Celebrate a Dream Come True Parade starts TODAY


New Member
I just watched the video. Were there any characters on the ground at all??? I didn't see any. As I see it, there were dancers in the same (dreadful) outfits between each and every float. Did I see this correctly??

The dancers aren't union professionals are they?

What department designs the parades? I would imagine WDI?? What dept does the erm... choreography?

I have always found the MK parades to be really sappy but at least fun for the young ones, especially the interactions with the characters on the ground. This felt like a combo of the old donnie and marie and lawrence welk shows, very 70'ish. (that isn't a compliment)

WDI usually doesn't do parades. Walt Disney Entertainment oversees that. Sometimes, in a blue moon, they work together so that parade floats, show sets, etc. fit in with the park created by WDI, but the two don't intermingle often. It's all political too, rather sad.


New Member
Just returned from a trip to WDW. I can't believe what I'm reading here!! The new parade was AWESOME!!!! Yes, less characters -- but no less "Disney". Sounds to me like some of the posters here weren't good enough to be IN the parade -- thus the dissing. Why can't we all just enjoy the entertainment? Sure, we can all think of ways that we ourselves might have done it -- but you DIDN'T. Just relax and enjoy. Life's too short!!


Active Member
Just returned from a trip to WDW. I can't believe what I'm reading here!! The new parade was AWESOME!!!! Yes, less characters -- but no less "Disney". Sounds to me like some of the posters here weren't good enough to be IN the parade -- thus the dissing. Why can't we all just enjoy the entertainment? Sure, we can all think of ways that we ourselves might have done it -- but you DIDN'T. Just relax and enjoy. Life's too short!!
I can't believe it either! Very well said!


Well-Known Member
Just returned from a trip to WDW. I can't believe what I'm reading here!! The new parade was AWESOME!!!! Yes, less characters -- but no less "Disney". Sounds to me like some of the posters here weren't good enough to be IN the parade -- thus the dissing. Why can't we all just enjoy the entertainment? Sure, we can all think of ways that we ourselves might have done it -- but you DIDN'T. Just relax and enjoy. Life's too short!!

It is because of posts like these that we still have floats from eight years ago. We as a consumer must hold Disney to a higher standard if we ever expect to get a quality product. Is the new parade Ok? Yes. Is the new parade good enough? Nope. This parade represents everything that is terrible about current management.
Reused, tired, old floats with new music and costumes. What's worse is the fact that very little thought went into the design of the show stops and costumes. Everything is the same! Even the villain's have to sit through an upbeat, happy, go lucky show stop. Do you remember when each float had a different show stop? It laughable and (I can't believe I'm about to say this!) Walmarting at it's best. Even the choreography in parts of the parade is recycled! You can see it. One the first moves in the show stop is straight out of HSM!
To me this parade looks like someone looked at Block Party Bash and Parade of Dreams and decided what makes a good parade! "Well, in BPB we have a lot less characters and a lot more dancers so people must like dancers more than characters." "Oh, people love the show stop in PoD, we should use a pop tune as our show stop song and wave a bunch of flag/banners!" etc, etc ,etc.

You (and anyone else) who want to continue to berate those of us who expected more out of the company can go right on ahead! I will stand by my verdict that this parade is not good enough! Even individuals in the current parade know that this parade isn't good enough. You can continue to enjoy your new parade! However, don't be surprised when you see these floats used in our next parade! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Just returned from a trip to WDW. I can't believe what I'm reading here!! The new parade was AWESOME!!!! Yes, less characters -- but no less "Disney". Sounds to me like some of the posters here weren't good enough to be IN the parade -- thus the dissing. Why can't we all just enjoy the entertainment? Sure, we can all think of ways that we ourselves might have done it -- but you DIDN'T. Just relax and enjoy. Life's too short!!

I'm sure that the performers in the parade give it their all -- they certainly seem energetic and dedicated. But there is an overabundance of dancers with bad 70's costumes in wigs dancing amongst beat up old floats to a new soundtrack.

The parade is a poorly executed, minimized re-hash of old parade floats that date back to 2001 and 1981. Hardly an impressive show for anyone, whether it be a first timer or regular visitor. It's even made worse by the fact that the MK almost got DL's Parade of Dreams with its more elaborate floats, costumes, and choreography.



I'm sure that the performers in the parade give it their all -- they certainly seem energetic and dedicated. But there is an overabundance of dancers with bad 70's costumes in wigs dancing amongst beat up old floats to a new soundtrack.

The parade is a poorly executed, minimized re-hash of old parade floats that date back to 2001 and 1981. Hardly an impressive show for anyone, whether it be a first timer or regular visitor. It's even made worse by the fact that the MK almost got DL's Parade of Dreams with its more elaborate floats, costumes, and choreography.


Bingo. I have the ultimate respect for all the Cast Members that participate in the parade. I know what they go through, especially when it gets hot.

But the fact that this is basically the same parade for 9 years is ridiculous.
It is because of posts like these that we still have floats from eight years ago. We as a consumer must hold Disney to a higher standard if we ever expect to get a quality product. Is the new parade Ok? Yes. Is the new parade good enough? Nope. This parade represents everything that is terrible about current management.
Reused, tired, old floats with new music and costumes. What's worse is the fact that very little thought went into the design of the show stops and costumes. Everything is the same! Even the villain's have to sit through an upbeat, happy, go lucky show stop. Do you remember when each float had a different show stop? It laughable and (I can't believe I'm about to say this!) Walmarting at it's best. Even the choreography in parts of the parade is recycled! You can see it. One the first moves in the show stop is straight out of HSM!
To me this parade looks like someone looked at Block Party Bash and Parade of Dreams and decided what makes a good parade! "Well, in BPB we have a lot less characters and a lot more dancers so people must like dancers more than characters." "Oh, people love the show stop in PoD, we should use a pop tune as our show stop song and wave a bunch of flag/banners!" etc, etc ,etc.

You (and anyone else) who want to continue to berate those of us who expected more out of the company can go right on ahead! I will stand by my verdict that this parade is not good enough! Even individuals in the current parade know that this parade isn't good enough. You can continue to enjoy your new parade! However, don't be surprised when you see these floats used in our next parade! :wave:

Well using this logic, I can't believe they have dancers battement (kick) their legs in both B&B and DAWM!!! :rolleyes:Choreography is more than just individual steps... And say what you will about this parade, but to pick apart everything about this parade that YOU find wrong is ridiculous. Everyone involved has worked their butts off to try and please guests...


Well-Known Member
Well using this logic, I can't believe they have dancers battement (kick) their legs in both B&B and DAWM!!! :rolleyes:Choreography is more than just individual steps... And say what you will about this parade, but to pick apart everything about this parade that YOU find wrong is ridiculous. Everyone involved has worked their butts off to try and please guests...
I'm not the only one who finds the same costumes used in every unit wrong, or the lack of characters, or the same floats from eight years ago!

I get it! You as performers busted your butt to get this parade off the ground! I get the hard work you put into learning a parade. I've been there! Hell I'm there now busting my butt in a parade I have been working a year and a half to get into! You need to stop taking offence at every little thing I say and take a look at the big picture! A parade can be fun to perform but that doesn't make it a good parade! Does it make it better. It certainly does! but that only gets you so far.
Yes and I understand that... maybe my view is a skued one because of how connected I am to this parade...but everyone did the best with what they were given. I understand the float thing, but the floats are the most expensive thing in a parade. However I also look at it as being would I rather keep the same floats with the same boring DDCT parade or keep the same floats and update everything else to try and freshen it up and maybe pump some more excitement into the three o'clock hour at MK. So IMO if there was no way we could get new floats which would you choose?? I would want it to try and be fresh!


Well-Known Member
Yes and I understand that... maybe my view is a skued one because of how connected I am to this parade...but everyone did the best with what they were given. I understand the float thing, but the floats are the most expensive thing in a parade. However I also look at it as being would I rather keep the same floats with the same boring DDCT parade or keep the same floats and update everything else to try and freshen it up and maybe pump some more excitement into the three o'clock hour at MK. So IMO if there was no way we could get new floats which would you choose?? I would want it to try and be fresh!
Your proud of your hard work! That's understandable. :wave:
And honestly I am not taking offense to everything you say... I just get a little riled up sometimes and I apologize if my opinion is not welcomed. I just thought maybe one postive thing may be nice... : )


Well-Known Member
And honestly I am not taking offense to everything you say... I just get a little riled up sometimes and I apologize if my opinion is not welcomed. I just thought maybe one postive thing may be nice... : )
And maybe I need to also apologize. There is positive things to find in the parade, namely the hard work put in day after day by the performers.


Sounds to me like some of the posters here weren't good enough to be IN the parade -- thus the dissing.

I'm sorry, but this is a very naive answer commonly used when people try to hard to keep people from getting their feelings hurt. It's like the parent of a child (with two left feet and not a shed of coordination or grace) who says, "It's ok you didn't make the cheer squad, you were just better than anyone and they didn't want you to show everyone up!" That's ridiculous and it drives me crazy that that's so common! Instead you say "I'm sorry hun, I know you tried your best. The other girls have more experience than you though, so how about you work really hard this year to improve your skills, and try again next year?"

This kind of "protect our kids from anything that's harmful, we don't want to mess up their self-esteem, they're wonderful no matter what they do" attitude is why I have to deal with students who couldn't care less about putting real effort into anything-- because their parents will always tell them that it's WONDERFUL no matter what they did or didn't do. :mad: Sorry, off my soapbox now.

Back to the original post- many of us on here who are critiquing the parade are more than qualified to do so. I don't think it's necessary to justify myself and spill out my qualifications, but I've been dancing for over 18 years, and I'm very familiar with the professional dance world. Any performer (be it actor, singer, dancer, whatever) realizes that it's a hard and controversial career. If a performer can't take criticism, then they've chosen the wrong path. EVERY performer, at some time in their career, will be told that they're just not good enough. They can either take that and work with it, training harder to become better, or they can whine about criticism. I'll let you figure out which one gets further in the dance world.

We as a consumer must hold Disney to a higher standard if we ever expect to get a quality product. Is the new parade Ok? Yes. Is the new parade good enough? Nope. This parade represents everything that is terrible about current management.

Exactly. Disney can do 100 times better, and most everyone knows that. If you don't, and are happy with no matter what they do, that's absolutely fine! However, many of us expect higher quality because we know they're capable of it. I'm sticking to my guns that it's an old, tired, recycled parade, with fewer characters, so-so performers, and terrible choreography.

If you don't believe me, all you have to watch is the first 40 seconds of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1NSubcS3gk&feature=related

or this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ck6ItlYeIbY (dancing starts about 30 secs. in)

or this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOFcy56bJtY

And I didn't go through a ton of BPB videos to find the "good" ones... these are just the first few that showed up when I typed it in. In fact, I've seen much better than even these that I posted.... (these were all from BPB at DCA)

Still don't believe me? Watch Parade of Dreams- the whole parade, the dancers, the show stops, the floats, the costumes... that shows you what Disney is REALLY capable of.... so why shouldn't that same quality be expected on the east coast too?

heck, want more? go search for videos of the new Pixar Play parade at DCA.....

And that's just what CA can do... don't even get me started on Tokyo's stuff!!!

Well using this logic, I can't believe they have dancers battement (kick) their legs in both B&B and DAWM!!! :rolleyes:Choreography is more than just individual steps...

You just contradicted your own statement. Choreography IS more than just steps, which is why taking an entire phrase of choreography vs. dancers performing kicks in both shows is not even a valid comparison.

That being said, I didn't notice the stuff from HSM that he mentioned, but that doesn't mean it was or wasn't there.


Active Member
I don't think anyone's disputing that...but what I think everyone is saying is that y'all should have been given more. A lot more.


I am not an expert on dancing; however, I did like the dancing and music... what I am unhappy with is everything else :P

I hold Disney to high standards and if they don't meet them then I think something needs to change... and after seeing many Disney parades (PoD, Once Upon a Dream (current Paris parade), the various Tokyo parades, etc) I know what they are capable of producing and CADCT falls FAR below those standards as far as floats and costumes go... most of the parade floats that the other Disney parks around the world have replaced to make way for something newer and better are WAY WAY WAY better than the current floats.

The cast members give it their all... and it shows... I have no problem with that! :D You do the best you can with what you have to work with... but you should have floats and costumes and other things that are far better to work with than what there is now.
I too have 18+ years of dancing experience and went to a very prestige art university and hold a BFA in Dance Education. That being said the greatest thing I ever learned in school was that we all look at movement differently. If you didn't get my kick comparsion thats okay...
I also know how critical a career in the dance world is and trust me I can take criticism...its the fact that you are crticizing every performer in this parade...The so so performers as you call them well I just find that wrong to say the 60+ performers that go out everyday are so so? Half of those people do BPB and HSM...and even a few girls do Christmas Equity shows for Disney. And yes we all hold Disney to a high standard, me included, but we got what we got. And I don't know how else to put that. Contact Disney if you have a problem with that...and I tell that to everyone who doesn't like something at Disney...

I think we are just gonna have to agree to disagree on this one! : )

Tip Top Club

Well-Known Member
I may be misinterpreting it, but it's not the performers that they are critisizing. It's the decision to Only have non-character performers in the streets. If you look at Parade of Dreams, Much of what goes on is character-driven. With the Fairy Godmother, Flora, Fauna, Merriweather, Peter Pan, etc...then Dancing Forks and Spoons for Beauty and the Beast, Wind up-Dolls for Pinnochio...etc...

It's the lackluster floats that have no reason to stop.

It's the stale atmosphere of seeing those same lackluster floats for so many years.

I think the music is really catchy and wonderful for this parade, and I think it works reall well, and I think that the performers, especially those in front of the Mickey and Castle Units do a spectacular job and fit in well with the parade, but then why have so many performers in the same costumes with every other unit?

And honestly Disney, how hard would it have been to add some Mickey Ballons and streamers to the other floats? At least pretend like you wanted to make it look like your celebrating.

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