Captain EO


Well-Known Member
I don't mind more characters in FW, but I am terribly tired of everything being Pixar. I understand why Disney does it (Pixar movies are the only ones creating "Classics" these days, the Disney theatrical films obviously do well financially but to be honest I haven't even seen the last few...I just don't really feel a "hook" there.)

For Energy, I'd love them to bring Ellen back all over again to do a new version. Although some internet fans create a stink over her, I have never been in that ride/theater when people weren't laughing hysterically over her. She is extremely popular (if you think about it, her television property is probably the most successful, high-profile TV show associated - loosely in this case - with a Disney attraction). Although the show itself has nothing to do with the attraction (and the attraction update predates it by many years), it's one of the most watched daytime shows and is someone that is instantly recognizable and liked by a lot of people.

Mostly, though, I am just sick to death of Toy Story stuff. It's just everywhere, we have multiple attractions in multiple parks, restaurants, and all manner of it everywhere. If one were to judge from the parks, you'd think it was the only hit Disney ever had.

As to the Eo stuff, I'm glad it's sticking around for awhile. I don't get the vitriol over this issue. I've never seen people so concerned about an attraction they aren't interested in. If you don't like it, don't experience it.

I think it's great and I can't wait to see it every time I am at Epcot.

Thats fine and all and fantastic that you enjoy Eo, I know it holds memories for a lot of people. Its just that its time for something brand new, instead of taking five steps backwords, but TDO clearly doesnt want to pay for anything and its become way too obvious with their cheap fixes/overlays. I agree, enough of Toy Story/Nemo stuff already.
That hideous new pixar parade at the studios is the nail in the coffin for pixar themes for me.
Anyone for changing test track to TronTrack? Im thinking the lightcycles, with all kinds of light effects etc etc.


Well-Known Member
i was really glad that they bought EO back, however long it stays. i never got to see it the first time around, but i associate it with the opening of EuroDisney because it was used in the promo stuff.
however, i think if they keep bringing old stuff back, the parks will start to look like they're moving backward, not forward, and people who haven't been in 20 years will start thinking 'wow, they haven't done anything with that for a long time, what am i paying to come in for if they don't update?'.
i get that people are annoyed that their favourite attractions get shut, but the park has to move forward at some point, otherwise people will lose interest.
saying all that though, i don't think it matters what disney does, people will still keep coming for their first times and their 50th times.


New Member
EO is awful. Bottom more discussion needed. It features a pervert that has NO place in a Disney theme park. Even if he wasn't a pervert, it's still a joke and was awful 20 years ago. Most people exiting EO are SHOCKED at how bad it is. Most people I know that want to go in and watch only want to see it b/c they can't believe how bad people say it is. Even in the preshow and announcements, they almost tell you to expect something really bad. People, please get over wanting WDW to be your own personal nostalgia museum. It's not that.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
EO is awful. Bottom more discussion needed. It features a pervert that has NO place in a Disney theme park. Even if he wasn't a pervert, it's still a joke and was awful 20 years ago. Most people exiting EO are SHOCKED at how bad it is. Most people I know that want to go in and watch only want to see it b/c they can't believe how bad people say it is. Even in the preshow and announcements, they almost tell you to expect something really bad. People, please get over wanting WDW to be your own personal nostalgia museum. It's not that.

All evidence and efforts by Disney to the contrary, of course.....

Which of course may actually be a wee part of its appeal. Food for thought.....


Well-Known Member
EO is awful. Bottom more discussion needed. It features a pervert that has NO place in a Disney theme park. Even if he wasn't a pervert, it's still a joke and was awful 20 years ago. Most people exiting EO are SHOCKED at how bad it is. Most people I know that want to go in and watch only want to see it b/c they can't believe how bad people say it is. Even in the preshow and announcements, they almost tell you to expect something really bad. People, please get over wanting WDW to be your own personal nostalgia museum. It's not that.

Everything you just said was an opinion, nothing more. Bottom more discussion needed.


New Member
Which of course may actually be a wee part of its appeal. Food for thought.....[/QUOTE]

I agree that Nostalgia is a part of Disney's appeal. However, you have to create things that will be Nostalgic for future generations as well. This may be where Disney is kind of missing the mark to some degree. Captain EO should have come back for a few months but at this point, it should be gone. There is no way that EO should be a solution to the Imagination should only be a filler for a new film. (which it very well could be). The problem with viewing Disney as a museum, is this logic appeals to a very small portion of the guests that actually pay to go through the turnstiles. It's very easy to be all caught up in sadness when nostalgic things go away (Horizons) but when you look at the crowds coming in today then Mission: Space is more exciting and actually yes it is somewhat enlightening as well....which do you actually think is more appealing to them? There are people that LOVE, and I mean LOVE the Indy Speedway, does that mean it should stay around for another 50 years or should Disney begin investing in new ideas for this area? Shoot, there are guests that will be sad one day when SGE goes away..that doesnt it mean it shouldn't go. There is a fine line between nostalgic and dated. EO is dated and horribly so. Quite frankly, how is it so nostalgic to MJ fans, I could see MAYBE if they had done something years ago based around his hits but there wasn't anyway to do that.


Well-Known Member
EO is awful. Bottom more discussion needed. It features a pervert that has NO place in a Disney theme park. Even if he wasn't a pervert, it's still a joke and was awful 20 years ago. Most people exiting EO are SHOCKED at how bad it is. Most people I know that want to go in and watch only want to see it b/c they can't believe how bad people say it is. Even in the preshow and announcements, they almost tell you to expect something really bad. People, please get over wanting WDW to be your own personal nostalgia museum. It's not that.
did you see it 20 years ago?
you have to admit tho MJ did write and perform some exellent songs


New Member
I actually did see it 20 years ago. I was not really a MJ fan but I will admit that he recorded some great songs....some absolute classics. Do we think the songs in EO are classics though?


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Which of course may actually be a wee part of its appeal. Food for thought.....

I agree that Nostalgia is a part of Disney's appeal. However, you have to create things that will be Nostalgic for future generations as well. This may be where Disney is kind of missing the mark to some degree. Captain EO should have come back for a few months but at this point, it should be gone. There is no way that EO should be a solution to the Imagination should only be a filler for a new film. (which it very well could be). The problem with viewing Disney as a museum, is this logic appeals to a very small portion of the guests that actually pay to go through the turnstiles. It's very easy to be all caught up in sadness when nostalgic things go away (Horizons) but when you look at the crowds coming in today then Mission: Space is more exciting and actually yes it is somewhat enlightening as well....which do you actually think is more appealing to them? There are people that LOVE, and I mean LOVE the Indy Speedway, does that mean it should stay around for another 50 years or should Disney begin investing in new ideas for this area? Shoot, there are guests that will be sad one day when SGE goes away..that doesnt it mean it shouldn't go. There is a fine line between nostalgic and dated. EO is dated and horribly so. Quite frankly, how is it so nostalgic to MJ fans, I could see MAYBE if they had done something years ago based around his hits but there wasn't anyway to do that.[/QUOTE]

"Nostalgia" for future generations? I suppose the definition of the word must have eluded you at some point.......

And I do enjoy the prats who decide what is and isn't nostalgic for people other than themselves...


New Member
Actually, crowd reaction is crowd reaction. Not my opinion, just the way it is. However, my point there really actually a person on these boards that believes that EO should be a permanent attraction in EPCOT? I just dont see how that can be justified.


New Member
Actually, future generations will have things in their lives that they will feel nostalgic about one day. Which is exactly what you know I meant. I'm not trying to tell people what they should and should not feel nostalgic about...I am more concerned with the broader appeal rather than the minority of people who see EO as nostalgic. EO is almost laughably bad to MOST people that I've come in contact with. Honestly, the awfulness of EO is almost the appeal of it b/c people cant believe they are still showing something that bad.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Actually, future generations will have things in their lives that they will feel nostalgic about one day. Which is exactly what you know I meant. I'm not trying to tell people what they should and should not feel nostalgic about...I am more concerned with the broader appeal rather than the minority of people who see EO as nostalgic. EO is almost laughably bad to MOST people that I've come in contact with. Honestly, the awfulness of EO is almost the appeal of it b/c people cant believe they are still showing something that bad.

It's never ceases to amaze me how people will always have some sort of alleged empirical support to back up their claims, but with a caveat such as "most"....

EO will end when Disney sees the appeal for has it has died off. Or a couple years after that. Either way, it won't be a permanent attraction. The OP didn't have much to back that up other than he "heard" it.....


New Member
Ok, we agree to disagree. I say EO is bad, you apparently love it and feel that there are a lot of guests that do as well. I know that most guests that I have personally come in contact with and talked to them about EO find it to be unappealing. That is a fact that you can't argue. Maybe I'm not talking to the right people or something...please if you can find the people that enjoy EO then you're more than welcome to PM and let me know where I can find them.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Ok, we agree to disagree. I say EO is bad, you apparently love it and feel that there are a lot of guests that do as well. I know that most guests that I have personally come in contact with and talked to them about EO find it to be unappealing. That is a fact that you can't argue. Maybe I'm not talking to the right people or something...please if you can find the people that enjoy EO then you're more than welcome to PM and let me know where I can find them.

Actually, I've never seen it, and have no interest to. Not an MJ fan. But I'm also not going to toss out sanctimony and some alleged mass revulsion against WDW and DL for reviving the attraction.....

And as for those fans who enjoy EO, I think you'll find a good deal on these boards, along with those outliers of your vaunted "most" category....


Well-Known Member
I don't mean to interrupt your little debate, and I am enjoying reading it, but I had to stick my neck in and say that a two weeks ago, I saw Captain EO for the first time in nearly 20 years. And I thought it was AWESOME. It has NO nostalgia factor for me, especially since I remembered hating it as a very young child. So Rich1, you look for someone who likes it? Right here! :wave:


New Member
I am not at all upset that they revived the attraction. I GET the reason why they did...but it is time for it to go. It was a nice little idea to have around for a few months as some sort of tribute or whatever it was. And my "most" category is people that I HAVE PERSONALLY spoken to about EO which happens to be quite a few. And sadly these boards have a lot of people that only like things that are "old & dated" and will never ever be happy with new experiences so using them as the back-up for your popularity argument is also useless. The fact is, neither of us really KNOW the popularity of this attraction, we only can judge from what we've seen or heard. Knowing that you've actually never seen it tells me that you also are unaware of the crowd reaction it receives and therefore have no justification in arguing otherwise.

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