This ain't no Figment of your Imagination.
I'm the Dreamfinder, and baby I've found yours.
Prepare to be taken to a realm of Fantasy, a place of Adventure, with new Frontiers to explore, and Liberties to take. Tomorrow, when you awaken, you'll think it was all just one of a million Fantasmic dreams.
...and for a brief moment, you will be among my many passengers.
They don't call it a Peoplemover for nothin'.
Wanna take an Adventure Thru My Inner Space?
Trust me, when I whip this out, even Donald has to Duck.
This bone ain't buried too hard to find.
That's why they call me Thumper...
Ain't gonna be no Sleeping tonight, Beauty.
I got something I ain't Bashful about...I think you'll be quite Happy.
Ain't nothin' audio-animatronic about me, baby.
Ain't Norway you're getting away from me.
You get the Lights, I'll rev your Motors, and then you'll see some real Action.