CM Conduct


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Original Poster
Just got back from a short trip and saw two things that have my curiousity piqued.

First, when leaving Space Mountain at the end of the escalator, three teenage boys were standing right at the end waiting on someone. A CM was about 10 feet in front of us and asked the boys to move back from the escalator. Two of them moved, one did not. He asked again, the boy still did not move. Upon the third time asking, the CM gently pushed him out of the way, forcing him back. It took two or three little nudges to get him to move. Are CM's allowed to touch guests like this?

Second, when leaving MGM, there was a group at the exit that had gotten separated because one person had left the park and the party was talking across the exit gate trying to figure out a ticket problem. I don't know how long this had been going on, but they were loud and one was almost frantic. All of a sudden, the CM grabbed the ticket from the person's hand, started waving it in the air and told them to head to Guest Relations to get their problem straightened out. The CM was also yelling at them, getting right in the middle of their fracas. Violation?

Nothing here is worth reporting, just curiousity on my part and that I was surprised to see happen.


Well-Known Member
SpongeScott said:
Just got back from a short trip and saw two things that have my curiousity piqued.

First, when leaving Space Mountain at the end of the escalator, three teenage boys were standing right at the end waiting on someone. A CM was about 10 feet in front of us and asked the boys to move back from the escalator. Two of them moved, one did not. He asked again, the boy still did not move. Upon the third time asking, the CM gently pushed him out of the way, forcing him back. It took two or three little nudges to get him to move. Are CM's allowed to touch guests like this?

Second, when leaving MGM, there was a group at the exit that had gotten separated because one person had left the park and the party was talking across the exit gate trying to figure out a ticket problem. I don't know how long this had been going on, but they were loud and one was almost frantic. All of a sudden, the CM grabbed the ticket from the person's hand, started waving it in the air and told them to head to Guest Relations to get their problem straightened out. The CM was also yelling at them, getting right in the middle of their fracas. Violation?

Nothing here is worth reporting, just curiousity on my part and that I was surprised to see happen.

WOW! I've never seen a cast member conduct themselves that way. That must have blown your mind? It would've mine.
I know sometimes people have their patience tested; and I'm sure many times a day, cast members' patience are tested way beyond the normal threshold.
Situation #1: Did the boy not speak English? I would have made direct eye contact with the boy to make sure he understood me before deciding he was purposely disrespecting me. Never would I touch him.........
Situation #2: I can only imagine how long that fiasco was going on before that cast member had a meltdown...........Yell at people? I think that was a NO-NO. But to say diplomatically "Folks, you are going to have to take this to Guest Relations; we need to free up these exits"


Well-Known Member
SpongeScott said:
Upon the third time asking, the CM gently pushed him out of the way, forcing him back. It took two or three little nudges to get him to move. Are CM's allowed to touch guests like this?
Quite a reasonable action I would suggest - his staying there was a health risk to other guests


New Member
I just got back and noticed most CM'S do not speak english,It was very difficult to speak with them and get a useful answer back . I did notice one or two getting in trouble with thier supervisors for being lazy

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
As far as the incidents go, who knows where the complaints could have gone with that. Disney employs nearly 60,000 people. Among those there are bound to be a few bad apples, you can't make everyone perfect and they can't screen for everything in the interviews. If these were issues of true concern, I am sure that they were reported by the respective guests and everything was taken care of.


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Original Poster
DisneyInsider said:
As far as the incidents go, who knows where the complaints could have gone with that. Disney employs nearly 60,000 people. Among those there are bound to be a few bad apples, you can't make everyone perfect and they can't screen for everything in the interviews. If these were issues of true concern, I am sure that they were reported by the respective guests and everything was taken care of.
I agree. I'm not sure how much of a concern they would have been, it was basically something I had not seen done before by CM's. I do not know how long the MGM exit thing had been going on, but CM's are human and everyone has their breaking point with all things. To me, these things were nothing more than actions I had not seen before. Overall, Disney CM's are courteous, helpful, friendly, quick to say hello, etc.


New Member
fkflintstone said:
I just got back and noticed most CM'S do not speak english,It was very difficult to speak with them and get a useful answer back . I did notice one or two getting in trouble with thier supervisors for being lazy

MOST do not speak English??? I've been going to Disney World for over 30 years and the only CM's I've ever had a hard time communicating perfectly with were SOME of the mousekeepers at the resorts. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Please let's not get into the whole "speaking English" subject :rolleyes:

Anyhoo, Scott I cannot believe that. I don't think I've ever seen CM's behave like this...only guests. But like you said, the good CM's should always overwhelm the bad ones :)


Well-Known Member
SpongeScott said:
Just got back from a short trip and saw two things that have my curiousity piqued.

First, when leaving Space Mountain at the end of the escalator, three teenage boys were standing right at the end waiting on someone. A CM was about 10 feet in front of us and asked the boys to move back from the escalator. Two of them moved, one did not. He asked again, the boy still did not move. Upon the third time asking, the CM gently pushed him out of the way, forcing him back. It took two or three little nudges to get him to move. Are CM's allowed to touch guests like this?

Second, when leaving MGM, there was a group at the exit that had gotten separated because one person had left the park and the party was talking across the exit gate trying to figure out a ticket problem. I don't know how long this had been going on, but they were loud and one was almost frantic. All of a sudden, the CM grabbed the ticket from the person's hand, started waving it in the air and told them to head to Guest Relations to get their problem straightened out. The CM was also yelling at them, getting right in the middle of their fracas. Violation?

Nothing here is worth reporting, just curiousity on my part and that I was surprised to see happen.

As we run out the door real quickie..... CMs arent supposed to touch the guests in any ways.

1 - Not supposed to but the CM did the right thing.
I dont see where They did anything wrong, they were ensuring guest safety.

2 - CM is absolutely in the wrong here and did everything that goes against policy, training and guest service guidelines.


New Member
Quite a reasonable action I would suggest - his staying there was a health risk to other guests

No one's health was in danger. No where in Scott's post does it say that any of the mentioned kids were infectious or needed to quaranteed. was a safety danger and something needed to be done. I'm not sure "pushing" was in order though, no matter how gentle is was. A redirection would probably been more appropriate.


New Member
fkflintstone said:
I just got back and noticed most CM'S do not speak english,It was very difficult to speak with them and get a useful answer back . I did notice one or two getting in trouble with thier supervisors for being lazy

Oh gotta be kidding me. I must commend you got the lazy and not speaking English stereotypes into one post.

This is totally out of line.



Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
fkflintstone said:
I just got back and noticed most CM'S do not speak english,It was very difficult to speak with them and get a useful answer back

the english issues may have been with the Brazilian and Peruvian International CP's (ie- Holiday Help)


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
SpongeScott said:
First, when leaving Space Mountain at the end of the escalator, three teenage boys were standing right at the end waiting on someone. A CM was about 10 feet in front of us and asked the boys to move back from the escalator. Two of them moved, one did not. He asked again, the boy still did not move. Upon the third time asking, the CM gently pushed him out of the way, forcing him back. It took two or three little nudges to get him to move. Are CM's allowed to touch guests like this?

CM's are not allowed to touch guests. While the action probably was appropriate given the nature of the events, all the guest had to do was go to Guest Relations, and the CM would be working at Sea World today.

SpongeScott said:
Second, when leaving MGM, there was a group at the exit that had gotten separated because one person had left the park and the party was talking across the exit gate trying to figure out a ticket problem. I don't know how long this had been going on, but they were loud and one was almost frantic. All of a sudden, the CM grabbed the ticket from the person's hand, started waving it in the air and told them to head to Guest Relations to get their problem straightened out. The CM was also yelling at them, getting right in the middle of their fracas. Violation?

that sounds rude enough to go to guest relations and complain AND THEN reissue your ticket


Account Suspended
MKT, and other..

Attractions hosts are the only hosts allowed to touch guests. They are required to do whatever is considered within reason to maintain the safety of anyone in their area.

There is actual training on how to do so. They of course don't simply grab guests and fling them around willy-nilly, but there is training on what to do and when. Moving people is, as mentioned, a nudging process, you can't grab them and drag them away.

Similiarly are the guests with disability guidelines - you don't take someone's hand, but you offer an arm if they need guidedance or help loading into a vehicle.

So yes, in short, some CM's are allowed to touch guests.

Oh, one more thing - if the person is just going to hurt themself and stopping them you risk hurting yourself, them, or others, then you're not supposed to stop them. But if their actions risk the safety of yourself and others, then you are to use any reasonable means to stop them.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
mousermerf said:
MKT, and other..

Attractions hosts are the only hosts allowed to touch guests. They are required to do whatever is considered within reason to maintain the safety of anyone in their area.

There is actual training on how to do so. They of course don't simply grab guests and fling them around willy-nilly, but there is training on what to do and when. Moving people is, as mentioned, a nudging process, you can't grab them and drag them away.

Similiarly are the guests with disability guidelines - you don't take someone's hand, but you offer an arm if they need guidedance or help loading into a vehicle.

So yes, in short, some CM's are allowed to touch guests.

Oh, one more thing - if the person is just going to hurt themself and stopping them you risk hurting yourself, them, or others, then you're not supposed to stop them. But if their actions risk the safety of yourself and others, then you are to use any reasonable means to stop them.
really? I don't remember said training back in 1999-2000 when I worked in Disneyquest, Frontierland, and Tomorrowland Attractions. I remember the wheelchair arm, but not the rest of it.

Maybe I'm getting rusty.


Well-Known Member
This thread seems like a bunch of nonsense to me... seems the problems here were with rude guests.. not employees. I for one am glad that some CMs tried to get the rude guests out of the way so others didnt have to have their magic ruined by them.


Account Suspended
mkt said:
really? I don't remember said training back in 1999-2000 when I worked in Disneyquest, Frontierland, and Tomorrowland Attractions. I remember the wheelchair arm, but not the rest of it.

Maybe I'm getting rusty.

It became a big deal when someone i worked with grabbed a child who was about to get smashed with a vehicle. If they're jsut gonna get themself killed - let 'em. If they're gonna hurt anyone else, stop them.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
mousermerf said:
It became a big deal when someone i worked with grabbed a child who was about to get smashed with a vehicle. If they're jsut gonna get themself killed - let 'em. If they're gonna hurt anyone else, stop them.
that makes more sense... my attractions training must have predated the common sense training ;)


New Member
fkflintstone said:
I just got back and noticed most CM'S do not speak english,It was very difficult to speak with them and get a useful answer back . I did notice one or two getting in trouble with thier supervisors for being lazy

...Excuse me?!

ALL of us speak english, it is a requirement! Some do not speak it terribly well because they are here on a 2 month work visa currently, but they are here on a temporary basis to fill in between the college program groups, many of them are some of the most devoted castmembers I have ever seen.

Yes, some cm's are lazy but not many, and they should not be working here, but it is certainly not the norm.

Watch what you say before you start making generalizations.



Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
MKT, and other..

Attractions hosts are the only hosts allowed to touch guests. They are required to do whatever is considered within reason to maintain the safety of anyone in their area.

There is actual training on how to do so. They of course don't simply grab guests and fling them around willy-nilly, but there is training on what to do and when. Moving people is, as mentioned, a nudging process, you can't grab them and drag them away.

Similiarly are the guests with disability guidelines - you don't take someone's hand, but you offer an arm if they need guidedance or help loading into a vehicle.

So yes, in short, some CM's are allowed to touch guests.

Oh, one more thing - if the person is just going to hurt themself and stopping them you risk hurting yourself, them, or others, then you're not supposed to stop them. But if their actions risk the safety of yourself and others, then you are to use any reasonable means to stop them.

Not entirely accurate based on the training I received working in two separate areas of the WDW Resort. Yes, if you are working attractions you may come into some form of contact with the guests if it is to assist them in some way, such as a guest with a disability that wants the assistance and like you said, offer your arm in that sort of instance. What I had been told during my training was that I could not do something like the first CM mentioned had done, and physically move them, no matter how gently I did it. As far as protecting your physical safety, when I was at the Boardwalk working as Resort Dispatch, I had an airport shuttle driver decide he wanted to start something with me in front of guests because I wouldn't let him pull up where the valet parking cars are supposed to go. I made him go where Mears is contracted to park out in front of the resort. He even insinuated that he was willing to let it come to physical violence against me. After he left, I informed my manager and asked him if I had been assaulted, what would have happened if I defended myself. My manager's response, and this was the nice manager mind you, is that I would have been terminated on the spot since we are not allowed to touch the guests. My responsibility would be to get clear of the situation.

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