It was 1983. I had a 12 week old infant, and had a terrible time getting the house warm enough. The heat pumps of that era were not very efficient when the temperatures fell below freezing. I also remember my washer outflow hose freezing; I ran a load of wash (see the second sentence :loland it overflowed. I ended up sloooowly pouring warm into it to defrost it.
Then, Christmas of 1989 we had snow followed by cold (so it didn't melt immediately) and my neighbor's (out of town) pipes froze. They thought that leaving the thermostat at 60 would be enough to prevent it.
Yes it can.Wait it can snow in florida???? i new upper california b/c big bear lake, but florida??? Its cold here tooooo...........wishing i was somewhere warm
Not much. Nine times out of ten when we get snow it melts immediately so there is no accumulation. The worst I have ever experienced was Christmas of 1989. We got an evening of freezing rain followed by a few inches of snow. This basically shut the entire city of Jacksonville down for 2 or 3 much can it snow???
~A dream is what you rheart makes~
~when you wish upon a star~
Wait it can snow in florida???? i new upper california b/c big bear lake, but florida??? Its cold here tooooo...........wishing i was somewhere warm
FYI- all of the attractions stayed open during the cold weather before we arrived. The water rides (rapids, splash) just lower the water levels so guests stay dry(ish). And for those brave enough to go to the water parks the water is well heated. It's getting out of the water that gets you.
I think this only proves Al Gore's RIGHT!! :ROFLOL:
I'll still take the 40 degrees down there compared to the 15 it was here in CT today.
Has it ever snowed in Orlando?
Yes. In Jan. 1976 Orlando had snow on the ground till noon. My parents were visiting from Illinois that January and we went to the MK the day after it snowed.
Here on the coast we just got flurries in the middle of the night, but everyone was out in their yards in the middle of the nigh to show their kids snow.
I second that. It was 4 degrees when I went to work this morning...
My family would and in fact we have! 40 degrees in Disney is soooo much better than in Jersey!
Florida has the weirdest weather, I swear.
lol I wonder how the folks who handle the 40 degrees weather in t shirts would handle days of 100+ degrees.
So far here in CNY, we've made it all the way from 11.6 to today's current high of 8.4, and Floridians are complaining...
Flurries were observed on Volusia coast due to Ocean Effect snow. Many people might have scene on national news last February how my area had 141" of snow from lake effect. The same idea, just a different body of water.
What do they do with monorails?
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