Please excuse any typos, typing from a really small keyboard.
Not everything new will be 3rd party. The retheming concept sounds cool too. A much better fit. Relaxing. And changes to AMC as well. Will be more like the new theater in Downtown Orlando. There may be changes to the parking flow as well, for the better.
Regarding A.C. and the comments above, entertainment, admissions and F&B are in three different buckets, so it's hard to say straight forward "it ran in the black" or "it ran in the red". But IF you're considering them to be all one bucket, it would be in the red. I personally will miss it, but unfortunately it was not a huge revenue driver. I don't want to get into a big argument about it. I loved it, but it's gone and for the right reasons.
Now keep something in mind w/these changes. Try to forget that we'll miss P.I. as it was in it's prime. How many people on these boards complain (including myself) about long wait times at restaurants, having to make reservations 90/180 days out, no walk up availability, ect... more restaurants will certainly alleviate that. The good news is that the current plans have some fun and innovative concepts, as well as some big names in the restaurant business overseeing them. These are true dining experiences that the Disney Parks are known for. And that excites me. Keep an open mind, and when everything opens, see what you think.
I can guaruntee you that if it ends up being a big mistake and doesn't draw more people, the new concept will hold the same fate as P.I. However, I honestly believe it's going to be successful. That's all I've got.