Changes at DTD


Well-Known Member
I was looking at the pictures of the refurbished bridge on Save PI blog. They installed new light poles in the middle of the bridge, why would you install new light poles in the middle of a bridge if your planning on rolling heavy equipment across it along with tons of demolition debree? Rumor was it was being redone for this purpose and demo of the buildings was to begin in October? There are also some pics of what look's like new equipment sitting in Motion on pallets. Doesn't add up?

That bridge being used for heavy equipment access was a rumor. Could be they are using a barge, or the lights can be removed/reinstalled as needed.


New Member
That bridge being used for heavy equipment access was a rumor. Could be they are using a barge, or the lights can be removed/reinstalled as needed.

You would definately know about the rumors. I dont think anything is coming down any time soon. I could be wrong but.........


New Member
With all due respect, it looks like you just read through the last handful of pages where the people who knew what actually happened stopped explaining it to the few who have no clue but like to make up reasons.

To summarize, Disney management killed Pleasure Island through a series of short-sighted business decisions, beginning with the decision to open the island to everyone for free. They thought they would get locals to come spend money, but what they got were teenagers getting dropped off by their parents using the island as a local shopping mall/babysitter. More than anything, this ruined the atmosphere - people wanting an "adult" place to go (kid free) while on their Disney vacation, lost a good portion of their reason for going. Plus, these teenagers (comparatively) spent less money because they don't buy alcohol. Simultaneously, management began cut-backs (as they had in other areas of the resort) like removing the nightly stage entertainment and New Year's Eve celebration; this removed more of what made the island a unique experience. Result = less customers. Finally, Disney management became proponents of a business model where outside third-party vendors would come in, lease commercial space, and provide the food and drink for the customers. Obviously, they felt it's easier (and maybe more profitable) to lease land than to have to run these eateries and bars themselves (including management responsibilities). Whether or not that was a sound long-term business plan (I would argue it was not), really didn't wind up mattering, because in the short-term it was a disaster. Disney closed their clubs without having lease agreements in place, the economy tanked, the few outside vendors who were interested pulled out, and Disney was left with a Pleasure Island ghost town ($0 profit) for the better part of the last two years with no end in sight.

In short, they got greedy, lost their focus, and blew it.

I'd suggest reading back through the thread and ignoring every post started by jt04. As memory serves, there's plenty of good information towards the middle about what actually went down.

Thank you. :wave:

I wasn't looking forward to wading through 116 pages, 90 of which are probably complete crap when all the worthless troll posts are combined together.


Well-Known Member

There are at least 5 different projects underway at DTD right now as the (construction) walls slowly close in on PI's infrastructure and buildings.

It has begun. :cool:


Active Member
I would imagine that all depends on what "it" is as well......

"It" is very massive, and with all still going according to plan, I honestly believe many here will like the outcome. (Yes, I'm fully aware that any change without the AdvClub is bad change according to many) As I previously mentioned, they will start on the East side and work their way west up the waterfront hill as can be seen with the walls starting to appear.

TDO stepped up to the plate on this one as they shed some light onto the once known Pleasure Island.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
"It" is very massive, and with all still going according to plan, I honestly believe many here will like the outcome. (Yes, I'm fully aware that any change without the AdvClub is bad change according to many) As I previously mentioned, they will start on the East side and work their way west up the waterfront hill as can be seen with the walls starting to appear.

TDO stepped up to the plate on this one as they shed some light onto the once known Pleasure Island.

What is the endgame for this "plan?"


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I think we are on step 2 of 3:

Step 1: Close down clubs
Step 2: ????
Step 3: Profit

Well, if they think glorified mimes and cover bands are going to do the trick....

Actually, as long as people stop and buy an overpriced drink or two, they're probably right......:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Well, if they think glorified mimes and cover bands are going to do the trick....

Actually, as long as people stop and buy an overpriced drink or two, they're probably right......:rolleyes:
I did notice on my recent trip that Westside isn't as dead as people make it out to be.

It doesn't get as soul-crushingly packed as Marketplace, but there were quite a few people in each of the stores. Nor was it as busy as it has been in the past. It was a nice manageable crowd on a Thursday afternoon.

Even the Virgin Megastore doesn't stand out as much as the RC car place if you never new it was there.

PI is just a barren walk that links the two ends though and West is suffering for it.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I did notice on my recent trip that Westside isn't as dead as people make it out to be.

It doesn't get as soul-crushingly packed as Marketplace, but there were quite a few people in each of the stores. Nor was it as busy as it has been in the past. It was a nice manageable crowd on a Thursday afternoon.

Even the Virgin Megastore doesn't stand out as much as the RC car place if you never new it was there.

PI is just a barren walk that links the two ends though and West is suffering for it.

When we were there in June we actually spent one entire evening in Westside. We saw a movie, had dinner at HoB, and then just strolled the shops, picking up one of those Frankenstein-esque candy apples for my daughter. Definitely more to do on the other side, but it wasn't like we felt in any rush to leave.

Another night however, I was at the RC place and walked over to Marketplace to meet the family. PI was just as you said, barren; nothing more than a pedestrian pathway.....


Very well summarized Krack!

I would be interested to see if we could compile a list of the outside vendors who pulled out before finalizing the contracts.


Well-Known Member
"It" is very massive, and with all still going according to plan, I honestly believe many here will like the outcome. (Yes, I'm fully aware that any change without the AdvClub is bad change according to many) As I previously mentioned, they will start on the East side and work their way west up the waterfront hill as can be seen with the walls starting to appear.

TDO stepped up to the plate on this one as they shed some light onto the once known Pleasure Island.

Interesting play on words. :animwink:

A proposed $3.6 million on lighting alone. That right there tells you they are putting a lot of effort into the transformation.


Well-Known Member
Interesting play on words. :animwink:

A proposed $3.6 million on lighting alone. That right there tells you they are putting a lot of effort into the transformation.

Nice! Where did you get that number from?

Anyway, IMO DTD has so much potential it is mind boggling. And it sounds like Disney may have a good plan. Create a nice enough envionment and getting third parties will not be a problem. Personally I don't think they necessarily need more third parties but I understand why they would want to go that route.

I have high hopes for the area and if your number is right than my optimism just got more optimistic!

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