AK is the hottest park to me - feels like the vegetation just ramps up the humidity. Don’t know if that’s true or not but that my experience.I mean a day ak can be exhausting too and there's water and green shad everywhere lol
AK is the hottest park to me - feels like the vegetation just ramps up the humidity. Don’t know if that’s true or not but that my experience.I mean a day ak can be exhausting too and there's water and green shad everywhere lol
No one can explain why ROA/TSI should even remain other than it’s already there. The place is a ghost town.
I agree with so many of these thoughts and had some of them myself. The show capped peaks? I guess they are going for the Rockies. But if they are the Rockies they should be much bigger and there is no room for forced perspective here. The fake snow might work in a place like Blizzard beach where snow and ice are the theme but here it stands out like a sore thumb.Took some time to skim 60 pages and analyze the concept art. This is what I can conclude in my opinion...
View attachment 808909
- TSI needed to be changed somehow (Story & Attendance)
- Rivers did not have to go and this is the biggest mistake Disney has made yet in the current regime
- The loss of kenetic energy form the river is going to be huge
- Don't understand the need for snow covered mountains, as it is unnecessary
- Snow right next to dry aired Frontier tumbleweed landscape?
- Going to plant a lot more trees separating this from what is existing
- Feels like Grizzly Peak area and Redwood Trail in DCA recycled with IP put in
- As some insiders have stated, "this is not over yet" which I take it more undesired changes are on the way
- How does modern off road vehicles fit into Liberty Square timeline?
- Think we are going to see LS change as a whole land eventually
- HOP will change 100% because of our on going political climate
- Does this keep the speedway or put it on chopping block?
- This is 100% a merch and Lighting Lane grab for Disney
- Why does there have to be a giant piston on top of the mountain viewable from so many other lands
- If the 90% of you don't like this, (I don't either) then have you already written an email to multiple departments & people? I did before writing on this forum.
So did some back of the envelope math. RSR’s theoretical hourly capacity is about 1,500 per hour. Let’s say they get ten good working hours in a day - not unreasonable given finicky nature of RSR and the Florida weather. That’s about 15,000 just for that ride. Unclear what the other ride will be, or it’s throughput capacity, but that’s a lot of money and effort (build cost plus environmental expenses) for this increase.This is an absolutely hilarious comment. 15,000 people a day for two rides across even a short, ten hour day would be absolutely atrocious capacity and nowhere near worth the cost.
Many people already have explained why
* They add a scenic and quiet retreat
* They add a play area for small children, something MK has been losing more and more of
* The riverboat is a relaxing scenic ride for people of all ages and sizes
* They add beautiful scenic views from the mainland park and give it a sense of natural beauty- since, you know, it’s a PARK
* They work as a thematic transition from LS to Frontierland
* They make the areas adjacent to them feel more open/have breathing room- without them the Frontierland street will feel more claustrophobic and cramped
* Having TSI, the Riverboat, AND Cars adds more capacity than having only Cars
Sure, they’re not the most popular attractions. But they provide so much for the park that people don’t realize. Even if you don’t do them, you’re still getting something out of them.
I was thinking more along the lines of the Tiki Room “Under New Management fiasco, the removal of 20k Leagues Submarine mistake at WDW and at Disneyland the Light Magic “Parade” replacing the iconic Main Street Electrical Parade and Rocket Rods replacing the People Mover.
There's one particular troll here who does very little other than attack Joe Rohde's work at random.
I just learned that they have to do this because they’re losing the patent license for Tom Sawyer Island and it shows up in too many pictures.
Then what is fantasy land?Dunno if this is the place for armchair imagineering but since they love IP so much, they could take a play out of Universal’s book and make a 5th gate that somehow loosely ties a bunch of unrelated IP together. My silly idea has always been a mashup of the old Discovery bay and Tokyo Sea parks, making each IP land a futuristic port connected to a steampunk main area… The point still stands, the IP only lands do not belong at the castle parks.
Something to that effect. It certainly is the rallying cry of those that want to see everything change. Little known and never repeated though is that he also said:Didnt walt say somethink like "the park shouldn't me a museum and should continue to evolve"?
I'm terrified that Iger has done irreversible damage to the parks, and the company as a whole...They don’t care about the setting, placemaking, or atmosphere. Just shove IP in everywhere at all costs. This is a big cost. The park will never be the same.
Don't give Disney any ideas.World Showcase Lagoon does seem like it has huge potential for new Lands...
With our luck, they'd probably replace the Speedway with a Wish ride.Think upon this... now that there's another Car ride coming into MK, expect pressure to mount on repurposing the land eaten up by Tomorrowland Speedway...
Again I say, don't give Disney any ideas.This is like infilling Animal Kingdom’s lagoon and building Zootopia. Ridiculous.
I'm sorry, but I think Muppets taking over Hall of Presidents isn't such a good idea. We don't need another Under New Management.The muppets in hall of presidents is what I’m guessing
To quote A Bug's Life... "First rule of leadership: everything is your fault."I don't fully blame those in charge.
No wonder he hates the Muppets so much - Sam the Eagle probably hates his guts!Promoting brands is more important than celebrating America according to Disney and Bob Iger
Now you're thinking like a Disney executive.They should fill in World Showcase lagoon next cause ya know, what a huge waste of space! The views are all nostalgia, people need to get over it. Give us Hercules’ Greece Adventure or Luca’s Vespa Journey!
It's awful that now I'm more afraid of what Iger will do to ruin the parks next than excited about new investments. Even the Monsters Inc. land I'm worried is gonna replace the Muppets.Can we not be excited no more for new things for Disney World because any sign of expansion at this point is always unnecessary. MOANA will not be necessary when it decides to replace The Jungle Cruise which is by all means cracking.
I don't think we need any more Toy Story rides. Unless they're in Toy Story Land, obviously.If only they had a popular franchise with a cowboy character they could have used here instead.
There's a story that @Magenta Panther has told on this site a lot about Walt: apparently, somebody in merchandising kept badgering Walt to put multiple t-shirt shops all over Disneyland. Walt didn't like the idea. After the guy said "T-shirts make a lot of money, Walt" for a third time, Walt snapped, "Mr. [WHOEVER], the tail does not wag the dog!"Yes , I get it, IP is popular, merch sells, the kids like it. But the parks used to be about a higher quality standard. Putting things that made sense in their respective areas. Sorry, but to me Encanto & Indy are still very much a reach for AK, as is Cars for MK.
It's not just you. My wife and sister complain about that all the time. Personally I think it's the lack of indoor stuff, so you end up with not enough ac time. LolAK is the hottest park to me - feels like the vegetation just ramps up the humidity. Don’t know if that’s true or not but that my experience.
And ironically they are removing the one attraction that is always available for essentially immediate access in an enclosed air conditioned space. So that’s not great….Ever wonder why a day at the Studios can feel exhausting? There's no green, shaded, and water filled area to enjoy and destress.
I hope they keep the boat and use it elsewhere. And that they put photos of TSI in wilderness lodge. It's a cool island and it's incredible that it's in the middle of one of the top theme parks in the world.Something to that effect. It certainly is the rallying cry of those that want to see everything change. Little known and never repeated though is that he also said:
“I love the nostalgic myself. I hope we never lose some of the things of the past.”
A company that used put effort into doing better in their parks than Universal?Like shoving a Dino Coaster next to a Harry Potter Land and masking it with a few bushes. Wait...who are we talking about?
This. I’m hoping that cooler heads will prevail and they’ll do this.TSI can go IMO, but Liberty Square and Frontierland as currently designed simply won't work without the river there. They'll need to be completely overhauled without the waterfront because everything will feel strange/out of place.
I don't know why they didn't just leave a small river, dock the riverboat there, and have the waterfront remain as-is just for that fronting stretch of LS and Frontierland.
Or... It's an island that gets 400 visitors a day being replaced by two rides that will be experienced by 15,000 a day.
But you know, stir the culture wars pot instead if ya want
Walt Disney once said, "Here in Florida, we have something special we never enjoyed at Disneyland... the blessing of size. There's enough land here to hold all the ideas and plans we can possibly imagine"Didnt walt say somethink like "the park shouldn't me a museum and should continue to evolve"?
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