Carnotaurus "stand in" on DINOSAUR


Well-Known Member
They have been using that fake Carno head for a long time. They should have just moved the Image Capture spot to where the Finale Carno slides out at you and just kept the standing Carno dark.


Ok now stop me if I am wrong here but everytime I look at that really bad floating head I think of grumpy from the original Land of the Lost..I just see those opening credits and see Grumpy the sock puppet at the end when I look at it:lol:


Ok, the last time I was in the World was April 2009. I think I wrote a post about it a while back. But when we went through Dinosaur in April 09, the Carno was busted too. When we went by him, you heard him roar, you saw the flash of the camera, but the Carno himself stood motionless with his head down.

That’s 2 major AAs not working in AK (I’ve heard that the grasshopper in Its Tough to be a Bug is on the fritz too). Sounds like they are trying to fix the Carno. But I’m the type that believes it’s best to take the entire ride down for a short time to fix it fast as opposed to not taking it down and nibbling at the problem over a much longer time. Heck, they’ve taken Splash and Space Mountain completely down for extended periods of time in recent years. And those are two of the more popular rides at the World.

I know there’s another side to that argument in that MK has more attractions than AK and can better handle Splash or Space being completely down for extended periods. But the Yeti and Carno kinda make their respective rides in my view. EE can survive to a point because it’s a rollercoaster. Without the Carno, you basically have a bumpy ride through a very large dark tunnel with little thrill.

Opinions will differ. But I’d rather they just take the rides completely offline and fix it faster, completely, as opposed to much longer-term band-aiding. To my knowledge, the Yeti hasn’t fully worked since 06/07. If that’s true, that’s a long time for something like that to not work.

Hopefully the Carno is working by the time we go down later this year. And hopefully the yeti is moving some by the time we head down later this year.


Active Member
I rode dinosaur yesterday afternoon and it totally caught me off guard. I was looking to the right waiting for the carnatorous to show up and then a light turns on the left, showing the dino head, and then the flash. The picture was of me being so confused, then i got off and remembered that they were still fixing the AA. Yes the head on steal beams is as bad as others say.


Well-Known Member
Would you still say the same thing if that "short time" meant that the attraction would be closed for your vacation?

I would. I'm going in two weeks and if both attractions (Dinosaur and E:E) were down at the same time it wouldn't bother me a bit. At least I would know that Disney was trying to get these back in full working order. I mean, that's what we all pay to see, right?

Now my friends going for the first time would probably be upset. :p


Well-Known Member
Would you still say the same thing if that "short time" meant that the attraction would be closed for your vacation?

Yes, because if its still using this poor stand-in while I'm there in 2 weeks, I'm not gonna ride it anyway. So its six one, half a dozen another as far as its affect on my trip.


I remember the first time I rode Dinosaur, I screamed like a little girl at that Carno... now I think I'd just laugh.

Also: Lets get some love for Campsarnathus, he gets no respect, Dr. Seeker just kinda mentions them and you hear some monkey sounds.


Well-Known Member
Our Carno encounter last week on the 19th, was just like everyone here has been saying.... Wife and I rode the attraction with our friends that we brought down, and we expected them to get scared like crazy.... then the dino did not appear, except up to the left in a little light up.

Fortunately we didn't get off the cars early enough to see the photo of us with puzzled looks on our faces.

But at least the final Dino was working! and that was enough to scare our friends good.
The ride malfunctioned while we were on it during our last trip. We were in this creeping stage for like a minute. Then we got the fake dino head. I still like the ride!


Active Member
Would you still say the same thing if that "short time" meant that the attraction would be closed for your vacation?

Whole-heartedly yes! I had seen YouTube videos of rides at Animal Kingdom (this was my first time to Animal Kingdom) and wanted to get a feel for it. My DH had never been to the World before either so I was showing him videos to get him pumped up for it. We LOVED the Dinosaur! video and giggled a bit thinking how that would probably scare me even if I was expecting it but we were both very excited for it. And then we are on the ride and instead of the Carno I was expecting, I see this stand in. DH was ready to leave the park after that, after I informed him of the yeti. Would rather have had that ride been closed for refurb like the Muppets was when we were there than to have had that moment of "Really? This is it?"


Active Member
Hey guys I don't think you quite understand the workings of a theme park. At Animal Kingdom, the attraction ride count is already so low, management is doing what anyone would do, and that is keep EVERY attraction open.

Look at it this way. What is Dinosaur's capacity? I'm not too sure what they can do, but let's say with both stations open, with a decent dispatch rate, they can do 1500 people through that attraction per hour (it's probably more). Anywho, on a busy day when the park is open until 8pm, that's 11 hours of the ride being open. 1500 people x 11 hours = 16,500. That means that there are 16,500 people during the day that are NOT in the park, but are in line, or on the ride.

Closing Dinosaur would mean an extra 16,500 in the park, crowding other attractions, meaning longer lines, meaning more congested, meaning more frustrated guests.


And if Disney cuts back on discounting and raises prices, those same people will moan and cry.

Can't have both.

Try again.

If it meant having things that actually worked, I'd happily pay a little extra. Of course, your condoning this circumstance is essentially the same as saying it's okay for them to scam us.

The park fee? Yeah, that's to get you in. Oh, you want the rides to actually work? That'll be extra.

Um...yeah. How about the corporate goons take maybe a cut out of, say, their ridiculous bonuses and put that towards park quality?

It's the stupidity of bottom-line thinkers that caused the massive, saddening drop in quality from the late '80s to now.


Active Member
Yes, absolutely.

Would you still say the same thing if that "short time" meant that the attraction would be closed for your vacation?

I hope you'll not mind if I chime in with my opinion. Until last spring, I hadn't seen the Disneyland Haunted Mansion since 1987 or so, despite multiple trips. The same was true of Space Mountain for two trips in a row. Why? Simply because TDA (or whatever they were called way back when) was coincidentally working to fix or to improve the attraction each time I was there. Did I storm off to Guest Relations to complain? Of course not. To me, that would've been not just selfish , but also bizarre: "I demand that you keep a broken attraction which is a mere shell of what it is or what it ought to be open simply so that I can experience it!"

If every guest behaved this way and Disney management foolishly complied, we'd eventually be left with a bunch of rotting buildings filled with the shambles of once-functional animatronics left untouched and neglected for decades so that no entitled vacationer would be "robbed" of a specific expereince or ride. The irony being, of course, that the experience the attraction represents would cease to exist once the degradation reached a sufficiently advanced stage.

Countdown to Extinction, er, Dinosaur has been teetering on the brink of such a precipice for years, it seems. Expedition Everest is getting there. Much of Animal Kingdom is becoming a shambles, in my opinion. That clever, well designed and well executed park has now become a symbol of Disney's profit-before-show mentality.

Flight Safety

Active Member
What the heck?! I was so dissapointed when I rode Dino on Friday and was making my silly face at the Carno in the wrong direction. LOL! The "stand in" is terribly lame and I hope they have it fixed soon.


Well-Known Member
That stinks!

Also, I was a big dinosaur fan when I was younger and have retained some of the knowledge I picked up when reading about them. Has anybody else noticed that the computer voice has some dinosaur names correct and others only partially correct?

I.E. - Velociraptor = correct. Carnotaurus = correct. Sauropod...the "Sauropod" is a Brachiosaurus...Brachiosaurus is the actual name or genus, Sauropod is the suborder of the dinosaur, just like Theropod would be the suborder of the Carnotaurus.

For anybody who would like to know, Theropod basically means bipedal (walking on 2 legs) and Sauropod means quadrapedal (walking on 4 legs) a Sauropod could be any number of dinosaurs, not just Brachiosaurus.

I know this sounds geeky, but it's always kind of bothered me.

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