**CELEBRATION 25 Complete and Total Coverage Thread!**


Well-Known Member
What a great 2 days...

I must say... I don't know when I have even been in such an instant completely drenching downpour of non stop insane rain like last night...

That was intense...

I had a great time, it was great to meet some of you, and I will be working on some updates soon myself!



Well-Known Member
It was great seeing you all there. Thank you for making Celebration 25 so magical. Special thanks to Adam for making this all possible.


Account Suspended
*crawls out of bed*

Good morning. Other half has already left of magical express and im just chillin for a bit an getting packed. We ordered too much stuff from room service. I'm eating Boardwalk Chocolate cake and nibbling on mint-choco "Dibs" we got from the store at the resort. That and a coke, and we have two cans of beer left too. Breakfast of champions.

I might go into Epcot for some photos. I didn't really tke any pics yesterday because of the crowds - and i wanted to enjoy more then chronicle.

How's everyone else doin for the morning after?

Edit to add: I also just foun a box of doughnuts (best deal on property), a full size bag of chips, and a box of shortbread rounds with pooh and tigger. I have too much food!


Active Member
How's everyone else doin for the morning after?

Pleasantly tired....got home around 11pm and went right in a took a hot shower. Was still wired and could not fall asleep. Then of course, the alarm went off at 5am for work this morning...ugh. I knew I should have saved one more vacation day. :hammer:

How many more days til EPCOT's 50th anniversary?


Account Suspended
A nice cold ickey rain is lingering here... So dont feel so bad about leavin.

I'm off in a few, gotta pack up the PC and call fo valet and i'm outie. See ya'll later today when i get home :) Off to photograph Epcot.


Well-Known Member
*crawls out of bed*

Good morning. Other half has already left of magical express and im just chillin for a bit an getting packed. We ordered too much stuff from room service. I'm eating Boardwalk Chocolate cake and nibbling on mint-choco "Dibs" we got from the store at the resort. That and a coke, and we have two cans of beer left too. Breakfast of champions.

I might go into Epcot for some photos. I didn't really tke any pics yesterday because of the crowds - and i wanted to enjoy more then chronicle.

How's everyone else doin for the morning after?

Edit to add: I also just foun a box of doughnuts (best deal on property), a full size bag of chips, and a box of shortbread rounds with pooh and tigger. I have too much food!

I must say a healthy start to your day. MMMM beer and mint choco bits :slurp:.


Well-Known Member

That link is not working right now. Can anyone just type an address here? (The original poster was looking for someone to write to at Disney, whom we could thank for Disney's work on the event.)

I would assume the best person to write would be the guy in charge of EPCOT. (Can't remember his name right now, but he was there and seemed to care among the most -- and wasn't he an original cast member, anyhow?)

I am sure that someone will post the answer within minutes of this post... (if I know the WDW Magic folks...)



Well-Known Member
That link is not working right now. Can anyone just type an address here? (The original poster was looking for someone to write to at Disney, whom we could thank for Disney's work on the event.)

I would assume the best person to write would be the guy in charge of EPCOT. (Can't remember his name right now, but he was there and seemed to care among the most -- and wasn't he an original cast member, anyhow?)

I am sure that someone will post the answer within minutes of this post... (if I know the WDW Magic folks...)

Paul, just drop the first http:// and it should work. I'm not sure why it repeated that.


I can't really say too much here that hasn't already been said, but thanks again to all of your dedication to making a great celebration happen and reporting it back to all of us who couldn't be there! :sohappy:

My parents are down there and got to experience yesterday's events and it couldn't have been at a better time. They were blown away by the emotion and passion of the fans that they saw. I hope now they can understand some of my obsession and love for Disney.

They even endured the madness for a shirt for me and my husband! I can't wait to see it!


Active Member
And for those who missed the rain yesterday(from the webcam at Disney):






Well-Known Member
I would assume the best person to write would be the guy in charge of EPCOT. (Can't remember his name right now, but he was there and seemed to care among the most -- and wasn't he an original cast member, anyhow?)

I am sure that someone will post the answer within minutes of this post... (if I know the WDW Magic folks...)


That "guy" is Jim MacPhee. He is a 29 year CM, and was working the parking lot when the first car rolled into Epcot on 10-1-82. He also worked at the Epcot preview center. He's an amazing man - very approachable and passionate about Epcot.


Well-Known Member
Paul, just drop the first http:// and it should work. I'm not sure why it repeated that.

OK, but still, what is the name of the Epcot leader/president/VP or whatever his title is that we should contact? And what is the best address for HIM?

Anyone know?



Well-Known Member
That "guy" is Jim MacPhee. He is a 29 year CM, and was working the parking lot when the first car rolled into Epcot on 10-1-82. He also worked at the Epcot preview center. He's an amazing man - very approachable and passionate about Epcot.

Thanks! You beat me to my response! What is his snail-mail address? Is it the same as that for Guest Communications?



Well-Known Member
Right now on the Ellen Degeneres show she's talking about Epcots 25th yesterday, and she's talking about the Universe of Energy and how long it took them to make the Ellen animatronic---pretty cool!


Well-Known Member
I'm extremely tired this morning, but it was worth it for all the fun yesterday. All the special events were great and the group was a lot of fun. I hope everyone that was at the burn-off and had to get back to a WDW resort made it back without too many problems.

Hoop Raeb

Formerly known as...
Sorry kids but my cell phone ran out of battery 1/2 way though an update last night around 6:30 right as the heavens opened up. :)

So as everyone knows now, the 5:00 AA meet was changed to 6:00. Originally, the Marty sessions were only supposed to be 1/2 hour but I guess he had other ideas. Marty was awesome and had so many great stories, photos, concept drawings, etc. Truely an experience of a lifetime.

So we did AA at 6:00 which was great. No flags but we all tried to sit together. The show seemed 100 times better with positive Disney mojo flowing though the room. As we were letting out, they were loading up the out ramps. Later on I found out there was a wedding in the rotunda. We found out that the Dessert party was moved to Odessey because of the rain and it was to start at 7:30.

So we made our way down to China for a quick snack, when the skies opened up and poured like I haven't seen in a while, and I live here. So we waited until 7:15 and it was still coming down. So I bit the bullet, hopped over a railing to get to a shop to buy my $7 ponchos for me and the DW.

Made our way down to Odessey though the ponds in Norway and Mexico. I couldn't believe that the walkways were covered with water that was at least a foot deep in some area. Thankfully we had flip-flops on. Had to wait to get in, finally let us in around 7:45. Still raining outside.

Dessert were really good. Coffee, tea and water were included. They had a couple cheesecakes with a chocolate disk that had the 25th logo on them. Pretty neat. Will post later. Got to chill out and dry off for a little bit. We had a toast to EPCOT given by the Celebration25 team which was a nice touch. Jim McPhee was supposed to show up but couldn't make it. No BS because the DW heard one of the supervisors tell an underling to be on their best behavior because Jim may show up.

Then left in masse to Italy around 8:45. Supposedly Disney was providing us free ponchos. Not sure why they didn't hand out ponchos BEFORE we left! I got to Africa and the skies opened up again. Luckily, I got mine back on in time. I thought all the rain would have thinned out the crowds but there were a TON of people there. Diehard fans or people that were just excited to see some extra fireworks. Finally got to the island and at the base of the bridge, NOW they're handing out ponchos. :( I took another one and we made a little poncho tent around us.

Right before ROE starts, some guy comes over with a basket and a towel over it. I see a Mickey bar sticking out of it. He says in broken english, "You from Odessey?" So I say yes. He takes the towel off and there's a basket of every kind of frozen treat imaginable. What luck! So he says have at it and sets it down on the fountain wall in front of us. Whoever provided that, THANK YOU!! Made the DW's night honestly. To eat a Mickey bar and watch ROE on the 25th was truly magical!

Fireworks tag was AWESOME. The power of it went right though you. Then the lasers on SSE was the icing on the cake. Then walking out with all the old music playing was the sprinkles on the icing on the cake! Didn't stay for the burnoff. Had to come to work today. :( Got home about 11:00 so I'm dragging today.

Again, to everyone who made this happen, THANK YOU!! Even though some things got shuffled and it was hard to find out new information, things happen. If you showed up to all the events, you found out about the next event shift (JII -> AA -> Dessert). Overall, this was very well planned and coordinated with Disney.

And thanks again to Disney and Jim McPhee for making something, anything happen yesterday. To think how far they came in a short time all because of you the fans. Truly magical!


Active Member
So we did AA at 6:00 which was great. No flags but we all tried to sit together. The show seemed 100 times better with positive Disney mojo flowing though the room.

It was good but I was sitting next to that kid that was making noise the whole time. One comment, I didn't hear any singing. What happened people?

They had a couple cheesecakes with a chocolate disk that had the 25th logo on them. Pretty neat. Will post later.

Bummer! I didn't see that!

Then left in masse to Italy around 8:45. Supposedly Disney was providing us free ponchos. Not sure why they didn't hand out ponchos BEFORE we left!

They did. I guess some people got some and others left before they got them. I was one of them that skipped them then someone handed one to me during the march, I asked where they got them, she told me a CM at Odessey was passing them out.

Right before ROE starts, some guy comes over with a basket and a towel over it. I see a Mickey bar sticking out of it. He says in broken english, "You from Odessey?" So I say yes. He takes the towel off and there's a basket of every kind of frozen treat imaginable. What luck! So he says have at it and sets it down on the fountain wall in front of us.

I didn't see this either. What a shame! I like mickey pops!

And thanks again to Disney and Jim McPhee for making something, anything happen yesterday. To think how far they came in a short time all because of you the fans. Truly magical!

I second that. He did a great job and every time he stopped in throughout the day, the dedication, the group photo, Club Cool, Italy Isola, you just had to shake his hand and thank him.

One thing that was nice is when he was talking to Adam after the reded, Adam was thanking him and Jim said, If I knew about your group sooner, I would have done more. That says a lot for that man. Amazing man, great people person. He's done so much for our favorite park than anyone else in the last 6 years.

As far as the burnoff, at 11pm it was getting too late and headed home. At the front gate a CM said that they were talking about not doing it this evening. I told them that there would be a lot of disappointed people on an island in Italy if they didn't.

I wonder if they fired it off or not.

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