Come on now...


New Member
Original Poster
I think it's weird that people in these forums (not all, but a lot) seem to complain about almost everything. Every little fault in Walt Disney World, such as the Christmas tree in Epcot, because some strands were not working properly, and that a few times it didn't work at all. I mean things happen, it surely was not intended to malfunction. Nothing's perfect...

I understand when people complain about the ticket/hotel prices, those are EXTREMELY expensive, but some people try to find someone about Walt Disney World to complain about.

There are also heavy complaints about the EPCOT refurb from almost 3 years ago. Sure we all loved the old decent, but as most things do, are change, and it will change again.

Why can't we stop complaining, and just enjoy what Disney World has to offer?


Active Member
I think you'd be surprised. Most people complain because they expect perfection. They also care a lot about the condition of the resort. If they didn't, then why would they be complaining? I don't think it's so necesary to constantly complain and complain, but with Disney perfection is expected- as it should be.


Well-Known Member
I could say something as to why a lot of people on here complain, but I don't feel like getting banned at the moment. Just ignore a lot of the whining, take a stand on the issues you feel are legit, and ignore the ones you feel that people are making mountains of molehills.

WDW is a fun place, it's not as great as it used to be, but with hope things will get better in a few years. Taking the good with the bad, a lot of people find WDW makes them happy or makes them sad.


New Member
Original Poster
I could say something as to why a lot of people on here complain, but I don't feel like getting banned at the moment. Just ignore a lot of the whining, take a stand on the issues you feel are legit, and ignore the ones you feel that people are making mountains of molehills.

WDW is a fun place, it's not as great as it used to be, but with hope things will get better in a few years. Taking the good with the bad, a lot of people find WDW makes them happy or makes them sad.

Exactly, it's there so people can have a wonderful time. If people don't like it, simply don't go back.


Active Member
Popcorn time!

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Steer clear of my trip Report, then. :)

I had a wonderful time in the World, but that never stops me from expecting the absolute best out of Disney.:wave:


Well-Known Member
There are also heavy complaints about the EPCOT refurb from almost 3 years ago. Sure we all loved the old decent, but as most things do, are change, and it will change again.

Why can't we stop complaining, and just enjoy what Disney World has to offer?

I guess you are talking about Spaceship Earth's refurb that Disney didn't finish. I think it's valid to complain when everything up until the LED Starfield is amazing and rest is obviously unfinished.

When you stop complaining and accept mediocrity, that's what you'll continue to get...or worse. If you know your child is capable of getting all "A"s but he/she gets all "B"s and "C"s do you enjoy what they have to offer or do you want them to live up to their potential? Same thing. WDW has gone from the top of its class to a B student. Nothing wrong with a B student, but the potential is there to be the best.


When you stop complaining and accept mediocrity, that's what you'll continue to get...or worse. If you know your child is capable of getting all "A"s but he/she gets all "B"s and "C"s do you enjoy what they have to offer or do you want them to live up to their potential? Same thing. WDW has gone from the top of its class to a B student. Nothing wrong with a B student, but the potential is there to be the best.

Best explanation right here.


Park History nut
Premium Member
When you stop complaining and accept mediocrity, that's what you'll continue to get...or worse. If you know your child is capable of getting all "A"s but he/she gets all "B"s and "C"s do you enjoy what they have to offer or do you want them to live up to their potential? Same thing. WDW has gone from the top of its class to a B student. Nothing wrong with a B student, but the potential is there to be the best.


Well-Known Member

I think the thing that really gets to people is not necessarily the lack of innovation or lack of expansion or not having new attractions...but cost cutting measures. Take the Chicken Nugget for example: You go from large chunks of white meat chicken breast to smaller chunks of nugget style chicken and charge the same price it was a step backwards. When you take enough small steps backwards it becomes evident.
Lot's of corporations do this and it scares and angers people because their objective is short term profit at the expense of the product and the long term viability of the product. In this case the product is our memories, fun, future vacations and family time.
Like another poster said you go from an A+ product to a B product. But what is next a C product obviously. The thing is with enough cost cutting Disney can be just as profitable with a C product. And remember that DECLINE HAPPENS FAST. If someone doesn't complain, Disney could be VERY un-Disney-like in 15-20 years.
Reading about Roy really had me concerned. Without his influence Disney would have been dramatically different.


Active Member
I think it's weird that people in these forums (not all, but a lot) seem to complain about almost everything. Every little fault in Walt Disney World, such as the Christmas tree in Epcot, because some strands were not working properly, and that a few times it didn't work at all. I mean things happen, it surely was not intended to malfunction. Nothing's perfect...

I understand when people complain about the ticket/hotel prices, those are EXTREMELY expensive, but some people try to find someone about Walt Disney World to complain about.

There are also heavy complaints about the EPCOT refurb from almost 3 years ago. Sure we all loved the old decent, but as most things do, are change, and it will change again.

Why can't we stop complaining, and just enjoy what Disney World has to offer?

Discourse - means either "written or spoken communication or debate" or "a formal discussion of debate."

be pretty boring here if all there was was praise here no?

my 2 cents - WDW has slipped way to much from it's original ideals and standards. With obvious things like completely cutting out a prominent lighting display in EPCOT, it's even more clear.


When you stop complaining and accept mediocrity, that's what you'll continue to get...or worse. If you know your child is capable of getting all "A"s but he/she gets all "B"s and "C"s do you enjoy what they have to offer or do you want them to live up to their potential? Same thing. WDW has gone from the top of its class to a B student. Nothing wrong with a B student, but the potential is there to be the best.

BINGO! :sohappy::sohappy: You hit the nail right on the head. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." If it weren't for the 'complaing' that goes on here we'd have chipping paint, dirty parks, etc. etc.

People expect a TON from Disney because that's what Walt expected from his parks.


Well-Known Member
I understand that people expect nothing but the best from WDW because it is WDW...and that is fine.

For myself though..when I go..I just have fun..I do not notice or even try to find the little things that are wrong, things that need touch ups, and so on...

I read some of these reports..and it blows my mind how things like a scuff on an animal in Jungle Cruise...or the fact that a lightbulb flickered on Pirates is something that they notice...or messes up their trip.

I know there are many people here who go LOOKING for the things that are wrong or messed up...and I just do not..I love going there..I love being there with my family and we just have fun.

I guess maybe I do wear rose colored glasses because I do not see the bad.

I guess because it is the place we go to get away from every day and have fun, to smile and laugh and when we go there..that is what we do..we never leave disappointed.:shrug:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I understand that people expect nothing but the best from WDW because it is WDW...and that is fine.

For myself though..when I go..I just have fun..I do not notice or even try to find the little things that are wrong, things that need touch ups, and so on...

I read some of these reports..and it blows my mind how things like a scuff on an animal in Jungle Cruise...or the fact that a lightbulb flickered on Pirates is something that they notice...or messes up their trip.

I know there are many people here who go LOOKING for the things that are wrong or messed up...and I just do not..I love going there..I love being there with my family and we just have fun.

I guess maybe I do wear rose colored glasses because I do not see the bad.

I guess because it is the place we go to get away from every day and have fun, to smile and laugh and when we go there..that is what we do..we never leave disappointed.:shrug:

It's possible to see something wrong, evaluate it from a technical standpoint, and still have a blast. :lol: That's what I do. It's not like seeing a problem is the end all of my trip, I'm positively busting out of my skin when I'm there. You can ask some members here about that, now. ;) Does that stop me from noting a problem? Nope. Does it hinder enjoyment? Nope. "Critique" is the name of the game here, and expecting a better product out of Disney goes hand in hand with enjoying WDW to it's fullest.


Well-Known Member
My complaints on my trip were about legitimate stuff. However, I won't complain about small stuff. Of course it takes a lot for me to complain and my complaints are after over a year of planning and $3k spent. When people spend lots of money and time on their vacation they expect a lot in return, especially from Disney. And it's Disney that set that standard.


Well-Known Member
It's possible to see something wrong, evaluate it from a technical standpoint, and still have a blast. :lol: That's what I do. It's not like seeing a problem is the end all of my trip, I'm positively busting out of my skin when I'm there. You can ask some members here about that, now. ;) Does that stop me from noting a problem? Nope. Does it hinder enjoyment? Nope. "Critique" is the name of the game here, and expecting a better product out of Disney goes hand in hand with enjoying WDW to it's fullest.
Oh, I know you can..I just do not feel the need to critique while I am there...though I never see anything to critique...(rose colored glasses..;) ) and I guess I feel like I am getting the best and am enjoying it to its fullest!:shrug:

I never ever leave there with any kind of sadness, disappointed or frustrated because I feel like something could be better..

That is me though..pixie dust snorter you know..:D :lol:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Oh, I know you can..I just do not feel the need to critique while I am there...though I never see anything to critique...(rose colored glasses..;) ) and I guess I feel like I am getting the best and am enjoying it to its fullest!:shrug:

I never ever leave there with any kind of sadness, disappointed or frustrated because I feel like something could be better..

That is me though..pixie dust snorter you know..:D :lol:

I don't critique there...I do that here. :D In a thread.

How can you leave the MK not feeling sad is beyond me...:lookaroun :lol:


Well-Known Member
It's possible to see something wrong, evaluate it from a technical standpoint, and still have a blast. :lol: That's what I do. It's not like seeing a problem is the end all of my trip, I'm positively busting out of my skin when I'm there. You can ask some members here about that, now. ;) Does that stop me from noting a problem? Nope. Does it hinder enjoyment? Nope. "Critique" is the name of the game here, and expecting a better product out of Disney goes hand in hand with enjoying WDW to it's fullest.

I was about to type the exact same thing. When my DW and I went our first time we didn't notice anything except one thing: I always said to people that the bathrooms at Disney were so clean you could practically eat off of them....that isn't the case now. But on subsequent trips you start to see things slip. I can only imagine what people that go regularly notice...
We have a grand time no doubt but I cannot abide corporate greed. If we all view the world through rose colored glasses we'd never progress. There's a bumper sticker I particularly like: "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!"

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