by

Childhood's joy land
Mystic merry toy land
Once you pass its borders
You can never return again.

That is, unless you visit the Christmas parade. :p


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I am so behind too! I have been neglecting reading everyone's and neglecting my own! I need to start writing like a mad woman! And congrats to your sister! I guess I sort of got a Disney proposal after all LOL... and my Instagram is nikkib0w Guess I update there faster than my trip report! Whoops! Thought the holidays would give me a chance to slow down and write, but it looks like we are all in the same boat! :)

Funny story, your Instagram feed randomly came up when I was looking for something else. I was like, hey she looks familiar! So, I followed! :oops::D:hilarious:


Active Member
OMG your engagement story was so sweet. So thoughtful!
I love you trip report, you are a great writer! You must be a teacher or something, you writing is so articulate and creative lol

I may or may not be your new Instagram stalker :cyclops:

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