Chat Room Out of Action


Originally posted by dopey

(SCENE: All the women in the courtroom swoon, as the strikingly handsome witness saunters to the stand. He exudes a sensual appeal, charisma and charm rarely found in dwarfs.)

JUDGE: You've already been sworn in?

DOPEY: Yes, your honor.

JUDGE: So handsome. So polite. You are just too perfect, aren't you?

DOPEY: I am but a man, your honor.

LAWYER: Mr. Dopey. Please state your name for the record.

DOPEY: Begging your pardon, but didn't you just do that?

LAWYER: Silly me. Handsome, polite and smarter than the average lawyer. God, I wish I were you.

(DOPEY winks at the two ***y defendants. The COURT REPORTER momentarily catches DOPEY'S attention by slowly licking her lips and mouthing the words, "I want you so bad.")

LAWYER (cont'd.): Anyway, let's cut to the chase, shall we? What is your relationship to the defendants?

(A hush falls over the courtroom. ARIEL and MIGHTYDUCK gaze into DOPEY'S twinkling green eyes, searching for clues that might reveal their fate. Will they be vindicated? Or are they destined to become denizens of the penal sysem?)

DOPEY: Well, learned counsel, I have but one thing to say...

And that would be, I'm SURE, that Ariel and the Duck are sweet, innocent ladies. Am I right?


Originally posted by mightyduck

:confused: What else could he say, Ariel?

I don't think there is anything else TO say...

He was telling the truth about the strikingly handsome part though...*blush*


New Member
i know my rights!

ariel, you and duck should be relieved that i'm asserting my privilege to not incriminate myself.

now you're probably looking at a hung jury.

(if you don't hit that softball out of the park, shame on you.)


Okay Dopey...if you're not going to incriminate yourself, then I guess I'm going to have to do it for you aren't I? ;)


That's only because you were asking for it.... ;)

Now wait one minute!! Who's going to be my lawyer?? Do you expect me to represent myself?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dopey
i know my rights!

ariel, you and duck should be relieved that i'm asserting my privilege to not incriminate myself.

now you're probably looking at a hung jury.

(if you don't hit that softball out of the park, shame on you.)

Dopey. You aren't on trial and the relations that you share with Ariel and Mightyduck are not the real issue. We are looking to establish their lack of character. Everyone here already knows that you have no morals so you can't plead the fifth because there isn't anything you can say that will change anyone's opinion about you anyway. You'll be held in contempt of court if you don't answer and be taken into custody! I'm sure there are a few nice guys named Bubba that would love to share a cell with a "handsome" and "charming" dwarf. Consider this carefully. The life you save may be your own!


New Member
Originally posted by marciahahn
...Let me make a pledge to dedicate my days to keeping posters on the straight and narrow, to be clean in thought, word, & deed, to have a zero tolerance for thread drift, and to become incredibly boring hereafter!;) Oh, and to immediately become defensive and angry if anyone offers unsolicited information or advice, and forever ignore the rules of spelling and grammar. ;)

I haven't read through to the end of this thread so I don't know how anyone else feels about this - but I am so glad you're out there keeping the Forum safe against goofy thread drift.;)


New Member
Ok, I have made it to the end of this thread and all I can say is "Huh?" True, I have known Ariel and Mighty only for a short period of time but in that time, it has not escaped my attention that they both are fine and upstanding young women - well, aquatic-type creatures. This unprovoked attack upon their character is simply a travesty of justice!:eek:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tink
Ok, I have made it to the end of this thread and all I can say is "Huh?" True, I have known Ariel and Mighty only for a short period of time but in that time, it has not escaped my attention that they both are fine and upstanding young women - well, aquatic-type creatures. This unprovoked attack upon their character is simply a travesty of justice!:eek:

Thanks, Tink! The guys are just trying to bully the women because they know we're gaining power around here... ;)

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