Trip Report COMPLETE...And that's how you give a cat a pill - an August trip report

Hello all. Thanks for reading the 2015 version of the Burnett family trip report. Hopefully you find it enjoyable. I'll add days as I find time, but this may take a while.

Anyone want to read the pre-trip report - here's the link:’t….898587/#post-6672384


So nothing much has changed in terms of the travel party (other than every time I do this we seem to be a year older than the last time).


From left to right there is our DD Stephanie (14), myself (Graham – 40), my DW Tammy (XX) and our DS Liam (12). We were down at WDW from August 15th to the 25th. We spent 6 nights at a Poly studio and 4 nights at a WL studio.

Some background

So if you read our last trip report (, you may remember that near the end of the trip it was announced that the company I worked for (Tim Hortons), had announced that they were merging with Burger King. There was a lot of uncertainty about what the future would hold after that announcement, and we weren’t sure when we’d be back to WDW. Fast forward to January 26th of this year…I’m sitting in my office when the phone rings and I’m called down to one of the “extra” offices we have. Long story short, my position was deemed redundant, and I was relieved of my duties.

However, a few weeks later I had a new job. After taking a few weeks off to relax, I started my new job…and our next WDW trip was back on.

Once we knew the trip was on we started our normal prep stuff (buying gift cards at Sam’s club or Target each month). By the time we were ready to leave we had enough cards to pay for all the meals etc. I then went on the Disney gift card website and merged all the cards into 3 cards. This made life easier for us (fewer cards to carry) and for the CMs (who didn’t have to scan a bunch of $50 cards when we went to pay our bill).

Well, that’s it for background….So here we go

Day 1 – Aug 15 – A different start

So August 15th finally arrived. Everyone was really excited and had trouble sleeping the night before…Speaking of the night before…this was the first year we didn’t stay at a hotel near the airport. Being so close to the Buffalo airport, we always book flights on either Southwest or Jet Blue out of Buffalo, as they are significantly cheaper than flying out of either Toronto or Hamilton (our hometown). However, this year our flights weren’t until later in the afternoon (3:45), so we didn’t need to stay overnight since it’s only a 1 hour drive from our home to the Buffalo Airport.

So there we were, up nice and early, car already packed and ready to go. We were going to take the kids to their karate class (Steph is a yellow belt and Liam is a brown belt), but then decided it wasn’t worth risking one of them getting hurt so decided we’d just head out early. We made a quick stop at the bank to pick up some US $, and then headed out.

The trip down to Buffalo was fine until we got to the border. We have NEXUS cards (basically means we are pre-screened so we can get through customs quickly – think of it like a customs Fast Pass). However, this time we presented our cards to the officer, and we were then asked to pull over. It turns out there wasn’t anything wrong, but we had been selected for a compliance check. We weren’t really sure what that meant, but we were asked to pull over and get out of the vehicle. A few minutes later another officer came over and did a quick search of the interior of our vehicle, then handed us back our cards and our keys and said we were good to go. Well that was different.

After crossing the border we made a quick stop at Sam’s Club and Target to pick up a few last minute things, and then headed to Cracker Barrel for lunch. After a good lunch we headed over to the airport. We went to the long-term parking lot and found a spot. Right after we pulled in the shuttle came up behind us, and before we knew it we were at the main terminal…which was absolutely packed. It turns out the Baltimore airport had a power loss, so no flights were going in and out, which was causing a back-log. The line inside to get to the Southwest desk wasn’t moving, so we headed outside and did the curbside check-in which was much shorter. Our bags were all within the right weight, so all was good.

Next up was airport security. Fortunately, since we have NEXUS cards, we can sign up for pre-screening at the airport, so there was no wait there either – other than Liam got pulled over for a secondary check (seems to be a theme). They did a hand swab and then put the swab into a computer and a few seconds later he was given the all clear. After that all was good

Waiting to board selfie:

It's funny how things change. Here is a picture of what our kids were doing waiting for our first trip to Disney (7 years ago):
Disney pictures - Day 1 005 - Copy.JPG

and this is what pre-flight boarding looks like now:

There's our plane:

On the plane selfie:

Our flight left on time, and was relatively uneventful (I fell asleep for most of the flight which was great).

I didn't choose the thug life...(and my kids think I'm a total dork now).

We arrived in Orlando around 6:30, right in the middle of the daily storm (which freaked Tammy out. She’s a very nervous flyer). We got off the plane and headed over to the ME desk. That’s when I realized I had forgotten the ME boarding passes at home. No big deal though, they just printed off new ones for us there, and sent us on our way. Our bus was waiting, and we boarded quickly (around 7:00).

ME Selfie:

A half hour drive later and we pulled up to the Poly.

Check-in went smoothly, other than our Magic Bands were no where to be found. It turns out they were waiting for us at Kidani? I guess it kinda makes sense since we had originally booked at Kidani, but we changed that back in February when Poly bookings opened.

Oh well. They gave us four magic bands (and had our colours available), and sent us off to our room.

to be continued
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Well-Known Member
Just read through your trip report in one sitting! As always, it looks as if you and your family are having a great time (even with the few public oddities you have run into - the lady zooming through on her cart in AK was hilarious!)

We LOVE the Wilderness Lodge!! The lobby is simply amazing ... I could sit in there for hours if there weren't for the parks and attractions calling my name!

Can't wait to hear more....


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just read through your trip report in one sitting! As always, it looks as if you and your family are having a great time (even with the few public oddities you have run into - the lady zooming through on her cart in AK was hilarious!)

We LOVE the Wilderness Lodge!! The lobby is simply amazing ... I could sit in there for hours if there weren't for the parks and attractions calling my name!

Can't wait to hear more....
Wow that is a lot of reading. Glad you're enjoying it so far.

My favorite "odd person" story is still to come.


Well-Known Member
Ohana's is our favorite! It's amazing how a full stomach can change kid's attitudes. Looks like it was great way to spend an anniversary.


Active Member
Mmmmmm Ohana! I made ADR's there for our upcoming trip in October!!! I'm enjoying your TR and your family looks like so much fun. Happy belated Anniversary, I love it when I see couples married/together for so long, it's sad that you just don't seem to see it that much anymore.


Well-Known Member
Just got caught up! 50's Prime Time sounds like a lot of fun. That was sweet of y'all to leave a nice comment on the servers. I'm sure they appreciated it!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just got caught up! 50's Prime Time sounds like a lot of fun. That was sweet of y'all to leave a nice comment on the servers. I'm sure they appreciated it!
The 100% deserved the comment cards. They were so much fun and really attentive. The kids had a blast with them


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Mmmmmm Ohana! I made ADR's there for our upcoming trip in October!!! I'm enjoying your TR and your family looks like so much fun. Happy belated Anniversary, I love it when I see couples married/together for so long, it's sad that you just don't seem to see it that much anymore.
Thanks. 'Ohana is really good. I don't think you'll be disappointed. Thanks for the anniversary wishes.


Well-Known Member
It is remarkable what a spike in blood sugar does for the kids' moods. It's like night and day.
Not only children, I had my annual physical 2 days after returning from WDW. Bingo, 225 blood sugar. On the metformin I go.

No wonder watchng wishes from the Poly beach was like looking through a kalaidescope (sp?)


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Day 6 – moving day…”and that’s how you give a cat a pill” explained (it’s not as exciting as you think)

So here is the story behind “and that’s how you give a cat a pill”. We were in line for Kali, and Liam decides he wants to pick a “fight” with me. Now Liam and I play fight quite a bit (although not usually in public), normally trying to get each other to submit to pressure points, etc. The thing to remember is that he’s a brown belt in karate (which is very close to black (it goes brown, red and then black)), and he’s also a 12 year old who is starting to try and assert himself, and loves the challenge of trying to beat me. So anyways…he comes up to me and starts trying to get me going. Since we’re in public, I’m not biting, but he keeps trying. Finally, I give him a bit of “attention”, when I squeeze his cheeks together so his lips pucker, and then put a finger under his tongue (there’s a pressure point under there - man, the things I’ll do to make the kids happy). Now, I thought we had done this pretty discreetly, but I turn around and there’s a CM standing right there, and she looks a bit puzzled as to what was going on. One thing about me is that I can usually come up with a comeback or something to say really quickly. So I look at Tammy and Steph and say “and that’s how you give a cat a pill”. The CM burst out laughing.

I'd been wanting to know the story behind the thread title and it didn't disappoint.


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Day 9 – The entitlement of the Hollywood elite…

So here we are…another day….we are sooooo tired. It’s been a great trip, but the heat and long days have really caught up with us this year. We all slept in a bit and took our time getting ready. I made coffee, we all got ready, and headed out just after 9. We were heading back to Hollywood Studios today. I don’t know what it is about the park, but we really like it despite the fact there isn’t supposed to be much to do.


We get to the park around 10:00, go through bag check, and head in. We did the same routine as last time with the whole ToT, switch bands, ToT/RnR thing.


Our limo was waiting

In ride selfie


It was great. We had fun. After doing that we headed back to the hub.

So we get to the hub and we’re just kind of hanging around, enjoying the sights, etc. Off to the side there was a CM with a bubble gun, blowing bubbles all over the place. I don’t know why I thought it would be fun to chase the bubbles, but I did…and I did….I chased bubbles… I’m not proud of what I did….and of course Liam joined me….chasing bubbles. I think I’m the reason they don’t feel the need to rush the upgrades coming to the park. I could just picture the research people writing on their clipboards “don’t need to spend billions on expansion…Install bubble guns throughout the park instead”. I’m sorry everyone.

Now maybe it was the anniversary buttons we were still wearing. Maybe it was the site of a 40 year old man and his son running around chasing bubbles. I’m not sure what it was that did it, but a more "senior" CM came over to Tammy and asked if we were having a good time. He said he had seen us around earlier and we looked like we were enjoying ourselves. He then asked if we had fastpasses booked (which we did). He said that since we were celebrating our anniversary he would like to give us a fastpass, and handed Tammy one of the “use it at any attraction at any time” FPs.

Cool. I think he was taking pity on Tammy for having to put up with me.

With our shiny new FP in hand, we headed over to TSMM.

to be continued


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day 9 continued

I of course insisted that I be paired up with Steph again.

and Liam and Tammy went together again too

Yeah, I could let her take that victory she had and treasure it for the rest of her life, boost her self confidence and make her a much happier person…or I could go ahead and beat her. I chose the latter.

DAD OF THE YEAR. Series tied 1-1 (with one TSMM FP left later in the day to go for the series win).

After TSMM we headed towards the Back Lot Tour area. We noticed there was a Monster’s University photo area with no one in line, so we went over and got our pictures taken.

After the pictures we headed over to the Streets of America, and got some more pictures taken.

While we were doing that Steph thought she saw a truck go by with drums on it. A few minutes later we heard music…good music…We had found Mulch, Sweat and Sheers.

We were so happy (and even happier now that we saw them since they won’t be there again). We took a seat on some stairs in front of them and watch the show. It was soooo good.
Yoda was there...maybe some foreshadowing

They are really talented and I’m going to miss them. The show was a lot of fun. So much fun that Steph insisted we come back later in the day to see them again (Steph and I both share a love of music (mainly rock/hard rock/symphonic rock, etc) so I was more than happy to agree to come back to watch them again).

to be continued


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Day 9 continued

It was really hot again today and we were really thirsty, so we stopped by a lemonade stand and bought some…frozen lemonade.

With drinks in hand we made our way down to the old American Idol theatre, since we had fastpasses for the Frozen Show.

We got in line by one of the doors and waited to go in.

hmmm....that's odd....they're getting along

that's more like it (don't worry, it's a staged shot)..

The place was full to capacity, which was nice to see.

However…well….there was this lady… So here’s the story. We were in the theatre before most of the people, due to us having a fastpass. This is good and bad. Good that you can get in close to the front, bad in that you have to move all the way along the row. Being the good Disney people we are, we moved all the way along the row and ended up at the very end of the row in the last four seats. This provided a great seat to listen in on this lady complaining to a CM.

“It’s not fair. I was in the theatre first, after standing out in the HOT sun for over an hour. I was on my way up front when a CM told me I couldn’t go up to the front because those seats were reserved for the people who bought the Frozen package. But I wasn’t even going up there, I just wanted to get up close like one of these rows (pointing to the row we’re in). I understand those people paid $100 for the package, but I am paying A LOT of money to stay in a deluxe resort. I just don’t like how the CM made me feel. Now we’re way back there.”

Where to start

1) Her story didn’t add up. The CMs were nowhere near our row for the premium package rows who would have turned her around.

2) She was making it sound like she was at the back of the theatre. She was about 3 rows behind us, almost at the dead-centre of the row. Perfect seats as far as I’m concerned.

3) Everyone is standing in the HOT sun today. It’s 105 degrees outside. If you want to avoid that, book a FP.

4) The second she pulled the “I’m paying a LOT” garbage it bothered me to no end (I may have said “oh boy, here we go” loud enough for her to hear…just maybe). There are a lot of people who have paid a lot. You pay a lot for a deluxe resort, you get to enjoy all the amenities of a deluxe resort. It doesn’t entitle you to anything other than that.

Regardless, CM’s have to play nice, so they asked what they could do for her. The lady asked for better seats, so they moved her (and her group of 9) up to the front row (which were much worse seats than what she had). I’m telling you right now, I wouldn’t last as a CM. On the bright side, as soon as they moved the family, we got up and took their seats.

The show was good, and I really like what they have done with the theatre.

After the show we went to the Backlot Express for lunch again. It was good.

The 3rd and final round of TSMM was up next. It was fun again…and I won the series. In your face children…In your face. We also caught Mulch one more time.
Guess which song they were doing...come on....guess.....did you guess Jump by Van Halen? You should have.
Such a fun show.

We called it a day for the park after that. We headed back to the hotel got changed, and headed down to the “quiet” pool. I think they should change the name to the “make-out” pool, ‘cause there were quite a few couples in there with a lot of PDA. It was kind of odd. We had a good time regardless.

to be continued


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Day 9 continued
After cooling off in the pool we headed back to the room and got ready for dinner. We decided to go back to Trail’s End again, since we enjoyed it so much the last time.

River Country. This place is creepy. We sailed by late one night and all the lights are on as if the park is still open. Apparently they still play the music in the park too.


Trail's End did not disappoint this time either. So good.

They also gave us an anniversary strawberry shortcake which was really good.

After dinner we decided to go back to the MK.

Waiting for the boat

I booked a FP for Haunted Mansion on the way.

Entering the park

We got into the MK and headed to Adventureland. We hadn’t been on Jungle Cruise yet and really wanted to do it.

I love this ride at night. It was a lot of fun. We got off the JC, and the kids decided they wanted to try the Pirate’s Adventure thing. “Why not” I thought. We went and checked in, got our first map and headed out.

Checking in

Our first map


We got through the first map in about 10-15 minutes.

I’ll be honest, we had a great time. It is really well done, and we had fun. We decided we’d come back tomorrow and do the rest of the maps.

After completing our adventure we headed over to Liberty Square to use our HM FP. On the way we were treated to a really cool light show in the sky (an electrical storm was going on, where the lightening was going cloud to cloud. It looked amazing).

We rode HM and had a great time.

After HM we headed into Tomorrowland and rode Buzz (with a FP). Good ride. Wishes had started just as we got off Buzz, so we decided now would be a good time to leave. We got to use the new bypass exit for the first time, which was really neat to see. They have done a great job with that.

So we leave the park and go to the boat launch. While we were in line, there were these three ducks wandering around. They were a bit too comfortable around people. One came up to Steph (who was sitting on the ground), and attacked her shoe lace. It was kind of funny. A few minutes after we got in line the storm starts….and it was a huge storm. It was windy, pouring, with lots of thunder and lightening. It got so bad that they actually shut down all the boats except one. It was not a fun ride back to the hotel.

So that’s pretty much it for today. We went back to the room and headed to bed. Another great day in the books. Tomorrow we plan on going to Downtown Disney/Disney Springs so we can go to Disney Quest one last time, and then back to the MK in the afternoon.

End of day 9
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Well-Known Member
Still following along and I have to say that I loved your bubble story!! That's why Disney is so great - no one will question a 40-year-old man chasing after bubbles! :) In fact, you got yourself rewarded, so way to live in the moment!

I don't think we have ever done Jungle Cruise at night - definitely a must do on our next trip to the parks! I'll bet it was fun.:happy:

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