Trip Report COMPLETE...And that's how you give a cat a pill - an August trip report

Hello all. Thanks for reading the 2015 version of the Burnett family trip report. Hopefully you find it enjoyable. I'll add days as I find time, but this may take a while.

Anyone want to read the pre-trip report - here's the link:’t….898587/#post-6672384


So nothing much has changed in terms of the travel party (other than every time I do this we seem to be a year older than the last time).


From left to right there is our DD Stephanie (14), myself (Graham – 40), my DW Tammy (XX) and our DS Liam (12). We were down at WDW from August 15th to the 25th. We spent 6 nights at a Poly studio and 4 nights at a WL studio.

Some background

So if you read our last trip report (, you may remember that near the end of the trip it was announced that the company I worked for (Tim Hortons), had announced that they were merging with Burger King. There was a lot of uncertainty about what the future would hold after that announcement, and we weren’t sure when we’d be back to WDW. Fast forward to January 26th of this year…I’m sitting in my office when the phone rings and I’m called down to one of the “extra” offices we have. Long story short, my position was deemed redundant, and I was relieved of my duties.

However, a few weeks later I had a new job. After taking a few weeks off to relax, I started my new job…and our next WDW trip was back on.

Once we knew the trip was on we started our normal prep stuff (buying gift cards at Sam’s club or Target each month). By the time we were ready to leave we had enough cards to pay for all the meals etc. I then went on the Disney gift card website and merged all the cards into 3 cards. This made life easier for us (fewer cards to carry) and for the CMs (who didn’t have to scan a bunch of $50 cards when we went to pay our bill).

Well, that’s it for background….So here we go

Day 1 – Aug 15 – A different start

So August 15th finally arrived. Everyone was really excited and had trouble sleeping the night before…Speaking of the night before…this was the first year we didn’t stay at a hotel near the airport. Being so close to the Buffalo airport, we always book flights on either Southwest or Jet Blue out of Buffalo, as they are significantly cheaper than flying out of either Toronto or Hamilton (our hometown). However, this year our flights weren’t until later in the afternoon (3:45), so we didn’t need to stay overnight since it’s only a 1 hour drive from our home to the Buffalo Airport.

So there we were, up nice and early, car already packed and ready to go. We were going to take the kids to their karate class (Steph is a yellow belt and Liam is a brown belt), but then decided it wasn’t worth risking one of them getting hurt so decided we’d just head out early. We made a quick stop at the bank to pick up some US $, and then headed out.

The trip down to Buffalo was fine until we got to the border. We have NEXUS cards (basically means we are pre-screened so we can get through customs quickly – think of it like a customs Fast Pass). However, this time we presented our cards to the officer, and we were then asked to pull over. It turns out there wasn’t anything wrong, but we had been selected for a compliance check. We weren’t really sure what that meant, but we were asked to pull over and get out of the vehicle. A few minutes later another officer came over and did a quick search of the interior of our vehicle, then handed us back our cards and our keys and said we were good to go. Well that was different.

After crossing the border we made a quick stop at Sam’s Club and Target to pick up a few last minute things, and then headed to Cracker Barrel for lunch. After a good lunch we headed over to the airport. We went to the long-term parking lot and found a spot. Right after we pulled in the shuttle came up behind us, and before we knew it we were at the main terminal…which was absolutely packed. It turns out the Baltimore airport had a power loss, so no flights were going in and out, which was causing a back-log. The line inside to get to the Southwest desk wasn’t moving, so we headed outside and did the curbside check-in which was much shorter. Our bags were all within the right weight, so all was good.

Next up was airport security. Fortunately, since we have NEXUS cards, we can sign up for pre-screening at the airport, so there was no wait there either – other than Liam got pulled over for a secondary check (seems to be a theme). They did a hand swab and then put the swab into a computer and a few seconds later he was given the all clear. After that all was good

Waiting to board selfie:

It's funny how things change. Here is a picture of what our kids were doing waiting for our first trip to Disney (7 years ago):
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and this is what pre-flight boarding looks like now:

There's our plane:

On the plane selfie:

Our flight left on time, and was relatively uneventful (I fell asleep for most of the flight which was great).

I didn't choose the thug life...(and my kids think I'm a total dork now).

We arrived in Orlando around 6:30, right in the middle of the daily storm (which freaked Tammy out. She’s a very nervous flyer). We got off the plane and headed over to the ME desk. That’s when I realized I had forgotten the ME boarding passes at home. No big deal though, they just printed off new ones for us there, and sent us on our way. Our bus was waiting, and we boarded quickly (around 7:00).

ME Selfie:

A half hour drive later and we pulled up to the Poly.

Check-in went smoothly, other than our Magic Bands were no where to be found. It turns out they were waiting for us at Kidani? I guess it kinda makes sense since we had originally booked at Kidani, but we changed that back in February when Poly bookings opened.

Oh well. They gave us four magic bands (and had our colours available), and sent us off to our room.

to be continued
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Day 5 continued

After our thrill ride fix, we all met up again, and headed towards our next fastpass – Toy Story. I love this one. I’m kind of competitive (not in a mean way, but I always want to do better than I did the last time), so this kind of thing is right up my ally.

So we get our glasses and head up the line.

The line was kind of busy, and we were pushed up pretty close to the people in front of us. They decided that they wanted the person in front of them to take their picture. No matter how hard I could have tried, I was going to end up in their picture anyway, so I decided to photobomb with the biggest smile I could muster. The guy taking the picture looked down at the phone with a slightly surprised look at first, then looked up, gave me a wink, and handed the phone back to the couple. I couldn’t tell if they found the humour in this or not.

Talking strategy perhaps?

On to the ride…tragedy struck…immense sadness….I don’t even want to admit this happened…but here goes:

The score on the right is mine…the score on the left is Steph’s…For the first time ever, one of my kids beat me….end of an era….or a challenge that must be met before we go home. Good times none the less.

After TS we head toward where back-lot used to be, and we get pulled over by these two guys doing a “hard” quiz show. There were two more “official” people standing a few feet away, so I’m guessing this is a test thing. Anyways, the questions were stupid, but funny (e.g. “in the movie Star Wars: the Force Awakens…what awakens? Name two animals in the movie “the Fox and the Hound”), etc. They found out that we were from Canada, and said our prize for doing so well was a box of Timbits…way to rub salt in the wound Disney (just kidding). The kids thought the whole experience was awesome.

After TS we decided to go through space on Star Tours. We had a great time on this one. Lots of fun


After ST everyone was getting kind of hungry, so we stopped in at the back-lot express. Standard QS food.

Liam did pick up a Boba Fett Mug which was kind of cool (and, miraculously, made it home in one piece – I thought for sure that little antenna piece would break off).

After lunch we headed back toward the stage area of the park. On the way we noticed that they were showing “Frozen Fever” in the old “Sounds Dangerous” theatre. I hadn’t seen it yet, so we decided to head in. Let me tell you something…that theatre should be condemned. It should really be called the “Sitting is Dangerous” theatre. A lot of seats were either broken or had something over them so you couldn’t sit on it. Even the chair that I sat in felt (and sounded) like it was about to give way. However, the movie itself was pretty good.

We left the theatre and were going to head over to get in the standby line for the Frozen sing-along thing (at the old American Idol theatre), but the afternoon Frozen parade was on (I’m starting to sense a theme in this part of the park). We watched it for a few minutes. It was pretty good.

to be continued


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Day 5 continued

After the parade passed, the kids once again decided they had some stuff they had to do on their own (ToT), so they took off again. Tammy and I went to get into the standby line for the sing-along thing, but the next show had just been let in, and the line was really long, so we would have been standing for a long time. We decided to bail.

It was actually really hot now, so we decided to find somewhere cool to relax.
but first one more picture

So as you may be able to tell, Tammy is kind of laughing in this picture. See, I may have said something kind of funny to her right before the picture was taken. The CM had asked Tammy to put her hand on my chest for this picture...and I may have made a comment to the affect of "and then we'll try it the other way". I don't know why she puts up with me sometimes.

Baymax decided to save the park from seeing anything inappropriate

We went into the Writer’s Stop and we got two iced lattes, and sat at one of the few tables they had there. It was actually really nice. We just sat and talked for a while.

After we cooled off a bit, Tammy and I decided we’d go do Star Tours again (standby – which was about 20 minutes).

This may have been the view Luke had when he fell out of the AT-AT during the Hoth part of the Empire Strikes Back

While in line it started raining lightly (the daily storm was on its way). I checked Facebook and saw that Steph had posted some selfies of Liam and her in line at ToT. I couldn’t resist the challenge, so I took a selfie of Tammy and I and posted it under her post with the comment “in line at Star Tours…we can have fun without you".

While we were still in line, we get a call from Steph. “so what do you want us to do?” I have no idea why she’s asking that so I say “ummmm….whatever you want?”. Well, it turns out she hadn’t given me all the info. The afternoon storm had started in earnest, and it was just pouring. She was really asking if they should find shelter in a store or keep walking back towards us (we had reservations for Sci-Fi at around 4:30, and they called around 4:15).

So Tammy and I get off Star Tours and head over to Sci-Fi. We had no idea it had rained as hard as it had since the storm had passed already. We would have remained oblivious to how hard it had rained if we hadn’t finally found the kids…absolutely dripping (I mean just totally soaked). “what happened?” I asked. “You told us to keep going” Steph replies. “No I didn’t, I said do what you want. We were inside. We had no idea it was raining”. “I heard keep going”. “Not what I said”. “Whatever, it’s done now”. Once they semi-dry off, we get seated in a car (it was a bit odd, as there was one guy in the back row of our car. We nicknamed him the creepy hitch-hiker we picked up).

The kids did tell us that they went into one store, and the CM at the check-out asked them if they were part of that family that were all wearing Captain America shirts in the park. Apparently we’re mini-celebrities.

Dinner was OK there. Steph got an Oreo Milkshake and Fries, I had the burger, and Liam and Tammy split some appetisers.

Liam felt miserable being so wet (which was too bad since this was “his” restaurant (when we are planning meals we let the kids each pick one restaurant they want to do, no questions asked, and this was the one he picked)). Dinner was good for what it was. The menu at Sci-Fi is pretty basic, but it’s also a bit cheaper than most sit-down’s.

to be continued
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Day 5 continued

With dinner done, and the kids feeling damp and unhappy, we decided to head back to the Poly. We got back and changed into our bathing suits. The kids ran ahead to the pool, and Tammy and I went down to the laundry room to throw in a few loads (they have a really cool app for the laundry at the Poly.

The app lets you see all the washers and dryers and how much time each one has left. This comes in really handy when you’re at the pool and want to know when you have to go back to switch laundry over).


While we were at the pool we stopped by Pineapple Lanai, and picked up three dole whip floats.


Steph doesn’t like pineapple, so she settled for a bag of sour gummies.

i'm not sure these are exactly "braces friendly"

We headed back to the room and watched the Electrical Water Pageant before bed.

Another great day is in the books. The plan is Typhoon Lagoon tomorrow.

end of day 5
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update! Great to see Sci-fi pics! We will be there next month as well :) And off course still following along!


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Day 6 - Open and Close Part II

The halfway point of the trip is here. We’ve been having a great time so far, and can’t wait to see what the second half of the trip has in store. This is also our last night sleeping at the Poly, so we better pack as much in as we can.

As usual, up, coffee, out the door (this time we were all out the door by 8:05). We were doing Typhoon Lagoon today (we did this once a few years ago and thought it was just OK, but decided to give it another shot). It was really early, so we had the bus to ourselves.


It was on the bus that I first noticed something. I thought it was kind of funny in a "I'm sure Disney didn't intend to do this" kind of way. Then I noticed it on every bus we were on (I get they probably have what is known as a "planogram" for the bus, and every ad is in the same place for every bus, but you think someone would have thought of this):


Really...put Black-ish at the back of the bus? Know what was up front...the Goldbergs. Thanks for the history reminder Disney (OK, I'm being totally sarcastic in case someone thinks I'm being serious. Just the way my mind works I guess).

We got to the park at 8:35.
We were so early that everyone was still standing outside of the gates

(and apparently those flags actually spell something out if you know your nautical flags - I couldn't resist so I looked it up):
Welcome to Typhoon Lagoon

I know, not earth shattering but kind of cool that they thought do to that.
At around 8:45 they started letting us into the park (not all the way in, just past the turnstiles).

If you’ve been to TL before, you’ll remember that when you first walk in there is a statue of that surfing gator thing, standing in front of a “beach scene” that has a car and some chairs and coolers in it:

We were walking up to that when Steph said that she was sure she saw something moving around under the car. Sure enough, there were four black kittens running around back there. They were having a great time, jumping on the chairs and diving around. Tammy loves cats, so this quickly moved TL up the list of which water park was her favourite.

After our feline encounter we headed towards the wave pool area (the bridge was still blocked, but at least we were in, and close to the front).


I went and got a locker (mainly to put our phones in) and then headed back to the bridge.

A few minutes later we were let in. The kids quickly tossed their towels on a beach chair and took off for the slides. Tammy and I took a few more minutes getting set-up and then headed out too.

Our first stop was the Crush 'N Gusher slides.


We ended up doing all three (the Coconut Crusher, the Pineapple Plunger and the Banana Blaster) since there were really no lines (the longest we lined up for these was about 5 minutes). Speaking of the line, it is actually really interesting to read the signs along the way. It tells the story of what the slides used to be before the hurricane hit. Lots of fun. We also saw our kids briefly before they took off again.

Tammy and I continued our way around the park. I went down Humunga Kowabunga (again, with no wait). We then kind of got lost and ended up over by the tube slides. Tammy and I decided to do one of them. They are kind of odd. It’s like they don’t send enough water down the slides. I actually stopped part way down and had to push myself to get going again. It was fun, but strange.

to be continued
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Day 6 continued

After that, Tammy and I hit the lazy river for a lap and a half.


So good. Really liked this one too. We got off the lazy river close to the snorkelling tank (and also ran into the kids there).



The tank had just opened, so there was no wait at all, so we grabbed masks and snorkels and headed in (Tammy didn’t. Someone needs to be the family photographer (by choice)).

gee, I hope this pictures never makes it to the internet:

I’ll be honest, at first I couldn’t get the hang of the snorkelling thing. I was getting water in my mouth, I couldn’t get the hang of not breathing through my nose and I was getting frustrated with myself.
The kids had no problem with it


I then figured out a trick that worked for me. I took my face out of the water, started blowing through the snorkel, and then put my face under water while still blowing out. I don’t know why, but that somehow tricked my brain into understanding how this whole thing works. From that point on I could breathe fine, and really enjoyed it.

On the way out from the snorkelling tank, we passed a booth where you can sign up for a more “enhanced” scuba thing where you wear an oxygen tank. The kids thought it looked cool, and wanted to do it. I said I’d do it with them, so we all signed up (it’s reasonably priced at $20/person for about a half hour of snorkelling). We put our names down, signed waivers, and were assigned a time to come back (in about an hour).

We had some time to kill, and decided we’d grab some lunch. Tammy got fish and chips, I got pulled pork on a corn bread waffle, and the kids split a funnel cake and a fruit waffle.

Not bad.

to be continued


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day 6 continued

After lunch it was time to do our snorkelling thing.

We checked in, were give mouth pieces for our oxygen tanks, and were suited up. It was a lot of fun.

This is the tank you wear

Getting suited up

and ready to go

Into the pool

There were a few sting rays, some schools of fish and some sharks, and they were all very active. The sting rays swam under me a few times, and actually brushed against me once (they are very small – not like the huge full size ones). As I said earlier, the whole thing lasted about a half hour, and we all had a great time.

After snorkelling we went into the wave pool for a few minutes, and then called it a day for TL.


We then headed back to the Poly to quickly pack our bags for the big move. We also grabbed a quick nap while back in the room (we wanted to try and spend another late night in the parks). So with packing finished, and a good nap had, we headed out to EPCOT for our dinner reservation at Teppan Edo.

We were out the door around 5, and got to Epcot around 5:20.

Our dinner reservations were for 5:40, so we knew we’d have to go kind of quick to get there on time. However…back when we had planned our trip we had actually planned on being at EPCOT for the full day, so I had booked some fastpasses. One I had booked was for Test Track at around 10am. Well…it turns out that Test Track had gone down during our fast pass window, so I had a notification that we could come back at any time during the day to use it. I should also mention that the dark clouds were rolling in. Last year we missed TT because of the weather, and I wasn’t going to let that happen again, so we made the decision to ride TT first.

in car selfie

It was a great ride, and we had lots of fun.

to be continued


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Day 6 continued

After the ride we headed over to World Showcase. The dark clouds were right on top of us now, and it started spitting, so we booked it to Japan. We were about 20 minutes late for our reservation, so we were told we’d have to wait about 30 minutes for a table, which we were fine with. We headed inside the restaurant, and then the skies just opened. We were glad we made it inside in time (and also glad we rode TT before it would inevitably be shut down again).

Anxiously waiting:

Before long our chef arrived, and dinner was on.

Our chef was amazing. We had such a good time. Teppan Edo never disappoints. Tammy and I got the steak and chicken, and Liam and Steph got the steak and shrimp.
Onion Volcano


Trying chopsticks again

All were good. While we were at dinner Tammy got a Facebook message from one of her friends from when she was growing up in northern Ontario, saying that they were at the MK today and wondered if we were in the area. We agreed to head back and meet up with them later.

After dinner we wanted to head out, but it was still just pouring, with lots of thunder and lightning. We hung around the store in Japan for a few minutes, and then decided to brave the elements.
The sky looked threatening still:


We made a quick stop in Germany to pick up a caramel apple for Liam, and some caramel popcorn for Tammy. Liam gave me a slice of his apple…it was the most delicious caramel apple I’ve ever had.

The rain was still going on and off, so we ran from Germany to Club Cool,

and then Club Cool to Spaceship Earth.

We rode Spaceship Earth with the hope that the rain would let up by the time we were done. The ride was good, but the rain didn’t understand what it was supposed to do, and just kept coming. We ran from Spaceship Earth to the monorail and enjoyed a dry ride to the MK.

to be continued


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Day 6 continued

We got into the park around 9:30ish, and made a beeline for Space Mountain where we met up with Tammy’s friend and her husband. They were so happy to see each other.

We did the standby line for Space Mountain with them (which only had a 10 minute wait). I was at the back of the coaster with Liam and Steph (when I rode space mountain the last time I sat in the very front, and my shins took a beating, so I elected to sit further back so I could stretch my legs out a bit). While in line this younger woman in front of us started talking to us. She was on a first date with the guy she was with. She seemed very friendly. Then I realized she was a bit intoxicated (not sloppy drunk at least, more funny drunk). We eventually got on, and had a great time.

We got off the ride and Wishes was on, so we headed over to the 7DMT. The line wasn’t quite as short as last time but still wasn’t bad (around 25-30 minutes). It was fun again.

After the 7DMT everyone wanted to go back to SM, so we headed back that way. On the way Liam asked if he could do the Speedway again, so I took him there while everyone else went on SM one last time. I actually tried driving again…still don’t fit.

We then met up with the group again, but I noticed everyone was being ushered towards the hub. Turns out the park closed at 11 (I thought it was 12). Hey…we made park closing twice in one trip. Cool. We got a group picture on the way out,

and then hung around the hub to see the Kiss Goodnight one more time.


After that we headed out. We made a quick stop at the Candy Confectionary where Steph picked up another bag of gummies for her dessert. We said goodbye to Tammy’s friend, and grabbed the monorail back to the Poly. I made a quick stop at Captain Cooks and grabbed a Mickey Bar, and then we headed back to the room. Man, my feet are killing me tonight. Another good night. Tomorrow is moving day.

End of day 6


Well-Known Member
Love the update. Seemed like another great day!

The scuba thing at Shark Reef reminded me of the Aqua Sea Tours thing we did a few years back at Epcot. I may have to check that out next time.


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Love the update. Seemed like another great day!

The scuba thing at Shark Reef reminded me of the Aqua Sea Tours thing we did a few years back at Epcot. I may have to check that out next time.

The scuba thing was a lot of fun and well worth doing. Both kids said they preferred Typhoon Lagoon over Blizzard Beach this year. I personally still prefer BB.


Well-Known Member
Here too. The year that the Leafs fell apart in the last 10 minutes of game 7 of the first round of the playoffs against the Bruins was rough.
Oh I bet! I think it was in 2012 but Flyers/Penguins in the playoffs. They beat us. I couldn't even look at my husband for a few days.. LOL ;)


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Did you miss me? Sorry about the long break between updates. Things have been crazy busy. But enough with the excuses...

Day 6 – moving day…”and that’s how you give a cat a pill” explained (it’s not as exciting as you think)

So here we are at day 6. Hard to believe, but our time at Poly is at an end. We’re kind of sad (to be leaving the Poly), but also kind of excited (to be going to Wilderness Lodge for the first time). We slept in a bit and then finished packing. While we were packing we called bell services. A few minutes after we called there was a knock at the door. It was bell services. Man that was fast. So fast that we weren’t even done packing yet. The guy asked if we need a few more minutes, which we said we did, so he closed the door and we kept packing feverishly. About five minutes later we were done. We opened the door, ready to give the bags to the guy from bell services… who was nowhere to be seen. I called bell services again, and about 15 minutes later our bags were gone.

We decided we’d head over to WL and at least drop off our “non-checked” bags (laptop,etc). We took the monorail from the poly to MK and then boat to WL.
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Walking up the dock to the WL
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Almost there
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Inside the building
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We got to the lobby at around 10:30.

The lobby at WL is so majestic looking. It has the same kind of “vibe” as AKL (Jambo House). It is impressive to see. We went up to desk and started the check in process. We had done the on-line check in, but I still wasn’t expecting our room to be ready. However we were surprised when we were told our room was ready. Fantastic. Before leaving the desk I asked about the flag family thing (if you haven’t stayed at WL, each morning one family is taken up to the roof and raises the flags on top of the hotel). Unfortunately, they were totally booked up to Sept 3. Oh well, it was worth asking.

We grabbed our bags and headed over to the villa side of WL.

The kids by the fireplace in the villa reading room
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We were in room 3503. We love the room, but it is much smaller than the room at the Poly (the bathroom is tiny…and there’s only one). Regardless, we were still happy to be here.

With our bags dropped off we headed to the bus stop. Our plan was another visit to AK. While waiting for the bus I changed the times for our FP+s (we had originally planned to be there a bit earlier than we were). I managed to change them all to a slightly later time.

not my picture:

We arrived at AK, and headed right to Kali for our first FP. We checked our electronics into one of the lockers there and then headed to the line. The FP line was pretty busy, and we ended up waiting about 15 minutes (and it was so hot today). So here is the story behind “and that’s how you give a cat a pill”. We were in line for Kali, and Liam decides he wants to pick a “fight” with me. Now Liam and I play fight quite a bit (although not usually in public), normally trying to get each other to submit to pressure points, etc. The thing to remember is that he’s a brown belt in karate (which is very close to black (it goes brown, red and then black)), and he’s also a 12 year old who is starting to try and assert himself, and loves the challenge of trying to beat me. So anyways…he comes up to me and starts trying to get me going. Since we’re in public, I’m not biting, but he keeps trying. Finally, I give him a bit of “attention”, when I squeeze his cheeks together so his lips pucker, and then put a finger under his tongue (there’s a pressure point under there - man, the things I’ll do to make the kids happy). Now, I thought we had done this pretty discreetly, but I turn around and there’s a CM standing right there, and she looks a bit puzzled as to what was going on. One thing about me is that I can usually come up with a comeback or something to say really quickly. So I look at Tammy and Steph and say “and that’s how you give a cat a pill”. The CM burst out laughing.

Kali was a lot of fun, and we all avoided getting soaked.

After Kali the kids were hungry, so we headed over to Restauranosaurus again. Lunch was OK (I think the food is starting to get to us).

After lunch we headed to Dinosaur and did the standby line.

It was another good ride.
post ride selfie

After Dinosaur we booked it back to Everest and made our FP with 1 minute to go (we were 4 minutes after our time). So we all got to ride together once.

The kids and I then did the single rider line one last time. I don’t think we’ll be back to AK again, so this was our last ride on Everest for this trip.
single rider selfie
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Good times.

to be continued
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