Castle Dream Lights Inexplicably Ended 12/31/10?

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Well-Known Member
It's odd to me that you would post a SECOND TIME how you feel, yet completely ignore comments directly replying to you (and the question you yourself asked... "Why?"), and avoid discussion.

Feels a tad like you run in the room, throw a sucker punch, then run out. :shrug:

Also, I'm not sure how you think he's taking anything too far. Disney put out a press release about an event. He booked his trip around that event. Event didn't happen. He posted here, originally, to see if anyone knew WHY said event didn't occur.

He's going to write a letter saying he wasn't happy he booked his trip around an event that should have happened but didn't... WITH NO EXPLANATION.

Seems pretty cut and dry to me. I think he's reacting exactly as he should.

sucker punch? hardly... also, I don't go combing through pages looking for a response to my post.

he can write all the letters he wants, but I wouldn't expect anything back from Disney. Let's be realistic, one aspect of the park didn't function or wasn't performed and he posts as if his entire trip was ruined... really? and I am the only one on this forum that scratched his head and thought he was taking it a little to far?:shrug:

I bought tickets last year for a certain bruins game, I really wanted to see player X... he was listed on the gameday roster, then removed as a healthy gameday scratch... he didn't play... does that mean I am going to write a letter to the bruins and ask for my ticket to be refunded because I had purchased a ticket in advance to see a certain player? use the same logic.


Well-Known Member
sucker punch? hardly... also, I don't go combing through pages looking for a response to my post.

he can write all the letters he wants, but I wouldn't expect anything back from Disney. Let's be realistic, one aspect of the park didn't function or wasn't performed and he posts as if his entire trip was ruined... really? and I am the only one on this forum that scratched his head and thought he was taking it a little to far?:shrug:

I bought tickets last year for a certain bruins game, I really wanted to see player X... he was listed on the gameday roster, then removed as a healthy gameday scratch... he didn't play... does that mean I am going to write a letter to the bruins and ask for my ticket to be refunded because I had purchased a ticket in advance to see a certain player? use the same logic.

I don't think the same logic applies...

The Castle Dream Lights are not something you can see on any Disney vacation, it is a limited offering that you can only get if you schedule a trip during a select time of the year and that is what the OP did.

Besides the fact that I don't think people would go to a game just to see one specific player. Baring an injury, sickness, or some other abnormal reason, that player is available throughout the entire season that you could possibly obtain tickets for. And if he isn't playing during a certain day, you would most definitely receive a reason why he wasn't playing.

OP was given conflicting statements on why he was unable to see this offering that he planned part of his trip around.

also, writing a letter gets you pretty far with Disney Customer service. I wrote them a letter about my trip in August that was a complete disappointment understanding that they didn't legally or financially owe me anything and I ended up receiving a comped return trip.


Well-Known Member
sucker punch? hardly... also, I don't go combing through pages looking for a response to my post.

he can write all the letters he wants, but I wouldn't expect anything back from Disney. Let's be realistic, one aspect of the park didn't function or wasn't performed and he posts as if his entire trip was ruined... really? and I am the only one on this forum that scratched his head and thought he was taking it a little to far?:shrug:

I bought tickets last year for a certain bruins game, I really wanted to see player X... he was listed on the gameday roster, then removed as a healthy gameday scratch... he didn't play... does that mean I am going to write a letter to the bruins and ask for my ticket to be refunded because I had purchased a ticket in advance to see a certain player? use the same logic.

Did you read the same original post I did? The original post was asking if anyone knew why the lights weren't on. If you read the last part of the original post the person stated that it wasn't the biggest deal and that the rest of his trip was fantastic. He never asked for anything or acted like he expected anything. Why scratch the OP's head at all? The things you are saying the OP claimed aren't accurate. He either didn't say those things or stated the exact opposite. That's what I don't get. :shrug:


New Member
I agree with the OP by the lack luster guest service experience. We also poor service at the guest service in the MK on main street during our last stay in early Dec.
We had the DDx plan
our issue was we had 4 dining credits left over due to canceling the Yachtsman steak house reason my DH foot got ran over by a Scooter and we just stayed at the resort that day he could not walk. We ordered Pizza at the resort and DH mistakenly pd Cash for that. Our checked out date was Dec 7th to where we offsite for 2 more nights leaving us with a free day. Originally we where going to the beach but with an extra day left on our ticket we went to AK, then Epcot. As our trip was ending we explained to our server about extra meal credits due to an accident, she seemed like it will not be a problem to extend those and advised us to check with guest services.
So later that night during after the X-mas party parade we went into MK Guest Relations on main street. When we went into guest services it was really slow and the CM's where engaged into chatter. Finally CM named Liz came to her post, we asked the question and immediately "Liz" rolled her eyes and batted her eyes and said "absolutely not, our policy is that the credits expire at midnight of your check out date" then she made it clear they have security measures to prevent someone selling or giving away credits. We left very upset. We did ask another CM at our resort if they would make an exception she kindly told us no.
Don’t get me wrong we had a great time on our trip, however this interaction with this CM defiantly left a sour taste in or mouth. I wrote a letter to guest services about this policy and more importantly the way we where treated by that CM. About a week later we got a call from a guest relation manager who was great! They sent us a $100 Disney gift card for our troubles. We were not looking for a "handout" or to bend a policy but when you spend 5k on a vacation and get treated like a junk yard dog by the face of Disney "MK guest relations" really had me steamed.
I completely see where the OP is coming from.


Well-Known Member
More-so than anything, I am surprised that you all don't empathize with the OP a bit more. If you were in his shoes, and you did your due diligence researching when to take your trip, based on Disney's own schedule, and Disney did not conform to that schedule without any announcement, wouldn't you be a little ticked off? This isn't a matter of Space Mountain having technical difficulties unexpectedly for a few hours or rain causing a show to be canceled--this is Disney failing to provide entertainment on certain dates that it previously indicated it would provide.

This. I agree so much with this. Maybe it isn't the castle lights that YOU want to see, but maybe it's a parade, a show, a ride. And if a similar situation happened to YOU, I'm sure you would be disappointed. As much as people complain about things so little it seems as much as a burnt out light bulb, then I know people would complain if something they planned their trip around wasn't operating for some strange reason. I know good and well if I planned my trip around something, and I missed out and had to deal with extra crowds and crap because of it, I surely would be at guest relations expecting disney to make up for it!!! Either with more then a few fastpasses, free tickets, or something. They would give me something to compensate for it.


Well-Known Member
sucker punch? hardly... also, I don't go combing through pages looking for a response to my post.

he can write all the letters he wants, but I wouldn't expect anything back from Disney. Let's be realistic, one aspect of the park didn't function or wasn't performed and he posts as if his entire trip was ruined... really? and I am the only one on this forum that scratched his head and thought he was taking it a little to far?:shrug:

I bought tickets last year for a certain bruins game, I really wanted to see player X... he was listed on the gameday roster, then removed as a healthy gameday scratch... he didn't play... does that mean I am going to write a letter to the bruins and ask for my ticket to be refunded because I had purchased a ticket in advance to see a certain player? use the same logic.

How about looking at the two posts that directly followed yours? Kinda like you did for this response? Wouldn't exactly have taken "combing through pages". :rolleyes:

As said by someone else, your example is apples and oranges.


Well-Known Member
How about looking at the two posts that directly followed yours? Kinda like you did for this response? Wouldn't exactly have taken "combing through pages". :rolleyes:

As said by someone else, your example is apples and oranges.

yes, that is correct... I sit by computer pressing F5 over and over and over and over and over and over again until someone responds right after my post... good one


New Member
It is not just the aspect of a huge iconic moment that was advertised as happening did not. That was one huge fault but clearly the OP can look passed it, but the second part of the point added to that. He was feeling "wrong" by a Cast Member at guest services(who are supposed to be the most understanding types and that is why they are hired there by the way) and basically left with no answers or reasoning.

That is poor service in any business, especially at a place with Walt Disney's name on it.

The near cliche "The Customer is always right" comes into thought here. Someone who is upset and paid for services may not of gotten what they thought out of it, but feeling like the business does not care or agree with you is adding major disastisfaction to the problem there already was.


Well-Known Member
This. I agree so much with this. Maybe it isn't the castle lights that YOU want to see, but maybe it's a parade, a show, a ride. And if a similar situation happened to YOU, I'm sure you would be disappointed. As much as people complain about things so little it seems as much as a burnt out light bulb, then I know people would complain if something they planned their trip around wasn't operating for some strange reason. I know good and well if I planned my trip around something, and I missed out and had to deal with extra crowds and crap because of it, I surely would be at guest relations expecting disney to make up for it!!! Either with more then a few fastpasses, free tickets, or something. They would give me something to compensate for it.

I am starting to get lost between the OP and all the responses coming that are simply blowing me away... are you serious?

if an aspect of your vacation doesn't go according to your plan, you expect compensation? Man, I knew I should have complained to Sandals when it rained 4 of my 5 days down in Jamaica... damn you Mother Nature!


Well-Known Member
It is not just the aspect of a huge iconic moment that was advertised as happening did not. That was one huge fault but clearly the OP can look passed it, but the second part of the point added to that. He was feeling "wrong" by a Cast Member at guest services(who are supposed to be the most understanding types and that is why they are hired there by the way) and basically left with no answers or reasoning.

That is poor service in any business, especially at a place with Walt Disney's name on it.

The near cliche "The Customer is always right" comes into thought here. Someone who is upset and paid for services may not of gotten what they thought out of it, but feeling like the business does not care or agree with you is adding major disastisfaction to the problem there already was.

I am just confused why people feel they are entitled to any compensation, and again, we have moved well past the OP... this is just the overwhelming response by people on this board.


New Member
I am starting to get lost between the OP and all the responses coming that are simply blowing me away... are you serious?

if an aspect of your vacation doesn't go according to your plan, you expect compensation? Man, I knew I should have complained to Sandals when it rained 4 of my 5 days down in Jamaica... damn you Mother Nature!

It is not just about the misadvertising. See post above your last one.

Also, your comparison of a company advertising an attraction element to an 'act of God' is very different.


Well-Known Member
But they are covered by telling you that Disney has the right to change, close, open, blah blah anything at any time without notice....isnt it on our room keys?

I understand that Disney has a CYA disclaimer purportedly giving it carte blanche to not run attractions, shows, or any other form of entertainment. I also understand that sometimes attractions, show, etc., cannot be run for valid reasons (weather, mechanical failure, etc.). Because of circumstances like those, I see the disclaimer as fine.

However, when a conscious decision is made to not offer a key piece of entertainment despite it being advertised as being offered, that disclaimer doesn't mean a whole lot to me. Disney can't just disclaim all accountability or responsibility to run attractions it advertised would be running because it decided against running them.

Putting some right or authority in fine print doesn't necessarily make it valid.


Well-Known Member
But they are covered by telling you that Disney has the right to change, close, open, blah blah anything at any time without notice....isnt it on our room keys?[/QUOTE]

yup... WDW also functions like the rest of the real world.


New Member
But they are covered by telling you that Disney has the right to change, close, open, blah blah anything at any time without notice....isnt it on our room keys?

That gives them a legal right, it does not make it an ehtical business move, especially when the person was treated this way for being dissapointed and concerned.

You do know Disney also has the right to kick you out of the resort for whatever reason at any time don't you? They need to give you no reason for it. They have the right as a business to do that, would not be ethical.


Well-Known Member
That gives them a legal right, it does not make it an ehtical business move, especially when the person was treated this way for being dissapointed and concerned.

You do know Disney also has the right to kick you out of the resort for whatever reason at any time don't you? They need to give you no reason for it. They have the right as a business to do that, would not be ethical.

you're opening a massive can of worms here... their right is an objective fact, your ethical reasoning is open to subjective definitions...


Active Member
It offends me that various Christmas decorations and music was still playing in Studios as of yesterday.


Well-Known Member
But they are covered by telling you that Disney has the right to change, close, open, blah blah anything at any time without notice....isnt it on our room keys?

But they are covered by telling you that Disney has the right to change, close, open, blah blah anything at any time without notice....isnt it on our room keys?[/QUOTE]

yup... WDW also functions like the rest of the real world.

That gives them a legal right, it does not make it an ehtical business move, especially when the person was treated this way for being dissapointed and concerned.

You do know Disney also has the right to kick you out of the resort for whatever reason at any time don't you? They need to give you no reason for it. They have the right as a business to do that, would not be ethical.

you're opening a massive can of worms here... their right is an objective fact, your ethical reasoning is open to subjective definitions...

Okay, if we're talking about "objective facts" their disclaimers on room keys, tickets, or on wherever else they have said disclaimers printed do not necessarily give them legal rights. I realize you can't be troubled with reading anything besides your own posts (and apparently those that agree with your position), but as I stated before, disclaimers carry very little force.


New Member
you're opening a massive can of worms here... their right is an objective fact, your ethical reasoning is open to subjective definitions...

You should read more up on business rights.

If you want to get on the topic of subjectiveness and reasoning...

someone was unhappy with their vacation and not satisfied with the way they were treated. How does that bother you? Disney is the one who will ultimately decide if it is right to compinsate. It cost them nothing to see someone's claim as legit.

The reason this did not happen was their massive typo sent out by press releases. It is not an act of God or a guest's fault. It is only ethical for Disney to admit their wrong and compinsate. He is not asking for a car or any compinsation for that. He was mistreated.

There is some reaaallly freaky loyalty there. Even more than what Disney would be t thesmelves. Cost nothing to print some form of compinsation and apologize to keep loyal business, it actually makes it more likely for them to earn money.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
It offends me that various Christmas decorations and music was still playing in Studios as of yesterday.

Well, write a letter. Seems to be the popular thing to do around these parts....


New Member
I am just confused why people feel they are entitled to any compensation, and again, we have moved well past the OP... this is just the overwhelming response by people on this board.

Agree with you about most people are entitled compensation but to be treated like junk warrants a complaint. When I complained I did not expect a gift card, all I wanted is someone is acknowledge my issue and apologize.
I did however, see guests trying to play a games on Disney. Example when we ate at Hollywood and Vine there was a guy who complained that Disney advertised on the website and a CM confirmed snow crab legs were on the buffet. He kept pressing the issue till a manager came over and comp there meals., actually did not deduct that meal from there DDP .
I am sure if the OP was explained this by a sympathetic CM this issue would be blown off.
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