Changes at DTD


Well-Known Member
I would agree. If Disney had tenants waiting to go into those buildings I would have been far less perplexed by the sudden and total closure. It is almost like they thought they could just vacate the buildings and tenants would come running with open check books.

My understanding was that they did have tenants waiting at the time. Was supposedly the Cheesecake factory and a variety of others, but sometime after PI closed the Cheesecake factory pulled out of the deal and then the others followed since it was the big draw.


Well-Known Member
I was unaware that cheesecake held such mass appeal.

Still that would explain the salad dodgers in chairs hogging the buses.

Yeah I think it's just that it was supposed to be a really large restaurant and the other retailer and restaurants that were signed on realized there would be a giant hole of vacancy and didn't want to take the chance.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
^ if thats the case I cant see any short term redemption for Disney as who the hell would take a punt on opening a venture there now. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
My understanding was that they did have tenants waiting at the time. Was supposedly the Cheesecake factory and a variety of others, but sometime after PI closed the Cheesecake factory pulled out of the deal and then the others followed since it was the big draw.
Disney should have had commitments made and contracts signed before anything was closed.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
So have we concluded that CW wasn't very profitable, and that AC was probably on par with or even trailing the more popular dance halls as a draw?

If so, that makes the decision to close them all make a little more sense than the idea that Disney wouldn't risk the wrath of 20-somethings who were OK with losing their favorite clubs as long as everyone else did too.

I'm seriously just curious why Disney didn't keep the two most unique (and IMO, most interesting) establishments open. If the hard truth is that they weren't as popular as fans like me would hope, then there's at least some financial logic involved there.


Well-Known Member
Wrong....dead wrong. CM and AC were the ONLY PROFITABLE CLUBS. Just stop talking.......

Well I can admit I don't have access to Disney's financial information for the clubs and I seriously doubt anyone here does. I did visit them and as a casual observer there was plenty of potential there, if they really were losing money than they were seriously mismanaging the clubs and they have no one else to blame but themselves.

I don't think closing the clubs had anything to do with the existing state of the clubs but had more to do with the potential of leasing the space.


Well-Known Member
Wrong....dead wrong. CM and AC were the ONLY PROFITABLE CLUBS. Just stop talking.......

Funny, and here I thought 71jason was one of the resident experts on DTD. Or at least that's what I gathered from lurking.

But please, by all means, don't let him get in the way of your trolling.



Well-Known Member
Oh i am almost 100% sure it had to do with financial stability....Disney cares about money....

Unless you can say for certain what the financial situation of the clubs was then I don't think you can be 100% certain, not even close in fact. I do think it was all about money but has a whole lot more to do with cutting business on their end and replacing it with leasing income, after all this is what they were planning and what they are still planning for the area.

Evil Genius

Well-Known Member
Oh i am almost 100% sure it had to do with financial stability....Disney cares about money....

Well after looking over the articles, financials and economics stats you've posted I can see you're absolutely correct...

Wait...what?...oh that's right...that hasn't happend...all in my head I guess...

Captain Conjecture stikes again!

Evil Genius

Well-Known Member
No you are right...i should post a random website made by some random guy who never leaves his house then people like you would believe me....wait i dont care if people like you believe me since i am correct and like usual you are wrong.....


So being neighbors with a recently retired Imagineer must not mean anything anymore. :shrug:

Don't think I asked you to post links to randon links to sites to prove your point. You seem so adamant about your information and CLAIM to have actually statistical insight and yet you blantantly refuse to give any information that would give creedence to your conjecture. All the while you insist on belittle other posters that not only have een a part of WDWMagic for A LOT longer than you have, tend to have immaculate track records with their information.

So the burdon of proof STILL remains in your lap my boy. Either back it up...or back it out.


New Member
Except that money is still being lost, and the potential of filling vacancies with third parties more difficult with each passing day.

Sorry let me rephrase that....potentially losing money is better than ACTUALLY LOSING MONEY. As the economy slowing turns around the chances of getting places built will begin to rise.


Well-Known Member
Sorry let me rephrase that....potentially losing money is better than ACTUALLY LOSING MONEY. As the economy slowing turns around the chances of getting places built will begin to rise.

Again I don't have acces to Disney's financial records, but I'm pretty sure they are "Actually losing" money there is hardly anything open and unless they wall it off completely cut the power and utilities they have to be spending something to maintain the area. It's got to be the most expensive walkway Disney operates.


Well-Known Member
Sorry let me rephrase that....potentially losing money is better than ACTUALLY LOSING MONEY. As the economy slowing turns around the chances of getting places built will begin to rise.
Buildings require maintenance, and if these buildings really are slated for the trash heap, then that is still a loss. That loss may be less for the whole, but it still makes no logical sense in regards to the profitable enterprises that would have been more profitable without the other clubs leaching ticket revenue.

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