Trip Report COMPLETE...And that's how you give a cat a pill - an August trip report

Hello all. Thanks for reading the 2015 version of the Burnett family trip report. Hopefully you find it enjoyable. I'll add days as I find time, but this may take a while.

Anyone want to read the pre-trip report - here's the link:’t….898587/#post-6672384


So nothing much has changed in terms of the travel party (other than every time I do this we seem to be a year older than the last time).


From left to right there is our DD Stephanie (14), myself (Graham – 40), my DW Tammy (XX) and our DS Liam (12). We were down at WDW from August 15th to the 25th. We spent 6 nights at a Poly studio and 4 nights at a WL studio.

Some background

So if you read our last trip report (, you may remember that near the end of the trip it was announced that the company I worked for (Tim Hortons), had announced that they were merging with Burger King. There was a lot of uncertainty about what the future would hold after that announcement, and we weren’t sure when we’d be back to WDW. Fast forward to January 26th of this year…I’m sitting in my office when the phone rings and I’m called down to one of the “extra” offices we have. Long story short, my position was deemed redundant, and I was relieved of my duties.

However, a few weeks later I had a new job. After taking a few weeks off to relax, I started my new job…and our next WDW trip was back on.

Once we knew the trip was on we started our normal prep stuff (buying gift cards at Sam’s club or Target each month). By the time we were ready to leave we had enough cards to pay for all the meals etc. I then went on the Disney gift card website and merged all the cards into 3 cards. This made life easier for us (fewer cards to carry) and for the CMs (who didn’t have to scan a bunch of $50 cards when we went to pay our bill).

Well, that’s it for background….So here we go

Day 1 – Aug 15 – A different start

So August 15th finally arrived. Everyone was really excited and had trouble sleeping the night before…Speaking of the night before…this was the first year we didn’t stay at a hotel near the airport. Being so close to the Buffalo airport, we always book flights on either Southwest or Jet Blue out of Buffalo, as they are significantly cheaper than flying out of either Toronto or Hamilton (our hometown). However, this year our flights weren’t until later in the afternoon (3:45), so we didn’t need to stay overnight since it’s only a 1 hour drive from our home to the Buffalo Airport.

So there we were, up nice and early, car already packed and ready to go. We were going to take the kids to their karate class (Steph is a yellow belt and Liam is a brown belt), but then decided it wasn’t worth risking one of them getting hurt so decided we’d just head out early. We made a quick stop at the bank to pick up some US $, and then headed out.

The trip down to Buffalo was fine until we got to the border. We have NEXUS cards (basically means we are pre-screened so we can get through customs quickly – think of it like a customs Fast Pass). However, this time we presented our cards to the officer, and we were then asked to pull over. It turns out there wasn’t anything wrong, but we had been selected for a compliance check. We weren’t really sure what that meant, but we were asked to pull over and get out of the vehicle. A few minutes later another officer came over and did a quick search of the interior of our vehicle, then handed us back our cards and our keys and said we were good to go. Well that was different.

After crossing the border we made a quick stop at Sam’s Club and Target to pick up a few last minute things, and then headed to Cracker Barrel for lunch. After a good lunch we headed over to the airport. We went to the long-term parking lot and found a spot. Right after we pulled in the shuttle came up behind us, and before we knew it we were at the main terminal…which was absolutely packed. It turns out the Baltimore airport had a power loss, so no flights were going in and out, which was causing a back-log. The line inside to get to the Southwest desk wasn’t moving, so we headed outside and did the curbside check-in which was much shorter. Our bags were all within the right weight, so all was good.

Next up was airport security. Fortunately, since we have NEXUS cards, we can sign up for pre-screening at the airport, so there was no wait there either – other than Liam got pulled over for a secondary check (seems to be a theme). They did a hand swab and then put the swab into a computer and a few seconds later he was given the all clear. After that all was good

Waiting to board selfie:

It's funny how things change. Here is a picture of what our kids were doing waiting for our first trip to Disney (7 years ago):
Disney pictures - Day 1 005 - Copy.JPG

and this is what pre-flight boarding looks like now:

There's our plane:

On the plane selfie:

Our flight left on time, and was relatively uneventful (I fell asleep for most of the flight which was great).

I didn't choose the thug life...(and my kids think I'm a total dork now).

We arrived in Orlando around 6:30, right in the middle of the daily storm (which freaked Tammy out. She’s a very nervous flyer). We got off the plane and headed over to the ME desk. That’s when I realized I had forgotten the ME boarding passes at home. No big deal though, they just printed off new ones for us there, and sent us on our way. Our bus was waiting, and we boarded quickly (around 7:00).

ME Selfie:

A half hour drive later and we pulled up to the Poly.

Check-in went smoothly, other than our Magic Bands were no where to be found. It turns out they were waiting for us at Kidani? I guess it kinda makes sense since we had originally booked at Kidani, but we changed that back in February when Poly bookings opened.

Oh well. They gave us four magic bands (and had our colours available), and sent us off to our room.

to be continued
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Still following along and I have to say that I loved your bubble story!! That's why Disney is so great - no one will question a 40-year-old man chasing after bubbles! :) In fact, you got yourself rewarded, so way to live in the moment!

I don't think we have ever done Jungle Cruise at night - definitely a must do on our next trip to the parks! I'll bet it was fun.:happy:
I agree that anyone can act like a kid and get away with it at Disney. It's probably why we love going there so much. It's the one place you can be a little less "grownup" and no one thinks anything is weird about that.

Definitely try JC at night. It's a totally different experience.


Well-Known Member
I don’t know why I thought it would be fun to chase the bubbles, but I did…and I did….I chased bubbles… I’m not proud of what I did….and of course Liam joined me….chasing bubbles. I think I’m the reason they don’t feel the need to rush the upgrades coming to the park. I could just picture the research people writing on their clipboards “don’t need to spend billions on expansion…Install bubble guns throughout the park instead”. I’m sorry everyone.

Frickin' awesome!

I love Mulch Sweat and Shears too; and I also hate rude people!

Great report!


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Frickin' awesome!

I love Mulch Sweat and Shears too; and I also hate rude people!

Great report!

Really sucks that Mulch won't be there the next time we go. They were a lot of fun.

Glad you're enjoying the report so far.


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Day 10 – A Quest….to disappointment.

So here we are on last-day eve. We’ve had a great time so far, and we’re pretty excited about today. Today is the day we are going to be full-fledged annual pass holders. The plan was to go to Downtown Disney, take the kids to Disney Quest, have lunch at Earl of Sandwich and then go to the guest services at DTD to upgrade our 10 day tickets to annual passes (our plan is to come back the last week in December and do new-year’s eve at the World (one of our “bucket list” things to do)). After we get the AP’s we’d go to MK for the night (which, if we didn’t upgrade to AP’s would be our last night in the park since we have been in the parks for 10 days now).

The good thing about going to DTD is that it doesn’t officially open until 10:30am, which gave us a chance to sleep in and not feel like we are missing anything. So sleep in we did. You can probably guess the routine by now…it involves caffeine.

We hop on the bus to DTD and get there right on time (around 10:15).

and we're here

The kids were excited to be going to Disney Quest today, and wanted to head straight there. Tammy really has no interest in video games, etc, so she was going to wander around the shops (which sounds dangerous to me (at least financially)). One kind of “sucky” thing is that there is only one bus stop at DTD now (the stop by the marketplace), so it is a bit of a walk from there to DQ (It’s not really that big a deal, more a “hey, we used to be able to get dropped off right by DQ, and now we can’t).

The kids and I start the walk over to DQ, which gave us a chance to use the new pedestrian by-pass bridge (it was just being built when we were here last year).

Finally made it

We get to DQ at 10:30 and we’re all pumped to be going in…except for one thing…even though DTD opens at 10:30, DQ doesn’t open until 11:30. Should have done my research on that one. This was going to shorten our time in there as we were going to meet for lunch around 12:30.

With some time to kill, the kids and I decide to walk around the West side a bit. We went into Splitsville and looked around.

The staff there were very friendly. One of the CMs took us upstairs to the balcony so we could see DTD from up high.

We also went to the Candy Cauldron,

the Sunglass Hut, the Marvel store and the Harley store


Before we knew it 11:20 had rolled around, so we headed back to DQ. There weren’t too many people there (and honestly, if you don’t have the waterparks and more option, I don’t see why you’d pay $60 to go in there). At 11:30 we were finally allowed in.

to be continued


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Day 10 continued
Finally in

The kids split up from me as they wanted to do Virtual Space Mountain (which is a 2 person thing). I went and played pinball (I’m old school that way). I just kind of wandered around. The place is definitely showing its age, so it’s probably a good thing it’s shutting down.

Around 12:15 I found the kids playing the Star Wars Pod Racer game.

After they finished with the pod racers we did Virtual PoTC

and Virtual JC.

Both were fun. Overall we spent about an hour at DQ. It was a good time, and we can at least say we did it one last time before it closes forever.

We got a text from Tammy just after we got off JC, saying she was outside. We met up with her and started to head over to Earl.
The kids decided to take the boat over to the Marketplace, while Tammy and I walked.

I thought I may have gotten away unscathed with Tammy's "store-crawl", as I didn't see any bags in her hand. However, on the walk over she mentioned she saw some sandals at Sanuk that she wanted (She also bought a Mickey necklace that I had told her to pick up for a belated anniversary gift). We made a quick stop into Sanuk and were going to buy the sandals, but the person at the cash said they don't offer a DVC discount, but the do offer and AP discount. Since we would be upgrading to APs after lunch, we decided to wait until after lunch

Next stop was Earl of Sandwich. We always love it here. For lunch Liam got a Holiday Sandwich, Tammy got the chipotle chicken with avocado and bacon, Steph got mac and cheese, and I got the Hawaiian BBQ sandwich.

All were great, and so cheap compared to almost everywhere else on property.

With dinner done, it was time for our “holiday vacation” plan to enter phase 1. We headed over to the Guest Services area to upgrade to annual passes. There were a few people in line in front of us, so we took a seat and waited excitedly. BTW, the daily storm had started, so it was raining like crazy. A few minutes later we were called up to the desk. “We’re want to upgrade to the basic annual passes” I told the CM behind the desk. She was more than happy to assist us. She took all our magic bands and Tammy and I gave her our IDs, and she started inputting our information into the computer.

“Alright” she says, “that will be $204”.

I’m thinking this is great. We had been told it would be closer to $300 when we started the trip, so I’m thinking not only will we be getting APs, but we’re saving $100 as well. Awesome.

“Each” she says


“so the total we’ll be charging to your card will be $816 today” the CM says

“Oh sorry” I said, “we only wanted the basic annual pass, not the one with Waterparks, etc”

“I’m afraid we can’t do that. Since you have Waterparks and more on your passes you have to get the Premium annual pass”

“But that’s not what we were told when we asked on the first day” I said. I explained that we had gone through what we wanted to do with a CM at MK on day 1 and he said our plan was fine (we also asked at WL when we checked in there and were told the same thing).

“Unfortunately, because you used some of the waterpark entitlements you can’t just get the normal annual pass anymore”.

In retrospect, what the CM was saying made perfect sense, but my frustration was in the fact that we checked with two different CMs before this and were told we wouldn’t have any issues. I’m not a shouter/yeller, but I was pretty frustrated with the whole situation. I didn't get loud or anything, but we were definitely not happy.

With a deep sense of disappointment, we decided that we weren’t willing to spend that much more ($800 US works out to almost $1,100 CDN) so we didn’t upgrade. I decided we’d go to the MK Guest services and try to get this resolved. I did run back and pick up Tammy’s sandals before we left. Liam also picked up a Darth Vader shirt at the World of Disney.

We hopped on a bus to the Poly from DTD, and then took the monorail to the MK. We went to guest services and I explained the story of what we wanted to do and what we had been told. The CM was very apologetic that we had been told the wrong information, but that there was nothing they could do for us since we had gone to the waterparks twice and DQ as well. If we hadn’t done the waterparks or DQ it would have worked, but because we did we could only upgrade to the Premium AP (or pay for the number of times we went to the waterparks and DQ, which would have been more expensive than upgrading to an Premium AP). As much as I explained that we had been told it would be OK to do what we were going to do, I realized it was going to be a case of my word against someone else’s word. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like APs are in our future right now (this also messes up our December plans). Since we only have one park day left on our trip, we decided to skip the parks today, so we headed back to the hotel.

to be continued
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Day 10 continued

Tammy and I started the horrible job of packing (to be honest, we’re all exhausted, and kind of feeling ready to go home (not that we won’t miss being here, but we really feel we’ve done all we can do this trip)). The kids went and swam while we did this. Once the bags were packed we took them down to the front desk and weighed them. Both were 50 lbs on the dot. We’re getting good at this.

After the packing was done we went to the pool and got the kids. Tonight we are eating at Whispering Canyon (nice and close). We headed down to the lobby about an hour earlier than our reservation time. We were told they may be able to get us in earlier, so we just hung around the lobby. I opened the Hidden Mickey book on my phone, and Steph and I walked around finding hidden Mickeys.

This one is on the chimney in the lobby

and this one was on the painting on the ceiling in the Territory Lounge

We also wandered around the resort a bit, taking some pictures. Good times.

Tammy and Liam by the fireplace

The fireplace

and the plaque in front of the fireplace

Whispering Canyon

We really didn’t get seated earlier, but that was OK. We sat near the back of the restaurant which was nice. We all wanted to get the skillet tonight, so ordering was easy. The salad was really good (we ended up getting it refilled).

The skillet was also pretty good.

I really enjoyed the sausage. Overall I’d say dinner was very good. This is Steph’s favourite restaurant, and she really enjoyed it.

After dinner we decided to head over to Fort Wilderness and wander around a bit. We took the boat over and just kind of wandered around. We went to the general store there, and Steph bought a hoodie. That was really all we did tonight.

I did stop in at the store at WL and picked up a picture frame (need to start “Disney-fying” the home a bit). It was kind of interesting. I took the frame up
to pay for it and asked the CM to open it, as I wanted to be sure it wasn't broken. The CM assured me it wouldn't be broken as they are packed really well, but I insisted we check it anyways. I'm glad I did. The corner of the frame was broken right off. The CM was surprised it was broken, and then wondered how many more on the shelf may be broken too. I grabbed another one and checked it. It was fine.
This is what it looks like

After that we went back to the room (it was after 10). Hard to believe, but tomorrow we’re going home.

Day 10 – the END
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Well-Known Member
What a not so magical way to end your vacation!:banghead: I've enjoyed reading along with your adventures, and I loved your pilling a cat story!!


Well-Known Member
Regarding ticket misinformation

My wife and I ran into similar issues regarding misinformation regarding tickets. After much of a go around on the phone, my wife did her teeth grinding utterance of, "I am not having a very magical time" to the CM on the other end of the phone. (The tone of which makes every husband reply, yes dear)

Suddenly, our issue was magically resolved.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Regarding ticket misinformation

My wife and I ran into similar issues regarding misinformation regarding tickets. After much of a go around on the phone, my wife did her teeth grinding utterance of, "I am not having a very magical time" to the CM on the other end of the phone. (The tone of which makes every husband reply, yes dear)

Suddenly, our issue was magically resolved.
I should have Tammy call to complain;)

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