News Cars-Themed Attractions at Magic Kingdom

ᗩLᘿᑕ ✨︎ ᗩζᗩᗰ

Premium Member
Ah, but that's the fandom way. Complain about an attraction/movie/series before seeing the final product. Sometimes the complaints turn out to be valid, sometimes not.

That's a pretty low view of our fandom, I think. Surely you're not implying that we can't or shouldn't complain about something until the final product is revealed!? I only ask because there's many here that do think that and I've often wondered, "Why?"
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Well-Known Member
For every "complaint" there's equal praise (sometimes blind-praise) for the unknown as well. Nothing is validated until the final product is revealed. Yet, critiques regardless of where they fall on the spectrum should still be allowed and at any stage of development. The Splash conversion to Tiana was/is a great example. Instant praise and Instant condemnation. And what of the final product...

Would be bias and dismissive to assume a criticism isn't worthy of discussion simply because it's a complaint. We are after all a discussion forum. Discourse should be encourage.

Aye. And given the Bob Iger Company's recent track record of big failures outweighing big successes, I think the skepticism isn’t unwarranted.

ᗩLᘿᑕ ✨︎ ᗩζᗩᗰ

Premium Member
As a general rule, the final product is a cut back version of the concept art. From the concept art we have, there doesn’t appear to be many opportunities for quality dark ride show scenes. That’s a legitimate concern.
Perhaps, but it also isn't the purpose of the attraction. It's to explore the great outdoors and the fun it provides.

I agree in that RSR probably had more to offer on that front. This one looks to take place mostly outside but still hoping for "some" type of dark ride moment, however unlikely. Maybe a quick dip into a cavernous tunnel? If Disney were wise, they'd consider something else or even an indoor concept for the second attraction that way guests could still get their IP-mandated "Cars fix" even in the presence of bad weather.


Well-Known Member
Is it not an E Ticket ride because it's not RSR? Is RSR an E Ticket ride? I didn't know you could tell if something is E Ticket or not without knowing it a brand new ride attraction which we still don't even know the ride system. Will Encanto be an E Ticket because it's Encanto?
I would guess it’s an E ticket ride. With that no one really knows anything. Inthink
Maybe not. I guess all we can do is wait and see.

I can only go on what the leadership has allowed to happen. I know it’s very easy to blame everything on Chapek and the pandemic, but how many years are they going to get out of that excuse.

Who knows, maybe I will happily be proven wrong 8 to 10 years from now when they are finished doing whatever they are going to try to do in the rivers of America.
maybe you.could stand corrected in 5yrs! Just saying it’s possible.

ᗩLᘿᑕ ✨︎ ᗩζᗩᗰ

Premium Member
I don’t think you’d have the same pushback if this were replacing Tomorrowland Speedway and being built outside the berm.

It would also finally confirm the fan theory of the Cars franchise takes place in a post-apocalyptic future in which vehicles have purged the world of all humanity Maximum Overdrive-style.

Per the Marvel Contract, I don't think the Green Goblin truck is allowed in the WDW parks.


Well-Known Member
That's a pretty low view of our fandom, I think. Surely you're not implying that we can't or shouldn't complain about something until the final product is revealed!? I only ask because there's many here that do think that and I've often wondered, "Why?"
If the glove fits….
There are lots of people making fake arguments to support their fear of losing ROA. Honestly it’s okay to just say we shouldn’t lose ROA. That’s a strong argument. Ridiculous arguments we are hearing instead are we are losing capacity or this ride is going to stink or it’s a C-ticket with E ambitions? Look this is a forum and you are allowed to say what you want , but it just feels like people are losing their minds a bit based off a ton of unknown.


Well-Known Member
Would be bias and dismissive to assume a criticism isn't worthy of discussion simply because it's a complaint. We are after all a discussion forum. Discourse should be encourage.

I think it’s also salient that this ride is replacing Rivers. If it was on new land off to the side, I think that would be a totally different dynamic.


Well-Known Member
If the glove fits….
There are lots of people making fake arguments to support their fear of losing ROA. Honestly it’s okay to just say we shouldn’t lose ROA. That’s a strong argument. Ridiculous arguments we are hearing instead are we are losing capacity or this ride is going to stink or it’s a C-ticket with E ambitions? Look this is a forum and you are allowed to say what you want , but it just feels like people are losing their minds a bit based off a ton of unknown.
I’m not understanding this argument. If my husband said he wanted to rip out our kitchen, then yeah, what he wanted to replace it with would have a lot to do with that discussion. If it was a better kitchen, ok. If it was a giant man cave, different story. 😂


Well-Known Member
Ridiculous arguments we are hearing instead are we are losing capacity or this ride is going to stink or it’s a C-ticket with E ambitions?
I’ve been following pretty closely and I haven’t seen that.

We are losing an iconic transportation attraction that has been featured in all pre-2000 built castle parks. As is the case with all iconic transportation, it tells a story and provides atmosphere and kinetic energy to guests who are not riding it as well.

Capacity wise we are losing all ages capacity - both the riverboat and the island had elements that all ages could enjoy together.


Premium Member
They aren't autonomous because they arent making routing decisions independantly.

The hardware is practically the same though.

Yeah but in the concept here of what is acceptable risk and the complexity of the failure modes goes up considerably when dealing with independent systems vs a single point of control.

As for my equipment, full speed is 4.5 mph. I know you're googling things but this is my profession.

I’m not googling- I’m just familiar with the application and the design concepts. Part of being a geek and engineer… and someone who studied control systems long ago in my EE days. I never have been involved in the design of such a real world product, but any reasonable engineer can understand the challenges and absorb details about the designs. I mean come on… factory and distribution automation is the subject of every video tour of any facility since the dawn of cable tv :)

The only thing modern robotic ride vehicles can do without a physical track is go very fast.

And why is that? Because of the safety margins right? It’s a means to mitigate the accumulated risks. And how many of your systems also allow for passengers?

You also enter a whole new level of scrutiny when dealing with the public as customers vs an environment when you can dictate safety training and standards.

Marc Davis Fan

Well-Known Member
If this and Villains were added behind RoA, like Galaxy's Edge, with new scenery along the river, you'd have a fraction of the backlash. Or none at all.

The main objection is losing RoA entirely.

Sorry for being unclear: I am well aware of that, and I was not by any means advocating for the current plan (in fact I’m part of the “backlash,” as I think it’s tragic to be losing RoA). I was making the general statement that MK needs “plussing.”


Well-Known Member
I’m not understanding this argument. If my husband said he wanted to rip out our kitchen, then yeah, what he wanted to replace it with would have a lot to do with that discussion. If it was a better kitchen, ok. If it was a giant man cave, different story. 😂

I’ve been following pretty closely and I haven’t seen that.

We are losing an iconic transportation attraction that has been featured in all pre-2000 built castle parks. As is the case with all iconic transportation, it tells a story and provides atmosphere and kinetic energy to guests who are not riding it as well.

Capacity wise we are losing all ages capacity - both the riverboat and the island had elements that all ages could enjoy together.
I’ve been following a little more closely ….


Well-Known Member
I’m not understanding this argument. If my husband said he wanted to rip out our kitchen, then yeah, what he wanted to replace it with would have a lot to do with that discussion. If it was a better kitchen, ok. If it was a giant man cave, different story. 😂
It's about framing the complaint. If we say, I hope it's not a slow trackless ride, that's fine. If you say it's going to be bad addition because it'll be a slow trackless ride, that complaining about something we don't even know about the attraction as if it is fact. The first is constructive criticism with the hope that something may be done. The second sounds like complaining for the sake of a complaint

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