Cliff's Kitchen


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind if someone cleaned my kitchen for me...sheesh...I haven't had a person eat over in a long time :lookaroun

I love entertaining guests


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
I wouldn't mind if someone cleaned my kitchen for me...sheesh...I haven't had a person eat over in a long time :lookaroun

I love entertaining guests

I hear you can pay to have cleaning services come in and do it for you.


New Member
Oh My Gosh!!!!!!!!!!!

I swear I am getting blonder by the minute.

I read every single post before I got it.

I must not get it enough to get it secondhand.......:lol:

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
You will notice that I made post #2, it was late, and I went to bed.

Imagine my SHOCK when I read the other posts this morning.
(Actually I was having a high school moment--all the popular kids were "in" on the joke and not me......:cry: )

But now I understand why it is pink.


Well-Known Member
I defnitely have to agree with MSU on this one... :p Nothing like taking off your shoes and sliding across a nice, clean, smooth kitchen floor!


Well-Known Member
Well, I THINK I get it, but I'll not try to contribute... :lol:

As I've said before, I'm always learning some new cultural thing! Last week it was camel toe, this week cleaning the kitchen. :hammer:


New Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial
As I've said before, I'm always learning some new cultural thing! Last week it was camel toe, this week cleaning the kitchen. :hammer:

The practice makes the master.... (or something like that) :D :animwink:


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by Maria
The practice makes the master.... (or something like that) :D :animwink:

No!! Don't listen to her Roddy! It's a trick! If these women want their kitchens so darn clean, let them clean them themselves. I don't know why they keep bugging us to do it all the time.

You can never get it completely clean anyway. There's always some spot you miss here or one over there. Besides, it'll just be dirty in a day or two, and then you'll have to do it all over again.


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by Maria
....and that would be a bad thing? :eek:

:lol: :animwink:

Well you never struck me as the kitchen cleaning type, but if you want to take a crack at cleaning Linda's next time you're in the area, be my guest.

See if you can do a better job than me.;)


New Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
Well you never struck me as the kitchen cleaning type, but if you want to take a crack at cleaning Linda's next time you're in the area, be my guest.

See if you can do a better job than me.;)

:lol: :lol:

Yeah, and you would sit and watch, right? No way! You have to do that yourself!


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by Maria
:lol: :lol:

Yeah, and you would sit and watch, right? No way! You have to do that yourself!

All right, it looks like I'm stuck with it. I wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't so darn big.:zipit:

Bad Gary! Bad, Bad Evil Gary!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
All right, it looks like I'm stuck with it. I wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't so darn big.:zipit:

Bad Gary! Bad, Bad Evil Gary!


I dunno but you better watch out! If your wife sees this, you are a deadman!

CT : - ) :slurp: :slurp: :slurp: :lookaroun :lookaroun


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
OMG... you guys are killing me :eek: :lol: LMAO

Speaking of kitchens... I have a sink full of dirty dishes to clean.. I am off to wipe down the kitchen....:lol: :wave:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by Erika
Jerry does dishes? Hot d*mn!!!

Yepper... I made yummy French Vannila French Toast for lunch... it was yummy :slurp: So I made a mess in the Got gooey egg yolk all over the ;)


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by Cliff

I dunno but you better watch out! If your wife sees this, you are a deadman!

CT : - ) :slurp: :slurp: :slurp: :lookaroun :lookaroun

Not to worry, I've got three things going for me:

1: She hates Disney World and would never read this

2: She (unfortunately) seems to share my sense of humor.

3: If it really came down to it, I think I could take her.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
I hear you can pay to have cleaning services come in and do it for you.

Sometimes the money isn't worth it! Trust me as I own a cleaning service. Chiseling an oven, or trying to get a year's worth of spilled syrup out of an oven:( ; I go through five gallons of Greased Lightning a month!

*goes to get the Greased Lightning out of van to clean own kitchen*

My husband usually cleans the kitchen; I refuse to cook until it's clean. We are actually talking about remodeling our house to give us a bigger kitchen. I wish there was a way to do it on the computer to give us an idea of how it would look.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
Well you never struck me as the kitchen cleaning type, but if you want to take a crack at cleaning Linda's next time you're in the area, be my guest.

See if you can do a better job than me.;)

Maria, I've got stuff that will make kitchen cleaning a breeze!:D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Debbie
Sometimes the money isn't worth it! Trust me as I own a cleaning service. Chiseling an oven, or trying to get a year's worth of spilled syrup out of an oven:( ; I go through five gallons of Greased Lightning a month!

*goes to get the Greased Lightning out of van to clean own kitchen*

HA! Good one! :sohappy: :slurp: :slurp: :slurp: :D

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