Celebrate a Dream Come True Parade starts TODAY

I too am surprised by all the criticism.

I saw the new parade on Monday, and I loved it. It truly made me smile, laugh, and just feel good. From start to finish the parade was filled with energy that was hard to ignore. I liked the retro costumes, the enthusiastic dancing, and the fact that the dancers as real people were emphasized along with costumed characters and fantasy driven floats. There were plenty of characters, but the large cast of "real people" gave a human aspect to the parade and made it feel more like a show than just a character parade.

I love the concept of a show stop, but my only criticism is that the show stop did not differ much from the parade itself. The shift in music was great, but some more flags, banners, streamers, confetti, or something similar would have differentiated the show stop from the parade portion. Also, something should happen on the floats during the parade stop. I did like the Mickey float very much and I liked how the crystal castle float was fitted with clouds and balloons to match the Celebrate logo of the castle, clouds, and balloons. The dancers with their matching costumes throughout the parade was an effective way of continuing the Celebrate theme between the opening and closing floats.

I have seen PoD at DL and BPB at DCA, and I agree that they feature a higher calibur of dancing and choreography, but that's come to be an expected difference between DL and WDW. However, congratuations to all the dancers for all their hard work in CDCT. I'm happy they get to be featured prominently in this parade.


Well-Known Member
I have seen PoD at DL and BPB at DCA, and I agree that they feature a higher calibur of dancing and choreography, but that's come to be an expected difference between DL and WDW.

Umm, our dancers do the exact same choreography in Block Party that they did in California!


New Member
KCW --
Maybe your "trained" eye sees things differently. Mine wasn't a naive comment. It had nothing to do with hurt feelings or self-esteem issues. I'm not a dancer, I'm not a parade planner. And I sure hope you're not telling your students that they aren't good enough!!!!

I'm just your average fan. I go to be entertained -- AND I WAS !


Well-Known Member
Um...no...not really.
Umm... YES... YES THEY DO!!!!!!!!!!!





Our staging team and show director worked hand in hand with the show director and choreographer from California when bringing over Block Party. Back in July of 2007 WDW entertainment hosted five workshops over three days to give a taste of BPB to our cast. The Choreographer from California taught the routine at this workshop as well as the jump routine to several select individuals. Everything taught at that workshop is used in our version of BPB. BPB is performed exactly like it was in DCA except in the summer when due to our high heat and humidity we perform an abbreviated show stop. Any other time of year you will find the exact same show from Cali and that is a FACT! We also here in Florida work our butts off making sure that we perform BPB 7 days a week, 365 days a year! We don't get the luxury of offering BPB on limited days of the week or canceling the parade when it gets to hot like they did in California! To insinuate that we are performing a watered down version of Block Party Bash is just plain insulting.
Umm, our dancers do the exact same choreography in Block Party that they did in California!
Well, when I saw BPB a DHS on Sunday, it was simply a slow moving parade with repetitive music. It totally lacked the "show stop" and it's associated choreography, trampolines, etc. It was like a dumbed down version of the show I saw at DCA. That's what I based my comment on.


Well-Known Member
Umm... YES... YES THEY DO!!!!!!!!!!!





Our staging team and show director worked hand in hand with the show director and choreographer from California when bringing over Block Party. Back in July of 2007 WDW entertainment hosted five workshops over three days to give a taste of BPB to our cast. The Choreographer from California taught the routine at this workshop as well as the jump routine to several select individuals. Everything taught at that workshop is used in our version of BPB. BPB is performed exactly like it was in DCA except in the summer when due to our high heat and humidity we perform an abbreviated show stop. Any other time of year you will find the exact same show from Cali and that is a FACT! We also here in Florida work our butts off making sure that we perform BPB 7 days a week, 365 days a year! We don't get the luxury of offering BPB on limited days of the week or canceling the parade when it gets to hot like they did in California! To insinuate that we are performing a watered down version of Block Party Bash is just plain insulting.

Well, from the performers I've talked to...they said it was different. I don't want to be insulting, and I never said it was watered down...just different. I have tremendous respect for everyone involved.

Well, when I saw BPB a DHS on Sunday, it was simply a slow moving parade with repetitive music. It totally lacked the "show stop" and it's associated choreography, trampolines, etc. It was like a dumbed down version of the show I saw at DCA. That's what I based my comment on.

Ya, Sunday's show did not stop due to circumstances beyond our control. It typically does stop, but the stops unfortunately had to be canceled Sunday.


Well-Known Member
Well, when I saw BPB a DHS on Sunday, it was simply a slow moving parade with repetitive music. It totally lacked the "show stop" and it's associated choreography, trampolines, etc. It was like a dumbed down version of the show I saw at DCA. That's what I based my comment on.
Often in certain conditions when it is unsafe to perform the parade or when their is a technical issue they do what I like to call "The Drive By Party." If you do a youtube search of DCA's very last performance of Block Party you will see them performing it the same way.


Well-Known Member
Well, from the performers I've talked to...they said it was different. I don't want to be insulting, and I never said it was watered down...just different. I have tremendous respect for everyone involved.

My appologies for putting words in your mouth. It was rumored by MiceAge that when we opened Block Party that are show had watered down choreography. The cast from Cali also takes great pride in trashing our effort to perform Block Party to it's fullest ability. However, if you watch and study videos on youtube you can see that's not the case.

I suppose you just hit a nerve with me you didn't intend too. (I also was getting very fustrated trying to find a good quality video to compare the parades with and it rubbed off on my post.) I guess I know how danzingcutie12 feels about the critiques of CDCT.


Well-Known Member
My appologies for putting words in your mouth. It was rumored by MiceAge that when we opened Block Party that are show had watered down choreography. The cast from Cali also takes great pride in trashing our effort to perform Block Party to it's fullest ability. However, if you watch and study videos on youtube you can see that's not the case.

I suppose you just hit a nerve with me you didn't intend too. (I also was getting very fustrated trying to find a good quality video to compare the parades with and it rubbed off on my post.) I guess I know how danzingcutie12 feels about the critiques of CDCT.
No problem, the videos are good to see side by side, and I'll agree they look pretty much the same. I'm just going off what I was told, and although I know about parades/shows/theatre, I know the least about dance (of all the elements involved in the show). Like I said, going off a conversation I had with some of the Cast.

I didn't mean to hit that nerve, I know what it's like, I've been in your shoes before. ;)


For me and my family (6 kids) our favorite thing about the parades has always been about the characters. I like all the music, and dancers, but I LOVE the characters. I was a bit disappointed with the BPB as it had less characters than SnMCP, and now this parade has less characters too. The parades have always been a chance for us to see characters that are not always out for meet and greets, and you get to see a whole load of em! Most of the characters in the parade now you can usually find in a meet n greet somewhere fairly often. Also the fact that none of the characters are on ground level is sad too. My best memories are of when my kids that were in strollers got a handshake or hi5, and to them it meant the world that Tigger (or whomever) touched them etc. Thats what Disney is about for them, especially my 2 and 4 yr olds. They couldnt care less about rides etc, they came to see the characters that they watch on tv, for real. Thats just us though!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Well, when I saw BPB a DHS on Sunday, it was simply a slow moving parade with repetitive music. It totally lacked the "show stop" and it's associated choreography, trampolines, etc. It was like a dumbed down version of the show I saw at DCA. That's what I based my comment on.

It must have been the "rainy day" version. Either the rain was coming in, or it just had.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
I saw this same showing ( Sunday) and noted the lack of Show Stops. Trust me, this is NOT how it usually runs!

I saw the Fl version for the first time this past Friday, and it was pretty much identical to the CA version. Lots of energy, bouncing, ball tossings, interactions, you name it. The Cast did a awesome job. I am SO happy that they were able to keep most of the activities...there was a time when it looked as if the FL version would be very dull!

I liked it so much i returned Sunday afternoon to see it again, however they must have been having technical issues. There was NO threat of rain whatsoever..it was a beautiful afternoon, but there were no show stops. They did a straight shot from gate to gate...and before the last float reached the exit gate the parade music ended too soon! Yeah it was very strange...a total goof-up. The green army man on the Bugs' float simply did the best he could, saying ' Pay no attention to this huge bug float passing by you now....". He then starting humming the parade music...ha ha..it was so random seeing a Disney Park Parade with NO MUSIC!!!

My guess was that the towers that rise up out of the play-block floats that present The Incredibles were not working. This would explain why they could not do the show stops. The Incredibles and Frozon(sp?) were instead placed on the floats. It was strange seeing Mr. Incredible on the Monsters' float..i will say this!

So DO try to see the parade again in the future. It DOES still have the fab show stops and maintains much of the energy of the original from CA.

I saw this same showing ( Sunday) and noted the lack of Show Stops. Trust me, this is NOT how it usually runs!
My guess was that the towers that rise up out of the play-block floats that present The Incredibles were not working. This would explain why they could not do the show stops. ...

Word is (from another post elsewhere) that the show stops were cancelled as well as the remainder of the HSM shows that day because of CM complaints about the fumes from painting the sorcerer's hat. I don't know if that's true, but it follows what someone else said about the two changes (BPB and HSM) being for a related reason. I noticed the paint fumes just from walking through the center of the park, and it makes sense that performing energetically several times a day in the presence of paint fumes would be more taxing on the body than just a guest walking through the area.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
I like the costumes being from the 70's. Goes along with the fact that WDW opened in 1971. Anyone think that is the reason for the outfits?

YES! Finally someone 'gets it'! :sohappy:
At the start of the new parade, WDW's opening date is mentioned specifically.

I was there for both the last showing of DDCT and the 1st showing of the new parade. Some observations:

On 'last day' of DDCT, a lot of the entertainment CM's were lined up near the exit gate on Main Street to cheer on the final showing. It was very cool and added a lot of additional excitement to the showing..made it a real 'event' actually. I got a buzz from it being in the midst of them....yeah, call me a WDW geek but it was a neat experience. It was nice to see DDCT go off into the sunset with some appreciation. For a long time i have read people were not keen on it, now i see people have changed their minds...:lol:

On 'first day' of 'Celebrate..' again there were a lot of CM's in the audience cheering on the first showing. Many were 'incognito' ( changed costumes to mingle with Guests) to watch the show. I was standing by the parasol cart in Liberty Square during the first showing with 5 CM's and one Engineering CM. The Guests seemed to love the new parade. During the day i heard many CM's mention how today was the first day for this new parade, so the crowd was pumped.

Okay..so time for the show.

The 'random ribbon girl' was announced prior to the parade as being a awarded performer ( school majorette perhaps?). I can't recall it exactly..but she was introduced in the intial pre-show announcement. So her 'randomness' may not be so random..much like the car and band that precedes the parade ( Family of the Day...or whatever it's official title is).

A opening statement is made before the parade music begins, touching on the theme of celebrating special occasions. WDW's opening day is mentioned which was cool..( perhaps to tie in with the future promotion fo the upcoming 40th bash). Basically the vibe is ' ..since WDW's opening in 1971, people have come from all over the world to celebrate special occassions...etc.'

Once the parade started, the catchy new theme tune started and the colors started flowing down FrontierLand. Personally, i found it very modern, hip, but at the same time it had a 'retro' feel. It was like a parade WDW would have shown in the late 80's....the music, colorful costumes and hairstyles...all fit in with that bright late 80's/early 90's vibe happening at The World back then. So the 'retro' feel had appeal to me.

The music i liked. It was very upbeat. It does not stick in my head however like the themes from previous parades ( particularly DDCT). I liked it, but it really seemed a little out of place at WDW. What i mean is, it felt too 'modern' and 'contemporary'. Not that i am saying WDW is all 'old school' or should be....what i mean is it was the type of tune one would hear on High School Musical or Hannah Montana's tv shows. It was good and definately different. A breath of fresh air perhaps?

The costumes and 'new' floats were very colorful and again seemed to have that '80's retro' vibe for some reason. I think the real show-stopper this time around was the cast of dancers and performers. They were nothing short of AWESOME in what they did. You could feel the energy and excitement....naturally this is because it WAS opening day, but still, the energy level was GREAT! Mick looked fab in his new duds, and Minnie appearing on his float now was a nice plus. The character pairings i liked ( Mary and Bert, Snow White with her Prince, etc.). Nice touch. I did notice a lack of street level characters..but considering the focus of this parade is on the dancers i could understand why they were eliminated. Still, it did make it seem a bit sparse. It would not surprise me at all if we eventually see more characters added street level. It really is a plus for Guests to have that one on one interaction. Of course..this could all be a part of Disney's marketing stragety...to get Guests to pay for this experince ( via Character Dining). The dancers were great and their hard work paid off. The crowd was loving it.

Having seen the previous incarnations of what is basically the same parade, i would have to say the overuse of the old floats is really starting to show. The floats, no matter how many faux Mickey balloons they tack on, come across as not really 'fitting in' with this production. They really seem to come across as being left over from previous shows, but i am sure your Average Guest does not pick up on this. I dunno....the floats are all too 'dark' for such a light, bright, and festive parade. I have no issues with the finale float ( the ol' Castle)....that one fits in anywhere no matter what the theme. Call it a 'classic' i guess. Speaking of the Castle float, the new 'party gear' outfits for the finale float characters look great. I love the party hats...and the colors fit well with the theme. I loved the blue formal wear of DDCT and the overall YOMD Promo, but this is a okay change as the characters look ready to play and have fun after 2 years of formal dress.

So my overal view after this first showing-

VERY different type of WDW parade ( both music, performance, and costume wise). I think this is a show that people will either love or hate with a deep passion. Makes me think of Cinderellabration...and the rift that created in both the fan community and Entertainment Dept...:lol:

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Word is (from another post elsewhere) that the show stops were cancelled as well as the remainder of the HSM shows that day because of CM complaints about the fumes from painting the sorcerer's hat. I don't know if that's true, but it follows what someone else said about the two changes (BPB and HSM) being for a related reason. I noticed the paint fumes just from walking through the center of the park, and it makes sense that performing energetically several times a day in the presence of paint fumes would be more taxing on the body than just a guest walking through the area.

Thanks for that, Gardner14. Yes, the fumes were pretty strong that day around The Hat. I never would have guessed that was the reason for the short showings...

..yet another reason to just get rid of it.....The Hat that is!

Disneyson 1

New Member
Sorry to bump this... but I just read something that made me realize something else... something horrible.

This is our 40th anniversary parade.

You know that whole spiel right before the show stop? It starts with " Since 1971, the Magic Kingdom..." The EXACT same way that DL's PoD (their 50th anniversary parade) starts. And the only difference is that the characters and the dancers will be "celebrating" the 40th. And does this mean that these decorations are doing double duty as 40th decor??? I can see the marketing segway now:

"And as our final celebration of "What Will You Celebrate", the Magic Kingdom is throwing it's biggest celebration of all: it's 40th anniversary!"

PLEASE someone tell me that we won't be getting " The 40th is What You Will Celebrate"...


Well-Known Member
Just a guess, but I'm pretty confident Parade of Dreams will be coming along around that time. It doesn't make sense that Parade of Dreams is done at Disneyland, and it was a fully original parade made for the park. They almost have to reuse them somehow after all they years of DDCTP.

My guess: POD with some new music, with the train station opening float and castle finale float redesigned to match WDW.


Well-Known Member
Just a guess, but I'm pretty confident Parade of Dreams will be coming along around that time. It doesn't make sense that Parade of Dreams is done at Disneyland, and it was a fully original parade made for the park. They almost have to reuse them somehow after all they years of DDCTP.

My guess: POD with some new music, with the train station opening float and castle finale float redesigned to match WDW.
As of last word WDW will NOT be receiving PoD! I also believe the floats have already been dismantled based on some info from another message board.

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