Castle Dream Lights Inexplicably Ended 12/31/10?

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Well-Known Member
If someone is desperate to see holiday events/decorations, then a visit should be planned before New Years Day, not after.


Because not all cast read the hub as often as they should?

There was a fire at Disney Quest last night.. 1 alarm.. 3 fire trucks, 2 cops and an ambulance..

When I asked the cast member inside the DQ merch store what happened.. I got the deer-in-headlights-look.. They had no idea it was going on... even though it was in the building they were in..

Sooooooooooo.. no ... Cast members don't always know everything.. But most of them TRY to know as much as they can.. There is an awful lot for a single CM to know in a single day at WDW.


Well-Known Member
I noticed this too!

I arrived in Disney on January 31st. I did some shopping and visited the hotels on the monorail. It was night time and I did notice the beautiful dream lights on display. A few days later (january 4th) the dream lights were not on display, they didn't even have the christmas parade. Last year I remember the christmas parade AND the dream lights being displayed til around January 10th! Why did it end so early? Last year I was very surprised that they had Christmas events going on so laste, but this year it ended so early. I just don't understand..


Cast members are wrong a lot of times also.
And, it was CLEARLY stated that they would run through the 3rd.

Sounds like false advertising to me.
I find it funny that when one cast member makes a mistake and gives wrong information it is horrible, but when one press release gives wrong information... nothing. Can anyone find any other material that states the 3rd (or can anyone confirm this was never intended to be shown after the 1st)?

(By the way, this isn't targeted at you unkadug... but rather the thread in general)

Sooooooooooo.. no ... Cast members don't always know everything.. But most of them TRY to know as much as they can.. There is an awful lot for a single CM to know in a single day at WDW.
Cast shifts are also often odd right after New Years as the College Program is between shifts and many people may be working in different areas or times then they might be used to.


Well-Known Member
Why? It was clearly advertised to go through Jan. 3rd.

Let's face it - alot of times when events (not just Disney) go on for awhile, they start to peter out towards the end of it. This is a holiday season event so why not schedule a visit in the middle of the event period to ensure a spot during it's full glory?

It may be advertised (and obviously things change sometimes), but why would you bank on a holiday event being held after the holidays? If you truly want to be immersed in the holiday events go during the height of the season!

Again...:hammer: But, yes, you have every reason to be disappointed. Surely this isn't the first time you've ever been disappointed in life?

As for the guest relations episode, all I can say is for many cast members it is probably a "report to my work station, work my hours, and get out when it's over" job. Those people would have little interest in trying to know everything going on in the park. I suspect many CM's know very little about what goes on in their own park outside their area. It's the nature of today's workforce. However, every guest relations CM should have the ability/access to find any answers for the guests when they don't know! I'm sure they have a manager they could ask at the very least.


Well-Known Member
Hey, maybe the other 30 thousand people that were there that day were glad the LED lights weren't still on after the holidays! They got to see the castle with it's normal nighttime majestic lighting.



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Original Poster
Let's face it - alot of times when events (not just Disney) go on for awhile, they start to peter out towards the end of it. This is a holiday season event so why not schedule a visit in the middle of the event period to ensure a spot during it's full glory?

It may be advertised (and obviously things change sometimes), but why would you bank on a holiday event being held after the holidays? If you truly want to be immersed in the holiday events go during the height of the season!

Again...:hammer: But, yes, you have every reason to be disappointed. Surely this isn't the first time you've ever been disappointed in life?

As for the guest relations episode, all I can say is for many cast members it is probably a "report to my work station, work my hours, and get out when it's over" job. Those people would have little interest in trying to know everything going on in the park. I suspect many CM's know very little about what goes on in their own park outside their area. It's the nature of today's workforce. However, every guest relations CM should have the ability/access to find any answers for the guests when they don't know! I'm sure they have a manager they could ask at the very least.
I am a teacher, so unfortunately, I cannot vacation in early December. I do not dare visit the week of Christmas for fear of getting on nothing (and I prefer to spend Christmas at home), so the first week of January seemed like a good bet.

I have to say, the sarcasm in this thread is much appreciated. Clearly, I was foolish to expect Christmas decorations to be shown when Disney announced they would be shown and when they have been shown in years past. Not at all logical of me. So thanks for putting me in my place. Clearly, someone traveling in December expecting Halloween decorations is the same as someone expecting Christmas decorations 9 days after Christmas (when one does not TRADITIONALLY take down Christmas decorations until 12 days after Christmas).

And they may just be LED lights to some people, but I happen to love Christmas decorations, especially lighting (especially LED, with the gorgeous vibrance it gives off), so I was excited to finally see the much talked-about, heavily advertised Dream Lights. It may not be important to you, but it was to me. Thanks for mocking me, though. I'm sure you also mock the autistic child who's favorite ride is Snow White's Scary Adventures or children who want to ride Dumbo 8 times in a row.


Well-Known Member
Lots of crashing and burning in the threads as of late. Must be winter, horrible wrecks abound...


We arrived on January 2nd and I too planned to head over to MK to see the castle lights. Just to be sure, I asked at the concierge desk. The CM told me it was still running, but when they called over to MK to verify the time they were told it ended on Dec. 31st. Everything I had read previously indicated January 3rd was the last day. At least the CM I spoke with was nice.


Active Member
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I think some of you are overly trivializing what happened. I think there were several major issues with guest service that occurred, and Disney prides itself with having the best guest service anywhere. Therefore, they need to be alerted of this. I expect the lights not being shown on 1/2/11 was an oversight--the folks who schedule entertainment at the MK are not the same folks who write property-wide press releases. But that does not make it okay. They may not even be aware that they made this mistake, but I want them aware so that it hopefully does not happen again. And they CLEARLY need to know if they have a Cast Member who exhibits poor customer service. I wouldn't be as offended if it were a janitor treating me like this, but I took the time to go all the way to Guest Relations (when I would have rather been on rides). You have a right to expect good service if you go to Guest Relations. That is their job. Sitting around and letting Disney get sloppy is part of the reason we see so many complaints about burned out neon, chipped paint, etc. on these boards. If we alert Disney of their avoidable mistakes (not something absurd like "it rained a lot and I believe Florida is marketed as the Sunshine State." Please have enough respect to not make me out to be an idiot with absurd examples that you think are similar; they are not), we are ensuring a better experience in the future. Apathy gets nothing done.

And to those of you who have read more than a few of my posts here over the last 9 years, I am not usually one to complain about minor issues, so clearly I feel pretty strongly about this.

You know, I have read through every post in this thread and I was almost on your side until I read this last post. The fact that you wrote, and i'm quoting you from above, "I wouldn't be as offended if it were a janitor treating me like this..." is completely disrespectful to the custodial cast members of WDW. How dare you hold one cast member to a different standard based on his/her job description! Just because somebody works in custodial doesn't make them any less capable of delivering great guest service. Every situation is different, but don't act prejeduce towards a group of cast members just because of their role.
You know, I have read through every post in this thread and I was almost on your side until I read this last post. The fact that you wrote, and i'm quoting you from above, "I wouldn't be as offended if it were a janitor treating me like this..." is completely disrespectful to the custodial cast members of WDW. How dare you hold one cast member to a different standard based on his/her job description! Just because somebody works in custodial doesn't make them any less capable of delivering great guest service. Every situation is different, but don't act prejeduce towards a group of cast members just because of their role.

I have the same exact feelings towards the op. I'm sorry but every cast member is part of the overall show, no matter what they do. Every single cast member is taught something called The Basics, and trained in Disney's ways of guest service. We all have the same consequences and all follow the same rules. No matter how you may look at a particular cast members role, each and every one of them, no matter if they clean strollers, dance in parades, or stand behind a register, all do their part to make YOUR vacation. Yes, everyone has bad days, even cast members. But it is ridiculous and rude to imply that a custodial cast member is inferior to someone working in Guest Relations.

Not every cast member knows every little detail about WDW, and can answer all the questions, but the Guest Relations cast member was doing their job when they "lectured" you the information. That was them doing their job, not being rude. If they were rude to you, in another way, I' sorry they should not have been, but the way you describe the situation it sounds like the cast member was just doing their job.

Every cast member, no matter what their role, is part of your experience at WDW. Most cast members don't even get to pick their role. It's rude to imply acting prejudice to a certain group of people based upon their job description.


Well-Known Member
What I've learned in this thread and other threads on WDWMagic currently:

Complaining about lack of holiday decorations at Epcot is okay.

Complaining about holiday offerings at Magic Kingdom ending early is not okay.

You folks sure do have some weird standards.


Well-Known Member
All entertainment is subject to change without notice.:brick:

we have an attorney here who believes that does not necessarily carry that much weight... maybe against your small hometown parade committee, this is Disney... good luck in litigation against these guys :ROFLOL::ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
All entertainment is subject to change without notice.:brick:
Just because you have that caveat doesn't mean is a good idea to ever have to use it.

It is simply just poor business to either: A) end something early that was promised as an additional feature with no reason, or B) end something early because of technical issues and not cascade that reason down to your front line employees.

Disney messed up here and have handled it badly. Sure they are covered with that little statement, but like so many things in life, just because you can do something, it doesn't mean you should.
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