Celeb Sightings at MGM Lately?


New Member
December of '01, saw Regis & Kelly during the filming of the Christmas parade.

December of '00 (I think), sat behind the tattoo guy at the "Hunchback" show at MGM

January of '98, saw a guy who had himself confused with the 1988 version of David Lee Roth while in the Splash Mountain line. He had the big hair, sunglasses, striped black and gold genie pants and red shoes. It was tough not to laugh. Not that there's anything wrong with dressing like 80's rock stars.....


Naturally Grumpy
rainfully said:
Ahhh I was just waiting for a Celebrity thread to pop up so I could share my "celebrity" sighting.

Not MGM, obviously, but Joey Fatone from NSYNC/Rent/My Big Fat Greek Wedding was waiting to board Primeval Whirl right in front of us. I wasn't entirely sure it was him, so I snapped a photo. But as we were riding, (he was in the car in front of us) he was waving to some people, and when we got off (he got to stay on for another ride without disembarking... grr...) there was a group of teenage girls so I asked them who it was and they confirmed.

Anyways, here's the picture.


Nice job Rain!

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Yes, celebrities do visit the parks, but with the tens of thousands of people per park, per day, your chances of seeing and recognizing a celebrity in an unscheduled appearance are slim. But it does happen.

The first time I saw a celebrity was 1983. The actress who played Mrs. Cunningham in the tv series "Happy Days" (Marion Ross) was in the Magic Kingdom when I was with my class on our senior trip. In the couple of summers when I worked as a cast member, I saw the "Cosby kids," again in the Magic Kingdom, but they were there working, not just visiting. On visits over the past 15 years or so, I have seen former president Jimmy Carter in the Magic Kingdom. I can't think of any others, because like I said, they are rare.


Well-Known Member
we see someone famous almost every trip

i'll see who i can remember

-Micheal Landon (little house on the parie, of course before he died)
-George Lucas
-Howie Long (football announcer/ radio shack commericals)
-Micheal J. Fox
- The two twins from 'sister sister'...i cant remember their names and their brother who was on 'smart guy' and 'full house'

theres so many more...but my memory fails me at the moment


Well-Known Member
Two or three trips ago, we got to MGM early and they just let us in.. So here we are racing to ride Star Wars and get it out of the way.. I litterally ran into a suit.. WHo asked me what I thought of the park.. Great I said. Told him that I have been coming since the first park openned in 71. Good,, Good to hear he said.. thanks.. As I walked away, it hit me.. Eisner himself.. Wow.. I am very sure that it was him..

At one point in time Disney would have a daily celeb put their hands and feet in concrete outside of The Great movie ride. that day Joe Rigabuto from Murphy Brown was there.. So the last time I was at MGM I looked for his print.. Guess what If your not a "big star" they don't keep your name out in public, his was removed. Very interesting to be sure.

Has anyone actually gotten a perk from meeting either Eisner, or Roy or another big Disney name like a free ticket or any thing else? Just would like to know.


New Member
bjlc57 said:
Two or three trips ago, we got to MGM early and they just let us in.. So here we are racing to ride Star Wars and get it out of the way.. I litterally ran into a suit.. WHo asked me what I thought of the park.. Great I said. Told him that I have been coming since the first park openned in 71. Good,, Good to hear he said.. thanks.. As I walked away, it hit me.. Eisner himself.. Wow.. I am very sure that it was him..

dang it, i gave you that gun for a reason!!!!


Well-Known Member
I did not meet him, but one of my fellow Cast Members ran into Chris Rock twice in one night. Chris and his entourage were going over to House of Blues to see a show and my co-worker and his family saw him on the way in as they were headed to DisneyQuest. When they were coming out, the show had just ended and they ran into Chris Rock and his entourage again. Afterwards when they were out at dinner, his wife was so excited that she started talking to people at the next table saying "Guess who we ran into? KID ROCK!" It was then that my co-worker pointed out that no, it was not Kid Rock.

"What's the difference?"
"Well, Chris Rock is a very funny black comedian. Kid Rock looks like white trash and thinks he can sing."


Well-Known Member
Back when MGM was still functioning as a studio we were touring through the soundstages. Kathy Lee was in one of them filming a musical number for MVMCP. It was the one where she started in a 'house' then went outside with the kids and there was a snowman there. The song was 'Winter Wonderland', IIRC.

My other celeb sighting was at Universal. We had gotten VIP tickets and we skipped the 75 minute line for Back to the Future. As we were waiting on the ramp to enter the building, we looked down into the massive line and saw the (then) mayor of Minneapolis, wearing a nametag, waiting in line like a 'normal' person.


New Member

When I went to WDW the 1st time at the end of 2001, my friend and I spotted Jerry Springer in the front row of the Lion King Show. That was pretty cool, but we werent sure it was really him for a long time. We had gone with our band (high school) and later that day a guy from our group said that he was in line in Jerry for Kali and when he went to ask JS if it was really him he said Jerry shushed him quietly so he wouldnt be announced to the whole line. He didnt say he was rude about it though. We thought it was pretty funny.

My second sighting came right before I had to leave. I had gone down to Tower to see if my friend was working. She wasnt, but I ran into another girl who worked in my area but was a Flyer at Tower that day. She was at Preview, so I go over and stand with her. She tells me that right before I walked up, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen had just walked through as they got off the ride. She said that one of them waved at her, but then they were herded out the side door by big burly bodygaurds. To top that off, she said that when they went through the side door to backstage, it was open long enough to see that John Stamos was waiting for them. He was too chicken to get on the ride.(not my personal observation- she had heard someone say it.) Anyway, it gets a little better. A few minute go by and this girl comes from the gift shop part back to the benches where we were, and my friend tells me that its Gary Sinise's daughter. He and his family were on the ride for the second time. We saw his picture come up and then he and his wife and kids came out. We stood there looking at the pic with him and she gave him the # to order it. It was pretty neat. Oh, in case you arent familiar with Gary Sinise- Lt Dan from Forrest Gump. :D

The other sighting- I have a question about as well. A few mentioned The Disney Tattoo Guy and I thought right off that I knew who yall were talking about because I had waited on him when I was working one day. But then I went to the site and that isnt the guy I saw at all! I worked at the Writer's Stop a lot and one day this gentleman came in and ordered his coffee or whatever and I was behind the counter. He was an older man and he was completely covered in tattoos...I mean face, ears (yes ears!), arms, neck...they were everywhere..even on his eyelids I believe!! I noticed (it was hard not to stare) that they were mainly of Walt and early Mickey. It was very interesting. He came in the store a few times that day so I got a pretty good look at him. Does anyone else know who I am talking about?
Okay, this post is long. Sorry. But its not like there are any new posts going up on here anymore. Oh well. Hope someone enjoyed.


New Member
celeb sightings

rainfully said:
Ahhh I was just waiting for a Celebrity thread to pop up so I could share my "celebrity" sighting.

Not MGM, obviously, but Joey Fatone from NSYNC/Rent/My Big Fat Greek Wedding was waiting to board Primeval Whirl right in front of us. I wasn't entirely sure it was him, so I snapped a photo. But as we were riding, (he was in the car in front of us) he was waving to some people, and when we got off (he got to stay on for another ride without disembarking... grr...) there was a group of teenage girls so I asked them who it was and they confirmed.

Anyways, here's the picture.


Joe Fatone lives in Orlando, not very far from Disney in fact. I am friends with a friend of his wife. Anyway, I was at the ESPN sports week this past year and saw tons of celebs. Mary Lou Rhetton, Amanda Beard, Mugsy Bogues, just to name a few. Have pics too. It was fun...


Well-Known Member
When I was at Epcot this past April I got a pic w/ Davey Jones (from the monkees) and I kissed his left cheek (the one that's closest to me). He was performing for the flower and garden thing they have every year. I don't know if that counts but hey at least it's a celeb.


Oh I did meet the biggest celb ever. I met Mickey Mouse at the MK. Sorry I had to. I'm suprised no one else said that. LOL


New Member
Two years ago my husband and I were waiting to ride the escalator up to the California Grill at the Contemporary. A CM had to ask us to wait because Eisner & some other men in suits could cut in front of us to use the elevator. Once we made it up to restaurant, while waiting at the bar, Mr. Eisner came up to apologize for the inconvenience and paid for our drinks. I guess that is something free!

In July of 2000, also at the CA Grill, we saw Gov. Jeb Bush and then-Gov. George Bush having dinner with 6 or 7 other people.

We are having dinner at the grill during our trip next month - who will we see this time?


New Member
We rode down on the elevator from the Cont. 12th floor with reporter John Miller who was a co-anchor with Barbara Walters on 20/20.

I met Nikki Sixx and Donna D'Errico outside of the Hard Rock Hotel at Universal.


New Member
Well this didn't take place "at Disney" but on the WAY TO Disney!

I was off buying some gum and a drink for our flight at LaGuardia Airport in NYC about 1 & 1/2 weeks ago for our flight to MCO when I come back and my mom and dad are smirking at me. They then turn me in the direction of a guy who's standing by himself with sunglasses on and nervously playing with his cell phone. The person turned out to be JC Chazez (spelling?) from N'Sync. He had a faux-hawk haircut and sunglasses on inside the terminal but it was pretty easy to spot him even if you love or DESPISE boy-bands :drevil: . The 30 minutes we waited before boarding, not one person went up to him and it didn't seem like too many people recognized him.


New Member
Do the Desperate Housewives ever go there or film or anything? When I was last there 8 months ago today!!!! There wee poster up by the studio for DH!


New Member
I met American Idol winner Fantasia Barrino last night right before Extra Magic Hours while working at Peter Pan's Flight in Fantasyland, does that count. ;)


New Member
I had lunch with Kathy Lee Gifford at the 50's Prime Time Cafe! Okay, she wasn't technically sitting at my table, but she was straight across from me. She was there with her daughter and some other people; this was a few years ago. Our "cousin" waiter confirmed it was her.


Active Member
GoldenFantasmic said:
I met American Idol winner Fantasia Barrino last night right before Extra Magic Hours while working at Peter Pan's Flight in Fantasyland, does that count. ;)


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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