Check-in to Hell


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by tigsmom
With a pop up timer? :zipit:

Well, word to the wise...

Jerry, when you're timer is popped up...make sure you're in a self-cleaning oven...and it's been preheated :lookaroun

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Originally posted by tigsmom
With a pop up timer? :zipit:
Jerry's pop-up timer always leaves me feeling disappointed. All that build-up and then not so much of a pop.

Jerry, maybe your springing action isn't up to par? You should have that looked at...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by One Lil Spark
Jerry's pop-up timer always leaves me feeling disappointed. All that build-up and then not so much of a pop.

Jerry, maybe your springing action isn't up to par? You should have that looked at...


Are you having trouble satisfying the ladies?

Do you wish it could last longer?

Are you not up to par with other men in the locker room?

Then you need...WHUBAMM the new drug approved by the HDA that is sure to put the POP in your timer!

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Maybe you should take pointers from this guy. He always seems to be poppin' fresh!



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by One Lil Spark
Maybe you should take pointers from this guy. He always seems to be poppin' fresh!


Too bad his ladies aren't :lol:
(The one on the left looks like the landlord from Kingpin)

Nothin's as luvin' as my crescent roll :lookaroun

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Nothin's as luvin' as my crescent roll

Have you learned nothing from watching television?

p.s. (i know that _____ at the end will get some nice comments haha)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by One Lil Spark

Have you learned nothing from watching television?

p.s. (i know that _____ at the end will get some nice comments haha)

Freudian Banana Peel :slip:

I can make the Poppin' Fresh Doughboy "Tummy poke" sound :lol:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
and we've come full circle...because twinkies lead to thoughts of Jerry :lookaroun

...and my "pop up timer" apparently... you are all going to hell... oh wait... Thats right.. were fricken HERE! :lol: :goodnevil

LMAO.. I go and do some work and come back to this? :lol: yikes.... everyone stop playing with my pop up timer! :lol: :lookaroun


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
And whats the deal with the 2 dudes dressed like Zena hangin with 'His Royal Doughness'? :confused: :lol: :veryconfu

weird... :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Let me get this straight...

Jenn just spit out cheez-in-a-can all over my face...and Christy licked it off? Hmmm...oddly enough, this is kinda "not bothersome in the least"

Not quite your idea of Hell, hmmm, Bri?!?


New Member
Originally posted by One Lil Spark
p.s. (i know that _____ at the end will get some nice comments haha)

One can only guess that you mean 'muffin' but I don't get it.

What does muffin have to do wi. . . . . .


Oh, I see :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by JBSLJames
One can only guess that you mean 'muffin' but I don't get it.

What does muffin have to do wi. . . . . .


Oh, I see :animwink:

Do you know the muffin man? ;)

Figmentmom...not my idea of Hell at all...but if that's what hell is all about...I'm gonna spend more time there :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Figmentmom...not my idea of Hell at all...but if that's what hell is all about...I'm gonna spend more time there :lol:

No worries, Bri - we're all already here! :lol:

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